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QuantLib Namespace Reference


namespace  chebyshev_interpolation_detail
namespace  detail
namespace  details
namespace  exponential_integrals_helper
namespace  ExponentialIntegral
namespace  ext
namespace  ForwardForwardMappings
namespace  io
namespace  LatentModelIntegrationType
namespace  MINPACK


class  Abcd
 Abcd interpolation factory and traits More...
class  AbcdAtmVolCurve
 Abcd-interpolated at-the-money (no-smile) volatility curve. More...
class  AbcdCalibration
class  AbcdFunction
 Abcd functional form for instantaneous volatility More...
class  AbcdInterpolation
 Abcd interpolation between discrete points. More...
class  AbcdMathFunction
 Abcd functional form More...
class  AbcdSquared
class  AbcdVol
 Abcd-interpolated volatility structure More...
class  AccountingEngine
 Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation. More...
class  Actual360
 Actual/360 day count convention. More...
class  Actual364
 Actual/364 day count convention. More...
class  Actual36525
 Actual/365.25 day count convention. More...
class  Actual365Fixed
 Actual/365 (Fixed) day count convention. More...
class  Actual366
 Actual/366 day count convention. More...
class  ActualActual
 Actual/Actual day count. More...
class  AcyclicVisitor
 degenerate base class for the Acyclic Visitor pattern More...
class  AdaptedPathPayoff
class  AdaptiveInertia
 AdaptiveInertia. More...
class  AdaptiveRungeKutta
class  AdditiveEQPBinomialTree
 Additive equal probabilities binomial tree. More...
class  AEDCurrency
 United Arab Emirates dirham. More...
struct  AffineHazardRate
class  AffineModel
 Affine model class. More...
class  AkimaCubicInterpolation
class  AliMikhailHaqCopula
 Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula. More...
class  AlphaFinder
class  AlphaForm
class  AlphaFormInverseLinear
class  AlphaFormLinearHyperbolic
class  AmericanBasketPathPricer
class  AmericanExercise
 American exercise. More...
class  AmericanPathPricer
class  AmericanPayoffAtExpiry
 Analytic formula for American exercise payoff at-expiry options. More...
class  AmericanPayoffAtHit
 Analytic formula for American exercise payoff at-hit options. More...
class  AmortizingCmsRateBond
 amortizing CMS-rate bond More...
class  AmortizingFixedRateBond
 amortizing fixed-rate bond More...
class  AmortizingFloatingRateBond
 amortizing floating-rate bond (possibly capped and/or floored) More...
class  AmortizingPayment
 Amortizing payment. More...
class  AnalyticAmericanMargrabeEngine
 Analytic engine for American Margrabe option. More...
class  AnalyticBarrierEngine
 Pricing engine for barrier options using analytical formulae. More...
class  AnalyticBinaryBarrierEngine
 Analytic pricing engine for American binary barriers options. More...
class  AnalyticBlackVasicekEngine
class  AnalyticBSMHullWhiteEngine
 analytic european option pricer including stochastic interest rates More...
class  AnalyticCapFloorEngine
 Analytic engine for cap/floor. More...
class  AnalyticCEVEngine
class  AnalyticCliquetEngine
 Pricing engine for Cliquet options using analytical formulae. More...
class  AnalyticComplexChooserEngine
class  AnalyticCompoundOptionEngine
 Pricing engine for compound options using analytical formulae. More...
class  AnalyticContinuousFixedLookbackEngine
 Pricing engine for European continuous fixed-strike lookback. More...
class  AnalyticContinuousFloatingLookbackEngine
 Pricing engine for European continuous floating-strike lookback. More...
class  AnalyticContinuousGeometricAveragePriceAsianEngine
 Pricing engine for European continuous geometric average price Asian. More...
class  AnalyticContinuousGeometricAveragePriceAsianHestonEngine
 Pricing engine for European continuous geometric average price Asian. More...
class  AnalyticContinuousPartialFixedLookbackEngine
 Pricing engine for European continuous partial-time fixed-strike lookback options. More...
class  AnalyticContinuousPartialFloatingLookbackEngine
 Pricing engine for European continuous partial-time floating-strike lookback option. More...
class  AnalyticDigitalAmericanEngine
 Analytic pricing engine for American vanilla options with digital payoff. More...
class  AnalyticDigitalAmericanKOEngine
 Analytic pricing engine for American Knock-out options with digital payoff. More...
class  AnalyticDiscreteGeometricAveragePriceAsianEngine
 Pricing engine for European discrete geometric average price Asian. More...
class  AnalyticDiscreteGeometricAveragePriceAsianHestonEngine
 Pricing engine for European discrete geometric average price Asian. More...
class  AnalyticDiscreteGeometricAverageStrikeAsianEngine
 Pricing engine for European discrete geometric average-strike Asian option. More...
class  AnalyticDividendEuropeanEngine
 Analytic pricing engine for European options with discrete dividends. More...
class  AnalyticDoubleBarrierBinaryEngine
 Analytic pricing engine for double barrier binary options. More...
class  AnalyticDoubleBarrierEngine
 Pricing engine for double barrier european options using analytical formulae. More...
class  AnalyticEuropeanEngine
 Pricing engine for European vanilla options using analytical formulae. More...
class  AnalyticEuropeanMargrabeEngine
 Analytic engine for European Margrabe option. More...
class  AnalyticGJRGARCHEngine
 GJR-GARCH(1,1) engine. More...
class  AnalyticH1HWEngine
 Analytic Heston-Hull-White engine based on the H1-HW approximation. More...
class  AnalyticHaganPricer
 CMS-coupon pricer. More...
class  AnalyticHestonEngine
 analytic Heston-model engine based on Fourier transform More...
class  AnalyticHestonForwardEuropeanEngine
 Analytic Heston engine incl. stochastic interest rates. More...
class  AnalyticHestonHullWhiteEngine
 Analytic Heston engine incl. stochastic interest rates. More...
class  AnalyticHolderExtensibleOptionEngine
class  AnalyticPartialTimeBarrierOptionEngine
class  AnalyticPDFHestonEngine
 Analytic engine for arbitrary European payoffs under the Heston model. More...
class  AnalyticPerformanceEngine
 Pricing engine for performance options using analytical formulae. More...
class  AnalyticPTDHestonEngine
 analytic piecewise constant time dependent Heston-model engine More...
class  AnalyticSimpleChooserEngine
 Pricing engine for European simple chooser option. More...
class  AnalyticTwoAssetBarrierEngine
 Analytic engine for barrier option on two assets. More...
class  AnalyticTwoAssetCorrelationEngine
 Analytic two-asset correlation option engine. More...
class  AnalyticWriterExtensibleOptionEngine
 Analytic engine for writer-extensible options. More...
class  AndreasenHugeLocalVolAdapter
class  AndreasenHugeVolatilityAdapter
class  AndreasenHugeVolatilityInterpl
 Calibration of a local volatility surface to a sparse grid of options. More...
class  AOACurrency
class  Aonia
 Aonia index More...
class  Argentina
 Argentinian calendars. More...
class  ArithmeticAPOHestonPathPricer
class  ArithmeticAPOPathPricer
class  ArithmeticASOPathPricer
class  ArithmeticAveragedOvernightIndexedCouponPricer
class  ArithmeticAverageOIS
 Arithemtic Average OIS: fix vs arithmetic average of overnight rate. More...
class  ArithmeticOISRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over Overnight Indexed Swap rates. More...
class  ArmijoLineSearch
 Armijo line search. More...
class  Array
 1-D array used in linear algebra. More...
class  ARSCurrency
 Argentinian peso. More...
class  AssetOrNothingPayoff
 Binary asset-or-nothing payoff. More...
class  AssetSwap
 Bullet bond vs Libor swap. More...
class  AssetSwapHelper
struct  ASX
 Main cycle of the Australian Securities Exchange (a.k.a. ASX) months. More...
class  AtmAdjustedSmileSection
class  AtmSmileSection
struct  AtomicDefault
 Atomic (single contractual event) default events. More...
class  ATSCurrency
 Austrian shilling. More...
class  AUCPI
 AU CPI index (either quarterly or annual) More...
class  AUDCurrency
 Australian dollar. More...
class  AUDLibor
 AUD LIBOR rate More...
class  Australia
 Australian calendar. More...
class  AustraliaRegion
 Australia as geographical/economic region. More...
class  Austria
 Austrian calendars. More...
struct  Average
 Placeholder for enumerated averaging types. More...
class  AverageBasketPayoff
class  AverageBMACoupon
 Average BMA coupon. More...
class  AverageBMALeg
 helper class building a sequence of average BMA coupons More...
class  AveragingRatePricer
class  BachelierCapFloorEngine
 Bachelier-Black-formula cap/floor engine. More...
class  BachelierSwaptionEngine
 Normal Bachelier-formula swaption engine. More...
class  BachelierYoYInflationCouponPricer
 Bachelier-formula pricer for capped/floored yoy inflation coupons. More...
class  BackwardFlat
 Backward-flat interpolation factory and traits. More...
class  BackwardFlatInterpolation
 Backward-flat interpolation between discrete points. More...
class  BackwardflatLinear
class  BackwardflatLinearInterpolation
class  BankruptcyEvent
class  BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine
 Barone-Adesi and Whaley pricing engine for American options (1987) More...
class  BarrelUnitOfMeasure
struct  Barrier
 Placeholder for enumerated barrier types. More...
class  BarrierOption
 Barrier option on a single asset. More...
class  BarrierPathPricer
class  BaseCorrelationLossModel
class  BaseCorrelationTermStructure
class  BasisIncompleteOrdered
class  Basket
class  BasketGeneratingEngine
class  BasketOption
 Basket option on a number of assets. More...
class  BasketPayoff
class  BatesDetJumpEngine
class  BatesDetJumpModel
class  BatesDoubleExpDetJumpEngine
class  BatesDoubleExpDetJumpModel
class  BatesDoubleExpEngine
class  BatesDoubleExpModel
class  BatesEngine
 Bates model engines based on Fourier transform. More...
class  BatesModel
 Bates stochastic-volatility model. More...
class  BatesProcess
 Square-root stochastic-volatility Bates process. More...
class  Bbsw
 Bbsw index More...
class  Bbsw1M
 1-month Bbsw index More...
class  Bbsw2M
 2-months Bbsw index More...
class  Bbsw3M
 3-months Bbsw index More...
class  Bbsw4M
 4-months Bbsw index More...
class  Bbsw5M
 5-months Bbsw index More...
class  Bbsw6M
 6-months Bbsw index More...
class  BCHCurrency
 Bitcoin Cash. More...
class  BDTCurrency
 Bangladesh taka. More...
class  BEFCurrency
 Belgian franc. More...
class  BermudanExercise
 Bermudan exercise. More...
class  BermudanSwaptionExerciseValue
class  BernsteinPolynomial
 class of Bernstein polynomials More...
class  BespokeCalendar
 Bespoke calendar. More...
class  BetaRisk
class  BetaRiskSimulation
class  BFGS
 Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm. More...
class  BGLCurrency
 Bulgarian lev. More...
class  BGNCurrency
 Bulgarian lev. More...
class  BHDCurrency
 Bahraini dinar. More...
class  BiasedBarrierPathPricer
class  Bibor
 Bibor index More...
class  Bibor1M
 1-month Bibor index More...
class  Bibor1Y
 1-year Bibor index More...
class  Bibor2M
 2-months Bibor index More...
class  Bibor3M
 3-months Bibor index More...
class  Bibor6M
 6-months Bibor index More...
class  Bibor9M
class  BiborSW
 1-week Bibor index More...
class  BiCGstab
struct  BiCGStabResult
class  Bicubic
 bicubic-spline-interpolation factory More...
class  BicubicSpline
 bicubic-spline interpolation between discrete points More...
class  Bilinear
 bilinear-interpolation factory More...
class  BilinearInterpolation
 bilinear interpolation between discrete points More...
class  BinomialBarrierEngine
 Pricing engine for barrier options using binomial trees. More...
class  BinomialConvertibleEngine
 Binomial Tsiveriotis-Fernandes engine for convertible bonds. More...
class  BinomialDistribution
 Binomial probability distribution function. More...
class  BinomialDoubleBarrierEngine
 Pricing engine for double barrier options using binomial trees. More...
class  BinomialLossModel
class  BinomialProbabilityOfAtLeastNEvents
 Probability of at least N events. More...
class  BinomialTree
 Binomial tree base class. More...
class  BinomialVanillaEngine
 Pricing engine for vanilla options using binomial trees. More...
class  Bisection
 Bisection 1-D solver More...
class  BivariateCumulativeNormalDistributionDr78
 Cumulative bivariate normal distribution function. More...
class  BivariateCumulativeNormalDistributionWe04DP
 Cumulative bivariate normal distibution function (West 2004) More...
