QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
fully annotated source code - version 1.34
Namespaces | |
namespace | chebyshev_interpolation_detail |
namespace | detail |
namespace | details |
namespace | exponential_integrals_helper |
namespace | ExponentialIntegral |
namespace | ext |
namespace | ForwardForwardMappings |
namespace | io |
namespace | LatentModelIntegrationType |
namespace | MINPACK |
Classes | |
class | Abcd |
Abcd interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | AbcdAtmVolCurve |
Abcd-interpolated at-the-money (no-smile) volatility curve. More... | |
class | AbcdCalibration |
class | AbcdFunction |
Abcd functional form for instantaneous volatility More... | |
class | AbcdInterpolation |
Abcd interpolation between discrete points. More... | |
class | AbcdMathFunction |
Abcd functional form More... | |
class | AbcdSquared |
class | AbcdVol |
Abcd-interpolated volatility structure More... | |
class | AccountingEngine |
Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation. More... | |
class | Actual360 |
Actual/360 day count convention. More... | |
class | Actual364 |
Actual/364 day count convention. More... | |
class | Actual36525 |
Actual/365.25 day count convention. More... | |
class | Actual365Fixed |
Actual/365 (Fixed) day count convention. More... | |
class | Actual366 |
Actual/366 day count convention. More... | |
class | ActualActual |
Actual/Actual day count. More... | |
class | AcyclicVisitor |
degenerate base class for the Acyclic Visitor pattern More... | |
class | AdaptedPathPayoff |
class | AdaptiveInertia |
AdaptiveInertia. More... | |
class | AdaptiveRungeKutta |
class | AdditiveEQPBinomialTree |
Additive equal probabilities binomial tree. More... | |
class | AEDCurrency |
United Arab Emirates dirham. More... | |
struct | AffineHazardRate |
class | AffineModel |
Affine model class. More... | |
class | AkimaCubicInterpolation |
class | AliMikhailHaqCopula |
Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula. More... | |
class | AlphaFinder |
class | AlphaForm |
class | AlphaFormInverseLinear |
class | AlphaFormLinearHyperbolic |
class | AmericanBasketPathPricer |
class | AmericanExercise |
American exercise. More... | |
class | AmericanPathPricer |
class | AmericanPayoffAtExpiry |
Analytic formula for American exercise payoff at-expiry options. More... | |
class | AmericanPayoffAtHit |
Analytic formula for American exercise payoff at-hit options. More... | |
class | AmortizingCmsRateBond |
amortizing CMS-rate bond More... | |
class | AmortizingFixedRateBond |
amortizing fixed-rate bond More... | |
class | AmortizingFloatingRateBond |
amortizing floating-rate bond (possibly capped and/or floored) More... | |
class | AmortizingPayment |
Amortizing payment. More... | |
class | AnalyticAmericanMargrabeEngine |
Analytic engine for American Margrabe option. More... | |
class | AnalyticBarrierEngine |
Pricing engine for barrier options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | AnalyticBinaryBarrierEngine |
Analytic pricing engine for American binary barriers options. More... | |
class | AnalyticBlackVasicekEngine |
class | AnalyticBSMHullWhiteEngine |
analytic european option pricer including stochastic interest rates More... | |
class | AnalyticCapFloorEngine |
Analytic engine for cap/floor. More... | |
class | AnalyticCEVEngine |
class | AnalyticCliquetEngine |
Pricing engine for Cliquet options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | AnalyticComplexChooserEngine |
class | AnalyticCompoundOptionEngine |
Pricing engine for compound options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | AnalyticContinuousFixedLookbackEngine |
Pricing engine for European continuous fixed-strike lookback. More... | |
class | AnalyticContinuousFloatingLookbackEngine |
Pricing engine for European continuous floating-strike lookback. More... | |
class | AnalyticContinuousGeometricAveragePriceAsianEngine |
Pricing engine for European continuous geometric average price Asian. More... | |
class | AnalyticContinuousGeometricAveragePriceAsianHestonEngine |
Pricing engine for European continuous geometric average price Asian. More... | |
class | AnalyticContinuousPartialFixedLookbackEngine |
Pricing engine for European continuous partial-time fixed-strike lookback options. More... | |
class | AnalyticContinuousPartialFloatingLookbackEngine |
Pricing engine for European continuous partial-time floating-strike lookback option. More... | |
class | AnalyticDigitalAmericanEngine |
Analytic pricing engine for American vanilla options with digital payoff. More... | |
class | AnalyticDigitalAmericanKOEngine |
Analytic pricing engine for American Knock-out options with digital payoff. More... | |
class | AnalyticDiscreteGeometricAveragePriceAsianEngine |
Pricing engine for European discrete geometric average price Asian. More... | |
class | AnalyticDiscreteGeometricAveragePriceAsianHestonEngine |
Pricing engine for European discrete geometric average price Asian. More... | |
class | AnalyticDiscreteGeometricAverageStrikeAsianEngine |
Pricing engine for European discrete geometric average-strike Asian option. More... | |
class | AnalyticDividendEuropeanEngine |
Analytic pricing engine for European options with discrete dividends. More... | |
class | AnalyticDoubleBarrierBinaryEngine |
Analytic pricing engine for double barrier binary options. More... | |
class | AnalyticDoubleBarrierEngine |
Pricing engine for double barrier european options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | AnalyticEuropeanEngine |
Pricing engine for European vanilla options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | AnalyticEuropeanMargrabeEngine |
Analytic engine for European Margrabe option. More... | |
class | AnalyticGJRGARCHEngine |
GJR-GARCH(1,1) engine. More... | |
class | AnalyticH1HWEngine |
Analytic Heston-Hull-White engine based on the H1-HW approximation. More... | |
class | AnalyticHaganPricer |
CMS-coupon pricer. More... | |
class | AnalyticHestonEngine |
analytic Heston-model engine based on Fourier transform More... | |
class | AnalyticHestonForwardEuropeanEngine |
Analytic Heston engine incl. stochastic interest rates. More... | |
class | AnalyticHestonHullWhiteEngine |
Analytic Heston engine incl. stochastic interest rates. More... | |
class | AnalyticHolderExtensibleOptionEngine |
class | AnalyticPartialTimeBarrierOptionEngine |
class | AnalyticPDFHestonEngine |
Analytic engine for arbitrary European payoffs under the Heston model. More... | |
class | AnalyticPerformanceEngine |
Pricing engine for performance options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | AnalyticPTDHestonEngine |
analytic piecewise constant time dependent Heston-model engine More... | |
class | AnalyticSimpleChooserEngine |
Pricing engine for European simple chooser option. More... | |
class | AnalyticTwoAssetBarrierEngine |
Analytic engine for barrier option on two assets. More... | |
class | AnalyticTwoAssetCorrelationEngine |
Analytic two-asset correlation option engine. More... | |
class | AnalyticWriterExtensibleOptionEngine |
Analytic engine for writer-extensible options. More... | |
class | AndreasenHugeLocalVolAdapter |
class | AndreasenHugeVolatilityAdapter |
class | AndreasenHugeVolatilityInterpl |
Calibration of a local volatility surface to a sparse grid of options. More... | |
class | AOACurrency |
class | Aonia |
Aonia index More... | |
class | Argentina |
Argentinian calendars. More... | |
class | ArithmeticAPOHestonPathPricer |
class | ArithmeticAPOPathPricer |
class | ArithmeticASOPathPricer |
class | ArithmeticAveragedOvernightIndexedCouponPricer |
class | ArithmeticAverageOIS |
Arithemtic Average OIS: fix vs arithmetic average of overnight rate. More... | |
class | ArithmeticOISRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over Overnight Indexed Swap rates. More... | |
class | ArmijoLineSearch |
Armijo line search. More... | |
class | Array |
1-D array used in linear algebra. More... | |
class | ARSCurrency |
Argentinian peso. More... | |
class | AssetOrNothingPayoff |
Binary asset-or-nothing payoff. More... | |
class | AssetSwap |
Bullet bond vs Libor swap. More... | |
class | AssetSwapHelper |
struct | ASX |
Main cycle of the Australian Securities Exchange (a.k.a. ASX) months. More... | |
class | AtmAdjustedSmileSection |
class | AtmSmileSection |
struct | AtomicDefault |
Atomic (single contractual event) default events. More... | |
class | ATSCurrency |
Austrian shilling. More... | |
class | AUCPI |
AU CPI index (either quarterly or annual) More... | |
class | AUDCurrency |
Australian dollar. More... | |
class | AUDLibor |
AUD LIBOR rate More... | |
class | Australia |
Australian calendar. More... | |
class | AustraliaRegion |
Australia as geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | Austria |
Austrian calendars. More... | |
struct | Average |
Placeholder for enumerated averaging types. More... | |
class | AverageBasketPayoff |
class | AverageBMACoupon |
Average BMA coupon. More... | |
class | AverageBMALeg |
helper class building a sequence of average BMA coupons More... | |
class | AveragingRatePricer |
class | BachelierCapFloorEngine |
Bachelier-Black-formula cap/floor engine. More... | |
class | BachelierSwaptionEngine |
Normal Bachelier-formula swaption engine. More... | |
class | BachelierYoYInflationCouponPricer |
Bachelier-formula pricer for capped/floored yoy inflation coupons. More... | |
class | BackwardFlat |
Backward-flat interpolation factory and traits. More... | |
class | BackwardFlatInterpolation |
Backward-flat interpolation between discrete points. More... | |
class | BackwardflatLinear |
class | BackwardflatLinearInterpolation |
class | BankruptcyEvent |
class | BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine |
Barone-Adesi and Whaley pricing engine for American options (1987) More... | |
class | BarrelUnitOfMeasure |
struct | Barrier |
Placeholder for enumerated barrier types. More... | |
class | BarrierOption |
Barrier option on a single asset. More... | |
class | BarrierPathPricer |
class | BaseCorrelationLossModel |
class | BaseCorrelationTermStructure |
class | BasisIncompleteOrdered |
class | Basket |
class | BasketGeneratingEngine |
class | BasketOption |
Basket option on a number of assets. More... | |
class | BasketPayoff |
class | BatesDetJumpEngine |
class | BatesDetJumpModel |
class | BatesDoubleExpDetJumpEngine |
class | BatesDoubleExpDetJumpModel |
class | BatesDoubleExpEngine |
class | BatesDoubleExpModel |
class | BatesEngine |
Bates model engines based on Fourier transform. More... | |
class | BatesModel |
Bates stochastic-volatility model. More... | |
class | BatesProcess |
Square-root stochastic-volatility Bates process. More... | |
class | Bbsw |
Bbsw index More... | |
class | Bbsw1M |
1-month Bbsw index More... | |
class | Bbsw2M |
2-months Bbsw index More... | |
class | Bbsw3M |
3-months Bbsw index More... | |
class | Bbsw4M |
4-months Bbsw index More... | |
class | Bbsw5M |
5-months Bbsw index More... | |
class | Bbsw6M |
6-months Bbsw index More... | |
class | BCHCurrency |
Bitcoin Cash. More... | |
class | BDTCurrency |
Bangladesh taka. More... | |
class | BEFCurrency |
Belgian franc. More... | |
class | BermudanExercise |
Bermudan exercise. More... | |
class | BermudanSwaptionExerciseValue |
class | BernsteinPolynomial |
class of Bernstein polynomials More... | |
class | BespokeCalendar |
Bespoke calendar. More... | |
class | BetaRisk |
class | BetaRiskSimulation |
class | BFGS |
Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm. More... | |
class | BGLCurrency |
Bulgarian lev. More... | |
class | BGNCurrency |
Bulgarian lev. More... | |
class | BHDCurrency |
Bahraini dinar. More... | |
class | BiasedBarrierPathPricer |
class | Bibor |
Bibor index More... | |
class | Bibor1M |
1-month Bibor index More... | |
class | Bibor1Y |
1-year Bibor index More... | |
class | Bibor2M |
2-months Bibor index More... | |
class | Bibor3M |
3-months Bibor index More... | |
class | Bibor6M |
6-months Bibor index More... | |
class | Bibor9M |
class | BiborSW |
1-week Bibor index More... | |
class | BiCGstab |
struct | BiCGStabResult |
class | Bicubic |
bicubic-spline-interpolation factory More... | |
class | BicubicSpline |
bicubic-spline interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | Bilinear |
bilinear-interpolation factory More... | |
class | BilinearInterpolation |
bilinear interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | BinomialBarrierEngine |
Pricing engine for barrier options using binomial trees. More... | |
class | BinomialConvertibleEngine |
Binomial Tsiveriotis-Fernandes engine for convertible bonds. More... | |
class | BinomialDistribution |
Binomial probability distribution function. More... | |
class | BinomialDoubleBarrierEngine |
Pricing engine for double barrier options using binomial trees. More... | |
class | BinomialLossModel |
class | BinomialProbabilityOfAtLeastNEvents |
Probability of at least N events. More... | |
class | BinomialTree |
Binomial tree base class. More... | |
class | BinomialVanillaEngine |
Pricing engine for vanilla options using binomial trees. More... | |
class | Bisection |
Bisection 1-D solver More... | |
class | BivariateCumulativeNormalDistributionDr78 |
Cumulative bivariate normal distribution function. More... | |
class | BivariateCumulativeNormalDistributionWe04DP |
Cumulative bivariate normal distibution function (West 2004) More... | |
class | BivariateCumulativeStudentDistribution |
Cumulative Student t-distribution. More... | |
class | BjerksundStenslandApproximationEngine |
Bjerksund and Stensland pricing engine for American options (1993) More... | |
class | Bkbm |
Bkbm index More... | |
class | Bkbm1M |
1-month Bkbm index More... | |
class | Bkbm2M |
2-months Bkbm index More... | |
class | Bkbm3M |
3-months Bkbm index More... | |
class | Bkbm4M |
4-months Bkbm index More... | |
class | Bkbm5M |
5-months Bkbm index More... | |
class | Bkbm6M |
6-months Bkbm index More... | |
class | BlackAtmVolCurve |
Black at-the-money (no-smile) volatility curve. More... | |
class | BlackCalculator |
Black 1976 calculator class. More... | |
class | BlackCalibrationHelper |
liquid Black76 market instrument used during calibration More... | |
class | BlackCallableFixedRateBondEngine |
Black-formula callable fixed rate bond engine. More... | |
class | BlackCallableZeroCouponBondEngine |
Black-formula callable zero coupon bond engine. More... | |
class | BlackCapFloorEngine |
Black-formula cap/floor engine. More... | |
class | BlackCdsOptionEngine |
Black-formula CDS-option engine. More... | |
class | BlackConstantVol |
Constant Black volatility, no time-strike dependence. More... | |
class | BlackDeltaCalculator |
Black delta calculator class. More... | |
class | BlackDeltaPremiumAdjustedMaxStrikeClass |
class | BlackDeltaPremiumAdjustedSolverClass |
class | BlackIborCouponPricer |
class | BlackIborQuantoCouponPricer |
class | BlackKarasinski |
Standard Black-Karasinski model class. More... | |
class | BlackProcess |
Black (1976) stochastic process. More... | |
class | BlackScholesCalculator |
Black-Scholes 1973 calculator class. More... | |
class | BlackScholesLattice |
Simple binomial lattice approximating the Black-Scholes model. More... | |
class | BlackScholesMertonProcess |
Merton (1973) extension to the Black-Scholes stochastic process. More... | |
class | BlackScholesProcess |
Black-Scholes (1973) stochastic process. More... | |
class | BlackSwaptionEngine |
Shifted Lognormal Black-formula swaption engine. More... | |
class | BlackVarianceCurve |
Black volatility curve modelled as variance curve. More... | |
class | BlackVarianceSurface |
Black volatility surface modelled as variance surface. More... | |
class | BlackVarianceTermStructure |
Black variance term structure. More... | |
class | BlackVolatilityTermStructure |
Black-volatility term structure. More... | |
class | BlackVolSurface |
Black volatility (smile) surface. More... | |
class | BlackVolTermStructure |
Black-volatility term structure. More... | |
class | BlackYoYInflationCouponPricer |
Black-formula pricer for capped/floored yoy inflation coupons. More... | |
class | BMAIndex |
Bond Market Association index. More... | |
class | BMASwap |
swap paying Libor against BMA coupons More... | |
class | BMASwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over BMA swap rates. More... | |
class | Bond |
Base bond class. More... | |
class | BondForward |
Forward contract on a bond More... | |
struct | BondFunctions |
Bond adapters of CashFlows functions. More... | |
class | BondHelper |
Bond helper for curve bootstrap. More... | |
class | BootstrapError |
bootstrap error More... | |
class | BootstrapHelper |
Base helper class for bootstrapping. More... | |
class | Botswana |
Botswana calendar. More... | |
class | BoundaryCondition |
Abstract boundary condition class for finite difference problems. More... | |
class | BoundaryConditionSchemeHelper |
class | BoundaryConditionSet |
class | BoundaryConstraint |
Constraint imposing all arguments to be in [low,high] More... | |
class | BoxMullerGaussianRng |
Gaussian random number generator. More... | |
class | Brazil |
Brazilian calendar. More... | |
class | Brent |
Brent 1-D solver More... | |
class | BRLCurrency |
Brazilian real. More... | |
class | BrownianBridge |
Builds Wiener process paths using Gaussian variates. More... | |
class | BrownianGenerator |
class | BrownianGeneratorFactory |
class | BSMOperator |
Black-Scholes-Merton differential operator. More... | |
class | BSMRNDCalculator |
class | BSpline |
B-spline basis functions. More... | |
class | BTCCurrency |
Bitcoin. More... | |
class | BTP |
Italian BTP (Buono Poliennali del Tesoro) fixed rate bond. More... | |
class | Burley2020SobolBrownianBridgeRsg |
class | Burley2020SobolBrownianGenerator |
class | Burley2020SobolBrownianGeneratorFactory |
class | Burley2020SobolRsg |
Scrambled sobol sequence according to Burley, 2020. More... | |
class | Business252 |
Business/252 day count convention. More... | |
class | BWPCurrency |
class | BYRCurrency |
Belarussian ruble. More... | |
class | CADCurrency |
Canadian dollar. More... | |
class | CADLibor |
CAD LIBOR rate More... | |
class | CADLiborON |
Overnight CAD Libor index. More... | |
class | Calendar |
calendar class More... | |
class | CalibratedModel |
Calibrated model class. More... | |
class | CalibrationHelper |
abstract base class for calibration helpers More... | |
class | Callability |
instrument callability More... | |
class | CallableBond |
Callable bond base class. More... | |
class | CallableBondConstantVolatility |
Constant callable-bond volatility, no time-strike dependence. More... | |
class | CallableBondVolatilityStructure |
Callable-bond volatility structure. More... | |
class | CallableFixedRateBond |
callable/puttable fixed rate bond More... | |
class | CallableZeroCouponBond |
callable/puttable zero coupon bond More... | |
class | CallSpecifiedMultiProduct |
class | CallSpecifiedPathwiseMultiProduct |
class | Canada |
Canadian calendar. More... | |
class | Cap |
Concrete cap class. More... | |
class | CapFloor |
Base class for cap-like instruments. More... | |
class | CapFloorTermVolatilityStructure |
Cap/floor term-volatility structure. More... | |
class | CapFloorTermVolCurve |
Cap/floor at-the-money term-volatility vector. More... | |
class | CapFloorTermVolSurface |
Cap/floor smile volatility surface. More... | |
class | CapHelper |
calibration helper for ATM cap More... | |
class | CapletVarianceCurve |
class | CappedFlooredCmsCoupon |
class | CappedFlooredCmsSpreadCoupon |
class | CappedFlooredCoupon |
Capped and/or floored floating-rate coupon. More... | |
class | CappedFlooredIborCoupon |
class | CappedFlooredYoYInflationCoupon |
Capped or floored inflation coupon. More... | |
class | CapPseudoDerivative |
class | CashFlow |
Base class for cash flows. More... | |
class | CashFlows |
cashflow-analysis functions More... | |
class | CashOrNothingPayoff |
Binary cash-or-nothing payoff. More... | |
class | CatBond |
class | CatRisk |
class | CatSimulation |
class | CCTEU |
class | CDO |
collateralized debt obligation More... | |
class | Cdor |
CDOR rate More... | |
class | CdsHelper |
Base class for CDS helpers. More... | |
class | CdsOption |
CDS option. More... | |
class | CeilingTruncation |
Ceiling truncation. More... | |
class | CEVCalculator |
constant elasticity of variance process (absorbing boundary at f=0) More... | |
class | CEVRNDCalculator |
constant elasticity of variance process (absorbing boundary at f=0) More... | |
class | ChebyshevInterpolation |
class | CHFCurrency |
Swiss franc. More... | |
class | CHFLibor |
CHF LIBOR rate More... | |
class | ChfLiborSwapIsdaFix |
ChfLiborSwapIsdaFix index base class More... | |
class | Chile |
Chilean calendars. More... | |
class | China |
Chinese calendar. More... | |
class | Claim |
Claim associated to a default event. More... | |
class | ClaytonCopula |
Clayton copula. More... | |
class | ClaytonCopulaRng |
Clayton copula random-number generator. More... | |
class | CLFCurrency |
Unidad de Fomento (funds code) More... | |
class | CLGaussianRng |
Gaussian random number generator. More... | |
class | CliquetOption |
cliquet (Ratchet) option More... | |
class | Clone |
cloning proxy to an underlying object More... | |
class | ClosestRounding |
Closest rounding. More... | |
class | CLPCurrency |
Chilean peso. More... | |
class | ClubsTopology |
Clubs Topology. More... | |
class | CmsCoupon |
CMS coupon class. More... | |
class | CmsCouponPricer |
base pricer for vanilla CMS coupons More... | |
class | CmsLeg |
helper class building a sequence of capped/floored cms-rate coupons More... | |
class | CmsMarket |
set of CMS quotes More... | |
class | CmsMarketCalibration |
class | CMSMMDriftCalculator |
Drift computation for CMS market models. More... | |
class | CmsRateBond |
CMS-rate bond. More... | |
class | CmsSpreadCoupon |
CMS spread coupon class. More... | |
class | CmsSpreadCouponPricer |
base pricer for vanilla CMS spread coupons More... | |
class | CmsSpreadLeg |
helper class building a sequence of capped/floored cms-spread-rate coupons More... | |
class | CMSwapCurveState |
Curve state for constant-maturity-swap market models More... | |
class | CNHCurrency |
Chinese yuan (Hong Kong) More... | |
class | CNYCurrency |
Chinese yuan. More... | |
class | Collar |
Concrete collar class. More... | |
class | Commodity |
Commodity base class. More... | |
class | CommodityCashFlow |
class | CommodityCurve |
Commodity term structure. More... | |
class | CommodityIndex |
base class for commodity indexes More... | |
class | CommodityPricingHelper |
commodity index helper More... | |
class | CommoditySettings |
global repository for run-time library settings More... | |
class | CommodityType |
commodity type More... | |
class | CommodityUnitCost |
class | ComplexChooserOption |
Complex chooser option. More... | |
class | CompositeConstraint |
Constraint enforcing both given sub-constraints More... | |
class | CompositeInstrument |
Composite instrument More... | |
class | CompositeQuote |
market element whose value depends on two other market element More... | |
class | CompositeZeroYieldStructure |
class | CompoundingRatePricer |
class | CompoundOption |
Compound option (i.e., option on option) on a single asset. More... | |
class | Concentrating1dMesher |
class | ConjugateGradient |
Multi-dimensional Conjugate Gradient class. More... | |
class | ConstantCapFloorTermVolatility |
Constant caplet volatility, no time-strike dependence. More... | |
class | ConstantCPIVolatility |
Constant surface, no K or T dependence. More... | |
class | ConstantEstimator |
Constant-estimator volatility model. More... | |
class | ConstantLossLatentmodel |
class | ConstantLossModel |
class | ConstantOptionletVolatility |
Constant caplet volatility, no time-strike dependence. More... | |
class | ConstantParameter |
Standard constant parameter a(t) = a . More... | |
class | ConstantRecoveryModel |
class | ConstantSwaptionVolatility |
Constant swaption volatility, no time-strike dependence. More... | |
class | ConstantYoYOptionletVolatility |
Constant surface, no K or T dependence. More... | |
class | ConstNotionalCrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over constant-notional cross-currency basis swaps. More... | |
class | ConstrainedEvolver |
Constrained market-model evolver. More... | |
class | Constraint |
Base constraint class. More... | |
class | ContinuousArithmeticAsianLevyEngine |
class | ContinuousArithmeticAsianVecerEngine |
Vecer engine for continuous-avaeraging Asian options. More... | |
class | ContinuousAveragingAsianOption |
Continuous-averaging Asian option. More... | |
class | ContinuousFixedLookbackOption |
Continuous-fixed lookback option. More... | |
class | ContinuousFloatingLookbackOption |
Continuous-floating lookback option. More... | |
class | ContinuousPartialFixedLookbackOption |
Continuous-partial-fixed lookback option. More... | |
class | ContinuousPartialFloatingLookbackOption |
Continuous-partial-floating lookback option. More... | |
class | ConvergenceStatistics |
statistics class with convergence table More... | |
class | ConvertibleBond |
base class for convertible bonds More... | |
class | ConvertibleFixedCouponBond |
convertible fixed-coupon bond More... | |
class | ConvertibleFloatingRateBond |
convertible floating-rate bond More... | |
class | ConvertibleZeroCouponBond |
convertible zero-coupon bond More... | |
class | ConvexMonotone |
Convex-monotone interpolation factory and traits. More... | |
class | ConvexMonotoneInterpolation |
Convex monotone yield-curve interpolation method. More... | |
class | COPCurrency |
Colombian peso. More... | |
class | Corra |
class | CorrelationTermStructure |
class | COSHestonEngine |
COS-method Heston engine based on efficient Fourier series expansions. More... | |
class | CostFunction |
Cost function abstract class for optimization problem. More... | |
class | CoterminalSwapCurveState |
Curve state for coterminal-swap market models More... | |
class | CotSwapFromFwdCorrelation |
class | CotSwapToFwdAdapter |
class | CotSwapToFwdAdapterFactory |
class | COUCurrency |
Unidad de Valor Real. More... | |
class | CounterpartyAdjSwapEngine |
class | Coupon |
coupon accruing over a fixed period More... | |