class  BivariateCumulativeStudentDistribution
 Cumulative Student t-distribution. More...
class  BjerksundStenslandApproximationEngine
 Bjerksund and Stensland pricing engine for American options (1993) More...
class  Bkbm
 Bkbm index More...
class  Bkbm1M
 1-month Bkbm index More...
class  Bkbm2M
 2-months Bkbm index More...
class  Bkbm3M
 3-months Bkbm index More...
class  Bkbm4M
 4-months Bkbm index More...
class  Bkbm5M
 5-months Bkbm index More...
class  Bkbm6M
 6-months Bkbm index More...
class  BlackAtmVolCurve
 Black at-the-money (no-smile) volatility curve. More...
class  BlackCalculator
 Black 1976 calculator class. More...
class  BlackCalibrationHelper
 liquid Black76 market instrument used during calibration More...
class  BlackCallableFixedRateBondEngine
 Black-formula callable fixed rate bond engine. More...
class  BlackCallableZeroCouponBondEngine
 Black-formula callable zero coupon bond engine. More...
class  BlackCapFloorEngine
 Black-formula cap/floor engine. More...
class  BlackCdsOptionEngine
 Black-formula CDS-option engine. More...
class  BlackConstantVol
 Constant Black volatility, no time-strike dependence. More...
class  BlackDeltaCalculator
 Black delta calculator class. More...
class  BlackDeltaPremiumAdjustedMaxStrikeClass
class  BlackDeltaPremiumAdjustedSolverClass
class  BlackIborCouponPricer
class  BlackIborQuantoCouponPricer
class  BlackKarasinski
 Standard Black-Karasinski model class. More...
class  BlackProcess
 Black (1976) stochastic process. More...
class  BlackScholesCalculator
 Black-Scholes 1973 calculator class. More...
class  BlackScholesLattice
 Simple binomial lattice approximating the Black-Scholes model. More...
class  BlackScholesMertonProcess
 Merton (1973) extension to the Black-Scholes stochastic process. More...
class  BlackScholesProcess
 Black-Scholes (1973) stochastic process. More...
class  BlackSwaptionEngine
 Shifted Lognormal Black-formula swaption engine. More...
class  BlackVarianceCurve
 Black volatility curve modelled as variance curve. More...
class  BlackVarianceSurface
 Black volatility surface modelled as variance surface. More...
class  BlackVarianceTermStructure
 Black variance term structure. More...
class  BlackVolatilityTermStructure
 Black-volatility term structure. More...
class  BlackVolSurface
 Black volatility (smile) surface. More...
class  BlackVolTermStructure
 Black-volatility term structure. More...
class  BlackYoYInflationCouponPricer
 Black-formula pricer for capped/floored yoy inflation coupons. More...
class  BMAIndex
 Bond Market Association index. More...
class  BMASwap
 swap paying Libor against BMA coupons More...
class  BMASwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over BMA swap rates. More...
class  Bond
 Base bond class. More...
class  BondForward
 Forward contract on a bond More...
struct  BondFunctions
 Bond adapters of CashFlows functions. More...
class  BondHelper
 Bond helper for curve bootstrap. More...
class  BootstrapError
 bootstrap error More...
class  BootstrapHelper
 Base helper class for bootstrapping. More...
class  Botswana
 Botswana calendar. More...
class  BoundaryCondition
 Abstract boundary condition class for finite difference problems. More...
class  BoundaryConditionSchemeHelper
class  BoundaryConditionSet
class  BoundaryConstraint
 Constraint imposing all arguments to be in [low,high] More...
class  BoxMullerGaussianRng
 Gaussian random number generator. More...
class  Brazil
 Brazilian calendar. More...
class  Brent
 Brent 1-D solver More...
class  BRLCurrency
 Brazilian real. More...
class  BrownianBridge
 Builds Wiener process paths using Gaussian variates. More...
class  BrownianGenerator
class  BrownianGeneratorFactory
class  BSMOperator
 Black-Scholes-Merton differential operator. More...
class  BSMRNDCalculator
class  BSpline
 B-spline basis functions. More...
class  BTCCurrency
 Bitcoin. More...
class  BTP
 Italian BTP (Buono Poliennali del Tesoro) fixed rate bond. More...
class  Burley2020SobolBrownianBridgeRsg
class  Burley2020SobolBrownianGenerator
class  Burley2020SobolBrownianGeneratorFactory
class  Burley2020SobolRsg
 Scrambled sobol sequence according to Burley, 2020. More...
class  Business252
 Business/252 day count convention. More...
class  BWPCurrency
class  BYRCurrency
 Belarussian ruble. More...
class  CADCurrency
 Canadian dollar. More...
class  CADLibor
 CAD LIBOR rate More...
class  CADLiborON
 Overnight CAD Libor index. More...
class  Calendar
 calendar class More...
class  CalibratedModel
 Calibrated model class. More...
class  CalibrationHelper
 abstract base class for calibration helpers More...
class  Callability
 instrument callability More...
class  CallableBond
 Callable bond base class. More...
class  CallableBondConstantVolatility
 Constant callable-bond volatility, no time-strike dependence. More...
class  CallableBondVolatilityStructure
 Callable-bond volatility structure. More...
class  CallableFixedRateBond
 callable/puttable fixed rate bond More...
class  CallableZeroCouponBond
 callable/puttable zero coupon bond More...
class  CallSpecifiedMultiProduct
class  CallSpecifiedPathwiseMultiProduct
class  Canada
 Canadian calendar. More...
class  Cap
 Concrete cap class. More...
class  CapFloor
 Base class for cap-like instruments. More...
class  CapFloorTermVolatilityStructure
 Cap/floor term-volatility structure. More...
class  CapFloorTermVolCurve
 Cap/floor at-the-money term-volatility vector. More...
class  CapFloorTermVolSurface
 Cap/floor smile volatility surface. More...
class  CapHelper
 calibration helper for ATM cap More...
class  CapletVarianceCurve
class  CappedFlooredCmsCoupon
class  CappedFlooredCmsSpreadCoupon
class  CappedFlooredCoupon
 Capped and/or floored floating-rate coupon. More...
class  CappedFlooredIborCoupon
class  CappedFlooredYoYInflationCoupon
 Capped or floored inflation coupon. More...
class  CapPseudoDerivative
class  CashFlow
 Base class for cash flows. More...
class  CashFlows
 cashflow-analysis functions More...
class  CashOrNothingPayoff
 Binary cash-or-nothing payoff. More...
class  CatBond
class  CatRisk
class  CatSimulation
class  CCTEU
class  CDO
 collateralized debt obligation More...
class  Cdor
 CDOR rate More...
class  CdsHelper
 Base class for CDS helpers. More...
class  CdsOption
 CDS option. More...
class  CeilingTruncation
 Ceiling truncation. More...
class  CEVCalculator
 constant elasticity of variance process (absorbing boundary at f=0) More...
class  CEVRNDCalculator
 constant elasticity of variance process (absorbing boundary at f=0) More...
class  ChebyshevInterpolation
class  CHFCurrency
 Swiss franc. More...
class  CHFLibor
 CHF LIBOR rate More...
class  ChfLiborSwapIsdaFix
 ChfLiborSwapIsdaFix index base class More...
class  Chile
 Chilean calendars. More...
class  China
 Chinese calendar. More...
class  Claim
 Claim associated to a default event. More...
class  ClaytonCopula
 Clayton copula. More...
class  ClaytonCopulaRng
 Clayton copula random-number generator. More...
class  CLFCurrency
 Unidad de Fomento (funds code) More...
class  CLGaussianRng
 Gaussian random number generator. More...
class  CliquetOption
 cliquet (Ratchet) option More...
class  Clone
 cloning proxy to an underlying object More...
class  ClosestRounding
 Closest rounding. More...
class  CLPCurrency
 Chilean peso. More...
class  ClubsTopology
 Clubs Topology. More...
class  CmsCoupon
 CMS coupon class. More...
class  CmsCouponPricer
 base pricer for vanilla CMS coupons More...
class  CmsLeg
 helper class building a sequence of capped/floored cms-rate coupons More...
class  CmsMarket
 set of CMS quotes More...
class  CmsMarketCalibration
class  CMSMMDriftCalculator
 Drift computation for CMS market models. More...
class  CmsRateBond
 CMS-rate bond. More...
class  CmsSpreadCoupon
 CMS spread coupon class. More...
class  CmsSpreadCouponPricer
 base pricer for vanilla CMS spread coupons More...
class  CmsSpreadLeg
 helper class building a sequence of capped/floored cms-spread-rate coupons More...
class  CMSwapCurveState
 Curve state for constant-maturity-swap market models More...
class  CNHCurrency
 Chinese yuan (Hong Kong) More...
class  CNYCurrency
 Chinese yuan. More...
class  Collar
 Concrete collar class. More...
class  Commodity
 Commodity base class. More...
class  CommodityCashFlow
class  CommodityCurve
 Commodity term structure. More...
class  CommodityIndex
 base class for commodity indexes More...
class  CommodityPricingHelper
 commodity index helper More...
class  CommoditySettings
 global repository for run-time library settings More...
class  CommodityType
 commodity type More...
class  CommodityUnitCost
class  ComplexChooserOption
 Complex chooser option. More...
class  CompositeConstraint
 Constraint enforcing both given sub-constraints More...
class  CompositeInstrument
 Composite instrument More...
class  CompositeQuote
 market element whose value depends on two other market element More...
class  CompositeZeroYieldStructure
class  CompoundingRatePricer
class  CompoundOption
 Compound option (i.e., option on option) on a single asset. More...
class  Concentrating1dMesher
class  ConjugateGradient
 Multi-dimensional Conjugate Gradient class. More...
class  ConstantCapFloorTermVolatility
 Constant caplet volatility, no time-strike dependence. More...
class  ConstantCPIVolatility
 Constant surface, no K or T dependence. More...
class  ConstantEstimator
 Constant-estimator volatility model. More...
class  ConstantLossLatentmodel
class  ConstantLossModel
class  ConstantOptionletVolatility
 Constant caplet volatility, no time-strike dependence. More...
class  ConstantParameter
 Standard constant parameter a(t) = a . More...
class  ConstantRecoveryModel
class  ConstantSwaptionVolatility
 Constant swaption volatility, no time-strike dependence. More...
class  ConstantYoYOptionletVolatility
 Constant surface, no K or T dependence. More...
class  ConstNotionalCrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over constant-notional cross-currency basis swaps. More...
class  ConstrainedEvolver
 Constrained market-model evolver. More...
class  Constraint
 Base constraint class. More...
class  ContinuousArithmeticAsianLevyEngine
class  ContinuousArithmeticAsianVecerEngine
 Vecer engine for continuous-avaeraging Asian options. More...
class  ContinuousAveragingAsianOption
 Continuous-averaging Asian option. More...
class  ContinuousFixedLookbackOption
 Continuous-fixed lookback option. More...
class  ContinuousFloatingLookbackOption
 Continuous-floating lookback option. More...
class  ContinuousPartialFixedLookbackOption
 Continuous-partial-fixed lookback option. More...
class  ContinuousPartialFloatingLookbackOption
 Continuous-partial-floating lookback option. More...
class  ConvergenceStatistics
 statistics class with convergence table More...
class  ConvertibleBond
 base class for convertible bonds More...
class  ConvertibleFixedCouponBond
 convertible fixed-coupon bond More...
class  ConvertibleFloatingRateBond
 convertible floating-rate bond More...
class  ConvertibleZeroCouponBond
 convertible zero-coupon bond More...
class  ConvexMonotone
 Convex-monotone interpolation factory and traits. More...
class  ConvexMonotoneInterpolation
 Convex monotone yield-curve interpolation method. More...
class  COPCurrency
 Colombian peso. More...
class  Corra
class  CorrelationTermStructure
class  COSHestonEngine
 COS-method Heston engine based on efficient Fourier series expansions. More...
class  CostFunction
 Cost function abstract class for optimization problem. More...
class  CoterminalSwapCurveState
 Curve state for coterminal-swap market models More...
class  CotSwapFromFwdCorrelation
class  CotSwapToFwdAdapter
class  CotSwapToFwdAdapterFactory
class  COUCurrency
 Unidad de Valor Real. More...
class  CounterpartyAdjSwapEngine
class  Coupon
 coupon accruing over a fixed period More...
class  CovarianceDecomposition
 Covariance decomposition into correlation and variances. More...
class  CoxIngersollRoss
 Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model class. More...
class  CoxIngersollRossProcess
 CoxIngersollRoss process class. More...
class  CoxRossRubinstein
 Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (multiplicative) equal jumps binomial tree. More...
struct  CPI
class  CPIBond
class  CPIBondHelper
 CPI bond helper for curve bootstrap. More...
class  CPICapFloor
 CPI cap or floor. More...
class  CPICapFloorTermPriceSurface
 Provides cpi cap/floor prices by interpolation and put/call parity (not cap/floor/swap* parity). More...
class  CPICashFlow
 Cash flow paying the performance of a CPI (zero inflation) index. More...
class  CPICoupon
 Coupon paying the performance of a CPI (zero inflation) index More...
class  CPICouponPricer
 base pricer for capped/floored CPI coupons N.B. vol-dependent parts are a TODO More...
class  CPILeg
 Helper class building a sequence of capped/floored CPI coupons. More...
class  CPISwap
 zero-inflation-indexed swap, More...
class  CPIVolatilitySurface
 zero inflation (i.e. CPI/RPI/HICP/etc.) volatility structures More...
class  CraigSneydScheme
class  CrankNicolson
 Crank-Nicolson scheme for finite difference methods. More...
class  CrankNicolsonScheme
class  CreditDefaultSwap
 Credit default swap. More...
class  CreditRiskPlus
class  CrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelperBase
 Base class for cross-currency basis swap rate helpers. More...
class  CTSMMCapletAlphaFormCalibration
class  CTSMMCapletCalibration
class  CTSMMCapletMaxHomogeneityCalibration
class  CTSMMCapletOriginalCalibration
class  Cubic
 Cubic interpolation factory and traits More...
class  CubicBSplinesFitting
 CubicSpline B-splines fitting method. More...
class  CubicInterpolation
 Cubic interpolation between discrete points. More...
class  CubicNaturalSpline
class  CubicSplineOvershootingMinimization1
class  CubicSplineOvershootingMinimization2
class  CumulativeBehrensFisher
 Cumulative (generalized) BehrensFisher distribution. More...
class  CumulativeBinomialDistribution
 Cumulative binomial distribution function. More...
class  CumulativeChiSquareDistribution
class  CumulativeGammaDistribution
class  CumulativeNormalDistribution
 Cumulative normal distribution function. More...
class  CumulativePoissonDistribution
 Cumulative Poisson distribution function. More...
class  CumulativeStudentDistribution
 Cumulative Student t-distribution. More...
class  CuriouslyRecurringTemplate
 Support for the curiously recurring template pattern. More...
class  Currency
 Currency specification More...
class  CurveState
 Curve state for market-model simulations More...
class  CustomRegion
 Custom geographical/economic region. More...
class  CYPCurrency
 Cyprus pound. More...
class  CzechRepublic
 Czech calendars. More...
class  CZKCurrency
 Czech koruna. More...
class  DailyTenorCHFLibor
 base class for the one day deposit BBA CHF LIBOR indexes More...
class  DailyTenorEURLibor
 base class for the one day deposit ICE EUR LIBOR indexes More...
class  DailyTenorGBPLibor
 Base class for the one day deposit ICE GBP LIBOR indexes. More...
class  DailyTenorJPYLibor
 base class for the one day deposit ICE JPY LIBOR indexes More...
class  DailyTenorLibor
 base class for all O/N-S/N BBA LIBOR indexes but the EUR ones More...
class  DailyTenorUSDLibor
 base class for the one day deposit ICE USD LIBOR indexes More...
class  DASHCurrency
 Dash coin. More...
class  Date
 Concrete date class. More...
class  DatedOISRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over Overnight Indexed Swap rates. More...
struct  DateGeneration
 Date-generation rule. More...
class  DateInterval
 Date interval described by a number of a given time unit. More...
class  DateParser
class  DayCounter
 day counter class More...
class  DecreasingGaussianWalk
 Decreasing Random Walk. More...
class  DecreasingInertia
 Decreasing Inertia. More...
struct  Default
struct  DefaultDensity
 Default-density-curve traits. More...
class  DefaultDensityStructure
 Default-density term structure. More...
class  DefaultEvent
 Credit event on a bond of a certain seniority(ies)/currency. More...
class  DefaultLatentModel
 Default event Latent Model. More...
class  DefaultLogCubic
class  DefaultLogMixedLinearCubic
class  DefaultLossModel
class  DefaultProbabilityTermStructure
 Default probability term structure. More...
class  DefaultProbKey
class  DefaultType
 Atomic credit-event type. More...
class  DeltaVolQuote
 Class for the quotation of delta vs vol. More...
class  DEMCurrency
 Deutsche mark. More...
class  Denmark
 Danish calendar. More...
class  DepositRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over deposit rates. More...
class  DerivedQuote
 market quote whose value depends on another quote More...
class  Destr
 Destr (Denmark Short-Term Rate) index. More...
class  DifferentialEvolution
 Differential Evolution configuration object. More...
class  DigitalCmsCoupon
 Cms-rate coupon with digital digital call/put option. More...
class  DigitalCmsLeg
 helper class building a sequence of digital ibor-rate coupons More...
class  DigitalCmsSpreadCoupon
 Cms-spread-rate coupon with digital digital call/put option. More...
class  DigitalCmsSpreadLeg
 helper class building a sequence of digital ibor-rate coupons More...
class  DigitalCoupon
 Digital-payoff coupon. More...
class  DigitalIborCoupon
 Ibor rate coupon with digital digital call/put option. More...
class  DigitalIborLeg
 helper class building a sequence of digital ibor-rate coupons More...
class  DigitalNotionalRisk
class  DigitalPathPricer
class  DigitalReplication
class  DirichletBC
 Neumann boundary condition (i.e., constant value) More...
struct  Discount
 Discount-curve traits. More...
class  DiscountingBondEngine
 Discounting engine for bonds. More...
class  DiscountingSwapEngine
 Discounting engine for swaps. More...
class  DiscrepancyStatistics
 Statistic tool for sequences with discrepancy calculation. More...
class  DiscreteAveragingAsianOption
 Discrete-averaging Asian option. More...
class  DiscreteSimpsonIntegral
class  DiscreteSimpsonIntegrator
class  DiscreteTrapezoidIntegral
class  DiscreteTrapezoidIntegrator
class  DiscretizedAsset
 Discretized asset class used by numerical methods. More...
class  DiscretizedBarrierOption
class  DiscretizedCallableFixedRateBond
class  DiscretizedCapFloor
class  DiscretizedConvertible
class  DiscretizedDermanKaniBarrierOption
class  DiscretizedDermanKaniDoubleBarrierOption
 Derman-Kani-Ergener-Bardhan discretized option helper class. More...
class  DiscretizedDiscountBond
 Useful discretized discount bond asset. More...
class  DiscretizedDoubleBarrierOption
 Standard discretized option helper class. More...
class  DiscretizedOption
 Discretized option on a given asset. More...
class  DiscretizedSwap
class  DiscretizedSwaption
class  DiscretizedVanillaOption
class  Distribution
class  DistributionRandomWalk
 Distribution Walk. More...
class  Dividend
 Predetermined cash flow. More...
class  DKKCurrency
 Danish krone. More...
class  DKKLibor
 DKK LIBOR rate More...
class  DMinus
  D_{-} matricial representation More...
struct  DoubleBarrier
 Placeholder for enumerated barrier types. More...
class  DoubleBarrierOption
 Double Barrier option on a single asset. More...
class  DoubleBarrierPathPricer
class  DoubleStickyRatchetPayoff
 Intermediate class for single/double sticky/ratchet payoffs. More...
class  DoublingConvergenceSteps
class  DouglasScheme
class  DownRounding
 Down-rounding. More...
class  DPlus
  D_{+} matricial representation More...
class  DPlusDMinus
  D_{+}D_{-} matricial representation More...
struct  Duration
 duration type More...
class  DynProgVPPIntrinsicValueEngine
class  DZero
  D_{0} matricial representation More...
struct  earlier_than
 compare two objects by date More...
struct  earlier_than< CashFlow >
struct  earlier_than< DefaultEvent >
struct  earlier_than< ext::shared_ptr< T > >
class  EarlyExercise
 Early-exercise base class. More...
class  EarlyExercisePathPricer
 base class for early exercise path pricers More...
class  EarlyExerciseTraits
class  EarlyExerciseTraits< MultiPath >
class  EarlyExerciseTraits< Path >
struct  ECB
 European Central Bank reserve maintenance dates. More...
class  EEKCurrency
 Estonian kroon. More...
class  EGPCurrency
 Egyptian pound. More...
class  EndCriteria
 Criteria to end optimization process: More...
class  EndEulerDiscretization
 Euler end-point discretization for stochastic processes. More...
class  EnergyBasisSwap
 Energy basis swap. More...
class  EnergyCommodity
 Energy commodity class. More...
struct  EnergyDailyPosition
class  EnergyFuture
 Energy future. More...
class  EnergySwap
class  EnergyVanillaSwap
 Vanilla energy swap. More...
class  Eonia
 Eonia (Euro Overnight Index Average) rate fixed by the ECB. More...
class  EqualJumpsBinomialTree
 Base class for equal jumps binomial tree. More...
class  EqualProbabilitiesBinomialTree
 Base class for equal probabilities binomial tree. More...
class  EquityCashFlow
class  EquityCashFlowPricer
class  EquityFXVolSurface
 Equity/FX volatility (smile) surface. More...
class  EquityIndex
 Base class for equity indexes. More...
class  EquityQuantoCashFlowPricer
class  EquityTotalReturnSwap
 Equity total return swap. More...
class  Error
 Base error class. More...
class  ErrorFunction
 Error function More...
class  EscrowedDividendAdjustment
class  ESPCurrency
 Spanish peseta. More...
class  Estr
 ESTR (Euro Short-Term Rate) rate fixed by the ECB. More...
class  ETBCurrency
class  ETCCurrency
 Ethereum Classic. More...
class  ETHCurrency
 Ethereum. More...
class  EUHICP
 EU HICP index. More...
 EU HICPXT index. More...
class  EulerDiscretization
 Euler discretization for stochastic processes. More...
class  EURCurrency
 European Euro. More...
class  EURegion
 European Union as geographical/economic region. More...
class  Euribor
 Euribor index More...
class  Euribor10M
class  Euribor11M
class  Euribor1M
 1-month Euribor index More...
class  Euribor1W
 1-week Euribor index More...
class  Euribor1Y
 1-year Euribor index More...
class  Euribor2M
class  Euribor2W
class  Euribor365
 Actual/365 Euribor index. More...
class  Euribor365_10M
class  Euribor365_11M
class  Euribor365_1M
class  Euribor365_1Y
class  Euribor365_2M
class  Euribor365_2W
class  Euribor365_3M
class  Euribor365_3W
class  Euribor365_4M
class  Euribor365_5M
class  Euribor365_6M
class  Euribor365_7M
class  Euribor365_8M
class  Euribor365_9M
class  Euribor365_SW
class  Euribor3M
 3-months Euribor index More...
class  Euribor3W
class  Euribor4M
class  Euribor5M
class  Euribor6M
 6-months Euribor index More...
class  Euribor7M
class  Euribor8M
class  Euribor9M
class  EuriborSwapIfrFix
 EuriborSwapIfrFix index base class More...
class  EuriborSwapIsdaFixA
 EuriborSwapIsdaFixA index base class More...
class  EuriborSwapIsdaFixB
 EuriborSwapIsdaFixB index base class More...
class  EURLibor
 base class for all ICE EUR LIBOR indexes but the O/N More...
class  EURLibor10M
class  EURLibor11M
class  EURLibor1M
 1-month EUR Libor index More...
class  EURLibor1Y
 1-year EUR Libor index More...
class  EURLibor2M
class  EURLibor2W
class  EURLibor3M
 3-months EUR Libor index More...
class  EURLibor4M
class  EURLibor5M
class  EURLibor6M
 6-months EUR Libor index More...
class  EURLibor7M
class  EURLibor8M
class  EURLibor9M
class  EURLiborON
 Overnight EUR Libor index. More...
class  EURLiborSW
class  EurLiborSwapIfrFix
 EurLiborSwapIfrFix index base class More...
class  EurLiborSwapIsdaFixA
 EurLiborSwapIsdaFixA index base class More...
class  EurLiborSwapIsdaFixB
 EurLiborSwapIsdaFixB index base class More...
class  EurodollarFuturesImpliedStdDevQuote
 quote for the Eurodollar-future implied standard deviation More...
class  EuropeanExercise
 European exercise. More...
class  EuropeanGJRGARCHPathPricer
class  EuropeanHestonPathPricer
class  EuropeanMultiPathPricer
class  EuropeanOption
 European option on a single asset. More...
class  EuropeanPathMultiPathPricer
class  EuropeanPathPricer
class  Event
 Base class for event. More...
class  EventPaymentOffset
class  EventSet
class  EventSetSimulation
class  EverestMultiPathPricer
class  EverestOption
class  EvolutionDescription
 Market-model evolution description. More...