class | CovarianceDecomposition |
Covariance decomposition into correlation and variances. More... | |
class | CoxIngersollRoss |
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model class. More... | |
class | CoxIngersollRossProcess |
CoxIngersollRoss process class. More... | |
class | CoxRossRubinstein |
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (multiplicative) equal jumps binomial tree. More... | |
struct | CPI |
class | CPIBond |
class | CPIBondHelper |
CPI bond helper for curve bootstrap. More... | |
class | CPICapFloor |
CPI cap or floor. More... | |
class | CPICapFloorTermPriceSurface |
Provides cpi cap/floor prices by interpolation and put/call parity (not cap/floor/swap* parity). More... | |
class | CPICashFlow |
Cash flow paying the performance of a CPI (zero inflation) index. More... | |
class | CPICoupon |
Coupon paying the performance of a CPI (zero inflation) index More... | |
class | CPICouponPricer |
base pricer for capped/floored CPI coupons N.B. vol-dependent parts are a TODO More... | |
class | CPILeg |
Helper class building a sequence of capped/floored CPI coupons. More... | |
class | CPISwap |
zero-inflation-indexed swap, More... | |
class | CPIVolatilitySurface |
zero inflation (i.e. CPI/RPI/HICP/etc.) volatility structures More... | |
class | CraigSneydScheme |
class | CrankNicolson |
Crank-Nicolson scheme for finite difference methods. More... | |
class | CrankNicolsonScheme |
class | CreditDefaultSwap |
Credit default swap. More... | |
class | CreditRiskPlus |
class | CrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelperBase |
Base class for cross-currency basis swap rate helpers. More... | |
class | CTSMMCapletAlphaFormCalibration |
class | CTSMMCapletCalibration |
class | CTSMMCapletMaxHomogeneityCalibration |
class | CTSMMCapletOriginalCalibration |
class | Cubic |
Cubic interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | CubicBSplinesFitting |
CubicSpline B-splines fitting method. More... | |
class | CubicInterpolation |
Cubic interpolation between discrete points. More... | |
class | CubicNaturalSpline |
class | CubicSplineOvershootingMinimization1 |
class | CubicSplineOvershootingMinimization2 |
class | CumulativeBehrensFisher |
Cumulative (generalized) BehrensFisher distribution. More... | |
class | CumulativeBinomialDistribution |
Cumulative binomial distribution function. More... | |
class | CumulativeChiSquareDistribution |
class | CumulativeGammaDistribution |
class | CumulativeNormalDistribution |
Cumulative normal distribution function. More... | |
class | CumulativePoissonDistribution |
Cumulative Poisson distribution function. More... | |
class | CumulativeStudentDistribution |
Cumulative Student t-distribution. More... | |
class | CuriouslyRecurringTemplate |
Support for the curiously recurring template pattern. More... | |
class | Currency |
Currency specification More... | |
class | CurveState |
Curve state for market-model simulations More... | |
class | CustomRegion |
Custom geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | CYPCurrency |
Cyprus pound. More... | |
class | CzechRepublic |
Czech calendars. More... | |
class | CZKCurrency |
Czech koruna. More... | |
class | DailyTenorCHFLibor |
base class for the one day deposit BBA CHF LIBOR indexes More... | |
class | DailyTenorEURLibor |
base class for the one day deposit ICE EUR LIBOR indexes More... | |
class | DailyTenorGBPLibor |
Base class for the one day deposit ICE GBP LIBOR indexes. More... | |
class | DailyTenorJPYLibor |
base class for the one day deposit ICE JPY LIBOR indexes More... | |
class | DailyTenorLibor |
base class for all O/N-S/N BBA LIBOR indexes but the EUR ones More... | |
class | DailyTenorUSDLibor |
base class for the one day deposit ICE USD LIBOR indexes More... | |
class | DASHCurrency |
Dash coin. More... | |
class | Date |
Concrete date class. More... | |
class | DatedOISRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over Overnight Indexed Swap rates. More... | |
struct | DateGeneration |
Date-generation rule. More... | |
class | DateInterval |
Date interval described by a number of a given time unit. More... | |
class | DateParser |
class | DayCounter |
day counter class More... | |
class | DecreasingGaussianWalk |
Decreasing Random Walk. More... | |
class | DecreasingInertia |
Decreasing Inertia. More... | |
struct | Default |
struct | DefaultDensity |
Default-density-curve traits. More... | |
class | DefaultDensityStructure |
Default-density term structure. More... | |
class | DefaultEvent |
Credit event on a bond of a certain seniority(ies)/currency. More... | |
class | DefaultLatentModel |
Default event Latent Model. More... | |
class | DefaultLogCubic |
class | DefaultLogMixedLinearCubic |
class | DefaultLossModel |
class | DefaultProbabilityTermStructure |
Default probability term structure. More... | |
class | DefaultProbKey |
class | DefaultType |
Atomic credit-event type. More... | |
class | DeltaVolQuote |
Class for the quotation of delta vs vol. More... | |
class | DEMCurrency |
Deutsche mark. More... | |
class | Denmark |
Danish calendar. More... | |
class | DepositRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over deposit rates. More... | |
class | DerivedQuote |
market quote whose value depends on another quote More... | |
class | Destr |
Destr (Denmark Short-Term Rate) index. More... | |
class | DifferentialEvolution |
Differential Evolution configuration object. More... | |
class | DigitalCmsCoupon |
Cms-rate coupon with digital digital call/put option. More... | |
class | DigitalCmsLeg |
helper class building a sequence of digital ibor-rate coupons More... | |
class | DigitalCmsSpreadCoupon |
Cms-spread-rate coupon with digital digital call/put option. More... | |
class | DigitalCmsSpreadLeg |
helper class building a sequence of digital ibor-rate coupons More... | |
class | DigitalCoupon |
Digital-payoff coupon. More... | |
class | DigitalIborCoupon |
Ibor rate coupon with digital digital call/put option. More... | |
class | DigitalIborLeg |
helper class building a sequence of digital ibor-rate coupons More... | |
class | DigitalNotionalRisk |
class | DigitalPathPricer |
class | DigitalReplication |
class | DirichletBC |
Neumann boundary condition (i.e., constant value) More... | |
struct | Discount |
Discount-curve traits. More... | |
class | DiscountingBondEngine |
Discounting engine for bonds. More... | |
class | DiscountingSwapEngine |
Discounting engine for swaps. More... | |
class | DiscrepancyStatistics |
Statistic tool for sequences with discrepancy calculation. More... | |
class | DiscreteAveragingAsianOption |
Discrete-averaging Asian option. More... | |
class | DiscreteSimpsonIntegral |
class | DiscreteSimpsonIntegrator |
class | DiscreteTrapezoidIntegral |
class | DiscreteTrapezoidIntegrator |
class | DiscretizedAsset |
Discretized asset class used by numerical methods. More... | |
class | DiscretizedBarrierOption |
class | DiscretizedCallableFixedRateBond |
class | DiscretizedCapFloor |
class | DiscretizedConvertible |
class | DiscretizedDermanKaniBarrierOption |
class | DiscretizedDermanKaniDoubleBarrierOption |
Derman-Kani-Ergener-Bardhan discretized option helper class. More... | |
class | DiscretizedDiscountBond |
Useful discretized discount bond asset. More... | |
class | DiscretizedDoubleBarrierOption |
Standard discretized option helper class. More... | |
class | DiscretizedOption |
Discretized option on a given asset. More... | |
class | DiscretizedSwap |
class | DiscretizedSwaption |
class | DiscretizedVanillaOption |
class | Distribution |
class | DistributionRandomWalk |
Distribution Walk. More... | |
class | Dividend |
Predetermined cash flow. More... | |
class | DKKCurrency |
Danish krone. More... | |
class | DKKLibor |
DKK LIBOR rate More... | |
class | DMinus |
D_{-} matricial representation More... | |
struct | DoubleBarrier |
Placeholder for enumerated barrier types. More... | |
class | DoubleBarrierOption |
Double Barrier option on a single asset. More... | |
class | DoubleBarrierPathPricer |
class | DoubleStickyRatchetPayoff |
Intermediate class for single/double sticky/ratchet payoffs. More... | |
class | DoublingConvergenceSteps |
class | DouglasScheme |
class | DownRounding |
Down-rounding. More... | |
class | DPlus |
D_{+} matricial representation More... | |
class | DPlusDMinus |
D_{+}D_{-} matricial representation More... | |
struct | Duration |
duration type More... | |
class | DynProgVPPIntrinsicValueEngine |
class | DZero |
D_{0} matricial representation More... | |
struct | earlier_than |
compare two objects by date More... | |
struct | earlier_than< CashFlow > |
struct | earlier_than< DefaultEvent > |
struct | earlier_than< ext::shared_ptr< T > > |
class | EarlyExercise |
Early-exercise base class. More... | |
class | EarlyExercisePathPricer |
base class for early exercise path pricers More... | |
class | EarlyExerciseTraits |
class | EarlyExerciseTraits< MultiPath > |
class | EarlyExerciseTraits< Path > |
struct | ECB |
European Central Bank reserve maintenance dates. More... | |
class | EEKCurrency |
Estonian kroon. More... | |
class | EGPCurrency |
Egyptian pound. More... | |
class | EndCriteria |
Criteria to end optimization process: More... | |
class | EndEulerDiscretization |
Euler end-point discretization for stochastic processes. More... | |
class | EnergyBasisSwap |
Energy basis swap. More... | |
class | EnergyCommodity |
Energy commodity class. More... | |
struct | EnergyDailyPosition |
class | EnergyFuture |
Energy future. More... | |
class | EnergySwap |
class | EnergyVanillaSwap |
Vanilla energy swap. More... | |
class | Eonia |
Eonia (Euro Overnight Index Average) rate fixed by the ECB. More... | |
class | EqualJumpsBinomialTree |
Base class for equal jumps binomial tree. More... | |
class | EqualProbabilitiesBinomialTree |
Base class for equal probabilities binomial tree. More... | |
class | EquityCashFlow |
class | EquityCashFlowPricer |
class | EquityFXVolSurface |
Equity/FX volatility (smile) surface. More... | |
class | EquityIndex |
Base class for equity indexes. More... | |
class | EquityQuantoCashFlowPricer |
class | EquityTotalReturnSwap |
Equity total return swap. More... | |
class | Error |
Base error class. More... | |
class | ErrorFunction |
Error function More... | |
class | EscrowedDividendAdjustment |
class | ESPCurrency |
Spanish peseta. More... | |
class | Estr |
ESTR (Euro Short-Term Rate) rate fixed by the ECB. More... | |
class | ETBCurrency |
class | ETCCurrency |
Ethereum Classic. More... | |
class | ETHCurrency |
Ethereum. More... | |
class | EUHICP |
EU HICP index. More... | |
class | EUHICPXT |
EU HICPXT index. More... | |
class | EulerDiscretization |
Euler discretization for stochastic processes. More... | |
class | EURCurrency |
European Euro. More... | |
class | EURegion |
European Union as geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | Euribor |
Euribor index More... | |
class | Euribor10M |
class | Euribor11M |
class | Euribor1M |
1-month Euribor index More... | |
class | Euribor1W |
1-week Euribor index More... | |
class | Euribor1Y |
1-year Euribor index More... | |
class | Euribor2M |
class | Euribor2W |
class | Euribor365 |
Actual/365 Euribor index. More... | |
class | Euribor365_10M |
class | Euribor365_11M |
class | Euribor365_1M |
class | Euribor365_1Y |
class | Euribor365_2M |
class | Euribor365_2W |
class | Euribor365_3M |
class | Euribor365_3W |
class | Euribor365_4M |
class | Euribor365_5M |
class | Euribor365_6M |
class | Euribor365_7M |
class | Euribor365_8M |
class | Euribor365_9M |
class | Euribor365_SW |
class | Euribor3M |
3-months Euribor index More... | |
class | Euribor3W |
class | Euribor4M |
class | Euribor5M |
class | Euribor6M |
6-months Euribor index More... | |
class | Euribor7M |
class | Euribor8M |
class | Euribor9M |
class | EuriborSwapIfrFix |
EuriborSwapIfrFix index base class More... | |
class | EuriborSwapIsdaFixA |
EuriborSwapIsdaFixA index base class More... | |
class | EuriborSwapIsdaFixB |
EuriborSwapIsdaFixB index base class More... | |
class | EURLibor |
base class for all ICE EUR LIBOR indexes but the O/N More... | |
class | EURLibor10M |
class | EURLibor11M |
class | EURLibor1M |
1-month EUR Libor index More... | |
class | EURLibor1Y |
1-year EUR Libor index More... | |
class | EURLibor2M |
class | EURLibor2W |
class | EURLibor3M |
3-months EUR Libor index More... | |
class | EURLibor4M |
class | EURLibor5M |
class | EURLibor6M |
6-months EUR Libor index More... | |
class | EURLibor7M |
class | EURLibor8M |
class | EURLibor9M |
class | EURLiborON |
Overnight EUR Libor index. More... | |
class | EURLiborSW |
class | EurLiborSwapIfrFix |
EurLiborSwapIfrFix index base class More... | |
class | EurLiborSwapIsdaFixA |
EurLiborSwapIsdaFixA index base class More... | |
class | EurLiborSwapIsdaFixB |
EurLiborSwapIsdaFixB index base class More... | |
class | EurodollarFuturesImpliedStdDevQuote |
quote for the Eurodollar-future implied standard deviation More... | |
class | EuropeanExercise |
European exercise. More... | |
class | EuropeanGJRGARCHPathPricer |
class | EuropeanHestonPathPricer |
class | EuropeanMultiPathPricer |
class | EuropeanOption |
European option on a single asset. More... | |
class | EuropeanPathMultiPathPricer |
class | EuropeanPathPricer |
class | Event |
Base class for event. More... | |
class | EventPaymentOffset |
class | EventSet |
class | EventSetSimulation |
class | EverestMultiPathPricer |
class | EverestOption |
class | EvolutionDescription |
Market-model evolution description. More... | |
class | ExchangeContract |
class | ExchangeRate |
exchange rate between two currencies More... | |
class | ExchangeRateManager |
exchange-rate repository More... | |
class | Exercise |
Base exercise class. More... | |
class | ExerciseAdapter |
class | ExerciseStrategy |
class | ExplicitEuler |
Forward Euler scheme for finite difference methods More... | |
class | ExplicitEulerScheme |
class | ExponentialFittingHestonEngine |
analytic Heston-model engine based on More... | |
class | ExponentialForwardCorrelation |
class | ExponentialIntensity |
Exponential Intensity. More... | |
class | ExponentialJump1dMesher |
class | ExponentialSplinesFitting |
Exponential-splines fitting method. More... | |
class | ExpSinhIntegral |
class | ExtendedAdditiveEQPBinomialTree |
Additive equal probabilities binomial tree. More... | |
class | ExtendedBinomialTree |
Binomial tree base class. More... | |
class | ExtendedBlackScholesMertonProcess |
experimental Black-Scholes-Merton stochastic process More... | |
class | ExtendedBlackVarianceCurve |
Black volatility curve modelled as variance curve. More... | |
class | ExtendedBlackVarianceSurface |
Black volatility surface modelled as variance surface. More... | |
class | ExtendedCoxIngersollRoss |
Extended Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model class. More... | |
class | ExtendedCoxRossRubinstein |
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (multiplicative) equal jumps binomial tree. More... | |
class | ExtendedEqualJumpsBinomialTree |
Base class for equal jumps binomial tree. More... | |
class | ExtendedEqualProbabilitiesBinomialTree |
Base class for equal probabilities binomial tree. More... | |
class | ExtendedJarrowRudd |
Jarrow-Rudd (multiplicative) equal probabilities binomial tree. More... | |
class | ExtendedJoshi4 |
class | ExtendedLeisenReimer |
Leisen & Reimer tree: multiplicative approach. More... | |
class | ExtendedOrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess |
Extended Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class. More... | |
class | ExtendedTian |
Tian tree: third moment matching, multiplicative approach More... | |
class | ExtendedTrigeorgis |
Trigeorgis (additive equal jumps) binomial tree More... | |
class | ExtOUWithJumpsProcess |
class | Extrapolator |
base class for classes possibly allowing extrapolation More... | |
class | FaceValueAccrualClaim |
Claim on the notional of a reference security, including accrual. More... | |
class | FaceValueClaim |
Claim on a notional. More... | |
class | Factorial |
Factorial numbers calculator More... | |
class | FactorSpreadedHazardRateCurve |
Default-probability structure with a multiplicative spread on hazard rates. More... | |
class | FailureToPay |
Failure to Pay atomic event type. More... | |
class | FailureToPayEvent |
class | FalsePosition |
False position 1-D solver. More... | |
class | FarlieGumbelMorgensternCopula |
Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula. More... | |
class | FarlieGumbelMorgensternCopulaRng |
Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula random-number generator. More... | |
class | FastFourierTransform |
FFT implementation. More... | |
class | FaureRsg |
Faure low-discrepancy sequence generator. More... | |
class | Fd2dBlackScholesVanillaEngine |
Two dimensional finite-differences Black Scholes vanilla option engine. More... | |
class | FdBatesVanillaEngine |
Partial integro finite-differences Bates vanilla option engine. More... | |
class | FdBlackScholesAsianEngine |
class | FdBlackScholesBarrierEngine |
Finite-differences Black/Scholes barrier-option engine. More... | |
class | FdBlackScholesRebateEngine |
Finite-differences Black/Scholes barrier-option rebate helper engine. More... | |
class | FdBlackScholesShoutEngine |
class | FdBlackScholesVanillaEngine |
Finite-differences Black Scholes vanilla option engine. More... | |
class | FdCEVVanillaEngine |
class | FdCIRVanillaEngine |
Finite-differences CIR vanilla option engine. More... | |
class | FdExtOUJumpVanillaEngine |
class | FdG2SwaptionEngine |
class | FdHestonBarrierEngine |
Finite-differences Heston barrier-option engine. More... | |
class | FdHestonDoubleBarrierEngine |
Finite-Differences Heston Double Barrier Option engine. More... | |
class | FdHestonHullWhiteVanillaEngine |
Finite-differences Heston Hull-White vanilla option engine. More... | |
class | FdHestonRebateEngine |
Finite-differences Heston barrier-option rebate helper engine. More... | |
class | FdHestonVanillaEngine |
Finite-differences Heston vanilla option engine. More... | |
class | FdHullWhiteSwaptionEngine |
class | FdKlugeExtOUSpreadEngine |
class | Fdm1DimSolver |
class | Fdm1dMesher |
class | Fdm2dBlackScholesOp |
class | Fdm2dBlackScholesSolver |
class | Fdm2DimSolver |
class | Fdm3DimSolver |
class | FdmAffineModelSwapInnerValue |
class | FdmAffineModelTermStructure |
class | FdmAmericanStepCondition |
class | FdmArithmeticAverageCondition |
class | FdmBackwardSolver |
class | FdmBatesOp |
class | FdmBatesSolver |
class | FdmBermudanStepCondition |
class | FdmBlackScholesFwdOp |
class | FdmBlackScholesMesher |
class | FdmBlackScholesMultiStrikeMesher |
class | FdmBlackScholesOp |
class | FdmBlackScholesSolver |
class | FdmCellAveragingInnerValue |
class | FdmCEV1dMesher |
class | FdmCEVOp |
class | FdmCIREquityPart |
class | FdmCIRMixedPart |
class | FdmCIROp |
class | FdmCIRRatesPart |
class | FdmCIRSolver |
class | FdmDirichletBoundary |
class | FdmDiscountDirichletBoundary |
class | FdmDividendHandler |
class | FdmDupire1dOp |
class | FdmEscrowedLogInnerValueCalculator |
class | FdmExpExtOUInnerValueCalculator |
class | FdmExtendedOrnsteinUhlenbeckOp |
class | FdmExtOUJumpModelInnerValue |
class | FdmExtOUJumpOp |
class | FdmExtOUJumpSolver |
class | FdmG2Op |
class | FdmG2Solver |
class | FdmHestonEquityPart |
class | FdmHestonFwdOp |
class | FdmHestonGreensFct |
class | FdmHestonHullWhiteEquityPart |
class | FdmHestonHullWhiteOp |
class | FdmHestonHullWhiteSolver |
class | FdmHestonLocalVolatilityVarianceMesher |
class | FdmHestonOp |
class | FdmHestonSolver |
class | FdmHestonVarianceMesher |
class | FdmHestonVariancePart |
class | FdmHullWhiteOp |
class | FdmHullWhiteSolver |
class | FdmIndicesOnBoundary |
class | FdmInnerValueCalculator |
class | FdmKlugeExtOUOp |
class | FdmKlugeExtOUSolver |
class | FdmLinearOp |
class | FdmLinearOpComposite |
class | FdmLinearOpIterator |
class | FdmLinearOpLayout |
class | FdmLocalVolFwdOp |
class | FdmLogBasketInnerValue |
class | FdmLogInnerValue |
class | FdmMesher |
class | FdmMesherComposite |
class | FdmMesherIntegral |
class | FdmNdimSolver |
class | FdmOrnsteinUhlenbeckOp |
class | FdmQuantoHelper |
class | FdmSabrOp |
struct | FdmSchemeDesc |
class | FdmShoutLogInnerValueCalculator |
class | FdmSimple2dBSSolver |
class | FdmSimple2dExtOUSolver |
class | FdmSimple3dExtOUJumpSolver |
class | FdmSimpleProcess1dMesher |
class | FdmSimpleStorageCondition |
class | FdmSimpleSwingCondition |
class | FdmSnapshotCondition |
struct | FdmSolverDesc |
class | FdmSpreadPayoffInnerValue |
class | FdmSquareRootFwdOp |
class | FdmStepConditionComposite |
class | FdmTimeDepDirichletBoundary |
class | FDMultiPeriodEngine |
class | FdmVPPStartLimitStepCondition |
class | FdmVPPStepCondition |
class | FdmVPPStepConditionFactory |
struct | FdmVPPStepConditionMesher |
struct | FdmVPPStepConditionParams |
class | FdmZabrOp |
class | FdmZabrUnderlyingPart |
class | FdmZabrVolatilityPart |
class | FdmZeroInnerValue |
class | FdOrnsteinUhlenbeckVanillaEngine |
class | FdSabrVanillaEngine |
class | FdSimpleBSSwingEngine |
class | FdSimpleExtOUJumpSwingEngine |
class | FdSimpleExtOUStorageEngine |
class | FdSimpleKlugeExtOUVPPEngine |
class | FDVanillaEngine |
class | FedFunds |
Fed Funds rate fixed by the FED. More... | |
class | FFTEngine |
Base class for FFT pricing engines for European vanilla options. More... | |
class | FFTVanillaEngine |
FFT Pricing engine vanilla options under a Black Scholes process. More... | |
class | FFTVarianceGammaEngine |
FFT engine for vanilla options under a Variance Gamma process. More... | |
class | FilonIntegral |
Integral of a one-dimensional function. More... | |
class | FIMCurrency |
Finnish markka. More... | |
class | FiniteDifferenceModel |
Generic finite difference model. More... | |
class | FiniteDifferenceNewtonSafe |
safe Newton 1-D solver with finite difference derivatives More... | |
class | Finland |
Finnish calendar. More... | |
class | FireflyAlgorithm |
class | FirstDerivativeOp |
class | FittedBondDiscountCurve |
Discount curve fitted to a set of fixed-coupon bonds. More... | |
class | FixedDividend |
Predetermined cash flow. More... | |
class | FixedLocalVolSurface |
class | FixedRateBond |
fixed-rate bond More... | |
class | FixedRateBondForward |
Forward contract on a fixed-rate bond More... | |
class | FixedRateBondHelper |
Fixed-coupon bond helper for curve bootstrap. More... | |
class | FixedRateCoupon |
Coupon paying a fixed interest rate More... | |
class | FixedRateLeg |
helper class building a sequence of fixed rate coupons More... | |
class | FixedVsFloatingSwap |
Fixed vs floating swap. More... | |
class | FlatExtrapolator2D |
class | FlatForward |
Flat interest-rate curve. More... | |
class | FlatHazardRate |
Flat hazard-rate curve. More... | |
class | FlatSmileSection |
class | FlatVol |
class | FlatVolFactory |
class | FloatFloatSwap |
float float swap More... | |
class | FloatFloatSwaption |
floatfloat swaption class More... | |
class | FloatingCatBond |
floating-rate cat bond (possibly capped and/or floored) More... | |
class | FloatingRateBond |
floating-rate bond (possibly capped and/or floored) More... | |
class | FloatingRateCoupon |
base floating-rate coupon class More... | |
class | FloatingRateCouponPricer |
generic pricer for floating-rate coupons More... | |
class | FloatingTypePayoff |
Payoff based on a floating strike More... | |
class | Floor |
Concrete floor class. More... | |
class | FloorTruncation |
Floor truncation. More... | |
class | FordeHestonExpansion |
class | Forward |
Abstract base forward class. More... | |
class | ForwardEuropeanBSPathPricer |
class | ForwardEuropeanHestonPathPricer |
class | ForwardFlat |
Forward-flat interpolation factory and traits. More... | |
class | ForwardFlatInterpolation |
Forward-flat interpolation between discrete points. More... | |
class | ForwardMeasureProcess |
forward-measure stochastic process More... | |
class | ForwardMeasureProcess1D |
forward-measure 1-D stochastic process More... | |
class | ForwardOptionArguments |
Arguments for forward (strike-resetting) option calculation More... | |
class | ForwardPerformanceVanillaEngine |
Forward performance engine for vanilla options More... | |
struct | ForwardRate |
Forward-curve traits. More... | |
class | ForwardRateAgreement |
Forward rate agreement (FRA) class More... | |
class | ForwardRateStructure |
Forward-rate term structure More... | |
class | ForwardSpreadedTermStructure |
Term structure with added spread on the instantaneous forward rate. More... | |
class | ForwardSwapQuote |
Quote for a forward starting swap. More... | |
class | ForwardTypePayoff |
Class for forward type payoffs. More... | |
class | ForwardValueQuote |
quote for the forward value of an index More... | |
class | ForwardVanillaEngine |
Forward engine for vanilla options More... | |
class | ForwardVanillaOption |
Forward version of a vanilla option More... | |
class | FractionalDividend |
Predetermined cash flow. More... | |
class | France |
French calendars. More... | |
class | FranceRegion |
France as geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | FrankCopula |
Frank copula. More... | |
class | FrankCopulaRng |
Frank copula random-number generator. More... | |
class | FraRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over FRA rates. More... | |
class | FRFCurrency |
French franc. More... | |
class | FRHICP |
FR HICP index. More... | |
class | FritschButlandCubic |
class | FritschButlandLogCubic |
class | FrobeniusCostFunction |
struct | Futures |
class | FuturesConvAdjustmentQuote |
quote for the futures-convexity adjustment of an index More... | |
class | FuturesRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over IborIndex futures prices. More... | |
class | FwdPeriodAdapter |
class | FwdToCotSwapAdapter |
class | FwdToCotSwapAdapterFactory |
class | FxSwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over Fx Swap rates. More... | |
class | G2 |
Two-additive-factor gaussian model class. More... | |
class | G2ForwardProcess |
Forward G2 stochastic process More... | |
class | G2Process |
G2 stochastic process More... | |
class | G2SwaptionEngine |
Swaption priced by means of the Black formula More... | |
class | GalambosCopula |
Galambos copula. More... | |
class | GallonUnitOfMeasure |
class | GammaFunction |
Gamma function class. More... | |
class | GapPayoff |
Binary gap payoff. More... | |
class | Garch11 |
GARCH volatility model. More... | |
class | GarmanKlassAbstract |
Garman-Klass volatility model. More... | |
class | GarmanKlassOpenClose |
class | GarmanKlassSigma1 |
class | GarmanKlassSigma3 |
class | GarmanKlassSigma4 |
class | GarmanKlassSigma5 |
class | GarmanKlassSigma6 |
class | GarmanKlassSimpleSigma |
class | GarmanKohlagenProcess |
Garman-Kohlhagen (1983) stochastic process. More... | |
class | GaussChebyshev2ndIntegration |
Gauss-Chebyshev integration (second kind) More... | |
class | GaussChebyshev2ndPolynomial |
Gauss-Chebyshev polynomial (second kind) More... | |
class | GaussChebyshevIntegration |
Gauss-Chebyshev integration. More... | |
class | GaussChebyshevPolynomial |
Gauss-Chebyshev polynomial. More... | |
class | GaussGegenbauerIntegration |
Gauss-Gegenbauer integration. More... | |
class | GaussGegenbauerPolynomial |
Gauss-Gegenbauer polynomial. More... | |
class | GaussHermiteIntegration |
generalized Gauss-Hermite integration More... | |
class | GaussHermitePolynomial |
Gauss-Hermite polynomial. More... | |
class | GaussHyperbolicIntegration |
Gauss-Hyperbolic integration. More... | |
class | GaussHyperbolicPolynomial |
Gauss hyperbolic polynomial. More... | |
class | Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine |
Gaussian1d cap/floor engine. More... | |
class | Gaussian1dFloatFloatSwaptionEngine |
One factor model float float swaption engine. More... | |
class | Gaussian1dJamshidianSwaptionEngine |
Jamshidian swaption engine. More... | |
class | Gaussian1dModel |
class | Gaussian1dNonstandardSwaptionEngine |
One factor model non standard swaption engine. More... | |
class | Gaussian1dSmileSection |
class | Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine |
One factor model swaption engine. More... | |
class | Gaussian1dSwaptionVolatility |
class | GaussianCopula |
Gaussian copula. More... | |
struct | GaussianCopulaPolicy |
class | GaussianKernel |
Gaussian kernel function. More... | |
class | GaussianLHPLossModel |
class | GaussianOrthogonalPolynomial |
orthogonal polynomial for Gaussian quadratures More... | |
class | GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator |
Integrates a vector or scalar function of vector domain. More... | |
class | GaussianQuadrature |
Integral of a 1-dimensional function using the Gauss quadratures method. More... | |
class | GaussianRandomDefaultModel |
class | GaussianWalk |
Gaussian Walk. More... | |
class | GaussJacobiIntegration |
Gauss-Jacobi integration. More... | |
class | GaussJacobiPolynomial |
Gauss-Jacobi polynomial. More... | |
class | GaussKronrodAdaptive |
Integral of a 1-dimensional function using the Gauss-Kronrod methods. More... | |
class | GaussKronrodNonAdaptive |
Integral of a 1-dimensional function using the Gauss-Kronrod methods. More... | |
class | GaussLaguerreCosinePolynomial |
Gauss-Laguerre Cosine integration. More... | |
class | GaussLaguerreIntegration |
generalized Gauss-Laguerre integration More... | |
class | GaussLaguerrePolynomial |
Gauss-Laguerre polynomial. More... | |
class | GaussLaguerreSinePolynomial |
Gauss-Laguerre Sine integration. More... | |
class | GaussLaguerreTrigonometricBase |
class | GaussLegendreIntegration |
Gauss-Legendre integration. More... | |
class | GaussLegendrePolynomial |
Gauss-Legendre polynomial. More... | |
class | GaussLobattoIntegral |
Integral of a one-dimensional function. More... | |
class | GaussNonCentralChiSquaredPolynomial |
class | GBPCurrency |
British pound sterling. More... | |
class | GBPLibor |
GBP LIBOR rate More... | |
class | GBPLiborON |
Overnight GBP Libor index. More... | |
class | GbpLiborSwapIsdaFix |
GbpLiborSwapIsdaFix index base class More... | |
class | GBSMRNDCalculator |
class | GELCurrency |
Georgian lari. More... | |
class | GemanRoncoroniProcess |
Geman-Roncoroni process class. More... | |
class | GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess |
Generalized Black-Scholes stochastic process. More... | |
class | GeneralizedHullWhite |
Generalized Hull-White model class. More... | |
class | GeneralizedOrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess |
Piecewise linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class. More... | |
class | GeneralLinearLeastSquares |
general linear least squares regression More... | |
class | GeneralStatistics |
Statistics tool. More... | |
class | GenericCPI |
Generic CPI index. More... | |
class | GenericEngine |
template base class for option pricing engines More... | |
class | GenericGaussianStatistics |
Statistics tool for gaussian-assumption risk measures. More... | |
struct | GenericLowDiscrepancy |
class | GenericModelEngine |
Base class for some pricing engine on a particular model. More... | |
struct | GenericPseudoRandom |
class | GenericRegion |
Generic geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | GenericRiskStatistics |
empirical-distribution risk measures More... | |
class | GenericSequenceStatistics |
Statistics analysis of N-dimensional (sequence) data. More... | |
class | GenericTimeSetter |
class | GeometricAPOHestonPathPricer |
class | GeometricAPOPathPricer |
class | GeometricBrownianMotionProcess |
Geometric brownian-motion process. More... | |
class | Germany |
German calendars. More... | |
class | GFunction |
class | GFunctionFactory |
class | GHSCurrency |
Ghanaian cedi. More... | |
class | GJRGARCHModel |
GJR-GARCH model for the stochastic volatility of an asset. More... | |
class | GJRGARCHProcess |
Stochastic-volatility GJR-GARCH(1,1) process. More... | |
class | GlobalBootstrap |
Global boostrapper, with additional restrictions. More... | |
class | GlobalTopology |
Global Topology. More... | |
class | Glued1dMesher |
class | GMRES |
struct | GMRESResult |
class | GoldsteinLineSearch |
class | GRDCurrency |
Greek drachma. More... | |
class | Greeks |
additional option results More... | |
class | GridModelLocalVolSurface |
class | Gsr |
One factor gsr model, formulation is in forward measure. More... | |
class | GsrProcess |
GSR stochastic process. More... | |
class | GumbelCopula |
Gumbel copula. More... | |
class | HaganIrregularSwaptionEngine |
Pricing engine for irregular swaptions. More... | |
class | HaganPricer |
CMS-coupon pricer. More... | |
class | HaltonRsg |
Halton low-discrepancy sequence generator. More... | |
class | Handle |
Shared handle to an observable. More... | |
class | HarmonicCubic |
class | HarmonicLogCubic |
struct | HazardRate |
Hazard-rate-curve traits. More... | |
class | HazardRateStructure |
Hazard-rate term structure. More... | |
class | HestonBlackVolSurface |
class | HestonExpansion |
class | HestonExpansionEngine |
Heston-model engine for European options based on analytic expansions. More... | |
class | HestonHullWhitePathPricer |
class | HestonModel |
Heston model for the stochastic volatility of an asset. More... | |
class | HestonModelHelper |
calibration helper for Heston model More... | |
class | HestonProcess |
Square-root stochastic-volatility Heston process. More... | |
class | HestonRNDCalculator |
Risk neutral terminal probability density for the Heston model. More... | |
class | HestonSLVFDMModel |
struct | HestonSLVFokkerPlanckFdmParams |
class | HestonSLVMCModel |
class | HestonSLVProcess |
class | HimalayaMultiPathPricer |
class | HimalayaOption |
Himalaya option. More... | |
class | Histogram |
Histogram class. More... | |
class | HistoricalForwardRatesAnalysis |
class | HistoricalForwardRatesAnalysisImpl |
Historical correlation class More... | |
class | HistoricalRatesAnalysis |
Historical rate analysis class More... | |
class | HKDCurrency |
Hong Kong dollar. More... | |
class | HolderExtensibleOption |
class | HomogeneousPoolLossModel |
Default loss distribution convolution for finite homogeneous pool. More... | |
class | HongKong |
Hong Kong calendars. More... | |
class | HRKCurrency |
Croatian kuna. More... | |
class | HUFCurrency |
Hungarian forint. More... | |
class | HullWhite |
Single-factor Hull-White (extended Vasicek) model class. More... | |
class | HullWhiteForwardProcess |
Forward Hull-White stochastic process More... | |
class | HullWhiteProcess |
Hull-White stochastic process. More... | |
class | HundsdorferScheme |
class | Hungary |
Hungarian calendar. More... | |
class | HuslerReissCopula |
Husler-Reiss copula. More... | |
class | HybridHestonHullWhiteProcess |
Hybrid Heston Hull-White stochastic process. More... | |
class | HybridSimulatedAnnealing |
class | IborCoupon |
Coupon paying a Libor-type index More... | |
class | IborCouponPricer |
base pricer for capped/floored Ibor coupons More... | |
class | IborIborBasisSwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over ibor-ibor basis swaps. More... | |
class | IborIndex |
base class for Inter-Bank-Offered-Rate indexes (e.g. Libor, etc.) More... | |
class | IborLeg |
helper class building a sequence of capped/floored ibor-rate coupons More... | |
class | IborLegCashFlows |
class | Iceland |
Icelandic calendars. More... | |
class | IDRCurrency |
Indonesian Rupiah. More... | |
class | IEPCurrency |
Irish punt. More... | |
class | ILSCurrency |
Israeli shekel. More... | |
struct | IMM |
Main cycle of the International Money Market (a.k.a. IMM) months. More... | |
class | ImplicitEuler |
Backward Euler scheme for finite difference methods. More... | |
class | ImplicitEulerScheme |
class | ImpliedStdDevQuote |
quote for the implied standard deviation of an underlying More... | |
class | ImpliedTermStructure |
Implied term structure at a given date in the future. More... | |
class | ImpliedVolTermStructure |
Implied vol term structure at a given date in the future. More... | |
class | IncrementalStatistics |
Statistics tool based on incremental accumulation. More... | |
class | IndependentCopula |
independent copula More... | |
class | Index |
purely virtual base class for indexes More... | |
class | IndexedCashFlow |
Cash flow dependent on an index ratio. More... | |
class | IndexManager |
global repository for past index fixings More... | |
class | India |
Indian calendars. More... | |
class | Indonesia |
Indonesian calendars More... | |
class | InflationCoupon |
Base inflation-coupon class. More... | |
class | InflationCouponPricer |
Base inflation-coupon pricer. More... | |
class | InflationIndex |
Base class for inflation-rate indexes,. More... | |
class | InflationTermStructure |
Interface for inflation term structures. More... | |
class | InhomogeneousPoolLossModel |
Default loss distribution convolution for finite non homogeneous pool. More... | |
class | INRCurrency |
Indian rupee. More... | |
class | Instrument |
Abstract instrument class. More... | |
class | IntegralCDOEngine |
class | IntegralCdsEngine |
class | IntegralEngine |
Pricing engine for European vanilla options using integral approach. More... | |
class | IntegralHestonVarianceOptionEngine |
integral Heston-model variance-option engine More... | |
class | IntegralNtdEngine |
class | IntegrationBase |
class | IntegrationBase< GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator > |
class | IntegrationBase< MultidimIntegral > |
class | Integrator |
class | InterestRate |
Concrete interest rate class. More... | |
class | InterestRateIndex |
base class for interest rate indexes More... | |
class | InterestRateVolSurface |
Interest rate volatility (smile) surface. More... | |
class | InterpolatedAffineHazardRateCurve |
class | InterpolatedCPICapFloorTermPriceSurface |
class | InterpolatedCurve |
Helper class to build interpolated term structures. More... | |
class | InterpolatedDefaultDensityCurve |
DefaultProbabilityTermStructure based on interpolation of default densities. More... | |
class | InterpolatedDiscountCurve |
YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of discount factors. More... | |
class | InterpolatedForwardCurve |
YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of forward rates. More... | |
class | InterpolatedHazardRateCurve |
DefaultProbabilityTermStructure based on interpolation of hazard rates. More... | |
class | InterpolatedPiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure |
Yield curve with an added vector of spreads on the zero-yield rate. More... | |
class | InterpolatedSimpleZeroCurve |
YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of zero rates. More... | |
class | InterpolatedSmileSection |
class | InterpolatedSurvivalProbabilityCurve |
DefaultProbabilityTermStructure based on interpolation of survival probabilities. More... | |
class | InterpolatedSwaptionVolatilityCube |
Interpolated Swaption Volatility Cube. More... | |
class | InterpolatedYoYCapFloorTermPriceSurface |
class | InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve |
Inflation term structure based on interpolated year-on-year rates. More... | |
class | InterpolatedYoYOptionletStripper |
class | InterpolatedYoYOptionletVolatilityCurve |
Interpolated flat smile surface. More... | |
class | InterpolatedZeroCurve |
YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of zero rates. More... | |
class | InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve |
Inflation term structure based on the interpolation of zero rates. More... | |
class | InterpolatingCPICapFloorEngine |
Engine for CPI cap/floors based on a price surface. More... | |
class | Interpolation |
base class for 1-D interpolations. More... | |
class | Interpolation2D |
base class for 2-D interpolations. More... | |
class | InterpolationParameter |
Parameter that holds an interpolation object. More... | |
class | IntervalPrice |
interval price More... | |
class | InverseCumulativeBehrensFisher |
Inverse of the cumulative of the convolution of odd-T distributions. More... | |
class | InverseCumulativeNormal |
Inverse cumulative normal distribution function. More... | |
class | InverseCumulativePoisson |
Inverse cumulative Poisson distribution function. More... | |
class | InverseCumulativeRng |
Inverse cumulative random number generator. More... | |
class | InverseCumulativeRsg |
Inverse cumulative random sequence generator. More... | |
class | InverseCumulativeStudent |
Inverse cumulative Student t-distribution. More... | |
class | InverseLawSquareIntensity |
Inverse Square Intensity. More... | |
class | InverseNonCentralCumulativeChiSquareDistribution |
class | IQDCurrency |
Iraqi dinar. More... | |
class | IRRCurrency |
Iranian rial. More... | |
struct | IrregularSettlement |
settlement information More... | |
class | IrregularSwap |
Irregular swap: fixed vs floating leg. More... | |
class | IrregularSwaption |
Irregular Swaption class. More... | |
class | IsdaCdsEngine |
class | ISKCurrency |
Icelandic krona. More... | |
class | IsotropicRandomWalk |
Isotropic random walk. More... | |
class | Israel |
Israel calendar. More... | |
class | Issuer |
class | Italy |
Italian calendars. More... | |
class | IterativeBootstrap |
Universal piecewise-term-structure boostrapper. More... | |
class | ITLCurrency |
Italian lira. More... | |
class | JamshidianSwaptionEngine |
Jamshidian swaption engine. More... | |
class | Japan |
Japanese calendar. More... | |
class | JarrowRudd |
Jarrow-Rudd (multiplicative) equal probabilities binomial tree. More... | |
class | Jibar |
JIBAR rate More... | |
class | JODCurrency |
Jordanian dinar. More... | |
class | JointCalendar |
Joint calendar. More... | |
class | JointStochasticProcess |
class | Joshi4 |
class | JPYCurrency |
Japanese yen. More... | |
class | JPYLibor |
JPY LIBOR rate More... | |
class | JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixAm |
JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixAm index base class More... | |
class | JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixPm |
JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixPm index base class More... | |
class | JumpDiffusionEngine |
Jump-diffusion engine for vanilla options. More... | |
class | JuQuadraticApproximationEngine |
Pricing engine for American options with Ju quadratic approximation. More... | |
class | KahaleSmileSection |
class | KerkhofSeasonality |
class | KernelFunction |
class | KernelInterpolation |
Kernel interpolation between discrete points. More... | |
class | KernelInterpolation2D |
class | KESCurrency |
Kenyan shilling. More... | |
class | KilolitreUnitOfMeasure |
class | KInterpolatedYoYOptionletVolatilitySurface |
K-interpolated YoY optionlet volatility. More... | |
class | KirkEngine |
Pricing engine for spread option on two futures. More... | |
class | KirkSpreadOptionEngine |
Kirk approximation for European spread option on futures. More... | |
class | KlugeExtOUProcess |
class | KNeighbors |
K-Neighbor Topology. More... | |
class | KnuthUniformRng |
Uniform random number generator. More... | |
class | KrugerCubic |
class | KrugerLog |
class | KrugerLogCubic |
class | KrugerLogMixedLinearCubic |
class | KRWCurrency |
South-Korean won. More... | |
class | KWDCurrency |
Kuwaiti dinar. More... | |
class | KZTCurrency |
class | LagrangeInterpolation |
class | LaplaceInterpolation |
class | LastFixingQuote |
Quote adapter for the last fixing available of a given Index. More... | |
class | LatentModel |
Generic multifactor latent variable model. More... | |
class | Lattice |
Lattice (tree, finite-differences) base class More... | |
class | LatticeRsg |
class | LatticeRule |
class | LatticeShortRateModelEngine |
Engine for a short-rate model specialized on a lattice. More... | |
class | LazyObject |
Framework for calculation on demand and result caching. More... | |
class | LeastSquareFunction |
Cost function for least-square problems. More... | |
class | LeastSquareProblem |
Base class for least square problem. More... | |
class | LecuyerUniformRng |
Uniform random number generator. More... | |
class | LeisenReimer |
Leisen & Reimer tree: multiplicative approach. More... | |
class | LevenbergMarquardt |
Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. More... | |
class | LevyFlightDistribution |
Levy Flight distribution. More... | |
class | LevyFlightInertia |
Levy Flight Inertia. More... | |
class | LevyFlightWalk |
Levy Flight Random Walk. More... | |
class | LfmCovarianceParameterization |
Libor market model parameterization More... | |
class | LfmCovarianceProxy |
proxy for a libor forward model covariance parameterization More... | |
class | LfmHullWhiteParameterization |
Libor market model parameterization based on Hull White paper More... | |
class | LfmSwaptionEngine |
Libor forward model swaption engine based on Black formula More... | |
class | Libor |
base class for all ICE LIBOR indexes but the EUR, O/N, and S/N ones More... | |
class | LiborForwardModel |
Libor forward model More... | |
class | LiborForwardModelProcess |
libor-forward-model process More... | |
class | Linear |
Linear-interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | LinearFlat |
Linear-interpolation with flat-extrapolation factory and traits More... | |
class | LinearFlatInterpolation |
Linear interpolation between discrete points with flat extapolation More... | |
class | LinearInterpolation |
Linear interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | LinearLeastSquaresRegression |
class | LinearRegression |
class | LinearTsrPricer |
CMS-coupon pricer. More... | |
class | LineSearch |
Base class for line search. More... | |
class | LineSearchBasedMethod |
Line search based method. More... | |
class | LitreUnitOfMeasure |
class | LKRCurrency |
Sri Lankan rupee. More... | |
class | LmConstWrapperCorrelationModel |
class | LmConstWrapperVolatilityModel |
caplet const volatility model More... | |
class | LmCorrelationModel |
libor forward correlation model More... | |
class | LmExponentialCorrelationModel |
exponential correlation model More... | |
class | LmExtLinearExponentialVolModel |
extended linear exponential volatility model More... | |
class | LmFixedVolatilityModel |
class | LMIntegration |
class | LmLinearExponentialCorrelationModel |
linear exponential correlation model More... | |
class | LmLinearExponentialVolatilityModel |
linear exponential volatility model More... | |
class | LMMCurveState |
Curve state for Libor market models More... | |
class | LMMDriftCalculator |
Drift computation for log-normal Libor market models. More... | |
class | LMMNormalDriftCalculator |
Drift computation for normal Libor market models. More... | |
class | LmVolatilityModel |
caplet volatility model More... | |
class | LocalBootstrap |
Localised-term-structure bootstrapper for most curve types. More... | |
class | LocalConstantVol |
Constant local volatility, no time-strike dependence. More... | |
class | LocalVolatilityEstimator |
class | LocalVolCurve |
Local volatility curve derived from a Black curve. More... | |
class | LocalVolRNDCalculator |
class | LocalVolSurface |
Local volatility surface derived from a Black vol surface. More... | |
class | LocalVolTermStructure |
class | LogCubic |
log-cubic interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | LogCubicInterpolation |
log-cubic interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | LogCubicNaturalSpline |
class | LogGrid |
class | LogLinear |
log-linear interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | LogLinearInterpolation |
log-linear interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | LogMixedLinearCubic |
log-cubic interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | LogMixedLinearCubicInterpolation |
log-mixedlinearcubic interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | LogMixedLinearCubicNaturalSpline |
class | LognormalCmsSpreadPricer |
CMS spread - coupon pricer. More... | |
class | LogNormalCmSwapRatePc |
Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | LogNormalCotSwapRatePc |
Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | LogNormalFwdRateBalland |
Iterative Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | LogNormalFwdRateEuler |
Euler. More... | |
class | LogNormalFwdRateEulerConstrained |
euler stepping More... | |
class | LogNormalFwdRateiBalland |
Iterative Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | LogNormalFwdRateIpc |
Iterative Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | LogNormalFwdRatePc |
Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | LogParabolic |
class | LongstaffSchwartzExerciseStrategy |
class | LongstaffSchwartzMultiPathPricer |
Longstaff-Schwarz path pricer for early exercise options. More... | |
class | LongstaffSchwartzPathPricer |
Longstaff-Schwarz path pricer for early exercise options. More... | |
class | Loss |
class | LossDist |
Probability formulas and algorithms. More... | |
class | LossDistBinomial |
Binomial loss distribution. More... | |
class | LossDistBucketing |
Loss distribution with Hull-White bucketing. More... | |
class | LossDistHomogeneous |
Loss Distribution for Homogeneous Pool. More... | |
class | LossDistMonteCarlo |
Loss distribution with Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | LotUnitOfMeasure |
class | LPP2HestonExpansion |
class | LPP3HestonExpansion |
class | LsmBasisSystem |
class | LTCCurrency |
Litecoin. More... | |
class | LTLCurrency |
Lithuanian litas. More... | |
class | LUFCurrency |
Luxembourg franc. More... | |
class | LVLCurrency |
Latvian lat. More... | |
class | MADCurrency |
Moroccan dirham. More... | |
class | MaddockCumulativeNormal |
Maddock's cumulative normal distribution class. More... | |
class | MaddockInverseCumulativeNormal |
Maddock's Inverse cumulative normal distribution class. More... | |
class | MakeArithmeticAverageOIS |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeCapFloor |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeCms |
helper class for instantiating CMS More... | |
class | MakeCreditDefaultSwap |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeFdBlackScholesVanillaEngine |
class | MakeFdCIRVanillaEngine |
class | MakeFdHestonVanillaEngine |
class | MakeMCAmericanBasketEngine |
Monte Carlo American basket-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCAmericanEngine |
Monte Carlo American engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCAmericanPathEngine |
Monte Carlo American basket-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCBarrierEngine |
Monte Carlo barrier-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCDigitalEngine |
Monte Carlo digital engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCDiscreteArithmeticAPEngine |
class | MakeMCDiscreteArithmeticAPHestonEngine |
class | MakeMCDiscreteArithmeticASEngine |
class | MakeMCDiscreteGeometricAPEngine |
class | MakeMCDiscreteGeometricAPHestonEngine |
class | MakeMCDoubleBarrierEngine |
Monte Carlo double-barrier-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCEuropeanBasketEngine |
Monte Carlo basket-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCEuropeanEngine |
Monte Carlo European engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCEuropeanGJRGARCHEngine |
Monte Carlo GJR-GARCH European engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCEuropeanHestonEngine |
Monte Carlo Heston European engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCEverestEngine |
Monte Carlo Everest-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCForwardEuropeanBSEngine |
class | MakeMCForwardEuropeanHestonEngine |
class | MakeMCHestonHullWhiteEngine |
Monte Carlo Heston/Hull-White engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCHimalayaEngine |
Monte Carlo Himalaya-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCHullWhiteCapFloorEngine |
Monte Carlo Hull-White cap-floor engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCLookbackEngine |
Monte Carlo lookback-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCPagodaEngine |
Monte Carlo pagoda-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCPathBasketEngine |
Monte Carlo Path Basket engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCPerformanceEngine |
Monte Carlo performance-option engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeMCVarianceSwapEngine |
Monte Carlo variance-swap engine factory. More... | |
class | MakeOIS |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeSchedule |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeSwaption |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeVanillaSwap |
helper class More... | |
class | MakeYoYInflationCapFloor |