class  ExchangeContract
class  ExchangeRate
 exchange rate between two currencies More...
class  ExchangeRateManager
 exchange-rate repository More...
class  Exercise
 Base exercise class. More...
class  ExerciseAdapter
class  ExerciseStrategy
class  ExplicitEuler
 Forward Euler scheme for finite difference methods More...
class  ExplicitEulerScheme
class  ExponentialFittingHestonEngine
 analytic Heston-model engine based on More...
class  ExponentialForwardCorrelation
class  ExponentialIntensity
 Exponential Intensity. More...
class  ExponentialJump1dMesher
class  ExponentialSplinesFitting
 Exponential-splines fitting method. More...
class  ExpSinhIntegral
class  ExtendedAdditiveEQPBinomialTree
 Additive equal probabilities binomial tree. More...
class  ExtendedBinomialTree
 Binomial tree base class. More...
class  ExtendedBlackScholesMertonProcess
 experimental Black-Scholes-Merton stochastic process More...
class  ExtendedBlackVarianceCurve
 Black volatility curve modelled as variance curve. More...
class  ExtendedBlackVarianceSurface
 Black volatility surface modelled as variance surface. More...
class  ExtendedCoxIngersollRoss
 Extended Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model class. More...
class  ExtendedCoxRossRubinstein
 Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (multiplicative) equal jumps binomial tree. More...
class  ExtendedEqualJumpsBinomialTree
 Base class for equal jumps binomial tree. More...
class  ExtendedEqualProbabilitiesBinomialTree
 Base class for equal probabilities binomial tree. More...
class  ExtendedJarrowRudd
 Jarrow-Rudd (multiplicative) equal probabilities binomial tree. More...
class  ExtendedJoshi4
class  ExtendedLeisenReimer
 Leisen & Reimer tree: multiplicative approach. More...
class  ExtendedOrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
 Extended Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class. More...
class  ExtendedTian
 Tian tree: third moment matching, multiplicative approach More...
class  ExtendedTrigeorgis
 Trigeorgis (additive equal jumps) binomial tree More...
class  ExtOUWithJumpsProcess
class  Extrapolator
 base class for classes possibly allowing extrapolation More...
class  FaceValueAccrualClaim
 Claim on the notional of a reference security, including accrual. More...
class  FaceValueClaim
 Claim on a notional. More...
class  Factorial
 Factorial numbers calculator More...
class  FactorSpreadedHazardRateCurve
 Default-probability structure with a multiplicative spread on hazard rates. More...
class  FailureToPay
 Failure to Pay atomic event type. More...
class  FailureToPayEvent
class  FalsePosition
 False position 1-D solver. More...
class  FarlieGumbelMorgensternCopula
 Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula. More...
class  FarlieGumbelMorgensternCopulaRng
 Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula random-number generator. More...
class  FastFourierTransform
 FFT implementation. More...
class  FaureRsg
 Faure low-discrepancy sequence generator. More...
class  Fd2dBlackScholesVanillaEngine
 Two dimensional finite-differences Black Scholes vanilla option engine. More...
class  FdBatesVanillaEngine
 Partial integro finite-differences Bates vanilla option engine. More...
class  FdBlackScholesAsianEngine
class  FdBlackScholesBarrierEngine
 Finite-differences Black/Scholes barrier-option engine. More...
class  FdBlackScholesRebateEngine
 Finite-differences Black/Scholes barrier-option rebate helper engine. More...
class  FdBlackScholesShoutEngine
class  FdBlackScholesVanillaEngine
 Finite-differences Black Scholes vanilla option engine. More...
class  FdCEVVanillaEngine
class  FdCIRVanillaEngine
 Finite-differences CIR vanilla option engine. More...
class  FdExtOUJumpVanillaEngine
class  FdG2SwaptionEngine
class  FdHestonBarrierEngine
 Finite-differences Heston barrier-option engine. More...
class  FdHestonDoubleBarrierEngine
 Finite-Differences Heston Double Barrier Option engine. More...
class  FdHestonHullWhiteVanillaEngine
 Finite-differences Heston Hull-White vanilla option engine. More...
class  FdHestonRebateEngine
 Finite-differences Heston barrier-option rebate helper engine. More...
class  FdHestonVanillaEngine
 Finite-differences Heston vanilla option engine. More...
class  FdHullWhiteSwaptionEngine
class  FdKlugeExtOUSpreadEngine
class  Fdm1DimSolver
class  Fdm1dMesher
class  Fdm2dBlackScholesOp
class  Fdm2dBlackScholesSolver
class  Fdm2DimSolver
class  Fdm3DimSolver
class  FdmAffineModelSwapInnerValue
class  FdmAffineModelTermStructure
class  FdmAmericanStepCondition
class  FdmArithmeticAverageCondition
class  FdmBackwardSolver
class  FdmBatesOp
class  FdmBatesSolver
class  FdmBermudanStepCondition
class  FdmBlackScholesFwdOp
class  FdmBlackScholesMesher
class  FdmBlackScholesMultiStrikeMesher
class  FdmBlackScholesOp
class  FdmBlackScholesSolver
class  FdmCellAveragingInnerValue
class  FdmCEV1dMesher
class  FdmCEVOp
class  FdmCIREquityPart
class  FdmCIRMixedPart
class  FdmCIROp
class  FdmCIRRatesPart
class  FdmCIRSolver
class  FdmDirichletBoundary
class  FdmDiscountDirichletBoundary
class  FdmDividendHandler
class  FdmDupire1dOp
class  FdmEscrowedLogInnerValueCalculator
class  FdmExpExtOUInnerValueCalculator
class  FdmExtendedOrnsteinUhlenbeckOp
class  FdmExtOUJumpModelInnerValue
class  FdmExtOUJumpOp
class  FdmExtOUJumpSolver
class  FdmG2Op
class  FdmG2Solver
class  FdmHestonEquityPart
class  FdmHestonFwdOp
class  FdmHestonGreensFct
class  FdmHestonHullWhiteEquityPart
class  FdmHestonHullWhiteOp
class  FdmHestonHullWhiteSolver
class  FdmHestonLocalVolatilityVarianceMesher
class  FdmHestonOp
class  FdmHestonSolver
class  FdmHestonVarianceMesher
class  FdmHestonVariancePart
class  FdmHullWhiteOp
class  FdmHullWhiteSolver
class  FdmIndicesOnBoundary
class  FdmInnerValueCalculator
class  FdmKlugeExtOUOp
class  FdmKlugeExtOUSolver
class  FdmLinearOp
class  FdmLinearOpComposite
class  FdmLinearOpIterator
class  FdmLinearOpLayout
class  FdmLocalVolFwdOp
class  FdmLogBasketInnerValue
class  FdmLogInnerValue
class  FdmMesher
class  FdmMesherComposite
class  FdmMesherIntegral
class  FdmNdimSolver
class  FdmOrnsteinUhlenbeckOp
class  FdmQuantoHelper
class  FdmSabrOp
struct  FdmSchemeDesc
class  FdmShoutLogInnerValueCalculator
class  FdmSimple2dBSSolver
class  FdmSimple2dExtOUSolver
class  FdmSimple3dExtOUJumpSolver
class  FdmSimpleProcess1dMesher
class  FdmSimpleStorageCondition
class  FdmSimpleSwingCondition
class  FdmSnapshotCondition
struct  FdmSolverDesc
class  FdmSpreadPayoffInnerValue
class  FdmSquareRootFwdOp
class  FdmStepConditionComposite
class  FdmTimeDepDirichletBoundary
class  FDMultiPeriodEngine
class  FdmVPPStartLimitStepCondition
class  FdmVPPStepCondition
class  FdmVPPStepConditionFactory
struct  FdmVPPStepConditionMesher
struct  FdmVPPStepConditionParams
class  FdmZabrOp
class  FdmZabrUnderlyingPart
class  FdmZabrVolatilityPart
class  FdmZeroInnerValue
class  FdOrnsteinUhlenbeckVanillaEngine
class  FdSabrVanillaEngine
class  FdSimpleBSSwingEngine
class  FdSimpleExtOUJumpSwingEngine
class  FdSimpleExtOUStorageEngine
class  FdSimpleKlugeExtOUVPPEngine
class  FDVanillaEngine
class  FedFunds
 Fed Funds rate fixed by the FED. More...
class  FFTEngine
 Base class for FFT pricing engines for European vanilla options. More...
class  FFTVanillaEngine
 FFT Pricing engine vanilla options under a Black Scholes process. More...
class  FFTVarianceGammaEngine
 FFT engine for vanilla options under a Variance Gamma process. More...
class  FilonIntegral
 Integral of a one-dimensional function. More...
class  FIMCurrency
 Finnish markka. More...
class  FiniteDifferenceModel
 Generic finite difference model. More...
class  FiniteDifferenceNewtonSafe
 safe Newton 1-D solver with finite difference derivatives More...
class  Finland
 Finnish calendar. More...
class  FireflyAlgorithm
class  FirstDerivativeOp
class  FittedBondDiscountCurve
 Discount curve fitted to a set of fixed-coupon bonds. More...
class  FixedDividend
 Predetermined cash flow. More...
class  FixedLocalVolSurface
class  FixedRateBond
 fixed-rate bond More...
class  FixedRateBondForward
 Forward contract on a fixed-rate bond More...
class  FixedRateBondHelper
 Fixed-coupon bond helper for curve bootstrap. More...
class  FixedRateCoupon
 Coupon paying a fixed interest rate More...
class  FixedRateLeg
 helper class building a sequence of fixed rate coupons More...
class  FixedVsFloatingSwap
 Fixed vs floating swap. More...
class  FlatExtrapolator2D
class  FlatForward
 Flat interest-rate curve. More...
class  FlatHazardRate
 Flat hazard-rate curve. More...
class  FlatSmileSection
class  FlatVol
class  FlatVolFactory
class  FloatFloatSwap
 float float swap More...
class  FloatFloatSwaption
 floatfloat swaption class More...
class  FloatingCatBond
 floating-rate cat bond (possibly capped and/or floored) More...
class  FloatingRateBond
 floating-rate bond (possibly capped and/or floored) More...
class  FloatingRateCoupon
 base floating-rate coupon class More...
class  FloatingRateCouponPricer
 generic pricer for floating-rate coupons More...
class  FloatingTypePayoff
 Payoff based on a floating strike More...
class  Floor
 Concrete floor class. More...
class  FloorTruncation
 Floor truncation. More...
class  FordeHestonExpansion
class  Forward
 Abstract base forward class. More...
class  ForwardEuropeanBSPathPricer
class  ForwardEuropeanHestonPathPricer
class  ForwardFlat
 Forward-flat interpolation factory and traits. More...
class  ForwardFlatInterpolation
 Forward-flat interpolation between discrete points. More...
class  ForwardMeasureProcess
 forward-measure stochastic process More...
class  ForwardMeasureProcess1D
 forward-measure 1-D stochastic process More...
class  ForwardOptionArguments
 Arguments for forward (strike-resetting) option calculation More...
class  ForwardPerformanceVanillaEngine
 Forward performance engine for vanilla options More...
struct  ForwardRate
 Forward-curve traits. More...
class  ForwardRateAgreement
 Forward rate agreement (FRA) class More...
class  ForwardRateStructure
 Forward-rate term structure More...
class  ForwardSpreadedTermStructure
 Term structure with added spread on the instantaneous forward rate. More...
class  ForwardSwapQuote
 Quote for a forward starting swap. More...
class  ForwardTypePayoff
 Class for forward type payoffs. More...
class  ForwardValueQuote
 quote for the forward value of an index More...
class  ForwardVanillaEngine
 Forward engine for vanilla options More...
class  ForwardVanillaOption
 Forward version of a vanilla option More...
class  FractionalDividend
 Predetermined cash flow. More...
class  France
 French calendars. More...
class  FranceRegion
 France as geographical/economic region. More...
class  FrankCopula
 Frank copula. More...
class  FrankCopulaRng
 Frank copula random-number generator. More...
class  FraRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over FRA rates. More...
class  FRFCurrency
 French franc. More...
class  FRHICP
 FR HICP index. More...
class  FritschButlandCubic
class  FritschButlandLogCubic
class  FrobeniusCostFunction
struct  Futures
class  FuturesConvAdjustmentQuote
 quote for the futures-convexity adjustment of an index More...
class  FuturesRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over IborIndex futures prices. More...
class  FwdPeriodAdapter
class  FwdToCotSwapAdapter
class  FwdToCotSwapAdapterFactory
class  FxSwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over Fx Swap rates. More...
class  G2
 Two-additive-factor gaussian model class. More...
class  G2ForwardProcess
 Forward G2 stochastic process More...
class  G2Process
 G2 stochastic process More...
class  G2SwaptionEngine
 Swaption priced by means of the Black formula More...
class  GalambosCopula
 Galambos copula. More...
class  GallonUnitOfMeasure
class  GammaFunction
 Gamma function class. More...
class  GapPayoff
 Binary gap payoff. More...
class  Garch11
 GARCH volatility model. More...
class  GarmanKlassAbstract
 Garman-Klass volatility model. More...
class  GarmanKlassOpenClose
class  GarmanKlassSigma1
class  GarmanKlassSigma3
class  GarmanKlassSigma4
class  GarmanKlassSigma5
class  GarmanKlassSigma6
class  GarmanKlassSimpleSigma
class  GarmanKohlagenProcess
 Garman-Kohlhagen (1983) stochastic process. More...
class  GaussChebyshev2ndIntegration
 Gauss-Chebyshev integration (second kind) More...
class  GaussChebyshev2ndPolynomial
 Gauss-Chebyshev polynomial (second kind) More...
class  GaussChebyshevIntegration
 Gauss-Chebyshev integration. More...
class  GaussChebyshevPolynomial
 Gauss-Chebyshev polynomial. More...
class  GaussGegenbauerIntegration
 Gauss-Gegenbauer integration. More...
class  GaussGegenbauerPolynomial
 Gauss-Gegenbauer polynomial. More...
class  GaussHermiteIntegration
 generalized Gauss-Hermite integration More...
class  GaussHermitePolynomial
 Gauss-Hermite polynomial. More...
class  GaussHyperbolicIntegration
 Gauss-Hyperbolic integration. More...
class  GaussHyperbolicPolynomial
 Gauss hyperbolic polynomial. More...
class  Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine
 Gaussian1d cap/floor engine. More...
class  Gaussian1dFloatFloatSwaptionEngine
 One factor model float float swaption engine. More...
class  Gaussian1dJamshidianSwaptionEngine
 Jamshidian swaption engine. More...
class  Gaussian1dModel
class  Gaussian1dNonstandardSwaptionEngine
 One factor model non standard swaption engine. More...
class  Gaussian1dSmileSection
class  Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine
 One factor model swaption engine. More...
class  Gaussian1dSwaptionVolatility
class  GaussianCopula
 Gaussian copula. More...
struct  GaussianCopulaPolicy
class  GaussianKernel
 Gaussian kernel function. More...
class  GaussianLHPLossModel
class  GaussianOrthogonalPolynomial
 orthogonal polynomial for Gaussian quadratures More...
class  GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator
 Integrates a vector or scalar function of vector domain. More...
class  GaussianQuadrature
 Integral of a 1-dimensional function using the Gauss quadratures method. More...
class  GaussianRandomDefaultModel
class  GaussianWalk
 Gaussian Walk. More...
class  GaussJacobiIntegration
 Gauss-Jacobi integration. More...
class  GaussJacobiPolynomial
 Gauss-Jacobi polynomial. More...
class  GaussKronrodAdaptive
 Integral of a 1-dimensional function using the Gauss-Kronrod methods. More...
class  GaussKronrodNonAdaptive
 Integral of a 1-dimensional function using the Gauss-Kronrod methods. More...
class  GaussLaguerreCosinePolynomial
 Gauss-Laguerre Cosine integration. More...
class  GaussLaguerreIntegration
 generalized Gauss-Laguerre integration More...
class  GaussLaguerrePolynomial
 Gauss-Laguerre polynomial. More...
class  GaussLaguerreSinePolynomial
 Gauss-Laguerre Sine integration. More...
class  GaussLaguerreTrigonometricBase
class  GaussLegendreIntegration
 Gauss-Legendre integration. More...
class  GaussLegendrePolynomial
 Gauss-Legendre polynomial. More...
class  GaussLobattoIntegral
 Integral of a one-dimensional function. More...
class  GaussNonCentralChiSquaredPolynomial
class  GBPCurrency
 British pound sterling. More...
class  GBPLibor
 GBP LIBOR rate More...
class  GBPLiborON
 Overnight GBP Libor index. More...
class  GbpLiborSwapIsdaFix
 GbpLiborSwapIsdaFix index base class More...
class  GBSMRNDCalculator
class  GELCurrency
 Georgian lari. More...
class  GemanRoncoroniProcess
 Geman-Roncoroni process class. More...
class  GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess
 Generalized Black-Scholes stochastic process. More...
class  GeneralizedHullWhite
 Generalized Hull-White model class. More...
class  GeneralizedOrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
 Piecewise linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class. More...
class  GeneralLinearLeastSquares
 general linear least squares regression More...
class  GeneralStatistics
 Statistics tool. More...
class  GenericCPI
 Generic CPI index. More...
class  GenericEngine
 template base class for option pricing engines More...
class  GenericGaussianStatistics
 Statistics tool for gaussian-assumption risk measures. More...
struct  GenericLowDiscrepancy
class  GenericModelEngine
 Base class for some pricing engine on a particular model. More...
struct  GenericPseudoRandom
class  GenericRegion
 Generic geographical/economic region. More...
class  GenericRiskStatistics
 empirical-distribution risk measures More...
class  GenericSequenceStatistics
 Statistics analysis of N-dimensional (sequence) data. More...
class  GenericTimeSetter
class  GeometricAPOHestonPathPricer
class  GeometricAPOPathPricer
class  GeometricBrownianMotionProcess
 Geometric brownian-motion process. More...
class  Germany
 German calendars. More...
class  GFunction
class  GFunctionFactory
class  GHSCurrency
 Ghanaian cedi. More...
class  GJRGARCHModel
 GJR-GARCH model for the stochastic volatility of an asset. More...
class  GJRGARCHProcess
 Stochastic-volatility GJR-GARCH(1,1) process. More...
class  GlobalBootstrap
 Global boostrapper, with additional restrictions. More...
class  GlobalTopology
 Global Topology. More...
class  Glued1dMesher
class  GMRES
struct  GMRESResult
class  GoldsteinLineSearch
class  GRDCurrency
 Greek drachma. More...
class  Greeks
 additional option results More...
class  GridModelLocalVolSurface
class  Gsr
 One factor gsr model, formulation is in forward measure. More...
class  GsrProcess
 GSR stochastic process. More...
class  GumbelCopula
 Gumbel copula. More...
class  HaganIrregularSwaptionEngine
 Pricing engine for irregular swaptions. More...
class  HaganPricer
 CMS-coupon pricer. More...
class  HaltonRsg
 Halton low-discrepancy sequence generator. More...
class  Handle
 Shared handle to an observable. More...
class  HarmonicCubic
class  HarmonicLogCubic
struct  HazardRate
 Hazard-rate-curve traits. More...
class  HazardRateStructure
 Hazard-rate term structure. More...
class  HestonBlackVolSurface
class  HestonExpansion
class  HestonExpansionEngine
 Heston-model engine for European options based on analytic expansions. More...
class  HestonHullWhitePathPricer
class  HestonModel
 Heston model for the stochastic volatility of an asset. More...
class  HestonModelHelper
 calibration helper for Heston model More...
class  HestonProcess
 Square-root stochastic-volatility Heston process. More...
class  HestonRNDCalculator
 Risk neutral terminal probability density for the Heston model. More...
class  HestonSLVFDMModel
struct  HestonSLVFokkerPlanckFdmParams
class  HestonSLVMCModel
class  HestonSLVProcess
class  HimalayaMultiPathPricer
class  HimalayaOption
 Himalaya option. More...
class  Histogram
 Histogram class. More...
class  HistoricalForwardRatesAnalysis
class  HistoricalForwardRatesAnalysisImpl
 Historical correlation class More...
class  HistoricalRatesAnalysis
 Historical rate analysis class More...
class  HKDCurrency
 Hong Kong dollar. More...
class  HolderExtensibleOption
class  HomogeneousPoolLossModel
 Default loss distribution convolution for finite homogeneous pool. More...
class  HongKong
 Hong Kong calendars. More...
class  HRKCurrency
 Croatian kuna. More...
class  HUFCurrency
 Hungarian forint. More...
class  HullWhite
 Single-factor Hull-White (extended Vasicek) model class. More...
class  HullWhiteForwardProcess
 Forward Hull-White stochastic process More...
class  HullWhiteProcess
 Hull-White stochastic process. More...
class  HundsdorferScheme
class  Hungary
 Hungarian calendar. More...
class  HuslerReissCopula
 Husler-Reiss copula. More...
class  HybridHestonHullWhiteProcess
 Hybrid Heston Hull-White stochastic process. More...
class  HybridSimulatedAnnealing
class  IborCoupon
 Coupon paying a Libor-type index More...
class  IborCouponPricer
 base pricer for capped/floored Ibor coupons More...
class  IborIborBasisSwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over ibor-ibor basis swaps. More...
class  IborIndex
 base class for Inter-Bank-Offered-Rate indexes (e.g. Libor, etc.) More...
class  IborLeg
 helper class building a sequence of capped/floored ibor-rate coupons More...
class  IborLegCashFlows
class  Iceland
 Icelandic calendars. More...
class  IDRCurrency
 Indonesian Rupiah. More...
class  IEPCurrency
 Irish punt. More...
class  ILSCurrency
 Israeli shekel. More...
struct  IMM
 Main cycle of the International Money Market (a.k.a. IMM) months. More...
class  ImplicitEuler
 Backward Euler scheme for finite difference methods. More...
class  ImplicitEulerScheme
class  ImpliedStdDevQuote
 quote for the implied standard deviation of an underlying More...
class  ImpliedTermStructure
 Implied term structure at a given date in the future. More...
class  ImpliedVolTermStructure
 Implied vol term structure at a given date in the future. More...
class  IncrementalStatistics
 Statistics tool based on incremental accumulation. More...
class  IndependentCopula
 independent copula More...
class  Index
 purely virtual base class for indexes More...
class  IndexedCashFlow
 Cash flow dependent on an index ratio. More...
class  IndexManager
 global repository for past index fixings More...
class  India
 Indian calendars. More...
class  Indonesia
 Indonesian calendars More...
class  InflationCoupon
 Base inflation-coupon class. More...
class  InflationCouponPricer
 Base inflation-coupon pricer. More...
class  InflationIndex
 Base class for inflation-rate indexes,. More...
class  InflationTermStructure
 Interface for inflation term structures. More...
class  InhomogeneousPoolLossModel
 Default loss distribution convolution for finite non homogeneous pool. More...
class  INRCurrency
 Indian rupee. More...
class  Instrument
 Abstract instrument class. More...
class  IntegralCDOEngine
class  IntegralCdsEngine
class  IntegralEngine
 Pricing engine for European vanilla options using integral approach. More...
class  IntegralHestonVarianceOptionEngine
 integral Heston-model variance-option engine More...
class  IntegralNtdEngine
class  IntegrationBase
class  IntegrationBase< GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator >
class  IntegrationBase< MultidimIntegral >
class  Integrator
class  InterestRate
 Concrete interest rate class. More...
class  InterestRateIndex
 base class for interest rate indexes More...
class  InterestRateVolSurface
 Interest rate volatility (smile) surface. More...
class  InterpolatedAffineHazardRateCurve
class  InterpolatedCPICapFloorTermPriceSurface
class  InterpolatedCurve
 Helper class to build interpolated term structures. More...
class  InterpolatedDefaultDensityCurve
 DefaultProbabilityTermStructure based on interpolation of default densities. More...
class  InterpolatedDiscountCurve
 YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of discount factors. More...
class  InterpolatedForwardCurve
 YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of forward rates. More...
class  InterpolatedHazardRateCurve
 DefaultProbabilityTermStructure based on interpolation of hazard rates. More...
class  InterpolatedPiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure
 Yield curve with an added vector of spreads on the zero-yield rate. More...
class  InterpolatedSimpleZeroCurve
 YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of zero rates. More...
class  InterpolatedSmileSection
class  InterpolatedSurvivalProbabilityCurve
 DefaultProbabilityTermStructure based on interpolation of survival probabilities. More...
class  InterpolatedSwaptionVolatilityCube
 Interpolated Swaption Volatility Cube. More...
class  InterpolatedYoYCapFloorTermPriceSurface
class  InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve
 Inflation term structure based on interpolated year-on-year rates. More...
class  InterpolatedYoYOptionletStripper
class  InterpolatedYoYOptionletVolatilityCurve
 Interpolated flat smile surface. More...
class  InterpolatedZeroCurve
 YieldTermStructure based on interpolation of zero rates. More...
class  InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve
 Inflation term structure based on the interpolation of zero rates. More...
class  InterpolatingCPICapFloorEngine
 Engine for CPI cap/floors based on a price surface. More...
class  Interpolation
 base class for 1-D interpolations. More...
class  Interpolation2D
 base class for 2-D interpolations. More...
class  InterpolationParameter
 Parameter that holds an interpolation object. More...