helper class More... | |
class | ManipulateDistribution |
class | MargrabeOption |
Margrabe option on two assets. More... | |
class | MarketModel |
base class for market models More... | |
class | MarketModelBasisSystem |
class | MarketModelCashRebate |
class | MarketModelComposite |
Composition of two or more market-model products. More... | |
class | MarketModelDiscounter |
class | MarketModelEvolver |
Market-model evolver. More... | |
class | MarketModelExerciseValue |
class | MarketModelFactory |
base class for market-model factories More... | |
class | MarketModelMultiProduct |
market-model product More... | |
class | MarketModelNodeDataProvider |
class | MarketModelParametricExercise |
class | MarketModelPathwiseCashRebate |
class | MarketModelPathwiseCoterminalSwaptionsDeflated |
class | MarketModelPathwiseCoterminalSwaptionsNumericalDeflated |
class | MarketModelPathwiseDiscounter |
class | MarketModelPathwiseInverseFloater |
class | MarketModelPathwiseMultiCaplet |
market-model pathwise caplet More... | |
class | MarketModelPathwiseMultiDeflatedCap |
class | MarketModelPathwiseMultiDeflatedCaplet |
class | MarketModelPathwiseMultiProduct |
market-model pathwise product More... | |
class | MarketModelPathwiseSwap |
class | MarketModelVolProcess |
class | MarketQuotedOptionPricer |
class | MarkovFunctional |
class | MarshallOlkinCopula |
Marshall-Olkin copula. More... | |
class | Matrix |
Matrix used in linear algebra. More... | |
class | MaxBasketPayoff |
class | MaxCopula |
max copula More... | |
class | MBUnitOfMeasure |
class | MCAmericanBasketEngine |
least-square Monte Carlo engine More... | |
class | MCAmericanEngine |
American Monte Carlo engine. More... | |
class | MCAmericanPathEngine |
least-square Monte Carlo engine More... | |
class | MCBarrierEngine |
Pricing engine for barrier options using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCDigitalEngine |
Pricing engine for digital options using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCDiscreteArithmeticAPEngine |
Monte Carlo pricing engine for discrete arithmetic average price Asian. More... | |
class | MCDiscreteArithmeticAPHestonEngine |
Heston MC pricing engine for discrete arithmetic average price Asian. More... | |
class | MCDiscreteArithmeticASEngine |
Monte Carlo pricing engine for discrete arithmetic average-strike Asian. More... | |
class | MCDiscreteAveragingAsianEngineBase |
Pricing engine for discrete average Asians using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCDiscreteGeometricAPEngine |
Monte Carlo pricing engine for discrete geometric average price Asian. More... | |
class | MCDiscreteGeometricAPHestonEngine |
Heston MC pricing engine for discrete geometric average price Asian. More... | |
class | MCDoubleBarrierEngine |
class | MCEuropeanBasketEngine |
Pricing engine for European basket options using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCEuropeanEngine |
European option pricing engine using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCEuropeanGJRGARCHEngine |
Monte Carlo GJR-GARCH-model engine for European options. More... | |
class | MCEuropeanHestonEngine |
Monte Carlo Heston-model engine for European options. More... | |
class | MCEverestEngine |
class | MCForwardEuropeanBSEngine |
class | MCForwardEuropeanHestonEngine |
class | MCForwardVanillaEngine |
Monte Carlo engine for forward-starting vanilla options. More... | |
class | MCHestonHullWhiteEngine |
class | MCHimalayaEngine |
class | MCHullWhiteCapFloorEngine |
Monte Carlo Hull-White engine for cap/floors. More... | |
class | MCLongstaffSchwartzEngine |
Longstaff-Schwarz Monte Carlo engine for early exercise options. More... | |
class | MCLongstaffSchwartzPathEngine |
Longstaff-Schwarz Monte Carlo engine for early exercise options. More... | |
class | MCLookbackEngine |
Monte Carlo lookback-option engine. More... | |
class | MCPagodaEngine |
Pricing engine for pagoda options using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCPathBasketEngine |
Pricing engine for path dependent basket options using. More... | |
class | MCPerformanceEngine |
Pricing engine for performance options using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | McSimulation |
base class for Monte Carlo engines More... | |
class | MCVanillaEngine |
Pricing engine for vanilla options using Monte Carlo simulation. More... | |
class | MCVarianceSwapEngine |
Variance-swap pricing engine using Monte Carlo simulation,. More... | |
class | MeanRevertingPricer |
class | MersenneTwisterUniformRng |
Uniform random number generator. More... | |
class | Merton76Process |
Merton-76 jump-diffusion process. More... | |
class | MethodOfLinesScheme |
class | Mexico |
Mexican calendars More... | |
class | MfStateProcess |
Markov functional state process class. More... | |
struct | MidPoint |
class | MidPointCDOEngine |
CDO base engine taking schedule steps. More... | |
class | MidPointCdsEngine |
class | MinBasketPayoff |
class | MinCopula |
min copula More... | |
struct | MixedInterpolation |
class | MixedLinearCubic |
mixed linear/cubic interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | MixedLinearCubicInterpolation |
mixed linear/cubic interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | MixedLinearCubicNaturalSpline |
class | MixedLinearFritschButlandCubic |
class | MixedLinearKrugerCubic |
class | MixedLinearMonotonicCubicNaturalSpline |
class | MixedLinearMonotonicParabolic |
class | MixedLinearParabolic |
class | MixedScheme |
Mixed (explicit/implicit) scheme for finite difference methods. More... | |
class | ModifiedCraigSneydScheme |
modified Craig-Sneyd scheme More... | |
class | ModTripleBandLinearOp |
class | MomentBasedGaussianPolynomial |
class | Money |
amount of cash More... | |
class | MonotonicCubicNaturalSpline |
class | MonotonicLogCubic |
class | MonotonicLogCubicNaturalSpline |
class | MonotonicLogMixedLinearCubic |
class | MonotonicLogParabolic |
class | MonotonicParabolic |
class | MonteCarloCatBondEngine |
class | MonteCarloModel |
General-purpose Monte Carlo model for path samples. More... | |
class | MoreGreeks |
more additional option results More... | |
class | MoroInverseCumulativeNormal |
Moro Inverse cumulative normal distribution class. More... | |
class | Mosprime |
MOSPRIME rate More... | |
class | MTBrownianGenerator |
Mersenne-twister Brownian generator for market-model simulations. More... | |
class | MTBrownianGeneratorFactory |
class | MTLCurrency |
Maltese lira. More... | |
class | MtMCrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over market-to-market cross-currency basis swaps. More... | |
class | MTUnitOfMeasure |
class | MultiAssetOption |
Base class for options on multiple assets. More... | |
class | MultiCubicSpline |
N-dimensional cubic spline interpolation between discrete points. More... | |
class | MultidimIntegral |
Integrates a vector or scalar function of vector domain. More... | |
class | MultiPath |
Correlated multiple asset paths. More... | |
class | MultiPathGenerator |
Generates a multipath from a random number generator. More... | |
class | MultiplicativePriceSeasonality |
Multiplicative seasonality in the price index (CPI/RPI/HICP/etc). More... | |
class | MultiProductComposite |
Composition of one or more market-model products. More... | |
class | MultiProductMultiStep |
Multiple-step market-model product. More... | |
class | MultiProductOneStep |
Single-step market-model product. More... | |
class | MultiProductPathwiseWrapper |
class | MultiStepCoinitialSwaps |
class | MultiStepCoterminalSwaps |
class | MultiStepCoterminalSwaptions |
class | MultiStepForwards |
class | MultiStepInverseFloater |
class | MultiStepNothing |
class | MultiStepOptionlets |
class | MultiStepPeriodCapletSwaptions |
class | MultiStepRatchet |
class | MultiStepSwap |
class | MultiStepSwaption |
class | MultiStepTarn |
struct | MultiVariate |
default Monte Carlo traits for multi-variate models More... | |
class | MURCurrency |
Mauritian rupee. More... | |
class | MXNCurrency |
Mexican peso. More... | |
class | MXVCurrency |
Mexican Unidad de Inversion. More... | |
class | MYRCurrency |
Malaysian Ringgit. More... | |
class | NelsonSiegelFitting |
Nelson-Siegel fitting method. More... | |
class | NeumannBC |
Neumann boundary condition (i.e., constant derivative) More... | |
class | Newton |
Newton 1-D solver More... | |
class | NewtonSafe |
safe Newton 1-D solver More... | |
class | NewZealand |
New Zealand calendar. More... | |
class | NGNCurrency |
Nigerian Naira. More... | |
class | NinePointLinearOp |
class | NLGCurrency |
Dutch guilder. More... | |
class | NoArbSabr |
no arbtrage sabr interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | NoArbSabrInterpolatedSmileSection |
class | NoArbSabrInterpolation |
no arbitrage sabr smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More... | |
class | NoArbSabrModel |
class | NoArbSabrSmileSection |
class | NoConstraint |
No constraint. More... | |
struct | NodeData |
class | NoExceptLocalVolSurface |
class | NOKCurrency |
Norwegian krone. More... | |
class | NonCentralCumulativeChiSquareDistribution |
class | NonCentralCumulativeChiSquareSankaranApprox |
class | NonhomogeneousBoundaryConstraint |
Constraint imposing i-th argument to be in [low_i,high_i] for all i More... | |
class | NonLinearLeastSquare |
Non-linear least-square method. More... | |
class | NonstandardSwap |
nonstandard swap More... | |
class | NonstandardSwaption |
nonstandard swaption class More... | |
class | NoOffset |
class | NormalCLVModel |
class | NormalDistribution |
Normal distribution function. More... | |
class | NormalFwdRatePc |
Predictor-Corrector. More... | |
class | NorthAmericaCorpDefaultKey |
ISDA standard default contractual key for corporate US debt. More... | |
class | Norway |
Norwegian calendar. More... | |
class | NothingExerciseValue |
class | NotionalPath |
class | NotionalRisk |
class | NPRCurrency |
Nepal rupee. More... | |
class | NthOrderDerivativeOp |
class | NthToDefault |
N-th to default swap. More... | |
class | Null |
template class providing a null value for a given type. More... | |
class | Null< Array > |
specialization of null template for this class More... | |
class | Null< Date > |
class | Null< IntervalPrice > |
struct | null_deleter |
class | NullCalendar |
Calendar for reproducing theoretical calculations. More... | |
class | NullCommodityType |
class | NullCondition |
null step condition More... | |
class | NullParameter |
Parameter which is always zero a(t) = 0 More... | |
class | NullPayoff |
Dummy payoff class. More... | |
class | NumericalDifferentiation |
Numerical Differentiation on arbitrarily spaced grids. More... | |
class | NumericHaganPricer |
CMS-coupon pricer. More... | |
class | NZDCurrency |
New Zealand dollar. More... | |
class | NZDLibor |
NZD LIBOR rate More... | |
class | Nzocr |
Nzocr index More... | |
class | Observable |
Object that notifies its changes to a set of observers. More... | |
class | ObservableSettings |
global repository for run-time library settings More... | |
class | ObservableValue |
observable and assignable proxy to concrete value More... | |
class | Observer |
Object that gets notified when a given observable changes. More... | |
class | OISRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over Overnight Indexed Swap rates. More... | |
class | OMRCurrency |
Omani rial. More... | |
class | OneAssetOption |
Base class for options on a single asset. More... | |
class | OneDayCounter |
1/1 day count convention More... | |
class | OneFactorAffineModel |
Single-factor affine base class. More... | |
class | OneFactorAffineSurvivalStructure |
class | OneFactorCopula |
Abstract base class for one-factor copula models. More... | |
class | OneFactorGaussianCopula |
One-factor Gaussian Copula. More... | |
class | OneFactorGaussianStudentCopula |
One-factor Gaussian-Student t-Copula. More... | |
class | OneFactorModel |
Single-factor short-rate model abstract class. More... | |
class | OneFactorStudentCopula |
One-factor Double Student t-Copula. More... | |
class | OneFactorStudentGaussianCopula |
One-factor Student t - Gaussian Copula. More... | |
class | OneStepCoinitialSwaps |
class | OneStepCoterminalSwaps |
class | OneStepForwards |
class | OneStepOptionlets |
class | OperatorTraits |
class | OptimizationMethod |
Abstract class for constrained optimization method. More... | |
class | Option |
base option class More... | |
class | OptionletStripper |
class | OptionletStripper1 |
class | OptionletStripper2 |
class | OptionletVolatilityStructure |
Optionlet (caplet/floorlet) volatility structure. More... | |
class | OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess |
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class. More... | |
class | OrthogonalizedBumpFinder |
class | OrthogonalProjections |
class | OvernightIborBasisSwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over overnight-ibor basis swaps. More... | |
class | OvernightIndex |
class | OvernightIndexedCoupon |
overnight coupon More... | |
class | OvernightIndexedSwap |
Overnight indexed swap: fix vs compounded overnight rate. More... | |
class | OvernightIndexedSwapIndex |
base class for overnight indexed swap indexes More... | |
class | OvernightIndexFuture |
class | OvernightIndexFutureRateHelper |
RateHelper for bootstrapping over overnight compounding futures. More... | |
class | OvernightLeg |
helper class building a sequence of overnight coupons More... | |
class | PagodaMultiPathPricer |
class | PagodaOption |
Roofed Asian option on a number of assets. More... | |
class | Parabolic |
class | ParallelEvolver |
class | ParallelEvolverTraits |
class | Parameter |
Base class for model arguments. More... | |
class | ParametersTransformation |
class | ParametricExercise |
class | ParametricExerciseAdapter |
class | ParkinsonSigma |
struct | PartialBarrier |
class | PartialTimeBarrierOption |
class | ParticleSwarmOptimization |
class | PascalTriangle |
Pascal triangle coefficients calculator. More... | |
class | Path |
single-factor random walk More... | |
class | PathGenerator |
Generates random paths using a sequence generator. More... | |
class | PathMultiAssetOption |
Base class for path-dependent options on multiple assets. More... | |
class | PathPayoff |
Abstract base class for path-dependent option payoffs. More... | |
class | PathPricer |
base class for path pricers More... | |
class | PathwiseAccountingEngine |
Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation for doing pathwise computation of Deltas. More... | |
class | PathwiseVegasAccountingEngine |
Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation for doing pathwise computation of Deltas and vegas. More... | |
class | PathwiseVegasOuterAccountingEngine |
Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation for doing pathwise computation of Deltas and vegas. More... | |
class | PaymentTerm |
class | Payoff |
Abstract base class for option payoffs. More... | |
class | PdeBSM |
class | PdeConstantCoeff |
class | PdeOperator |
class | PdeSecondOrderParabolic |
class | PEHCurrency |
Peruvian sol. More... | |
class | PEICurrency |
Peruvian inti. More... | |
class | PenaltyFunction |
class | PENCurrency |
Peruvian nuevo sol. More... | |
class | PercentageStrikePayoff |
Payoff with strike expressed as percentage More... | |
class | PerformanceOptionPathPricer |
class | Period |
class | PeriodParser |
class | PerturbativeBarrierOptionEngine |
perturbative barrier-option engine More... | |
class | PHPCurrency |
Philippine peso. More... | |
class | PiecewiseConstantAbcdVariance |
class | PiecewiseConstantCorrelation |
class | PiecewiseConstantParameter |
Piecewise-constant parameter. More... | |
class | PiecewiseConstantVariance |
class | PiecewiseDefaultCurve |
Piecewise default-probability term structure. More... | |
class | PiecewiseIntegral |
class | PiecewiseTimeDependentHestonModel |
Piecewise time dependent Heston model. More... | |
class | PiecewiseYieldCurve |
Piecewise yield term structure. More... | |
class | PiecewiseYoYInflationCurve |
Piecewise year-on-year inflation term structure. More... | |
class | PiecewiseYoYOptionletVolatilityCurve |
Piecewise year-on-year inflation volatility term structure. More... | |
class | PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve |
Piecewise zero-inflation term structure. More... | |
struct | Pillar |
class | PKRCurrency |
Pakistani rupee. More... | |
class | PlackettCopula |
Plackett copula. More... | |
class | PlainVanillaPayoff |
Plain-vanilla payoff. More... | |
class | PLNCurrency |
Polish zloty. More... | |
class | PoissonDistribution |
Poisson distribution function. More... | |
class | Poland |
Polish calendar. More... | |
class | PolarStudentTRng |
Student t random number generator. More... | |
class | Polynomial |
polynomial2D-spline-interpolation factory More... | |
class | Polynomial2DSpline |
polynomial2D-spline interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | PolynomialFunction |
Cubic functional form More... | |
class | Pool |
struct | Position |
class | PositiveConstraint |
Constraint imposing positivity to all arguments More... | |
class | Predefined1dMesher |
class | Pribor |
PRIBOR rate More... | |
class | PricingEngine |
interface for pricing engines More... | |
struct | PricingError |
class | PricingPeriod |
Time pricingperiod described by a number of a given time unit. More... | |
class | PrimeNumbers |
Prime numbers calculator. More... | |
struct | ProbabilityAlwaysDownhill |
Always Downhill Probability. More... | |
class | ProbabilityBoltzmann |
Boltzmann Probability. More... | |
class | ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill |
Boltzmann Downhill Probability. More... | |
class | ProbabilityOfAtLeastNEvents |
Probability of at least N events. More... | |
class | ProbabilityOfNEvents |
Probability of N events. More... | |
class | Problem |
Constrained optimization problem. More... | |
class | ProjectedConstraint |
class | ProjectedCostFunction |
Parameterized cost function. More... | |
class | Projection |
class | ProportionalNotionalRisk |
struct | Protection |
information on a default-protection contract More... | |
class | ProxyGreekEngine |
class | ProxyIbor |
IborIndex calculated as proxy of some other IborIndex. More... | |
class | PseudoRootFacade |
class | PTECurrency |
Portuguese escudo. More... | |
class | QARCurrency |
Qatari riyal. More... | |
class | QdFpAmericanEngine |
High performance/precision American engine based on fixed point iteration for the exercise boundary. More... | |
class | QdFpIterationScheme |
Iteration scheme for fixed-point QD American engine. More... | |
class | QdFpLegendreScheme |
Gauss-Legendre (l,m,n)-p Scheme. More... | |
class | QdFpLegendreTanhSinhScheme |
Legendre-Tanh-Sinh (l,m,n)-eps Scheme. More... | |
class | QdFpTanhSinhIterationScheme |
tanh-sinh (m,n)-eps Scheme More... | |
class | QdPlusAmericanEngine |
American engine based on the QD+ approximation to the exercise boundary. More... | |
class | quadratic |
class | Quantity |
Amount of a commodity. More... | |
class | QuantoBarrierOption |
Quanto version of a barrier option. More... | |
class | QuantoDoubleBarrierOption |
Quanto version of a double barrier option. More... | |
class | QuantoEngine |
Quanto engine. More... | |
class | QuantoForwardVanillaOption |
Quanto version of a forward vanilla option. More... | |
class | QuantoOptionResults |
Results from quanto option calculation More... | |
class | QuantoTermStructure |
Quanto term structure. More... | |
class | QuantoVanillaOption |
quanto version of a vanilla option More... | |
class | Quote |
purely virtual base class for market observables More... | |
class | RandomDefaultLM |
class | RandomDefaultModel |
Base class for random default models. More... | |
class | RandomizedLDS |
Randomized (random shift) low-discrepancy sequence. More... | |
class | RandomLM |
class | RandomLossLM |
class | RandomSequenceGenerator |
Random sequence generator based on a pseudo-random number generator. More... | |
class | RangeAccrualFloatersCoupon |
class | RangeAccrualLeg |
helper class building a sequence of range-accrual floating-rate coupons More... | |
class | RangeAccrualPricer |
class | RangeAccrualPricerByBgm |
class | Ranlux64UniformRng |
Uniform random number generator. More... | |
class | RatchetMaxPayoff |
RatchetMax payoff (double option) More... | |
class | RatchetMinPayoff |
RatchetMin payoff (double option) More... | |
class | RatchetPayoff |
Ratchet payoff (single option) More... | |
struct | RateAveraging |
rate averaging method More... | |
class | RatePseudoRootJacobian |
class | RatePseudoRootJacobianAllElements |
class | RatePseudoRootJacobianNumerical |
class | ReannealingFiniteDifferences |
Reannealing Finite Difference. More... | |
struct | ReannealingTrivial |
Reannealing Trivial. More... | |
class | RebatedExercise |
Rebated exercise. More... | |
class | RecoveryRateModel |
class | RecoveryRateQuote |
Stores a recovery rate market quote and the associated seniority. More... | |
class | RecursiveLossModel |
class | Redemption |
Bond redemption. More... | |
class | Region |
Region class, used for inflation applicability. More... | |
class | RelativeDateBootstrapHelper |
Bootstrap helper with date schedule relative to global evaluation date. More... | |
class | RelinkableHandle |
Relinkable handle to an observable. More... | |
class | RendistatoBasket |
class | RendistatoCalculator |
class | RendistatoEquivalentSwapLengthQuote |
RendistatoCalculator equivalent swap lenth Quote adapter. More... | |
class | RendistatoEquivalentSwapSpreadQuote |
RendistatoCalculator equivalent swap spread Quote adapter. More... | |
class | ReplicatingVarianceSwapEngine |
Variance-swap pricing engine using replicating cost,. More... | |
struct | Replication |
Digital option replication strategy. More... | |
struct | Restructuring |
Restructuring type. More... | |
class | RichardsonExtrapolation |
Richardson Extrapolation. More... | |
class | Ridder |
Ridder 1-D solver More... | |
class | RiskNeutralDensityCalculator |
class | RiskyAssetSwap |
Risky asset-swap instrument. More... | |
class | RiskyAssetSwapOption |
Option on risky asset swap More... | |
class | RiskyBondEngine |
Risky pricing engine for bonds. More... | |
class | Robor |
ROBOR rate More... | |
class | ROLCurrency |
Romanian leu. More... | |
class | Romania |
Romanian calendars. More... | |
class | RONCurrency |
Romanian new leu. More... | |
class | Rounding |
basic rounding class More... | |
class | RSDCurrency |
Serbian dinar. More... | |
class | RUBCurrency |
Russian ruble. More... | |
class | Russia |
Russian calendars. More... | |
class | SABR |
SABR interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | SabrInterpolatedSmileSection |
class | SABRInterpolation |
SABR smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More... | |
class | SabrSmileSection |
class | SabrVolSurface |
SABR volatility (smile) surface. More... | |
class | SABRVolTermStructure |
class | SaddlePointLossModel |
Saddle point portfolio credit default loss model. More... | |
struct | SalvagingAlgorithm |
algorithm used for matricial pseudo square root More... | |
struct | Sample |
weighted sample More... | |
class | SampledCurve |
class | SamplerCauchy |
Cauchy Sampler. More... | |
class | SamplerGaussian |
Gaussian Sampler. More... | |
class | SamplerLogNormal |
Lognormal Sampler. More... | |
class | SamplerMirrorGaussian |
Gaussian Mirror Sampler. More... | |
class | SamplerRingGaussian |
Gaussian Ring Sampler. More... | |
class | SamplerVeryFastAnnealing |
Very Fast Annealing Sampler. More... | |
class | SARCurrency |
Saudi riyal. More... | |
class | SaudiArabia |
Saudi Arabian calendar. More... | |
class | SavedSettings |
class | Schedule |
Payment schedule. More... | |
class | Seasonality |
A transformation of an existing inflation swap rate. More... | |
class | Secant |
Secant 1-D solver More... | |
class | SecondDerivativeOp |
class | SecondOrderMixedDerivativeOp |
class | SeedGenerator |
Random seed generator. More... | |
class | SegmentIntegral |
Integral of a one-dimensional function. More... | |
class | SEKCurrency |
Swedish krona. More... | |
class | SEKLibor |
SEK LIBOR rate More... | |
class | Settings |
global repository for run-time library settings More... | |
struct | Settlement |
settlement information More... | |
class | SGDCurrency |
Singapore dollar More... | |
class | Shibor |
class | ShortRateModel |
Abstract short-rate model class. More... | |
struct | simEvent |
struct | simEvent< RandomDefaultLM< copulaPolicy, USNG > > |
struct | simEvent< RandomLossLM< copulaPolicy, USNG > > |
class | SimpleCashFlow |
Predetermined cash flow. More... | |
class | SimpleChooserOption |
Simple chooser option. More... | |
class | SimpleDayCounter |
Simple day counter for reproducing theoretical calculations. More... | |
class | SimpleLocalEstimator |
Local-estimator volatility model. More... | |
class | SimplePolynomialFitting |
Simple polynomial fitting method. More... | |
class | SimpleQuote |
market element returning a stored value More... | |
class | SimpleRandomInertia |
Simple Random Inertia. More... | |
class | Simplex |
Multi-dimensional simplex class. More... | |
struct | SimpleZeroYield |
Simple Zero-curve traits. More... | |
class | SimpsonIntegral |
Integral of a one-dimensional function. More... | |
class | SimulatedAnnealing |
Simulated Annealing. More... | |
class | Singapore |
Singapore calendars More... | |
class | SingleProductComposite |
Composition of one or more market-model products. More... | |
class | Singleton |
Basic support for the singleton pattern. More... | |
struct | SingleVariate |
default Monte Carlo traits for single-variate models More... | |
class | SITCurrency |
Slovenian tolar. More... | |
class | SKKCurrency |
Slovak koruna. More... | |
class | Slovakia |
Slovak calendars. More... | |
class | SmileSection |
interest rate volatility smile section More... | |
class | SmileSectionUtils |
class | SMMDriftCalculator |
Drift computation for coterminal swap market models. More... | |
class | SobolBrownianBridgeRsg |
class | SobolBrownianGenerator |
class | SobolBrownianGeneratorBase |
Sobol Brownian generator for market-model simulations. More... | |
class | SobolBrownianGeneratorFactory |
class | SobolRsg |
Sobol low-discrepancy sequence generator. More... | |
class | Sofr |
Sofr (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) index. More... | |
class | SofrFutureRateHelper |
RateHelper for bootstrapping over CME SOFR futures. More... | |
class | SoftCallability |
callability leaving to the holder the possibility to convert More... | |
class | Solver1D |
Base class for 1-D solvers. More... | |
class | Sonia |
Sonia (Sterling Overnight Index Average) rate. More... | |
class | SouthAfrica |
South-African calendar. More... | |
class | SouthKorea |
South Korean calendars. More... | |
class | SparseILUPreconditioner |
class | SphereCylinderOptimizer |
class | SpotRecoveryLatentModel |
Random spot recovery rate latent variable portfolio model. More... | |
class | SpreadBasketPayoff |
class | SpreadCdsHelper |
Spread-quoted CDS hazard rate bootstrap helper. More... | |
class | SpreadedHazardRateCurve |
Default-probability structure with an additive spread on hazard rates. More... | |
class | SpreadedOptionletVolatility |
class | SpreadedSmileSection |
class | SpreadedSwaptionVolatility |
class | SpreadFittingMethod |
Spread fitting method helper. More... | |
class | SpreadOption |
Spread option on two assets. More... | |
class | SquareRootAndersen |
class | SquareRootCLVModel |
class | SquareRootProcess |
Square-root process class. More... | |
class | SquareRootProcessRNDCalculator |
class | StatsHolder |
Helper class for precomputed distributions. More... | |
class | SteepestDescent |
Multi-dimensional steepest-descent class. More... | |
class | step_iterator |
Iterator advancing in constant steps. More... | |
class | StepCondition |
condition to be applied at every time step More... | |
class | StepConditionSet |
class | StickyMaxPayoff |
StickyMax payoff (double option) More... | |
class | StickyMinPayoff |
StickyMin payoff (double option) More... | |
class | StickyPayoff |
Sticky payoff (single option) More... | |
class | StochasticCollocationInvCDF |
Stochastic collocation inverse cumulative distribution function. More... | |
class | StochasticProcess |
multi-dimensional stochastic process class. More... | |
class | StochasticProcess1D |
1-dimensional stochastic process More... | |
class | StochasticProcessArray |
Array of correlated 1-D stochastic processes More... | |
class | Stock |
Simple stock class. More... | |
class | StrikedTypePayoff |
Intermediate class for payoffs based on a fixed strike. More... | |
class | StrippedCappedFlooredCoupon |
class | StrippedCappedFlooredCouponLeg |
class | StrippedOptionlet |
class | StrippedOptionletAdapter |
class | StrippedOptionletBase |
class | StudentDistribution |
Student t-distribution. More... | |
class | StulzEngine |
Pricing engine for 2D European Baskets. More... | |
class | SubPeriodsCoupon |
sub-periods coupon More... | |
class | SubPeriodsLeg |
helper class building a sequence of overnight coupons More... | |
class | SubPeriodsPricer |
class | SuoWangDoubleBarrierEngine |
Pricing engine for barrier options using analytical formulae. More... | |
class | SuperFundPayoff |
Binary supershare and superfund payoffs. More... | |
class | SuperSharePayoff |
Binary supershare payoff. More... | |
struct | SurvivalProbability |
Survival-Probability-curve traits. More... | |
class | SurvivalProbabilityStructure |
Hazard-rate term structure. More... | |
class | SVD |
Singular value decomposition. More... | |
class | SVDDFwdRatePc |
class | SvenssonFitting |
Svensson Fitting method. More... | |
class | Svi |
Svi interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | SviInterpolatedSmileSection |
class | SviInterpolation |
Svi smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More... | |
class | SviSmileSection |
Stochastic Volatility Inspired Smile Section. More... | |
class | Swap |
Interest rate swap. More... | |
class | SwapBasisSystem |
class | SwapCashFlows |
class | SwapForwardBasisSystem |
class | SwapForwardMappings |
class | SwapIndex |
base class for swap-rate indexes More... | |
class | SwapRateHelper |
Rate helper for bootstrapping over swap rates. More... | |
class | SwapRateTrigger |
class | SwapSpreadIndex |
class for swap-rate spread indexes More... | |
class | Swaption |
Swaption class More... | |
class | SwaptionCashFlows |
class | SwaptionHelper |
calibration helper for interest-rate swaptions More... | |
class | SwaptionPseudoDerivative |
class | SwaptionVolatilityCube |
swaption-volatility cube More... | |
class | SwaptionVolatilityDiscrete |
class | SwaptionVolatilityMatrix |
At-the-money swaption-volatility matrix. More... | |
class | SwaptionVolatilityStructure |
Swaption-volatility structure More... | |
struct | SwaptionVolCubeNoArbSabrModel |
struct | SwaptionVolCubeSabrModel |
Swaption Volatility Cube SABR. More... | |
class | Sweden |
Swedish calendar. More... | |
class | Swestr |
Swestr (Swedish krona Short Term Rate) index. More... | |
class | SwingExercise |
Swing exercise. More... | |
class | Switzerland |
Swiss calendar. More... | |
class | SymmetricSchurDecomposition |
symmetric threshold Jacobi algorithm. More... | |
class | SyntheticCDO |
Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation. More... | |
class | TabulatedGaussLegendre |
tabulated Gauss-Legendre quadratures More... | |
class | Taiwan |
Taiwanese calendars. More... | |
class | TanhSinhIntegral |
class | TARGET |
TARGET calendar More... | |
class | TCopulaPolicy |
Student-T Latent Model's copula policy. More... | |
class | TemperatureBoltzmann |
Temperature Boltzmann. More... | |
class | TemperatureCauchy |
Temperature Cauchy. More... | |
class | TemperatureCauchy1D |
class | TemperatureExponential |
class | TemperatureVeryFastAnnealing |
Temperature Very Fast Annealing. More... | |
class | TenorOptionletVTS |
class | TenorSwaptionVTS |
class | TermStructure |
Basic term-structure functionality. More... | |
class | TermStructureConsistentModel |
Term-structure consistent model class. More... | |
class | TermStructureFittingParameter |
Deterministic time-dependent parameter used for yield-curve fitting. More... | |
class | Thailand |
Thailand calendars More... | |
class | THBCurrency |
Thai baht. More... | |
class | THBFIX |
THB THBFIX rate More... | |
class | Thirty360 |
30/360 day count convention More... | |
class | Thirty365 |
30/365 day count convention More... | |
class | Tian |
Tian tree: third moment matching, multiplicative approach More... | |
class | Tibor |
JPY TIBOR index More... | |
class | TimeBasket |
Distribution over a number of dates. More... | |
class | TimeGrid |
time grid class More... | |
class | TimeHomogeneousForwardCorrelation |
class | TimeSeries |
Container for historical data. More... | |
class | TNDCurrency |
Tunisian dinar. More... | |
class | TokyoKilolitreUnitOfMeasure |
class | Tona |
TONA index More... | |
class | TqrEigenDecomposition |
tridiag. QR eigen decomposition with explicite shift aka Wilkinson More... | |
class | TransformedGrid |
transformed grid More... | |
class | TrapezoidIntegral |
Integral of a one-dimensional function. More... | |
class | TRBDF2 |
TR-BDF2 scheme for finite difference methods. More... | |
class | TrBDF2Scheme |
class | Tree |
Tree approximating a single-factor diffusion More... | |
class | TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine |
Numerical lattice engine for callable fixed rate bonds. More... | |
class | TreeCallableZeroCouponBondEngine |
Numerical lattice engine for callable zero coupon bonds. More... | |
class | TreeCapFloorEngine |
Numerical lattice engine for cap/floors. More... | |
class | TreeLattice |
Tree-based lattice-method base class. More... | |
class | TreeLattice1D |
One-dimensional tree-based lattice. More... | |
class | TreeLattice2D |
Two-dimensional tree-based lattice. More... | |
class | TreeSwaptionEngine |
Numerical lattice engine for swaptions. More... | |
class | TreeVanillaSwapEngine |
Numerical lattice engine for simple swaps. More... | |
class | TridiagonalOperator |
Base implementation for tridiagonal operator. More... | |
class | Trigeorgis |
Trigeorgis (additive equal jumps) binomial tree More... | |
class | TriggeredSwapExercise |
class | TrinomialTree |
Recombining trinomial tree class. More... | |
class | TripleBandLinearOp |
class | TrivialInertia |
Trivial Inertia. More... | |
class | TRLCurrency |
Turkish lira. More... | |
class | TRLibor |
TRY LIBOR rate More... | |
class | TRYCurrency |
New Turkish lira. More... | |
class | TsiveriotisFernandesLattice |
Binomial lattice approximating the Tsiveriotis-Fernandes model. More... | |
class | TTDCurrency |
Trinidad & Tobago dollar. More... | |
class | Turkey |
Turkish calendar. More... | |
class | TurnbullWakemanAsianEngine |
class | TWDCurrency |
Taiwan dollar More... | |
class | TwoAssetBarrierOption |
Barrier option on two assets More... | |
class | TwoAssetCorrelationOption |
class | TwoDimensionalIntegral |
Integral of a two-dimensional function. More... | |
class | TwoFactorModel |
Abstract base-class for two-factor models. More... | |
class | TypePayoff |
Intermediate class for put/call payoffs. More... | |
class | UAHCurrency |
Ukrainian hryvnia. More... | |
class | UGXCurrency |
Ugandan shilling. More... | |
class | UKHICP |
UK HICP index. More... | |
class | Ukraine |
Ukrainian calendars. More... | |
class | UKRegion |
United Kingdom as geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | UKRPI |
UK Retail Price Inflation Index. More... | |
class | UltimateForwardTermStructure |
Ultimate forward term structure. More... | |
class | Uniform1dMesher |
class | UniformGridMesher |
class | UnitDisplacedBlackYoYInflationCouponPricer |
Unit-Displaced-Black-formula pricer for capped/floored yoy inflation coupons. More... | |
class | UnitedKingdom |
United Kingdom calendars. More... | |
class | UnitedStates |
United States calendars. More... | |
class | UnitOfMeasure |
Unit of measure specification More... | |
class | UnitOfMeasureConversion |
class | UnitOfMeasureConversionManager |
repository of conversion factors between units of measure More... | |
class | UpfrontCdsHelper |
Upfront-quoted CDS hazard rate bootstrap helper. More... | |
class | UpperBoundEngine |
Market-model engine for upper-bound estimation. More... | |
class | UpRounding |
Up-rounding. More... | |
class | USCPI |
US CPI index. More... | |
class | USDCurrency |
U.S. dollar. More... | |
class | USDLibor |
USD LIBOR rate More... | |
class | USDLiborON |
Overnight USD Libor index. More... | |
class | UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixAm |
UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixAm index base class More... | |
class | UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixPm |
UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixPm index base class More... | |
class | USRegion |
USA as geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | UYUCurrency |
Uruguayan peso. More... | |
class | VanillaForwardPayoff |
class | VanillaOption |
Vanilla option (no discrete dividends, no barriers) on a single asset. More... | |
class | VanillaOptionPricer |
class | VanillaStorageOption |
base option class More... | |
class | VanillaSwap |
Plain-vanilla swap: fix vs ibor leg. More... | |
class | VanillaSwingOption |
base option class More... | |
class | VanillaVPPOption |
class | VannaVolga |
VannaVolga-interpolation factory and traits More... | |
class | VannaVolgaBarrierEngine |
Vanna/Volga barrier option engine. More... | |
class | VannaVolgaDoubleBarrierEngine |
Vanna Volga double-barrier option engine. More... | |
class | VannaVolgaInterpolation |
Vanna Volga interpolation between discrete points More... | |
class | VarianceGammaEngine |
Variance Gamma Pricing engine for European vanilla options using integral approach. More... | |
class | VarianceGammaModel |
Variance Gamma model. More... | |
class | VarianceGammaProcess |
Variance gamma process. More... | |
class | VarianceOption |
Variance option. More... | |
class | VariancePathPricer |
class | VarianceSwap |
Variance swap. More... | |
class | Vasicek |
Vasicek model class More... | |
class | VEBCurrency |
Venezuelan bolivar. More... | |
class | VegaBumpCluster |
class | VegaBumpCollection |
class | VegaStressedBlackScholesProcess |
Black-Scholes process which supports local vega stress tests. More... | |
class | Visitor |
Visitor for a specific class More... | |
class | VNDCurrency |
Vietnamese Dong. More... | |
class | VolatilityBumpInstrumentJacobian |
class | VolatilityCompositor |
class | VolatilityCube |
class | VolatilityInterpolationSpecifier |
class | VolatilityInterpolationSpecifierabcd |
class | VolatilityTermStructure |
Volatility term structure. More... | |
class | WeekendsOnly |
Weekends-only calendar. More... | |
class | Wibor |
WIBOR rate More... | |
class | WriterExtensibleOption |
Writer-extensible option. More... | |
class | XabrSwaptionVolatilityCube |
XABR Swaption Volatility Cube. More... | |
class | XOFCurrency |
class | Xoshiro256StarStarUniformRng |
Uniform random number generator. More... | |
class | XRPCurrency |
Ripple. More... | |
class | YearOnYearInflationSwap |
Year-on-year inflation-indexed swap. More... | |
class | YearOnYearInflationSwapHelper |
Year-on-year inflation-swap bootstrap helper. More... | |
class | YieldTermStructure |
Interest-rate term structure. More... | |
class | YoYCapFloorTermPriceSurface |
Abstract base class, inheriting from InflationTermStructure. More... | |
class | YoYInflationBachelierCapFloorEngine |
Unit Displaced Black-formula inflation cap/floor engine (standalone, i.e. no coupon pricer) More... | |
class | YoYInflationBlackCapFloorEngine |
Black-formula inflation cap/floor engine (standalone, i.e. no coupon pricer) More... | |
class | YoYInflationCap |
Concrete YoY Inflation cap class. More... | |
class | YoYInflationCapFloor |
Base class for yoy inflation cap-like instruments. More... | |
class | YoYInflationCapFloorEngine |
Base YoY inflation cap/floor engine. More... | |
class | YoYInflationCollar |
Concrete YoY Inflation collar class. More... | |
class | YoYInflationCoupon |
Coupon paying a YoY-inflation type index More... | |
class | YoYInflationCouponPricer |
base pricer for capped/floored YoY inflation coupons More... | |
class | YoYInflationFloor |
Concrete YoY Inflation floor class. More... | |
class | YoYInflationIndex |
Base class for year-on-year inflation indices. More... | |
class | yoyInflationLeg |
class | YoYInflationTermStructure |
Base class for year-on-year inflation term structures. More... | |
class | YoYInflationTraits |
Bootstrap traits to use for PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve. More... | |
class | YoYInflationUnitDisplacedBlackCapFloorEngine |
Unit Displaced Black-formula inflation cap/floor engine (standalone, i.e. no coupon pricer) More... | |
class | YoYInflationVolatilityTraits |
traits for inflation-volatility bootstrap More... | |
class | YoYOptionletHelper |
Year-on-year inflation-volatility bootstrap helper. More... | |
class | YoYOptionletStripper |
Interface for inflation cap stripping, i.e. from price surfaces. More... | |
class | YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface |
class | YYAUCPI |
Quoted year-on-year AU CPI (i.e. not a ratio) More... | |
class | YYAUCPIr |
Year-on-year AUCPI (i.e. a ratio) More... | |
class | YYEUHICP |
Quoted year-on-year EU HICP (i.e. not a ratio of EU HICP) More... | |
class | YYEUHICPr |
Year-on-year EU HICP (i.e. a ratio of EU HICP) More... | |
class | YYEUHICPXT |
Quoted year-on-year EU HICPXT. More... | |
class | YYFRHICP |
Quoted year-on-year FR HICP (i.e. not a ratio) More... | |
class | YYFRHICPr |
Year-on-year FR HICP (i.e. a ratio) More... | |
class | YYGenericCPI |
Quoted year-on-year Generic CPI (i.e. not a ratio) More... | |
class | YYGenericCPIr |
Year-on-year GenericCPI (i.e. a ratio) More... | |
class | YYUKRPI |
Quoted year-on-year UK RPI (i.e. not a ratio of UK RPI) More... | |
class | YYUKRPIr |
Year-on-year UK RPI (i.e. a ratio of UK RPI) More... | |
class | YYUSCPI |
Quoted year-on-year US CPI (i.e. not a ratio of US CPI) More... | |
class | YYUSCPIr |
Year-on-year US CPI (i.e. a ratio of US CPI) More... | |
class | YYZACPI |
Quoted year-on-year South African CPI (i.e. not a ratio of ZA CPI) More... | |
class | YYZACPIr |
Year-on-year South African CPI (i.e. a ratio of ZA CPI) More... | |
class | Zabr |
no arbtrage sabr interpolation factory and traits More... | |
struct | ZabrFullFd |
class | ZabrInterpolatedSmileSection |
class | ZabrInterpolation |
zabr smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More... | |
struct | ZabrLocalVolatility |
class | ZabrModel |
struct | ZabrShortMaturityLognormal |
struct | ZabrShortMaturityNormal |
class | ZabrSmileSection |
class | ZACPI |
South African Consumer Price Inflation Index. More... | |
class | ZARCurrency |
South-African rand. More... | |
class | ZARegion |
South Africa as geographical/economic region. More... | |
class | ZECCurrency |
Zcash. More... | |
class | ZeroCondition |
Zero exercise condition. More... | |
class | ZeroCouponBond |
zero-coupon bond More... | |
class | ZeroCouponInflationSwap |
Zero-coupon inflation-indexed swap. More... | |
class | ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper |
Zero-coupon inflation-swap bootstrap helper. More... | |
class | ZeroCouponSwap |
Zero-coupon interest rate swap. More... | |
class | ZeroInflationCashFlow |
Cash flow dependent on a zero inflation index ratio. More... | |
class | ZeroInflationIndex |
Base class for zero inflation indices. More... | |
class | ZeroInflationTermStructure |
Interface for zero inflation term structures. More... | |
class | ZeroInflationTraits |
Bootstrap traits to use for PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve. More... | |
class | ZeroSpreadedTermStructure |
Term structure with an added spread on the zero yield rate. More... | |
struct | ZeroYield |
Zero-curve traits. More... | |
class | ZeroYieldStructure |
Zero-yield term structure. More... | |
class | Zibor |
CHF ZIBOR rate More... | |
struct | Ziggurat |
class | ZigguratGaussianRng |
Gaussian random number generator. More... | |
class | ZigguratRng |
Ziggurat random-number generator. More... | |
class | ZMWCurrency |
Zambian kwacha. More... | |
Functions | |
template<typename InterestRateIndexType , typename FloatingCouponType , typename CappedFlooredCouponType > | |
Leg | FloatingLeg (const Schedule &schedule, const std::vector< Real > &nominals, const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > &index, const DayCounter &paymentDayCounter, BusinessDayConvention paymentAdj, const std::vector< Natural > &fixingDays, const std::vector< Real > &gearings, const std::vector< Spread > &spreads, const std::vector< Rate > &caps, const std::vector< Rate > &floors, bool isInArrears, bool isZero, Integer paymentLag=0, Calendar paymentCalendar=Calendar(), Period exCouponPeriod=Period(), Calendar exCouponCalendar=Calendar(), BusinessDayConvention exCouponAdjustment=Unadjusted, bool exCouponEndOfMonth=false) |
template<typename InterestRateIndexType , typename FloatingCouponType , typename DigitalCouponType > | |
Leg | FloatingDigitalLeg (const Schedule &schedule, const std::vector< Real > &nominals, const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > &index, const DayCounter &paymentDayCounter, BusinessDayConvention paymentAdj, const std::vector< Natural > &fixingDays, const std::vector< Real > &gearings, const std::vector< Spread > &spreads, bool isInArrears, const std::vector< Rate > &callStrikes, Position::Type callPosition, bool isCallATMIncluded, const std::vector< Rate > &callDigitalPayoffs, const std::vector< Rate > &putStrikes, Position::Type putPosition, bool isPutATMIncluded, const std::vector< Rate > &putDigitalPayoffs, const ext::shared_ptr< DigitalReplication > &replication, bool nakedOption=false) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, GFunctionFactory::YieldCurveModel type) |
void | setCouponPricer (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &pricer) |
void | setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > > &pricers) |
void | setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p1, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p2) |
void | setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p1, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p2, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p3) |
void | setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p1, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p2, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p3, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p4) |
std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Dividend > > | DividendVector (const std::vector< Date > ÷ndDates, const std::vector< Real > ÷nds) |
helper function building a sequence of fixed dividends More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Duration::Type d) |
void | setCouponPricer (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< EquityCashFlowPricer > &p) |
void | setCouponPricer (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< InflationCouponPricer > &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Replication::Type r) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Currency &c) |
bool | operator== (const Currency &c1, const Currency &c2) |
bool | operator!= (const Currency &c1, const Currency &c2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SecondaryCostAmounts &secondaryCostAmounts) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PricingError &error) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PricingErrors &errors) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityCashFlows &cashFlows) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityCurve &curve) |
bool | operator== (const CommodityCurve &c1, const CommodityCurve &c2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityIndex &index) |
bool | operator== (const CommodityIndex &i1, const CommodityIndex &i2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityType &c) |
bool | operator== (const CommodityType &c1, const CommodityType &c2) |
bool | operator!= (const CommodityType &c1, const CommodityType &c2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityUnitCost &unitCost) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DateInterval &di) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EnergyDailyPositions &dailyPositions) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PaymentTerm &c) |
bool | operator== (const PaymentTerm &c1, const PaymentTerm &c2) |
bool | operator!= (const PaymentTerm &c1, const PaymentTerm &c2) |
Real | operator/ (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
bool | operator== (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
bool | operator< (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
bool | operator<= (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
bool | close (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2, Size n) |
bool | close_enough (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2, Size n) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quantity &quantity) |
Quantity | operator+ (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
Quantity | operator- (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
Quantity | operator* (const Quantity &m, Real x) |
Quantity | operator* (Real x, const Quantity &m) |
Quantity | operator/ (const Quantity &m, Real x) |
bool | operator!= (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
bool | operator> (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
bool | operator>= (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UnitOfMeasure &c) |
bool | operator== (const UnitOfMeasure &c1, const UnitOfMeasure &c2) |
bool | operator!= (const UnitOfMeasure &c1, const UnitOfMeasure &c2) |
bool | operator== (const DefaultEvent &lhs, const DefaultEvent &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (const DefaultEvent &lhs, const DefaultEvent &rhs) |
bool | operator== (const DefaultProbKey &lhs, const DefaultProbKey &rhs) |
bool | operator== (const DefaultType &lhs, const DefaultType &rhs) |
bool | operator< (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2) |
bool | operator> (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2) |
bool | operator== (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2) |
bool | operator!= (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2) |
std::map< Seniority, Real > | makeIsdaConvMap () |
Helper function for conventional recoveries. Returns the ISDA. More... | |
void | laplaceInterpolation (Matrix &A, const std::vector< Real > &x, const std::vector< Real > &y, Real relTol, Size maxIterMultiplier) |
Matrix | moorePenroseInverse (const Matrix &A, const Real tol=Null< Real >()) |
template<> | |
std::vector< Real > | GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator::integrate< std::vector< Real > > (const ext::function< std::vector< Real >(const std::vector< Real > &v1)> &f) const |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, SensitivityAnalysis s) |
Real | aggregateNPV (const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities) |
utility fuction for weighted sum of NPVs More... | |
pair< Real, Real > | parallelAnalysis (const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered, Real referenceNpv=Null< Real >()) |
parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector More... | |
pair< Real, Real > | bucketAnalysis (const Handle< SimpleQuote > "e, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered, Real referenceNpv=Null< Real >()) |
(bucket) PV01 sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote More... | |
void | bucketAnalysis (std::vector< Real > &deltaVector, std::vector< Real > &gammaVector, std::vector< Real > &referenceValues, const Handle< SimpleQuote > "e, const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > ¶meters, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered) |
(bucket) parameters' sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote More... | |
pair< vector< Real >, vector< Real > > | bucketAnalysis (const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > "es, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered) |
bucket PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector More... | |