class  IntervalPrice
 interval price More...
class  InverseCumulativeBehrensFisher
 Inverse of the cumulative of the convolution of odd-T distributions. More...
class  InverseCumulativeNormal
 Inverse cumulative normal distribution function. More...
class  InverseCumulativePoisson
 Inverse cumulative Poisson distribution function. More...
class  InverseCumulativeRng
 Inverse cumulative random number generator. More...
class  InverseCumulativeRsg
 Inverse cumulative random sequence generator. More...
class  InverseCumulativeStudent
 Inverse cumulative Student t-distribution. More...
class  InverseLawSquareIntensity
 Inverse Square Intensity. More...
class  InverseNonCentralCumulativeChiSquareDistribution
class  IQDCurrency
 Iraqi dinar. More...
class  IRRCurrency
 Iranian rial. More...
struct  IrregularSettlement
 settlement information More...
class  IrregularSwap
 Irregular swap: fixed vs floating leg. More...
class  IrregularSwaption
 Irregular Swaption class. More...
class  IsdaCdsEngine
class  ISKCurrency
 Icelandic krona. More...
class  IsotropicRandomWalk
 Isotropic random walk. More...
class  Israel
 Israel calendar. More...
class  Issuer
class  Italy
 Italian calendars. More...
class  IterativeBootstrap
 Universal piecewise-term-structure boostrapper. More...
class  ITLCurrency
 Italian lira. More...
class  JamshidianSwaptionEngine
 Jamshidian swaption engine. More...
class  Japan
 Japanese calendar. More...
class  JarrowRudd
 Jarrow-Rudd (multiplicative) equal probabilities binomial tree. More...
class  Jibar
 JIBAR rate More...
class  JODCurrency
 Jordanian dinar. More...
class  JointCalendar
 Joint calendar. More...
class  JointStochasticProcess
class  Joshi4
class  JPYCurrency
 Japanese yen. More...
class  JPYLibor
 JPY LIBOR rate More...
class  JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixAm
 JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixAm index base class More...
class  JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixPm
 JpyLiborSwapIsdaFixPm index base class More...
class  JumpDiffusionEngine
 Jump-diffusion engine for vanilla options. More...
class  JuQuadraticApproximationEngine
 Pricing engine for American options with Ju quadratic approximation. More...
class  KahaleSmileSection
class  KerkhofSeasonality
class  KernelFunction
class  KernelInterpolation
 Kernel interpolation between discrete points. More...
class  KernelInterpolation2D
class  KESCurrency
 Kenyan shilling. More...
class  KilolitreUnitOfMeasure
class  KInterpolatedYoYOptionletVolatilitySurface
 K-interpolated YoY optionlet volatility. More...
class  KirkEngine
 Pricing engine for spread option on two futures. More...
class  KirkSpreadOptionEngine
 Kirk approximation for European spread option on futures. More...
class  KlugeExtOUProcess
class  KNeighbors
 K-Neighbor Topology. More...
class  KnuthUniformRng
 Uniform random number generator. More...
class  KrugerCubic
class  KrugerLog
class  KrugerLogCubic
class  KrugerLogMixedLinearCubic
class  KRWCurrency
 South-Korean won. More...
class  KWDCurrency
 Kuwaiti dinar. More...
class  KZTCurrency
class  LagrangeInterpolation
class  LaplaceInterpolation
class  LastFixingQuote
 Quote adapter for the last fixing available of a given Index. More...
class  LatentModel
 Generic multifactor latent variable model. More...
class  Lattice
 Lattice (tree, finite-differences) base class More...
class  LatticeRsg
class  LatticeRule
class  LatticeShortRateModelEngine
 Engine for a short-rate model specialized on a lattice. More...
class  LazyObject
 Framework for calculation on demand and result caching. More...
class  LeastSquareFunction
 Cost function for least-square problems. More...
class  LeastSquareProblem
 Base class for least square problem. More...
class  LecuyerUniformRng
 Uniform random number generator. More...
class  LeisenReimer
 Leisen & Reimer tree: multiplicative approach. More...
class  LevenbergMarquardt
 Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. More...
class  LevyFlightDistribution
 Levy Flight distribution. More...
class  LevyFlightInertia
 Levy Flight Inertia. More...
class  LevyFlightWalk
 Levy Flight Random Walk. More...
class  LfmCovarianceParameterization
 Libor market model parameterization More...
class  LfmCovarianceProxy
 proxy for a libor forward model covariance parameterization More...
class  LfmHullWhiteParameterization
 Libor market model parameterization based on Hull White paper More...
class  LfmSwaptionEngine
 Libor forward model swaption engine based on Black formula More...
class  Libor
 base class for all ICE LIBOR indexes but the EUR, O/N, and S/N ones More...
class  LiborForwardModel
 Libor forward model More...
class  LiborForwardModelProcess
 libor-forward-model process More...
class  Linear
 Linear-interpolation factory and traits More...
class  LinearFlat
 Linear-interpolation with flat-extrapolation factory and traits More...
class  LinearFlatInterpolation
 Linear interpolation between discrete points with flat extapolation More...
class  LinearInterpolation
 Linear interpolation between discrete points More...
class  LinearLeastSquaresRegression
class  LinearRegression
class  LinearTsrPricer
 CMS-coupon pricer. More...
class  LineSearch
 Base class for line search. More...
class  LineSearchBasedMethod
 Line search based method. More...
class  LitreUnitOfMeasure
class  LKRCurrency
 Sri Lankan rupee. More...
class  LmConstWrapperCorrelationModel
class  LmConstWrapperVolatilityModel
 caplet const volatility model More...
class  LmCorrelationModel
 libor forward correlation model More...
class  LmExponentialCorrelationModel
 exponential correlation model More...
class  LmExtLinearExponentialVolModel
 extended linear exponential volatility model More...
class  LmFixedVolatilityModel
class  LMIntegration
class  LmLinearExponentialCorrelationModel
 linear exponential correlation model More...
class  LmLinearExponentialVolatilityModel
 linear exponential volatility model More...
class  LMMCurveState
 Curve state for Libor market models More...
class  LMMDriftCalculator
 Drift computation for log-normal Libor market models. More...
class  LMMNormalDriftCalculator
 Drift computation for normal Libor market models. More...
class  LmVolatilityModel
 caplet volatility model More...
class  LocalBootstrap
 Localised-term-structure bootstrapper for most curve types. More...
class  LocalConstantVol
 Constant local volatility, no time-strike dependence. More...
class  LocalVolatilityEstimator
class  LocalVolCurve
 Local volatility curve derived from a Black curve. More...
class  LocalVolRNDCalculator
class  LocalVolSurface
 Local volatility surface derived from a Black vol surface. More...
class  LocalVolTermStructure
class  LogCubic
 log-cubic interpolation factory and traits More...
class  LogCubicInterpolation
 log-cubic interpolation between discrete points More...
class  LogCubicNaturalSpline
class  LogGrid
class  LogLinear
 log-linear interpolation factory and traits More...
class  LogLinearInterpolation
 log-linear interpolation between discrete points More...
class  LogMixedLinearCubic
 log-cubic interpolation factory and traits More...
class  LogMixedLinearCubicInterpolation
 log-mixedlinearcubic interpolation between discrete points More...
class  LogMixedLinearCubicNaturalSpline
class  LognormalCmsSpreadPricer
 CMS spread - coupon pricer. More...
class  LogNormalCmSwapRatePc
 Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  LogNormalCotSwapRatePc
 Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  LogNormalFwdRateBalland
 Iterative Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  LogNormalFwdRateEuler
 Euler. More...
class  LogNormalFwdRateEulerConstrained
 euler stepping More...
class  LogNormalFwdRateiBalland
 Iterative Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  LogNormalFwdRateIpc
 Iterative Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  LogNormalFwdRatePc
 Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  LogParabolic
class  LongstaffSchwartzExerciseStrategy
class  LongstaffSchwartzMultiPathPricer
 Longstaff-Schwarz path pricer for early exercise options. More...
class  LongstaffSchwartzPathPricer
 Longstaff-Schwarz path pricer for early exercise options. More...
class  Loss
class  LossDist
 Probability formulas and algorithms. More...
class  LossDistBinomial
 Binomial loss distribution. More...
class  LossDistBucketing
 Loss distribution with Hull-White bucketing. More...
class  LossDistHomogeneous
 Loss Distribution for Homogeneous Pool. More...
class  LossDistMonteCarlo
 Loss distribution with Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  LotUnitOfMeasure
class  LPP2HestonExpansion
class  LPP3HestonExpansion
class  LsmBasisSystem
class  LTCCurrency
 Litecoin. More...
class  LTLCurrency
 Lithuanian litas. More...
class  LUFCurrency
 Luxembourg franc. More...
class  LVLCurrency
 Latvian lat. More...
class  MADCurrency
 Moroccan dirham. More...
class  MaddockCumulativeNormal
 Maddock's cumulative normal distribution class. More...
class  MaddockInverseCumulativeNormal
 Maddock's Inverse cumulative normal distribution class. More...
class  MakeArithmeticAverageOIS
 helper class More...
class  MakeCapFloor
 helper class More...
class  MakeCms
 helper class for instantiating CMS More...
class  MakeCreditDefaultSwap
 helper class More...
class  MakeFdBlackScholesVanillaEngine
class  MakeFdCIRVanillaEngine
class  MakeFdHestonVanillaEngine
class  MakeMCAmericanBasketEngine
 Monte Carlo American basket-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCAmericanEngine
 Monte Carlo American engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCAmericanPathEngine
 Monte Carlo American basket-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCBarrierEngine
 Monte Carlo barrier-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCDigitalEngine
 Monte Carlo digital engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCDiscreteArithmeticAPEngine
class  MakeMCDiscreteArithmeticAPHestonEngine
class  MakeMCDiscreteArithmeticASEngine
class  MakeMCDiscreteGeometricAPEngine
class  MakeMCDiscreteGeometricAPHestonEngine
class  MakeMCDoubleBarrierEngine
 Monte Carlo double-barrier-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCEuropeanBasketEngine
 Monte Carlo basket-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCEuropeanEngine
 Monte Carlo European engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCEuropeanGJRGARCHEngine
 Monte Carlo GJR-GARCH European engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCEuropeanHestonEngine
 Monte Carlo Heston European engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCEverestEngine
 Monte Carlo Everest-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCForwardEuropeanBSEngine
class  MakeMCForwardEuropeanHestonEngine
class  MakeMCHestonHullWhiteEngine
 Monte Carlo Heston/Hull-White engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCHimalayaEngine
 Monte Carlo Himalaya-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCHullWhiteCapFloorEngine
 Monte Carlo Hull-White cap-floor engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCLookbackEngine
 Monte Carlo lookback-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCPagodaEngine
 Monte Carlo pagoda-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCPathBasketEngine
 Monte Carlo Path Basket engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCPerformanceEngine
 Monte Carlo performance-option engine factory. More...
class  MakeMCVarianceSwapEngine
 Monte Carlo variance-swap engine factory. More...
class  MakeOIS
 helper class More...
class  MakeSchedule
 helper class More...
class  MakeSwaption
 helper class More...
class  MakeVanillaSwap
 helper class More...
class  MakeYoYInflationCapFloor
 helper class More...
class  ManipulateDistribution
class  MargrabeOption
 Margrabe option on two assets. More...
class  MarketModel
 base class for market models More...
class  MarketModelBasisSystem
class  MarketModelCashRebate
class  MarketModelComposite
 Composition of two or more market-model products. More...
class  MarketModelDiscounter
class  MarketModelEvolver
 Market-model evolver. More...
class  MarketModelExerciseValue
class  MarketModelFactory
 base class for market-model factories More...
class  MarketModelMultiProduct
 market-model product More...
class  MarketModelNodeDataProvider
class  MarketModelParametricExercise
class  MarketModelPathwiseCashRebate
class  MarketModelPathwiseCoterminalSwaptionsDeflated
class  MarketModelPathwiseCoterminalSwaptionsNumericalDeflated
class  MarketModelPathwiseDiscounter
class  MarketModelPathwiseInverseFloater
class  MarketModelPathwiseMultiCaplet
 market-model pathwise caplet More...
class  MarketModelPathwiseMultiDeflatedCap
class  MarketModelPathwiseMultiDeflatedCaplet
class  MarketModelPathwiseMultiProduct
 market-model pathwise product More...
class  MarketModelPathwiseSwap
class  MarketModelVolProcess
class  MarketQuotedOptionPricer
class  MarkovFunctional
class  MarshallOlkinCopula
 Marshall-Olkin copula. More...
class  Matrix
 Matrix used in linear algebra. More...
class  MaxBasketPayoff
class  MaxCopula
 max copula More...