void | bucketAnalysis (std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &deltaMatrix, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &gammaMatrix, const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > "es, const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > ¶meters, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered) |
bucket parameters' sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector More... | |
pair< vector< vector< Real > >, vector< vector< Real > > > | bucketAnalysis (const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered) |
bucket sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix More... | |
std::pair< Real, Real > | parallelAnalysis (const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered, Real referenceNpv=Null< Real >()) |
parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, IrregularSettlement::Type t) |
Array | CenteredGrid (Real center, Real dx, Size steps) |
Array | BoundedGrid (Real xMin, Real xMax, Size steps) |
Array | BoundedLogGrid (Real xMin, Real xMax, Size steps) |
bool | operator== (const Region &r1, const Region &r2) |
bool | operator!= (const Region &r1, const Region &r2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Average::Type type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Barrier::Type type) |
Schedule | sinkingSchedule (const Date &startDate, const Period &bondLength, const Frequency &frequency, const Calendar &paymentCalendar) |
returns a schedule for French amortization More... | |
std::vector< Real > | sinkingNotionals (const Period &bondLength, const Frequency &frequency, Rate couponRate, Real initialNotional) |
returns a sequence of notionals for French amortization More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, CapFloor::Type t) |
Date | cdsMaturity (const Date &tradeDate, const Period &tenor, DateGeneration::Rule rule) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DoubleBarrier::Type type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Futures::Type f) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, YoYInflationCapFloor::Type t) |
void | simplifyNotificationGraph (Instrument &instrument, const Leg &leg, bool unregisterCoupons=false) |
Utility function to optimize the observability graph of an instrument. More... | |
void | simplifyNotificationGraph (Swap &swap, bool unregisterCoupons=false) |
Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a swap. More... | |
void | simplifyNotificationGraph (Bond &bond, bool unregisterCoupons=false) |
Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a bond. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Swap::Type t) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Settlement::Type t) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Settlement::Method m) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const InterestRate &ir) |
Real | DotProduct (const Array &v1, const Array &v2) |
Real | Norm2 (const Array &v) |
Array | operator+ (const Array &v) |
Array | operator+ (Array &&v) |
Array | operator- (const Array &v) |
Array | operator- (Array &&v) |
Array | operator+ (const Array &v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator+ (const Array &v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator+ (Array &&v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator+ (Array &&v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator+ (const Array &v1, Real a) |
Array | operator+ (Array &&v1, Real a) |
Array | operator+ (Real a, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator+ (Real a, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator- (const Array &v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator- (const Array &v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator- (Array &&v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator- (Array &&v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator- (const Array &v1, Real a) |
Array | operator- (Array &&v1, Real a) |
Array | operator- (Real a, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator- (Real a, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator* (const Array &v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator* (const Array &v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator* (Array &&v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator* (Array &&v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator* (const Array &v1, Real a) |
Array | operator* (Array &&v1, Real a) |
Array | operator* (Real a, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator* (Real a, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator/ (const Array &v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator/ (const Array &v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator/ (Array &&v1, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator/ (Array &&v1, Array &&v2) |
Array | operator/ (const Array &v1, Real a) |
Array | operator/ (Array &&v1, Real a) |
Array | operator/ (Real a, const Array &v2) |
Array | operator/ (Real a, Array &&v2) |
Array | Abs (const Array &v) |
Array | Abs (Array &&v) |
Array | Sqrt (const Array &v) |
Array | Sqrt (Array &&v) |
Array | Log (const Array &v) |
Array | Log (Array &&v) |
Array | Exp (const Array &v) |
Array | Exp (Array &&v) |
Array | Pow (const Array &v, Real alpha) |
Array | Pow (Array &&v, Real alpha) |
void | swap (Array &v, Array &w) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Array &a) |
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | convolutions (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag) |
Convolutions of the input sequence. More... | |
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | autocovariances (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag) |
Unbiased auto-covariances. More... | |
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator > | |
Real | autocovariances (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag, bool reuse) |
Unbiased auto-covariances. More... | |
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | autocorrelations (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag) |
Unbiased auto-correlations. More... | |
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator > | |
Real | autocorrelations (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag, bool reuse) |
Unbiased auto-correlations. More... | |
Real | betaContinuedFraction (Real a, Real b, Real x, Real accuracy, Integer maxIteration) |
Real | incompleteBetaFunction (Real a, Real b, Real x, Real accuracy=1e-16, Integer maxIteration=100) |
Incomplete Beta function. More... | |
Real | betaFunction (Real z, Real w) |
bool | close (Real x, Real y) |
bool | close (Real x, Real y, Size n) |
bool | close_enough (Real x, Real y) |
bool | close_enough (Real x, Real y, Size n) |
Real | binomialCoefficientLn (BigNatural n, BigNatural k) |
Real | binomialCoefficient (BigNatural n, BigNatural k) |
Real | PeizerPrattMethod2Inversion (Real z, BigNatural n) |
std::complex< Real > | expm1 (const std::complex< Real > &z) |
std::complex< Real > | log1p (const std::complex< Real > &z) |
template<class T > | |
T | squared (T x) |
Real | incompleteGammaFunction (Real a, Real x, Real accuracy=1.0e-13, Integer maxIteration=100) |
Incomplete Gamma function. More... | |
Real | incompleteGammaFunctionSeriesRepr (Real a, Real x, Real accuracy, Integer maxIteration) |
Real | incompleteGammaFunctionContinuedFractionRepr (Real a, Real x, Real accuracy, Integer maxIteration) |
Matrix | inverse (const Matrix &m) |
Real | determinant (const Matrix &m) |
Matrix | operator+ (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2) |
Matrix | operator+ (const Matrix &m1, Matrix &&m2) |
Matrix | operator+ (Matrix &&m1, const Matrix &m2) |
Matrix | operator+ (Matrix &&m1, Matrix &&m2) |
Matrix | operator- (const Matrix &m1) |
Matrix | operator- (Matrix &&m1) |
Matrix | operator- (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2) |
Matrix | operator- (const Matrix &m1, Matrix &&m2) |
Matrix | operator- (Matrix &&m1, const Matrix &m2) |
Matrix | operator- (Matrix &&m1, Matrix &&m2) |
Matrix | operator* (const Matrix &m, Real x) |
Matrix | operator* (Matrix &&m, Real x) |
Matrix | operator* (Real x, const Matrix &m) |
Matrix | operator* (Real x, Matrix &&m) |
Matrix | operator/ (const Matrix &m, Real x) |
Matrix | operator/ (Matrix &&m, Real x) |
Array | operator* (const Array &v, const Matrix &m) |
Array | operator* (const Matrix &m, const Array &v) |
Matrix | operator* (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2) |
Matrix | transpose (const Matrix &m) |
Matrix | outerProduct (const Array &v1, const Array &v2) |
template<class Iterator1 , class Iterator2 > | |
Matrix | outerProduct (Iterator1 v1begin, Iterator1 v1end, Iterator2 v2begin, Iterator2 v2end) |
void | swap (Matrix &m1, Matrix &m2) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Matrix &m) |
Matrix | CholeskyDecomposition (const Matrix &S, bool flexible) |
Matrix | Expm (const Matrix &M, Real t=1.0, Real tol=QL_EPSILON) |
matrix exponential based on the ordinary differential equations method More... | |
std::vector< Real > | factorReduction (Matrix mtrx, Size maxIters) |
template<class DataIterator > | |
Matrix | getCovariance (DataIterator stdDevBegin, DataIterator stdDevEnd, const Matrix &corr, Real tolerance=1.0e-12) |
Calculation of covariance from correlation and standard deviations. More... | |
Matrix | pseudoSqrt (const Matrix &matrix, SalvagingAlgorithm::Type sa) |
Matrix | rankReducedSqrt (const Matrix &matrix, Size maxRank, Real componentRetainedPercentage, SalvagingAlgorithm::Type sa) |
std::vector< Size > | qrDecomposition (const Matrix &A, Matrix &q, Matrix &r, bool pivot=true) |
QR decompoisition. More... | |
Array | qrSolve (const Matrix &a, const Array &b, bool pivot=true, const Array &d=Array()) |
QR Solve. More... | |
Array | prod (const SparseMatrix &A, const Array &x) |
Matrix | triangularAnglesParametrization (const Array &angles, Size matrixSize, Size rank) |
Returns the Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix. More... | |
Matrix | lmmTriangularAnglesParametrization (const Array &angles, Size matrixSize, Size) |
Matrix | triangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained (const Array &x, Size matrixSize, Size rank) |
Matrix | lmmTriangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained (const Array &x, Size matrixSize, Size rank) |
Matrix | triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThree (Real alpha, Real t0, Real epsilon, Size nbRows) |
Returns the rank reduced Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix. More... | |
Matrix | triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThreeVectorial (const Array ¶meters, Size nbRows) |
Real | modifiedBesselFunction_i (Real nu, Real x) |
std::complex< Real > | modifiedBesselFunction_i (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z) |
Real | modifiedBesselFunction_k (Real nu, Real x) |
std::complex< Real > | modifiedBesselFunction_k (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z) |
Real | modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, Real x) |
std::complex< Real > | modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z) |
Real | modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, Real x) |
std::complex< Real > | modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, EndCriteria::Type ec) |
std::vector< Real > | sphereCylinderOptimizerClosest (Real r, Real s, Real alpha, Real z1, Real z2, Real z3, Natural maxIterations, Real tolerance, Real zweight) |
QL_DEPRECATED_DISABLE_WARNING void | swap (SampledCurve &, SampledCurve &) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SampledCurve &a) |
void | swap (TridiagonalOperator &, TridiagonalOperator &) noexcept |
TridiagonalOperator | operator+ (const TridiagonalOperator &D) |
TridiagonalOperator | operator- (const TridiagonalOperator &D) |
TridiagonalOperator | operator+ (const TridiagonalOperator &D1, const TridiagonalOperator &D2) |
TridiagonalOperator | operator- (const TridiagonalOperator &D1, const TridiagonalOperator &D2) |
TridiagonalOperator | operator* (Real a, const TridiagonalOperator &D) |
TridiagonalOperator | operator* (const TridiagonalOperator &D, Real a) |
TridiagonalOperator | operator/ (const TridiagonalOperator &D, Real a) |
Real | genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression (std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &simulationData, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &basisCoefficients) |
returns the biased estimate obtained while regressing More... | |
Real | genericEarlyExerciseOptimization (std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &simulationData, const ParametricExercise &exercise, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > ¶meters, const EndCriteria &endCriteria, OptimizationMethod &method) |
returns the biased estimate obtained while optimizing More... | |
void | collectNodeData (MarketModelEvolver &evolver, MarketModelMultiProduct &product, MarketModelNodeDataProvider &dataProvider, MarketModelExerciseValue &rebate, MarketModelExerciseValue &control, Size numberOfPaths, std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &collectedData) |
Matrix | exponentialCorrelations (const std::vector< Time > &rateTimes, Real longTermCorr, Real beta, Real gamma, Time time) |
void | forwardsFromDiscountRatios (const Size firstValidIndex, const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &ds, const std::vector< Time > &taus, std::vector< Rate > &fwds) |
void | coterminalFromDiscountRatios (const Size firstValidIndex, const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &discountFactors, const std::vector< Time > &taus, std::vector< Rate > &cotSwapRates, std::vector< Real > &cotSwapAnnuities) |
void | constantMaturityFromDiscountRatios (const Size spanningForwards, const Size firstValidIndex, const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &ds, const std::vector< Time > &taus, std::vector< Rate > &constMatSwapRates, std::vector< Real > &constMatSwapAnnuities) |
void | checkCompatibility (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires) |
bool | isInTerminalMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires) |
bool | isInMoneyMarketPlusMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires, Size offset) |
bool | isInMoneyMarketMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires) |
std::vector< Size > | terminalMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution) |
Terminal measure: the last bond is used as numeraire. More... | |
std::vector< Size > | moneyMarketPlusMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &ev, Size offset) |
std::vector< Size > | moneyMarketMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evol) |
template<class Traits , class Interpolator > | |
void | historicalForwardRatesAnalysis (SequenceStatistics &statistics, std::vector< Date > &skippedDates, std::vector< std::string > &skippedDatesErrorMessage, std::vector< Date > &failedDates, std::vector< std::string > &failedDatesErrorMessage, std::vector< Period > &fixingPeriods, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const Period &step, const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > &fwdIndex, const Period &initialGap, const Period &horizon, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > > &iborIndexes, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< SwapIndex > > &swapIndexes, const DayCounter &yieldCurveDayCounter, Real yieldCurveAccuracy=1.0e-12, const Interpolator &i=Interpolator()) |
void | historicalRatesAnalysis (SequenceStatistics &statistics, std::vector< Date > &skippedDates, std::vector< std::string > &skippedDatesErrorMessage, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const Period &step, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > > &indexes) |
std::vector< Volatility > | rateVolDifferences (const MarketModel &marketModel1, const MarketModel &marketModel2) |
std::vector< Spread > | rateInstVolDifferences (const MarketModel &marketModel1, const MarketModel &marketModel2, Size index) |
std::vector< Matrix > | coterminalSwapPseudoRoots (const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation &piecewiseConstantCorrelation, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > &piecewiseConstantVariances) |
std::vector< Real > | coterminalSwapPseudoRoots (const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > &, const std::vector< Time > &) |
Integer | capletSwaptionPeriodicCalibration (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantCorrelation > &corr, VolatilityInterpolationSpecifier &displacedSwapVariances, const std::vector< Volatility > &capletVols, const ext::shared_ptr< CurveState > &cs, const Spread displacement, Real caplet0Swaption1Priority, Size numberOfFactors, Size period, Size max1dIterations, Real tolerance1d, Size maxUnperiodicIterations, Real toleranceUnperiodic, Size maxPeriodIterations, Real periodTolerance, Real &, Real &totalSwaptionError, std::vector< Matrix > &swapCovariancePseudoRoots, std::vector< Real > &finalScales, Size &iterationsDone, Real &errorImprovement, Matrix &modelSwaptionVolsMatrix) |
Real | flatVolCovariance (Time t1, Time t2, Time T, Time S, Volatility v1, Volatility v2) |
void | mergeTimes (const std::vector< std::vector< Time > > ×, std::vector< Time > &mergedTimes, std::vector< std::valarray< bool > > &isPresent) |
std::valarray< bool > | isInSubset (const std::vector< Time > &set, const std::vector< Time > &subset) |
void | checkIncreasingTimes (const std::vector< Time > ×) |
check for strictly increasing times, first time greater than zero More... | |
void | checkIncreasingTimesAndCalculateTaus (const std::vector< Time > ×, std::vector< Time > &taus) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs &m) |
Decimal | operator/ (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
bool | operator== (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
bool | operator< (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
bool | operator<= (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
bool | close (const Money &m1, const Money &m2, Size n) |
bool | close_enough (const Money &m1, const Money &m2, Size n) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Money &m) |
Money | operator+ (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
Money | operator- (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
Money | operator* (const Money &m, Decimal x) |
Money | operator* (Decimal x, const Money &m) |
Money | operator/ (const Money &m, Decimal x) |
bool | operator!= (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
bool | operator> (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
bool | operator>= (const Money &m1, const Money &m2) |
Money | operator* (Decimal value, const Currency &c) |
Money | operator* (const Currency &c, Decimal value) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Option::Type type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Position::Type p) |
Real | midEquivalent (const Real bid, const Real ask, const Real last, const Real close) |
Real | midSafe (const Real bid, const Real ask) |
Real | blackFormula (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormula (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaForwardDerivative (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaForwardDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real blackAtmPrice, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real blackAtmPrice, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS (Option::Type type, Real K, Real F, Real marketValue, Real df, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real F, Real marketValue, Real df, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDev (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDev (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real w, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations) |
Real | blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real omega, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations) |
Real | blackFormulaCashItmProbability (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaCashItmProbability (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaAssetItmProbability (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaAssetItmProbability (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaVolDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real expiry, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaStdDevDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaStdDevDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormula (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormula (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaImpliedVol (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real tte, Real bachelierPrice, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev) |
Real | bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev) |
Real | blackScholesTheta (const ext::shared_ptr< GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess > &, Real value, Real delta, Real gamma) |
default theta calculation for Black-Scholes options More... | |
Real | defaultThetaPerDay (Real theta) |
default theta-per-day calculation More... | |
Real | cdf_nu_ds_minus_x (const HestonProcess &process, Real x, Real nu_0, Real nu_t, Time dt, HestonProcess::Discretization discretization, Real x0) |
template<class BinaryFunction > | |
CompositeQuote< BinaryFunction > | makeCompositeQuote (const Handle< Quote > &element1, const Handle< Quote > &element2, const BinaryFunction &f) |
creator method More... | |
template<class UnaryFunction > | |
DerivedQuote< UnaryFunction > | makeDerivedQuote (const Handle< Quote > &element, const UnaryFunction &f) |
creator method More... | |
RelinkableHandle< Quote > | makeQuoteHandle (Real value) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Settings::DateProxy &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Pillar::Choice type) |
std::pair< Date, Date > | inflationPeriod (const Date &, Frequency) |
utility function giving the inflation period for a given date More... | |
Time | inflationYearFraction (Frequency f, bool indexIsInterpolated, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
Real | abcdBlackVolatility (Time u, Real a, Real b, Real c, Real d) |
Real | unsafeSabrLogNormalVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho) |
Real | unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, Real shift, VolatilityType volatilityType) |
Real | unsafeSabrNormalVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho) |
Real | unsafeSabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, VolatilityType volatilityType) |
void | validateSabrParameters (Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho) |
Real | sabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, VolatilityType volatilityType) |
Real | shiftedSabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, Real shift, VolatilityType volatilityType) |
Real | sabrFlochKennedyVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VolatilityType &t) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, BusinessDayConvention b) |
bool | operator== (const Calendar &c1, const Calendar &c2) |
bool | operator!= (const Calendar &c1, const Calendar &c2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Calendar &c) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Month m) |
std::size_t | hash_value (const Date &d) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Date &d) |
Date::serial_type | operator- (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
Time | daysBetween (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator== (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator!= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator< (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator<= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator> (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator>= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, DateGeneration::Rule r) |
bool | operator== (const DayCounter &d1, const DayCounter &d2) |
bool | operator!= (const DayCounter &d1, const DayCounter &d2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DayCounter &d) |
Date | yearFractionToDate (const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Date &referenceDate, Time t) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, Frequency f) |
Real | years (const Period &p) |
Real | months (const Period &p) |
Real | weeks (const Period &p) |
Real | days (const Period &p) |
bool | operator< (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
Period | operator+ (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
Period | operator- (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
Period | operator/ (const Period &p, Integer n) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Period &p) |
template<typename T > | |
Period | operator* (T n, TimeUnit units) |
template<typename T > | |
Period | operator* (TimeUnit units, T n) |
Period | operator- (const Period &p) |
Period | operator* (Integer n, const Period &p) |
Period | operator* (const Period &p, Integer n) |
bool | operator== (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
bool | operator!= (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
bool | operator> (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
bool | operator<= (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
bool | operator>= (const Period &p1, const Period &p2) |
Date | previousTwentieth (const Date &d, DateGeneration::Rule rule) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TimeUnit &timeunit) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Weekday &w) |
template<class T > | |
void | swap (Clone< T > &t, Clone< T > &u) noexcept |
std::size_t | compiledBoostVersion () |
abstract base class implementation specifies how to decide volatility structure for additional synthetic rates which are interleaved
implementation specifies how to decide volatility structure for additional synthetic rates which are interleaved
here we work with abcd curves and interpolate the a, b, c and d
Classes for computing derivative of the map taking rates one step to the next with respect to a change in the pseudo-root. We do it both numerically and analytically to provide an easy test of the analytic method. This is useful for pathwise vegas.