class  MBUnitOfMeasure
class  MCAmericanBasketEngine
 least-square Monte Carlo engine More...
class  MCAmericanEngine
 American Monte Carlo engine. More...
class  MCAmericanPathEngine
 least-square Monte Carlo engine More...
class  MCBarrierEngine
 Pricing engine for barrier options using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCDigitalEngine
 Pricing engine for digital options using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCDiscreteArithmeticAPEngine
 Monte Carlo pricing engine for discrete arithmetic average price Asian. More...
class  MCDiscreteArithmeticAPHestonEngine
 Heston MC pricing engine for discrete arithmetic average price Asian. More...
class  MCDiscreteArithmeticASEngine
 Monte Carlo pricing engine for discrete arithmetic average-strike Asian. More...
class  MCDiscreteAveragingAsianEngineBase
 Pricing engine for discrete average Asians using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCDiscreteGeometricAPEngine
 Monte Carlo pricing engine for discrete geometric average price Asian. More...
class  MCDiscreteGeometricAPHestonEngine
 Heston MC pricing engine for discrete geometric average price Asian. More...
class  MCDoubleBarrierEngine
class  MCEuropeanBasketEngine
 Pricing engine for European basket options using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCEuropeanEngine
 European option pricing engine using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCEuropeanGJRGARCHEngine
 Monte Carlo GJR-GARCH-model engine for European options. More...
class  MCEuropeanHestonEngine
 Monte Carlo Heston-model engine for European options. More...
class  MCEverestEngine
class  MCForwardEuropeanBSEngine
class  MCForwardEuropeanHestonEngine
class  MCForwardVanillaEngine
 Monte Carlo engine for forward-starting vanilla options. More...
class  MCHestonHullWhiteEngine
class  MCHimalayaEngine
class  MCHullWhiteCapFloorEngine
 Monte Carlo Hull-White engine for cap/floors. More...
class  MCLongstaffSchwartzEngine
 Longstaff-Schwarz Monte Carlo engine for early exercise options. More...
class  MCLongstaffSchwartzPathEngine
 Longstaff-Schwarz Monte Carlo engine for early exercise options. More...
class  MCLookbackEngine
 Monte Carlo lookback-option engine. More...
class  MCPagodaEngine
 Pricing engine for pagoda options using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCPathBasketEngine
 Pricing engine for path dependent basket options using. More...
class  MCPerformanceEngine
 Pricing engine for performance options using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  McSimulation
 base class for Monte Carlo engines More...
class  MCVanillaEngine
 Pricing engine for vanilla options using Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  MCVarianceSwapEngine
 Variance-swap pricing engine using Monte Carlo simulation,. More...
class  MeanRevertingPricer
class  MersenneTwisterUniformRng
 Uniform random number generator. More...
class  Merton76Process
 Merton-76 jump-diffusion process. More...
class  MethodOfLinesScheme
class  Mexico
 Mexican calendars More...
class  MfStateProcess
 Markov functional state process class. More...
struct  MidPoint
class  MidPointCDOEngine
 CDO base engine taking schedule steps. More...
class  MidPointCdsEngine
class  MinBasketPayoff
class  MinCopula
 min copula More...
struct  MixedInterpolation
class  MixedLinearCubic
 mixed linear/cubic interpolation factory and traits More...
class  MixedLinearCubicInterpolation
 mixed linear/cubic interpolation between discrete points More...
class  MixedLinearCubicNaturalSpline
class  MixedLinearFritschButlandCubic
class  MixedLinearKrugerCubic
class  MixedLinearMonotonicCubicNaturalSpline
class  MixedLinearMonotonicParabolic
class  MixedLinearParabolic
class  MixedScheme
 Mixed (explicit/implicit) scheme for finite difference methods. More...
class  ModifiedCraigSneydScheme
 modified Craig-Sneyd scheme More...
class  ModTripleBandLinearOp
class  MomentBasedGaussianPolynomial
class  Money
 amount of cash More...
class  MonotonicCubicNaturalSpline
class  MonotonicLogCubic
class  MonotonicLogCubicNaturalSpline
class  MonotonicLogMixedLinearCubic
class  MonotonicLogParabolic
class  MonotonicParabolic
class  MonteCarloCatBondEngine
class  MonteCarloModel
 General-purpose Monte Carlo model for path samples. More...
class  MoreGreeks
 more additional option results More...
class  MoroInverseCumulativeNormal
 Moro Inverse cumulative normal distribution class. More...
class  Mosprime
 MOSPRIME rate More...
class  MTBrownianGenerator
 Mersenne-twister Brownian generator for market-model simulations. More...
class  MTBrownianGeneratorFactory
class  MTLCurrency
 Maltese lira. More...
class  MtMCrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over market-to-market cross-currency basis swaps. More...
class  MTUnitOfMeasure
class  MultiAssetOption
 Base class for options on multiple assets. More...
class  MultiCubicSpline
 N-dimensional cubic spline interpolation between discrete points. More...
class  MultidimIntegral
 Integrates a vector or scalar function of vector domain. More...
class  MultiPath
 Correlated multiple asset paths. More...
class  MultiPathGenerator
 Generates a multipath from a random number generator. More...
class  MultiplicativePriceSeasonality
 Multiplicative seasonality in the price index (CPI/RPI/HICP/etc). More...
class  MultiProductComposite
 Composition of one or more market-model products. More...
class  MultiProductMultiStep
 Multiple-step market-model product. More...
class  MultiProductOneStep
 Single-step market-model product. More...
class  MultiProductPathwiseWrapper
class  MultiStepCoinitialSwaps
class  MultiStepCoterminalSwaps
class  MultiStepCoterminalSwaptions
class  MultiStepForwards
class  MultiStepInverseFloater
class  MultiStepNothing
class  MultiStepOptionlets
class  MultiStepPeriodCapletSwaptions
class  MultiStepRatchet
class  MultiStepSwap
class  MultiStepSwaption
class  MultiStepTarn
struct  MultiVariate
 default Monte Carlo traits for multi-variate models More...
class  MURCurrency
 Mauritian rupee. More...
class  MXNCurrency
 Mexican peso. More...
class  MXVCurrency
 Mexican Unidad de Inversion. More...
class  MYRCurrency
 Malaysian Ringgit. More...
class  NelsonSiegelFitting
 Nelson-Siegel fitting method. More...
class  NeumannBC
 Neumann boundary condition (i.e., constant derivative) More...
class  Newton
 Newton 1-D solver More...
class  NewtonSafe
 safe Newton 1-D solver More...
class  NewZealand
 New Zealand calendar. More...
class  NGNCurrency
 Nigerian Naira. More...
class  NinePointLinearOp
class  NLGCurrency
 Dutch guilder. More...
class  NoArbSabr
 no arbtrage sabr interpolation factory and traits More...
class  NoArbSabrInterpolatedSmileSection
class  NoArbSabrInterpolation
 no arbitrage sabr smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More...
class  NoArbSabrModel
class  NoArbSabrSmileSection
class  NoConstraint
 No constraint. More...
struct  NodeData
class  NoExceptLocalVolSurface
class  NOKCurrency
 Norwegian krone. More...
class  NonCentralCumulativeChiSquareDistribution
class  NonCentralCumulativeChiSquareSankaranApprox
class  NonhomogeneousBoundaryConstraint
 Constraint imposing i-th argument to be in [low_i,high_i] for all i More...
class  NonLinearLeastSquare
 Non-linear least-square method. More...
class  NonstandardSwap
 nonstandard swap More...
class  NonstandardSwaption
 nonstandard swaption class More...
class  NoOffset
class  NormalCLVModel
class  NormalDistribution
 Normal distribution function. More...
class  NormalFwdRatePc
 Predictor-Corrector. More...
class  NorthAmericaCorpDefaultKey
 ISDA standard default contractual key for corporate US debt. More...
class  Norway
 Norwegian calendar. More...
class  NothingExerciseValue
class  NotionalPath
class  NotionalRisk
class  NPRCurrency
 Nepal rupee. More...
class  NthOrderDerivativeOp
class  NthToDefault
 N-th to default swap. More...
class  Null
 template class providing a null value for a given type. More...
class  Null< Array >
 specialization of null template for this class More...
class  Null< Date >
class  Null< IntervalPrice >
struct  null_deleter
class  NullCalendar
 Calendar for reproducing theoretical calculations. More...
class  NullCommodityType
class  NullCondition
 null step condition More...
class  NullParameter
 Parameter which is always zero a(t) = 0 More...
class  NullPayoff
 Dummy payoff class. More...
class  NumericalDifferentiation
 Numerical Differentiation on arbitrarily spaced grids. More...
class  NumericHaganPricer
 CMS-coupon pricer. More...
class  NZDCurrency
 New Zealand dollar. More...
class  NZDLibor
 NZD LIBOR rate More...
class  Nzocr
 Nzocr index More...
class  Observable
 Object that notifies its changes to a set of observers. More...
class  ObservableSettings
 global repository for run-time library settings More...
class  ObservableValue
 observable and assignable proxy to concrete value More...
class  Observer
 Object that gets notified when a given observable changes. More...
class  OISRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over Overnight Indexed Swap rates. More...
class  OMRCurrency
 Omani rial. More...
class  OneAssetOption
 Base class for options on a single asset. More...
class  OneDayCounter
 1/1 day count convention More...
class  OneFactorAffineModel
 Single-factor affine base class. More...
class  OneFactorAffineSurvivalStructure
class  OneFactorCopula
 Abstract base class for one-factor copula models. More...
class  OneFactorGaussianCopula
 One-factor Gaussian Copula. More...
class  OneFactorGaussianStudentCopula
 One-factor Gaussian-Student t-Copula. More...
class  OneFactorModel
 Single-factor short-rate model abstract class. More...
class  OneFactorStudentCopula
 One-factor Double Student t-Copula. More...
class  OneFactorStudentGaussianCopula
 One-factor Student t - Gaussian Copula. More...
class  OneStepCoinitialSwaps
class  OneStepCoterminalSwaps
class  OneStepForwards
class  OneStepOptionlets
class  OperatorTraits
class  OptimizationMethod
 Abstract class for constrained optimization method. More...
class  Option
 base option class More...
class  OptionletStripper
class  OptionletStripper1
class  OptionletStripper2
class  OptionletVolatilityStructure
 Optionlet (caplet/floorlet) volatility structure. More...
class  OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class. More...
class  OrthogonalizedBumpFinder
class  OrthogonalProjections
class  OvernightIborBasisSwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over overnight-ibor basis swaps. More...
class  OvernightIndex
class  OvernightIndexedCoupon
 overnight coupon More...
class  OvernightIndexedSwap
 Overnight indexed swap: fix vs compounded overnight rate. More...
class  OvernightIndexedSwapIndex
 base class for overnight indexed swap indexes More...
class  OvernightIndexFuture
class  OvernightIndexFutureRateHelper
 RateHelper for bootstrapping over overnight compounding futures. More...
class  OvernightLeg
 helper class building a sequence of overnight coupons More...
class  PagodaMultiPathPricer
class  PagodaOption
 Roofed Asian option on a number of assets. More...
class  Parabolic
class  ParallelEvolver
class  ParallelEvolverTraits
class  Parameter
 Base class for model arguments. More...
class  ParametersTransformation
class  ParametricExercise
class  ParametricExerciseAdapter
class  ParkinsonSigma
struct  PartialBarrier
class  PartialTimeBarrierOption
class  ParticleSwarmOptimization
class  PascalTriangle
 Pascal triangle coefficients calculator. More...
class  Path
 single-factor random walk More...
class  PathGenerator
 Generates random paths using a sequence generator. More...
class  PathMultiAssetOption
 Base class for path-dependent options on multiple assets. More...
class  PathPayoff
 Abstract base class for path-dependent option payoffs. More...
class  PathPricer
 base class for path pricers More...
class  PathwiseAccountingEngine
 Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation for doing pathwise computation of Deltas. More...
class  PathwiseVegasAccountingEngine
 Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation for doing pathwise computation of Deltas and vegas. More...
class  PathwiseVegasOuterAccountingEngine
 Engine collecting cash flows along a market-model simulation for doing pathwise computation of Deltas and vegas. More...
class  PaymentTerm
class  Payoff
 Abstract base class for option payoffs. More...
class  PdeBSM
class  PdeConstantCoeff
class  PdeOperator
class  PdeSecondOrderParabolic
class  PEHCurrency
 Peruvian sol. More...
class  PEICurrency
 Peruvian inti. More...
class  PenaltyFunction
class  PENCurrency
 Peruvian nuevo sol. More...
class  PercentageStrikePayoff
 Payoff with strike expressed as percentage More...
class  PerformanceOptionPathPricer
class  Period
class  PeriodParser
class  PerturbativeBarrierOptionEngine
 perturbative barrier-option engine More...