Evolution is log Euler.
One is tested against the other in MarketModelTest::testPathwiseVegas
In order to compute market vegas, we need a class that gives the derivative of a swaption implied vol against changes in pseudo-root elements. This is that class.
This is tested in the pathwise vegas routine in MarketModels.cpp
When bumping vols, bumping every pseudo-root element individually seems excessive so we need to couple some together.
Sequence of cash-flows.
Definition at line 78 of file cashflow.hpp.
Definition at line 68 of file conundrumpricer.hpp.
Definition at line 133 of file tenoroptionletvts.hpp.
typedef std::map<std::string, ext::any> SecondaryCosts |
Definition at line 36 of file commodity.hpp.
typedef std::map<std::string, Money> SecondaryCostAmounts |
Definition at line 37 of file commodity.hpp.
typedef std::vector<PricingError> PricingErrors |
Definition at line 55 of file commodity.hpp.
typedef std::map<Date, ext::shared_ptr<CommodityCashFlow> > CommodityCashFlows |
Definition at line 87 of file commoditycashflow.hpp.
typedef std::map<Date, EnergyDailyPosition> EnergyDailyPositions |
Definition at line 52 of file energycommodity.hpp.
typedef std::map<Date, ExchangeContract> ExchangeContracts |
Definition at line 75 of file exchangecontract.hpp.
typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<PricingPeriod> > PricingPeriods |
Definition at line 51 of file pricingperiod.hpp.
Definition at line 289 of file basecorrelationlossmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 414 of file binomiallossmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 415 of file binomiallossmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 106 of file constantlosslatentmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 107 of file constantlosslatentmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 323 of file defaultprobabilitylatentmodel.hpp.
typedef DefaultLatentModel<TCopulaPolicy> TDefProbLM |
Definition at line 324 of file defaultprobabilitylatentmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 100 of file homogeneouspooldef.hpp.
Definition at line 101 of file homogeneouspooldef.hpp.
Definition at line 108 of file inhomogeneouspooldef.hpp.
Definition at line 109 of file inhomogeneouspooldef.hpp.
typedef std::set<ext::shared_ptr<DefaultEvent>, earlier_than<ext::shared_ptr<DefaultEvent> > > DefaultEventSet |
Definition at line 38 of file issuer.hpp.
Definition at line 981 of file randomdefaultlatentmodel.hpp.
typedef RandomDefaultLM<TCopulaPolicy> TRandomDefaultLM |
Definition at line 994 of file randomdefaultlatentmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 245 of file randomlosslatentmodel.hpp.
typedef RandomLossLM<TCopulaPolicy> TRandomLossLM |
Definition at line 257 of file randomlosslatentmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 126 of file recursivelossmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 130 of file spotlosslatentmodel.hpp.
Definition at line 131 of file spotlosslatentmodel.hpp.
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing<SamplerGaussian, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingTrivial> GaussianSimulatedAnnealing |
Definition at line 230 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing<SamplerLogNormal, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingTrivial> LogNormalSimulatedAnnealing |
Definition at line 231 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing<SamplerMirrorGaussian, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingTrivial> MirrorGaussianSimulatedAnnealing |
Definition at line 232 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing<SamplerGaussian, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingFiniteDifferences> GaussianSimulatedReAnnealing |
Definition at line 233 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing<SamplerVeryFastAnnealing, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureVeryFastAnnealing, ReannealingTrivial> VeryFastSimulatedAnnealing |
Definition at line 234 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing<SamplerVeryFastAnnealing, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureVeryFastAnnealing, ReannealingFiniteDifferences> VeryFastSimulatedReAnnealing |
Definition at line 235 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.
no-arbitrage SABR volatility cube for swaptions
Definition at line 40 of file noarbsabrswaptionvolatilitycube.hpp.
Definition at line 70 of file euribor.hpp.
typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Callability> > CallabilitySchedule |
Definition at line 73 of file callabilityschedule.hpp.
typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Dividend> > DividendSchedule |
Definition at line 33 of file dividendschedule.hpp.
default bivariate implementation
Definition at line 104 of file bivariatenormaldistribution.hpp.
Definition at line 56 of file normaldistribution.hpp.
Definition at line 176 of file normaldistribution.hpp.
Definition at line 230 of file gaussianquadratures.hpp.
Definition at line 233 of file gaussianquadratures.hpp.
typedef detail::GaussianQuadratureIntegrator<GaussChebyshev2ndIntegration> GaussChebyshev2ndIntegrator |
Definition at line 236 of file gaussianquadratures.hpp.
typedef detail::SplineGrid SplineGrid |
Definition at line 452 of file multicubicspline.hpp.
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<Real> SparseMatrix |
Definition at line 48 of file sparsematrix.hpp.
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_reference<SparseMatrix> SparseMatrixReference |
Definition at line 49 of file sparsematrix.hpp.
typedef Ranlux64UniformRng<223, 24> Ranlux3UniformRng |
Definition at line 63 of file ranluxuniformrng.hpp.
typedef Ranlux64UniformRng<389, 24> Ranlux4UniformRng |
Definition at line 64 of file ranluxuniformrng.hpp.
default traits for pseudo-random number generation
Definition at line 71 of file rngtraits.hpp.
typedef GenericPseudoRandom<MersenneTwisterUniformRng, InverseCumulativePoisson> PoissonPseudoRandom |
traits for Poisson-distributed pseudo-random number generation
Definition at line 78 of file rngtraits.hpp.
default traits for low-discrepancy sequence generation
Definition at line 105 of file rngtraits.hpp.
typedef SampledCurve SampledCurveSet |
Definition at line 169 of file sampledcurve.hpp.
default gaussian statistic tool
Definition at line 110 of file gaussianstatistics.hpp.
default risk measures tool
Definition at line 123 of file riskstatistics.hpp.
default multi-dimensional statistics tool
Definition at line 154 of file sequencestatistics.hpp.
Definition at line 155 of file sequencestatistics.hpp.
typedef RiskStatistics Statistics |
default statistics tool
Definition at line 35 of file statistics.hpp.
typedef PdeOperator<PdeBSM> BSMTermOperator |
Definition at line 38 of file bsmtermoperator.hpp.
Definition at line 38 of file fdtypedefs.hpp.
typedef OperatorTraits<FdmLinearOp>::bc_set FdmBoundaryConditionSet |
Definition at line 32 of file fdmboundaryconditionset.hpp.
Definition at line 34 of file collectnodedata.cpp.
alias for default-probability bootstrap helpers
Definition at line 43 of file defaultprobabilityhelpers.hpp.
typedef RelativeDateBootstrapHelper<DefaultProbabilityTermStructure> RelativeDateDefaultProbabilityHelper |
Definition at line 45 of file defaultprobabilityhelpers.hpp.
Definition at line 121 of file interpolatedyoyinflationcurve.hpp.
Definition at line 112 of file interpolatedzeroinflationcurve.hpp.
SABR volatility cube for swaptions.
Definition at line 1176 of file sabrswaptionvolatilitycube.hpp.
typedef BootstrapHelper<YieldTermStructure> RateHelper |
Definition at line 46 of file ratehelpers.hpp.
Definition at line 48 of file ratehelpers.hpp.
typedef unsigned QL_BIG_INTEGER BigNatural |
enum Compounding |
Interest rate coumpounding rule.
Enumerator | |
Simple | 1+rt |
Compounded | (1+r)^t |
Continuous | e^{rt} |
SimpleThenCompounded | Simple up to the first period then Compounded. |
CompoundedThenSimple | Compounded up to the first period then Simple. |
Definition at line 32 of file compounding.hpp.
enum Seniority |
Seniority of a bond.
They are also ISDA tier/seniorities used for CDS conventional spreads.
Enumerator | |
SecDom | |
SnrFor | |
SubLT2 | |
JrSubT2 | |
PrefT1 | |
NoSeniority | |
SeniorSec | |
SeniorUnSec | |
SubTier1 | |
SubUpperTier2 | |
SubLoweTier2 |
Definition at line 37 of file defaulttype.hpp.
enum SensitivityAnalysis |
Finite differences calculation.
Enumerator | |
OneSide | |
Centered |
Definition at line 41 of file sensitivityanalysis.hpp.
enum PriceType |
Price types.
Definition at line 35 of file prices.hpp.
enum VolatilityType |
Enumerator | |
ShiftedLognormal | |
Normal |
Definition at line 32 of file volatilitytype.hpp.
enum JointCalendarRule |
rules for joining calendars
Definition at line 33 of file jointcalendar.hpp.
Leg FloatingLeg | ( | const Schedule & | schedule, |
const std::vector< Real > & | nominals, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > & | index, | ||
const DayCounter & | paymentDayCounter, | ||
BusinessDayConvention | paymentAdj, | ||
const std::vector< Natural > & | fixingDays, | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | gearings, | ||
const std::vector< Spread > & | spreads, | ||
const std::vector< Rate > & | caps, | ||
const std::vector< Rate > & | floors, | ||
bool | isInArrears, | ||
bool | isZero, | ||
Integer | paymentLag = 0 , |
Calendar | paymentCalendar = Calendar() , |
Period | exCouponPeriod = Period() , |
Calendar | exCouponCalendar = Calendar() , |
BusinessDayConvention | exCouponAdjustment = Unadjusted , |
bool | exCouponEndOfMonth = false |
) |
Definition at line 61 of file cashflowvectors.hpp.
Leg FloatingDigitalLeg | ( | const Schedule & | schedule, |
const std::vector< Real > & | nominals, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > & | index, | ||
const DayCounter & | paymentDayCounter, | ||
BusinessDayConvention | paymentAdj, | ||
const std::vector< Natural > & | fixingDays, | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | gearings, | ||
const std::vector< Spread > & | spreads, | ||
bool | isInArrears, | ||
const std::vector< Rate > & | callStrikes, | ||
Position::Type | callPosition, | ||
bool | isCallATMIncluded, | ||
const std::vector< Rate > & | callDigitalPayoffs, | ||
const std::vector< Rate > & | putStrikes, | ||
Position::Type | putPosition, | ||
bool | isPutATMIncluded, | ||
const std::vector< Rate > & | putDigitalPayoffs, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< DigitalReplication > & | replication, | ||
bool | nakedOption = false |
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
GFunctionFactory::YieldCurveModel | type | ||
) |
void setCouponPricer | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | pricer | ||
) |
void setCouponPricers | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > > & | pricers | ||
) |
Definition at line 426 of file couponpricer.cpp.
void setCouponPricers | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | , | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | |||
) |
set the first matching pricer (if any) to each coupon of the leg
Definition at line 444 of file couponpricer.cpp.
void setCouponPricers | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p1, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p2, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p3 | ||
) |
Definition at line 454 of file couponpricer.cpp.
void setCouponPricers | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p1, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p2, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p3, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > & | p4 | ||
) |
Definition at line 466 of file couponpricer.cpp.
std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Dividend > > DividendVector | ( | const std::vector< Date > & | dividendDates, |
const std::vector< Real > & | dividends | ||
) |
helper function building a sequence of fixed dividends
Definition at line 35 of file dividend.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Duration::Type | d | ||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file duration.cpp.
void setCouponPricer | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const ext::shared_ptr< EquityCashFlowPricer > & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 44 of file equitycashflow.cpp.
void setCouponPricer | ( | const Leg & | leg, |
const ext::shared_ptr< InflationCouponPricer > & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 27 of file inflationcouponpricer.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 26 of file replication.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 25 of file currency.cpp.
Definition at line 231 of file currency.hpp.
Definition at line 236 of file currency.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const SecondaryCostAmounts & | secondaryCostAmounts | ||
) |
Definition at line 44 of file commodity.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const PricingError & | error | ||
) |
Definition at line 67 of file commodity.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const PricingErrors & | errors | ||
) |
Definition at line 88 of file commodity.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const CommodityCashFlows & | cashFlows | ||
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const CommodityCurve & | curve | ||
) |
Definition at line 99 of file commoditycurve.cpp.
bool operator== | ( | const CommodityCurve & | c1, |
const CommodityCurve & | c2 | ||
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const CommodityIndex & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 54 of file commodityindex.cpp.
bool operator== | ( | const CommodityIndex & | i1, |
const CommodityIndex & | i2 | ||
) |
related |
Definition at line 40 of file commoditytype.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 107 of file commoditytype.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 111 of file commoditytype.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const CommodityUnitCost & | unitCost | ||
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const DateInterval & | di | ||
) |
Definition at line 24 of file dateinterval.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const EnergyDailyPositions & | dailyPositions | ||
) |
related |
Definition at line 42 of file paymentterm.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 113 of file paymentterm.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 117 of file paymentterm.hpp.
Definition at line 86 of file quantity.cpp.
Definition at line 105 of file quantity.cpp.
Definition at line 125 of file quantity.cpp.
Definition at line 144 of file quantity.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const Quantity & | quantity | ||
) |
Definition at line 202 of file quantity.cpp.
Definition at line 165 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 171 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 177 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 183 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 187 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 193 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 197 of file quantity.hpp.
Definition at line 201 of file quantity.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 26 of file unitofmeasure.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 130 of file unitofmeasure.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 134 of file unitofmeasure.hpp.
bool operator== | ( | const DefaultEvent & | lhs, |
const DefaultEvent & | rhs | ||
) |
Two credit events are the same independently of their settlement member data. This has the side effect of overwritting different settlements from the same credit event when, say, inserting in a map. But on the other hand one given event can only have one settlement. This means we can not have two restructuring events on a bond on the same date.
Definition at line 140 of file defaultevent.cpp.
bool operator!= | ( | const DefaultEvent & | lhs, |
const DefaultEvent & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 184 of file defaultevent.hpp.
bool operator== | ( | const DefaultProbKey & | lhs, |
const DefaultProbKey & | rhs | ||
) |
bool operator== | ( | const DefaultType & | lhs, |
const DefaultType & | rhs | ||
) |
Equality is the criteria for indexing the curves. This depends only on the atomic types and not on idiosincracies of derived type as mentioned in the functional documentation (specific event characteristics are relevant to credit event matching but not to the probability meaning). operator== is also used to remove duplicates in some containers. This ensures we do not have two equal events (despite having different characteristics) in those containers. This makes sense, theres no logic in having two FailureToPay in a contract even if they have different characteristics.
Definition at line 35 of file defaulttype.cpp.
Helper function for conventional recoveries. Returns the ISDA.
Definition at line 32 of file recoveryratequote.cpp.
void laplaceInterpolation | ( | Matrix & | A, |
const std::vector< Real > & | x = {} , |
const std::vector< Real > & | y = {} , |
Real | relTol = 1E-6 , |
Size | maxIterMultiplier = 10 |
) |
Convenience function that Laplace-interpolates null values in a given matrix. If the x or y grid or both are not given, an equidistant grid is assumed.
Definition at line 214 of file laplaceinterpolation.cpp.
Reference: http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/pinv.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%E2%80%93Penrose_pseudoinverse
Definition at line 35 of file moorepenroseinverse.hpp.
std::vector< Real > GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator::integrate< std::vector< Real > > | ( | const ext::function< std::vector< Real >(const std::vector< Real > &v1)> & | f | ) | const |
Definition at line 198 of file multidimquadrature.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
SensitivityAnalysis | s | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
Real aggregateNPV | ( | const vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > & | instruments, |
const vector< Real > & | quant | ||
) |
utility fuction for weighted sum of NPVs
Definition at line 41 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
std::pair< Real, Real > parallelAnalysis | ( | const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > & | , |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > & | , | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | quantities, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered , |
Real | referenceNpv = Null< Real >() |
) |
parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector
returns a pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is just one single element equal to one.
All SimpleQuotes are tweaked together in a parallel fashion.
Definition at line 59 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
std::pair< Real, Real > bucketAnalysis | ( | const Handle< SimpleQuote > & | quote, |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > & | , | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | quantities, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered , |
Real | referenceNpv = Null< Real >() |
) |
(bucket) PV01 sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote
returns a pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.
Definition at line 118 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
void bucketAnalysis | ( | std::vector< Real > & | deltaVector, |
std::vector< Real > & | gammaVector, | ||
std::vector< Real > & | referenceValues, | ||
const Handle< SimpleQuote > & | quote, | ||
const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > & | parameters, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered |
) |
(bucket) parameters' sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote
returns a vector (one element for each paramet) of pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.
Definition at line 165 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
std::pair< std::vector< Real >, std::vector< Real > > bucketAnalysis | ( | const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > & | quotes, |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > & | , | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | quantities, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered |
) |
bucket PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector
returns a pair of first and second derivative vectors calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.
The (bucket) SimpleQuotes are tweaked one by one separately.
Definition at line 258 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
void bucketAnalysis | ( | std::vector< std::vector< Real > > & | deltaMatrix, |
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > & | gammaMatrix, | ||
const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > & | quotes, | ||
const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > & | parameters, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered |
) |
bucket parameters' sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector
returns a vector (one element for each paramet) of pair of first and second derivative vectors calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.
The (bucket) SimpleQuotes are tweaked one by one separately.
Definition at line 284 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
std::pair< std::vector< std::vector< Real > >, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > > bucketAnalysis | ( | const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > & | , |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > & | , | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | quantities, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered |
) |
bucket sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix
returns a pair of first and second derivative metrices calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.
The (bucket) SimpleQuotes are tweaked one by one separately.
Definition at line 312 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.
std::pair< Real, Real > parallelAnalysis | ( | const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > & | , |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > & | , | ||
const std::vector< Real > & | quantities, | ||
Real | shift = 0.0001 , |
SensitivityAnalysis | type = Centered , |
Real | referenceNpv = Null< Real >() |
) |
parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix
returns a pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.
Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.
All SimpleQuotes are tweaked together in a parallel fashion.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
IrregularSettlement::Type | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 121 of file region.hpp.
Definition at line 125 of file region.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Average::Type | type | ||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file averagetype.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Barrier::Type | type | ||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file barriertype.cpp.
Schedule sinkingSchedule | ( | const Date & | startDate, |
const Period & | bondLength, | ||
const Frequency & | frequency, | ||
const Calendar & | paymentCalendar | ||
) |
returns a schedule for French amortization
Definition at line 63 of file amortizingfixedratebond.cpp.
std::vector< Real > sinkingNotionals | ( | const Period & | bondLength, |
const Frequency & | sinkingFrequency, | ||
Rate | couponRate, | ||
Real | initialNotional | ||
) |
returns a sequence of notionals for French amortization
Definition at line 123 of file amortizingfixedratebond.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
CapFloor::Type | t | ||
) |
Date cdsMaturity | ( | const Date & | tradeDate, |
const Period & | tenor, | ||
DateGeneration::Rule | rule | ||
) |
Return the CDS maturity date given the CDS trade date, tradeDate
, the CDS tenor
and a CDS rule
A Null<Date>()
is returned when a rule
of CDS2015
and a tenor
length of zero fail to yield a valid CDS maturity date.
is not CDS2015
or OldCDS
is OldCDS
and a tenor
of 0 months is provided. This restriction can be removed if 0M tenor was available before the CDS Big Bang 2009.tenor
is not a multiple of 3 months. For the avoidance of doubt, a tenor
of 0 months is supported. Definition at line 481 of file creditdefaultswap.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
DoubleBarrier::Type | type | ||
) |
Definition at line 26 of file doublebarriertype.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 27 of file futures.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
YoYInflationCapFloor::Type | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 30 of file inflationcapfloor.cpp.
void simplifyNotificationGraph | ( | Instrument & | instrument, |
const Leg & | leg, | ||
bool | unregisterCoupons = false |
) |
Utility function to optimize the observability graph of an instrument.
This function unregisters the given instrument from the given cashflows and instead registers with the observables of the cashflows. This is safe to do if
If unregisterCoupons is set to true, all given cashflows are in addition unregistered from all their observables. This can be done
There are overloads of this function for specific instrument types like Swap, Bond.
Definition at line 25 of file simplifynotificationgraph.cpp.
Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a swap.
Definition at line 35 of file simplifynotificationgraph.cpp.
Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a bond.
Definition at line 40 of file simplifynotificationgraph.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Swap::Type | t | ||
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Settlement::Type | t | ||
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Settlement::Method | m | ||
) |
related |
Definition at line 115 of file interestrate.cpp.
related |
void convolutions | ( | ForwardIterator | begin, |
ForwardIterator | end, | ||
OutputIterator | out, | ||
std::size_t | maxLag | ||
) |
Convolutions of the input sequence.
Calculates x[0]*x[n]+x[1]*x[n+1]+x[2]*x[n+2]+... for n = 0,1,...,maxLag via FFT.
Definition at line 81 of file autocovariance.hpp.
void autocovariances | ( | ForwardIterator | begin, |
ForwardIterator | end, | ||
OutputIterator | out, | ||
std::size_t | maxLag | ||
) |
Unbiased auto-covariances.
Results are calculated via FFT.
Definition at line 99 of file autocovariance.hpp.
Real autocovariances | ( | ForwardIterator | begin, |
ForwardIterator | end, | ||
OutputIterator | out, | ||
std::size_t | maxLag, | ||
bool | reuse | ||
) |
Unbiased auto-covariances.
Results are calculated via FFT.
This overload accepts non-centered data, removes the mean and returns it as a result. The centered sequence is written back into the input sequence if the reuse parameter is true.
Definition at line 122 of file autocovariance.hpp.
void autocorrelations | ( | ForwardIterator | begin, |
ForwardIterator | end, | ||
OutputIterator | out, | ||
std::size_t | maxLag | ||
) |
Unbiased auto-correlations.
Results are calculated via FFT. The first element of the output is the unbiased sample variance.
Definition at line 147 of file autocovariance.hpp.
Real autocorrelations | ( | ForwardIterator | begin, |
ForwardIterator | end, | ||
OutputIterator | out, | ||
std::size_t | maxLag, | ||
bool | reuse | ||
) |
Unbiased auto-correlations.
Results are calculated via FFT. The first element of the output is the unbiased sample variance.
This overload accepts non-centered data, removes the mean and returns it as a result. The centered sequence is written back into the input sequence if the reuse parameter is true.
Definition at line 173 of file autocovariance.hpp.
Real incompleteBetaFunction | ( | Real | a, |
Real | b, | ||
Real | x, | ||
Real | accuracy = 1e-16 , |
Integer | maxIteration = 100 |
) |
Incomplete Beta function.
Incomplete Beta function
The implementation of the algorithm was inspired by "Numerical Recipes in C", 2nd edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, chapter 6
Definition at line 67 of file beta.cpp.
Follows somewhat the advice of Knuth on checking for floating-point equality. The closeness relationship is:
\mathrm{close}(x,y,n) \equiv |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |x| \wedge |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |y|
where \varepsilon is n times the machine accuracy; n equals 42 if not given.
Definition at line 59 of file comparison.hpp.
Follows somewhat the advice of Knuth on checking for floating-point equality. The closeness relationship is:
\mathrm{close}(x,y,n) \equiv |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |x| \vee |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |y|
where \varepsilon is n times the machine accuracy; n equals 42 if not given.
Definition at line 92 of file comparison.hpp.
Real binomialCoefficientLn | ( | BigNatural | n, |
BigNatural | k | ||
) |
Definition at line 32 of file binomialdistribution.hpp.
Real binomialCoefficient | ( | BigNatural | n, |
BigNatural | k | ||
) |
Real PeizerPrattMethod2Inversion | ( | Real | z, |
BigNatural | n | ||
) |
Given an odd integer n and a real number z it returns p such that: 1 - CumulativeBinomialDistribution((n-1)/2, n, p) = CumulativeNormalDistribution(z)
Definition at line 136 of file binomialdistribution.hpp.
Real incompleteGammaFunction | ( | Real | a, |
Real | x, | ||
Real | accuracy = 1.0e-13 , |
Integer | maxIteration = 100 |
) |
Incomplete Gamma function.
Incomplete Gamma function
The implementation of the algorithm was inspired by "Numerical Recipes in C", 2nd edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, chapter 6
Definition at line 32 of file incompletegamma.cpp.
Definition at line 52 of file incompletegamma.cpp.
Real incompleteGammaFunctionContinuedFractionRepr | ( | Real | a, |
Real | x, | ||
Real | accuracy, | ||
Integer | maxIteration | ||
) |
Definition at line 72 of file incompletegamma.cpp.
Definition at line 81 of file matrix.cpp.
Definition at line 524 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 536 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 547 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 558 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 569 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 575 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 580 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 592 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 603 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 614 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 625 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 631 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 636 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 642 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 647 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 653 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 658 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 671 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 683 of file matrix.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 715 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 732 of file matrix.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 736 of file matrix.hpp.
Definition at line 26 of file choleskydecomposition.cpp.
Matrix Expm | ( | const Matrix & | M, |
Real | t = 1.0 , |
Real | tol = QL_EPSILON |
) |
matrix exponential based on the ordinary differential equations method
C. Moler; C. Van Loan, 1978, Nineteen Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/22199541/1399635765/name/moler-nineteen.pdf returns the matrix exponential exp(t*M)
Definition at line 53 of file expm.cpp.
Iterative procedure to compute a correlation matrix reduction to a single factor dependence vector by minimizing the residuals.
It assumes that such a reduction is possible, notice that if the dependence can not be reduced to one factor the correlation factors might be above 1.
The matrix passed is destroyed.
See for instance: "Modern Factor Analysis", Harry H. Harman, University Of Chicago Press, 1976. Chapter 9 is relevant to this context.
Definition at line 26 of file factorreduction.cpp.
Matrix getCovariance | ( | DataIterator | stdDevBegin, |
DataIterator | stdDevEnd, | ||
const Matrix & | corr, | ||
Real | tolerance = 1.0e-12 |
) |
Calculation of covariance from correlation and standard deviations.
Combines the correlation matrix and the vector of standard deviations to return the covariance matrix.
Note that only the symmetric part of the correlation matrix is used. Also it is assumed that the diagonal member of the correlation matrix equals one.
Definition at line 49 of file getcovariance.hpp.
related |
related |
QR decompoisition.
This implementation is based on MINPACK (http://www.netlib.org/minpack, http://www.netlib.org/cephes/linalg.tgz)
This subroutine uses householder transformations with column pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the m by n matrix A. That is, qrfac determines an orthogonal matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, such that A*p = q*r.
Return value ipvt is an integer array of length n, which defines the permutation matrix p such that A*p = q*r. Column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
See lmdiff.cpp for further details.
Definition at line 30 of file qrdecomposition.cpp.
QR Solve.
This implementation is based on MINPACK (http://www.netlib.org/minpack, http://www.netlib.org/cephes/linalg.tgz)
Given an m by n matrix A, an n by n diagonal matrix d, and an m-vector b, the problem is to determine an x which solves the system
A*x = b , d*x = 0 ,
in the least squares sense.
d is an input array of length n which must contain the diagonal elements of the matrix d.
See lmdiff.cpp for further details.
Definition at line 125 of file qrdecomposition.cpp.
Array prod | ( | const SparseMatrix & | A, |
const Array & | x | ||
) |
Definition at line 51 of file sparsematrix.hpp.
Returns the Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix.
The matrix m is filled with values corresponding to angles given in the angles vector. See equation (24) in "Parameterizing correlations: a geometric interpretation" by Francesco Rapisarda, Damiano Brigo, Fabio Mercurio
Definition at line 25 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.
Definition at line 57 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.
Returns the rank reduced Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix.
The matrix m is filled with values corresponding to angles corresponding to the 3D spherical spiral parameterized by alpha , t0 , epsilon values. See equation (32) in "Parameterizing correlations: a geometric interpretation" by Francesco Rapisarda, Damiano Brigo, Fabio Mercurio
Definition at line 102 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
EndCriteria::Type | ec | ||
) |
Definition at line 161 of file endcriteria.cpp.
noexcept |
Definition at line 237 of file sampledcurve.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const SampledCurve & | a | ||
) |
noexcept |
Definition at line 252 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator+ | ( | const TridiagonalOperator & | D | ) |
Definition at line 194 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator- | ( | const TridiagonalOperator & | D | ) |
Definition at line 199 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator+ | ( | const TridiagonalOperator & | D1, |
const TridiagonalOperator & | D2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 207 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator- | ( | const TridiagonalOperator & | D1, |
const TridiagonalOperator & | D2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 216 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator* | ( | Real | a, |
const TridiagonalOperator & | D | ||
) |
Definition at line 225 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator* | ( | const TridiagonalOperator & | D, |
Real | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 234 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
TridiagonalOperator operator/ | ( | const TridiagonalOperator & | D, |
Real | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 243 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.
Real genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression | ( | std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > & | simulationData, |
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > & | basisCoefficients | ||
) |
returns the biased estimate obtained while regressing
Definition at line 26 of file genericlsregression.cpp.
Real genericEarlyExerciseOptimization | ( | std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > & | simulationData, |
const ParametricExercise & | exercise, | ||
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > & | parameters, | ||
const EndCriteria & | endCriteria, | ||
OptimizationMethod & | method | ||
) |
returns the biased estimate obtained while optimizing
Definition at line 80 of file parametricexercise.cpp.
void collectNodeData | ( | MarketModelEvolver & | evolver, |
MarketModelMultiProduct & | product, | ||
MarketModelNodeDataProvider & | dataProvider, | ||
MarketModelExerciseValue & | rebate, | ||
MarketModelExerciseValue & | control, | ||
Size | numberOfPaths, | ||
std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > & | collectedData | ||
) |
Matrix exponentialCorrelations | ( | const std::vector< Time > & | rateTimes, |
Real | longTermCorr = 0.5 , |
Real | beta = 0.2 , |
Real | gamma = 1.0 , |
Time | t = 0.0 |
) |
Exponential correlation L = long term correlation beta = exponential decay of correlation between far away forward rates gamma = exponent for time to go t = time dependence
Definition at line 32 of file expcorrelations.cpp.
void forwardsFromDiscountRatios | ( | const Size | firstValidIndex, |
const std::vector< DiscountFactor > & | ds, | ||
const std::vector< Time > & | taus, | ||
std::vector< Rate > & | fwds | ||
) |
void coterminalFromDiscountRatios | ( | const Size | firstValidIndex, |
const std::vector< DiscountFactor > & | discountFactors, | ||
const std::vector< Time > & | taus, | ||
std::vector< Rate > & | cotSwapRates, | ||
std::vector< Real > & | cotSwapAnnuities | ||
) |
void checkCompatibility | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | evolution, |
const std::vector< Size > & | numeraires | ||
) |
Check that there is one numeraire for each evolution time. Each numeraire must be an index amongst the rate times so it ranges from 0 to n. Each numeraire must not have expired before the end of the step.
Definition at line 111 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.
bool isInTerminalMeasure | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | evolution, |
const std::vector< Size > & | numeraires | ||
) |
Definition at line 129 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.
bool isInMoneyMarketPlusMeasure | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | evolution, |
const std::vector< Size > & | numeraires, | ||
Size | offset | ||
) |
Definition at line 136 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.
bool isInMoneyMarketMeasure | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | evolution, |
const std::vector< Size > & | numeraires | ||
) |
std::vector< Size > terminalMeasure | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | evolution | ) |
Terminal measure: the last bond is used as numeraire.
Definition at line 160 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.
std::vector< Size > moneyMarketPlusMeasure | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | , |
Size | offset = 1 |
) |
Offsetted discretely compounded money market account measure: for each step the offset-th unexpired bond is used as numeraire. When offset=0 the result is the usual discretely compounded money market account measure
Definition at line 166 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.
std::vector< Size > moneyMarketMeasure | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | ) |
Discretely compounded money market account measure: for each step the first unexpired bond is used as numeraire.
Definition at line 186 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.
void historicalForwardRatesAnalysis | ( | SequenceStatistics & | statistics, |
std::vector< Date > & | skippedDates, | ||
std::vector< std::string > & | skippedDatesErrorMessage, | ||
std::vector< Date > & | failedDates, | ||
std::vector< std::string > & | failedDatesErrorMessage, | ||
std::vector< Period > & | fixingPeriods, | ||
const Date & | startDate, | ||
const Date & | endDate, | ||
const Period & | step, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > & | fwdIndex, | ||
const Period & | initialGap, | ||
const Period & | horizon, | ||
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > > & | iborIndexes, | ||
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< SwapIndex > > & | swapIndexes, | ||
const DayCounter & | yieldCurveDayCounter, | ||
Real | yieldCurveAccuracy = 1.0e-12 , |
const Interpolator & | i = Interpolator() |
) |
Definition at line 44 of file historicalforwardratesanalysis.hpp.
void historicalRatesAnalysis | ( | SequenceStatistics & | statistics, |
std::vector< Date > & | skippedDates, | ||
std::vector< std::string > & | skippedDatesErrorMessage, | ||
const Date & | startDate, | ||
const Date & | endDate, | ||
const Period & | step, | ||
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > > & | indexes | ||
) |
Definition at line 27 of file historicalratesanalysis.cpp.
std::vector< Volatility > rateVolDifferences | ( | const MarketModel & | marketModel1, |
const MarketModel & | marketModel2 | ||
) |
std::vector< Spread > rateInstVolDifferences | ( | const MarketModel & | marketModel1, |
const MarketModel & | marketModel2, | ||
Size | index | ||
) |
std::vector< Matrix > coterminalSwapPseudoRoots | ( | const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation & | piecewiseConstantCorrelation, |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > & | piecewiseConstantVariances | ||
) |
std::vector< Real > coterminalSwapPseudoRoots | ( | const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation & | , |
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > & | , | ||
const std::vector< Time > & | |||
) |
Integer capletSwaptionPeriodicCalibration | ( | const EvolutionDescription & | evolution, |
const ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantCorrelation > & | corr, | ||
VolatilityInterpolationSpecifier & | displacedSwapVariances, | ||
const std::vector< Volatility > & | capletVols, | ||
const ext::shared_ptr< CurveState > & | cs, | ||
const Spread | displacement, | ||
Real | caplet0Swaption1Priority, | ||
Size | numberOfFactors, | ||
Size | period, | ||
Size | max1dIterations, | ||
Real | tolerance1d, | ||
Size | maxUnperiodicIterations, | ||
Real | toleranceUnperiodic, | ||
Size | maxPeriodIterations, | ||
Real | periodTolerance, | ||
Real & | , | ||
Real & | totalSwaptionError, | ||
std::vector< Matrix > & | swapCovariancePseudoRoots, | ||
std::vector< Real > & | finalScales, | ||
Size & | iterationsDone, | ||
Real & | errorImprovement, | ||
Matrix & | modelSwaptionVolsMatrix | ||
) |
Definition at line 41 of file capletcoterminalperiodic.cpp.
Real flatVolCovariance | ( | Time | t1, |
Time | t2, | ||
Time | T, | ||
Time | S, | ||
Volatility | v1, | ||
Volatility | v2 | ||
) |
std::valarray< bool > isInSubset | ( | const std::vector< Time > & | set, |
const std::vector< Time > & | subset | ||
) |
Look for elements of a set in a subset. Returns a vector of booleans such that: element set[i] present/not present in subset.
Definition at line 56 of file utilities.cpp.
void checkIncreasingTimes | ( | const std::vector< Time > & | times | ) |
check for strictly increasing times, first time greater than zero
Definition at line 92 of file utilities.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs & | m | ||
) |
Definition at line 837 of file markovfunctional.cpp.
related |
related |
Definition at line 100 of file option.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 26 of file position.cpp.
return the MidEquivalent price, i.e. the mid if available, or a suitable substitute if the proper mid is not available
Definition at line 27 of file prices.cpp.
return the MidSafe price, i.e. the mid only if both bid and ask prices are available
Definition at line 46 of file prices.cpp.
Real blackFormula | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 formula
Definition at line 58 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormula | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 formula
Definition at line 99 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaForwardDerivative | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 model forward derivative
Definition at line 108 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaForwardDerivative | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 model forward derivative
Definition at line 137 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)
Definition at line 147 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)
Definition at line 188 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | blackAtmPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
It is calculated following "An improved approach to computing implied volatility", Chambers, Nawalkha, The Financial Review, 2001, 89-100. The atm option price must be known to use this method.
Definition at line 198 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | blackAtmPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
It is calculated following "An improved approach to computing implied volatility", Chambers, Nawalkha, The Financial Review, 2001, 89-100. The atm option price must be known to use this method.
Definition at line 249 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
It is calculated using
"An Explicit Implicit Volatility Formula" R. Radoicic, D. Stefanica, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2908494
"Tighter Bounds for Implied Volatility", J. Gatheral, I. Matic, R. Radoicic, D. Stefanica https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2922742
Definition at line 268 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDev | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 , |
Real | guess = Null< Real >() , |
Real | accuracy = 1.0e-6 , |
Natural | maxIterations = 100 |
) |
Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
Definition at line 381 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDev | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 , |
Real | guess = Null< Real >() , |
Real | accuracy = 1.0e-6 , |
Natural | maxIterations = 100 |
) |
Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
Definition at line 441 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | blackPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 , |
Real | guess = Null< Real >() , |
Real | omega = 1.0 , |
Real | accuracy = 1.0e-6 , |
Natural | maxIterations = 100 |
) |
Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
"An Adaptive Successive Over-relaxation Method for Computing the Black-Scholes Implied Volatility" M. Li, http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/6867/
Starting point of the iteration is calculated based on
"An Explicit Implicit Volatility Formula" R. Radoicic, D. Stefanica, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2908494
Definition at line 482 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaCashItmProbability | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.
Definition at line 562 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaCashItmProbability | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.
Definition at line 583 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaAssetItmProbability | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 probability of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d1). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.
Definition at line 592 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaAssetItmProbability | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 probability of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d1). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.
Definition at line 614 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaVolDerivative | ( | Real | strike, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | expiry, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 formula for derivative with respect to implied vol, this is basically the vega, but if you want 1% change multiply by 1%
Definition at line 623 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaStdDevDerivative | ( | Real | strike, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
Definition at line 637 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaStdDevDerivative | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
Definition at line 660 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative | ( | Rate | strike, |
Rate | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount, | ||
Real | displacement | ||
) |
Black 1976 formula for second derivative by standard deviation
Definition at line 670 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 , |
Real | displacement = 0.0 |
) |
Black 1976 formula for second derivative by standard deviation
Definition at line 694 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormula | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 |
) |
Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This is essentially the model of Bachelier.
Definition at line 704 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormula | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 |
) |
Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This is essentially the model of Bachelier.
Definition at line 728 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 |
) |
Bachelier Black model forward derivative.
Definition at line 737 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 |
) |
Bachelier Black model forward derivative.
Definition at line 752 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormulaImpliedVol | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | tte, | ||
Real | bachelierPrice, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 |
) |
Approximated Bachelier implied volatility
It is calculated using the analytic implied volatility approximation of J. Choi, K Kim and M. Kwak (2009), “Numerical Approximation of the Implied Volatility Under Arithmetic Brownian Motion”, Applied Math. Finance, 16(3), pp. 261-268.
Definition at line 797 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative | ( | Real | strike, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount = 1.0 |
) |
Bachelier formula for standard deviation derivative
Definition at line 837 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev, | ||
Real | discount | ||
) |
Real bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability | ( | Option::Type | optionType, |
Real | strike, | ||
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev | ||
) |
Bachelier formula for probability of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.
Definition at line 864 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > & | payoff, |
Real | forward, | ||
Real | stdDev | ||
) |
Bachelier formula for of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.
Definition at line 879 of file blackformula.cpp.
Real blackScholesTheta | ( | const ext::shared_ptr< GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess > & | p, |
Real | value, | ||
Real | delta, | ||
Real | gamma | ||
) |
default theta calculation for Black-Scholes options
Definition at line 25 of file greeks.cpp.
default theta-per-day calculation
Definition at line 37 of file greeks.cpp.
Real cdf_nu_ds_minus_x | ( | const HestonProcess & | process, |
Real | x, | ||
Real | nu_0, | ||
Real | nu_t, | ||
Time | dt, | ||
HestonProcess::Discretization | discretization, | ||
Real | x0 | ||
) |
CompositeQuote< BinaryFunction > makeCompositeQuote | ( | const Handle< Quote > & | element1, |
const Handle< Quote > & | element2, | ||
const BinaryFunction & | f | ||
) |
creator method
Definition at line 64 of file compositequote.hpp.
DerivedQuote< UnaryFunction > makeDerivedQuote | ( | const Handle< Quote > & | element, |
const UnaryFunction & | f | ||
) |
creator method
Definition at line 59 of file derivedquote.hpp.
RelinkableHandle< Quote > makeQuoteHandle | ( | Real | value | ) |
Definition at line 56 of file simplequote.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const Settings::DateProxy & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file settings.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Pillar::Choice | type | ||
) |
Definition at line 228 of file bootstraphelper.hpp.
utility function giving the inflation period for a given date
Definition at line 394 of file inflationtermstructure.cpp.
Time inflationYearFraction | ( | Frequency | , |
bool | indexIsInterpolated, | ||
const DayCounter & | , | ||
const Date & | , | ||
const Date & | |||
) |
utility function giving the time between two dates depending on index frequency and interpolation, and a day counter
Definition at line 445 of file inflationtermstructure.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const VolatilityType & | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 34 of file volatilitytype.hpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
BusinessDayConvention | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file businessdayconvention.cpp.
Definition at line 260 of file calendar.hpp.
Definition at line 265 of file calendar.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 269 of file calendar.hpp.
related |
related |
related |
related |
Definition at line 27 of file dategenerationrule.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 135 of file daycounter.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 140 of file daycounter.hpp.
related |
Definition at line 144 of file daycounter.hpp.
Date yearFractionToDate | ( | const DayCounter & | dayCounter, |
const Date & | referenceDate, | ||
Time | t | ||
) |
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
Frequency | f | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file frequency.cpp.
Definition at line 313 of file period.cpp.
Definition at line 347 of file period.cpp.
Definition at line 380 of file period.cpp.
Definition at line 386 of file period.cpp.
Definition at line 390 of file period.cpp.
related |
Definition at line 398 of file period.cpp.
Definition at line 147 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 152 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 156 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 158 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 160 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 162 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 166 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 170 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 174 of file period.hpp.
Definition at line 178 of file period.hpp.
Date previousTwentieth | ( | const Date & | d, |
DateGeneration::Rule | rule | ||
) |
Helper function for returning the date on or before date d
that is the 20th of the month and obeserves the given date generation rule
if it is relevant.
Definition at line 640 of file schedule.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const TimeUnit & | timeunit | ||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file timeunit.cpp.
std::ostream & operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const Weekday & | w | ||
) |
Definition at line 32 of file weekday.cpp.
std::size_t compiledBoostVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the version of boost that the QuantLib library was built with Use to check that client code is using a consistent version of boost. Using QuantLib header files compiled with a different version of boost than the library itself may result in undefined behaviour
Definition at line 38 of file version.cpp.
QL_DEPRECATED_DISABLE_WARNING typedef FiniteDifferenceModel<ParallelEvolver< CrankNicolson<TridiagonalOperator> > > StandardSystemFiniteDifferenceModel |
Definition at line 48 of file fdtypedefs.hpp.
QL_DEPRECATED_ENABLE_WARNING typedef StepCondition<Array> StandardStepCondition |
Definition at line 56 of file fdtypedefs.hpp.