class  PHPCurrency
 Philippine peso. More...
class  PiecewiseConstantAbcdVariance
class  PiecewiseConstantCorrelation
class  PiecewiseConstantParameter
 Piecewise-constant parameter. More...
class  PiecewiseConstantVariance
class  PiecewiseDefaultCurve
 Piecewise default-probability term structure. More...
class  PiecewiseIntegral
class  PiecewiseTimeDependentHestonModel
 Piecewise time dependent Heston model. More...
class  PiecewiseYieldCurve
 Piecewise yield term structure. More...
class  PiecewiseYoYInflationCurve
 Piecewise year-on-year inflation term structure. More...
class  PiecewiseYoYOptionletVolatilityCurve
 Piecewise year-on-year inflation volatility term structure. More...
class  PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve
 Piecewise zero-inflation term structure. More...
struct  Pillar
class  PKRCurrency
 Pakistani rupee. More...
class  PlackettCopula
 Plackett copula. More...
class  PlainVanillaPayoff
 Plain-vanilla payoff. More...
class  PLNCurrency
 Polish zloty. More...
class  PoissonDistribution
 Poisson distribution function. More...
class  Poland
 Polish calendar. More...
class  PolarStudentTRng
 Student t random number generator. More...
class  Polynomial
 polynomial2D-spline-interpolation factory More...
class  Polynomial2DSpline
 polynomial2D-spline interpolation between discrete points More...
class  PolynomialFunction
 Cubic functional form More...
class  Pool
struct  Position
class  PositiveConstraint
 Constraint imposing positivity to all arguments More...
class  Predefined1dMesher
class  Pribor
 PRIBOR rate More...
class  PricingEngine
 interface for pricing engines More...
struct  PricingError
class  PricingPeriod
 Time pricingperiod described by a number of a given time unit. More...
class  PrimeNumbers
 Prime numbers calculator. More...
struct  ProbabilityAlwaysDownhill
 Always Downhill Probability. More...
class  ProbabilityBoltzmann
 Boltzmann Probability. More...
class  ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill
 Boltzmann Downhill Probability. More...
class  ProbabilityOfAtLeastNEvents
 Probability of at least N events. More...
class  ProbabilityOfNEvents
 Probability of N events. More...
class  Problem
 Constrained optimization problem. More...
class  ProjectedConstraint
class  ProjectedCostFunction
 Parameterized cost function. More...
class  Projection
class  ProportionalNotionalRisk
struct  Protection
 information on a default-protection contract More...
class  ProxyGreekEngine
class  ProxyIbor
 IborIndex calculated as proxy of some other IborIndex. More...
class  PseudoRootFacade
class  PTECurrency
 Portuguese escudo. More...
class  QARCurrency
 Qatari riyal. More...
class  QdFpAmericanEngine
 High performance/precision American engine based on fixed point iteration for the exercise boundary. More...
class  QdFpIterationScheme
 Iteration scheme for fixed-point QD American engine. More...
class  QdFpLegendreScheme
 Gauss-Legendre (l,m,n)-p Scheme. More...
class  QdFpLegendreTanhSinhScheme
 Legendre-Tanh-Sinh (l,m,n)-eps Scheme. More...
class  QdFpTanhSinhIterationScheme
 tanh-sinh (m,n)-eps Scheme More...
class  QdPlusAmericanEngine
 American engine based on the QD+ approximation to the exercise boundary. More...
class  quadratic
class  Quantity
 Amount of a commodity. More...
class  QuantoBarrierOption
 Quanto version of a barrier option. More...
class  QuantoDoubleBarrierOption
 Quanto version of a double barrier option. More...
class  QuantoEngine
 Quanto engine. More...
class  QuantoForwardVanillaOption
 Quanto version of a forward vanilla option. More...
class  QuantoOptionResults
 Results from quanto option calculation More...
class  QuantoTermStructure
 Quanto term structure. More...
class  QuantoVanillaOption
 quanto version of a vanilla option More...
class  Quote
 purely virtual base class for market observables More...
class  RandomDefaultLM
class  RandomDefaultModel
 Base class for random default models. More...
class  RandomizedLDS
 Randomized (random shift) low-discrepancy sequence. More...
class  RandomLM
class  RandomLossLM
class  RandomSequenceGenerator
 Random sequence generator based on a pseudo-random number generator. More...
class  RangeAccrualFloatersCoupon
class  RangeAccrualLeg
 helper class building a sequence of range-accrual floating-rate coupons More...
class  RangeAccrualPricer
class  RangeAccrualPricerByBgm
class  Ranlux64UniformRng
 Uniform random number generator. More...
class  RatchetMaxPayoff
 RatchetMax payoff (double option) More...
class  RatchetMinPayoff
 RatchetMin payoff (double option) More...
class  RatchetPayoff
 Ratchet payoff (single option) More...
struct  RateAveraging
 rate averaging method More...
class  RatePseudoRootJacobian
class  RatePseudoRootJacobianAllElements
class  RatePseudoRootJacobianNumerical
class  ReannealingFiniteDifferences
 Reannealing Finite Difference. More...
struct  ReannealingTrivial
 Reannealing Trivial. More...
class  RebatedExercise
 Rebated exercise. More...
class  RecoveryRateModel
class  RecoveryRateQuote
 Stores a recovery rate market quote and the associated seniority. More...
class  RecursiveLossModel
class  Redemption
 Bond redemption. More...
class  Region
 Region class, used for inflation applicability. More...
class  RelativeDateBootstrapHelper
 Bootstrap helper with date schedule relative to global evaluation date. More...
class  RelinkableHandle
 Relinkable handle to an observable. More...
class  RendistatoBasket
class  RendistatoCalculator
class  RendistatoEquivalentSwapLengthQuote
 RendistatoCalculator equivalent swap lenth Quote adapter. More...
class  RendistatoEquivalentSwapSpreadQuote
 RendistatoCalculator equivalent swap spread Quote adapter. More...
class  ReplicatingVarianceSwapEngine
 Variance-swap pricing engine using replicating cost,. More...
struct  Replication
 Digital option replication strategy. More...
struct  Restructuring
 Restructuring type. More...
class  RichardsonExtrapolation
 Richardson Extrapolation. More...
class  Ridder
 Ridder 1-D solver More...
class  RiskNeutralDensityCalculator
class  RiskyAssetSwap
 Risky asset-swap instrument. More...
class  RiskyAssetSwapOption
 Option on risky asset swap More...
class  RiskyBondEngine
 Risky pricing engine for bonds. More...
class  Robor
 ROBOR rate More...
class  ROLCurrency
 Romanian leu. More...
class  Romania
 Romanian calendars. More...
class  RONCurrency
 Romanian new leu. More...
class  Rounding
 basic rounding class More...
class  RSDCurrency
 Serbian dinar. More...
class  RUBCurrency
 Russian ruble. More...
class  Russia
 Russian calendars. More...
class  SABR
 SABR interpolation factory and traits More...
class  SabrInterpolatedSmileSection
class  SABRInterpolation
 SABR smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More...
class  SabrSmileSection
class  SabrVolSurface
 SABR volatility (smile) surface. More...
class  SABRVolTermStructure
class  SaddlePointLossModel
 Saddle point portfolio credit default loss model. More...
struct  SalvagingAlgorithm
 algorithm used for matricial pseudo square root More...
struct  Sample
 weighted sample More...
class  SampledCurve
class  SamplerCauchy
 Cauchy Sampler. More...
class  SamplerGaussian
 Gaussian Sampler. More...
class  SamplerLogNormal
 Lognormal Sampler. More...
class  SamplerMirrorGaussian
 Gaussian Mirror Sampler. More...
class  SamplerRingGaussian
 Gaussian Ring Sampler. More...
class  SamplerVeryFastAnnealing
 Very Fast Annealing Sampler. More...
class  SARCurrency
 Saudi riyal. More...
class  SaudiArabia
 Saudi Arabian calendar. More...
class  SavedSettings
class  Schedule
 Payment schedule. More...
class  Seasonality
 A transformation of an existing inflation swap rate. More...
class  Secant
 Secant 1-D solver More...
class  SecondDerivativeOp
class  SecondOrderMixedDerivativeOp
class  SeedGenerator
 Random seed generator. More...
class  SegmentIntegral
 Integral of a one-dimensional function. More...
class  SEKCurrency
 Swedish krona. More...
class  SEKLibor
 SEK LIBOR rate More...
class  Settings
 global repository for run-time library settings More...
struct  Settlement
 settlement information More...
class  SGDCurrency
 Singapore dollar More...
class  Shibor
class  ShortRateModel
 Abstract short-rate model class. More...
struct  simEvent
struct  simEvent< RandomDefaultLM< copulaPolicy, USNG > >
struct  simEvent< RandomLossLM< copulaPolicy, USNG > >
class  SimpleCashFlow
 Predetermined cash flow. More...
class  SimpleChooserOption
 Simple chooser option. More...
class  SimpleDayCounter
 Simple day counter for reproducing theoretical calculations. More...
class  SimpleLocalEstimator
 Local-estimator volatility model. More...
class  SimplePolynomialFitting
 Simple polynomial fitting method. More...
class  SimpleQuote
 market element returning a stored value More...
class  SimpleRandomInertia
 Simple Random Inertia. More...
class  Simplex
 Multi-dimensional simplex class. More...
struct  SimpleZeroYield
 Simple Zero-curve traits. More...
class  SimpsonIntegral
 Integral of a one-dimensional function. More...
class  SimulatedAnnealing
 Simulated Annealing. More...
class  Singapore
 Singapore calendars More...
class  SingleProductComposite
 Composition of one or more market-model products. More...
class  Singleton
 Basic support for the singleton pattern. More...
struct  SingleVariate
 default Monte Carlo traits for single-variate models More...
class  SITCurrency
 Slovenian tolar. More...
class  SKKCurrency
 Slovak koruna. More...
class  Slovakia
 Slovak calendars. More...
class  SmileSection
 interest rate volatility smile section More...
class  SmileSectionUtils
class  SMMDriftCalculator
 Drift computation for coterminal swap market models. More...
class  SobolBrownianBridgeRsg
class  SobolBrownianGenerator
class  SobolBrownianGeneratorBase
 Sobol Brownian generator for market-model simulations. More...
class  SobolBrownianGeneratorFactory
class  SobolRsg
 Sobol low-discrepancy sequence generator. More...
class  Sofr
 Sofr (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) index. More...
class  SofrFutureRateHelper
 RateHelper for bootstrapping over CME SOFR futures. More...
class  SoftCallability
 callability leaving to the holder the possibility to convert More...
class  Solver1D
 Base class for 1-D solvers. More...
class  Sonia
 Sonia (Sterling Overnight Index Average) rate. More...
class  SouthAfrica
 South-African calendar. More...
class  SouthKorea
 South Korean calendars. More...
class  SparseILUPreconditioner
class  SphereCylinderOptimizer
class  SpotRecoveryLatentModel
 Random spot recovery rate latent variable portfolio model. More...
class  SpreadBasketPayoff
class  SpreadCdsHelper
 Spread-quoted CDS hazard rate bootstrap helper. More...
class  SpreadedHazardRateCurve
 Default-probability structure with an additive spread on hazard rates. More...
class  SpreadedOptionletVolatility
class  SpreadedSmileSection
class  SpreadedSwaptionVolatility
class  SpreadFittingMethod
 Spread fitting method helper. More...
class  SpreadOption
 Spread option on two assets. More...
class  SquareRootAndersen
class  SquareRootCLVModel
class  SquareRootProcess
 Square-root process class. More...
class  SquareRootProcessRNDCalculator
class  StatsHolder
 Helper class for precomputed distributions. More...
class  SteepestDescent
 Multi-dimensional steepest-descent class. More...
class  step_iterator
 Iterator advancing in constant steps. More...
class  StepCondition
 condition to be applied at every time step More...
class  StepConditionSet
class  StickyMaxPayoff
 StickyMax payoff (double option) More...
class  StickyMinPayoff
 StickyMin payoff (double option) More...
class  StickyPayoff
 Sticky payoff (single option) More...
class  StochasticCollocationInvCDF
 Stochastic collocation inverse cumulative distribution function. More...
class  StochasticProcess
 multi-dimensional stochastic process class. More...
class  StochasticProcess1D
 1-dimensional stochastic process More...
class  StochasticProcessArray
 Array of correlated 1-D stochastic processes More...
class  Stock
 Simple stock class. More...
class  StrikedTypePayoff
 Intermediate class for payoffs based on a fixed strike. More...
class  StrippedCappedFlooredCoupon
class  StrippedCappedFlooredCouponLeg
class  StrippedOptionlet
class  StrippedOptionletAdapter
class  StrippedOptionletBase
class  StudentDistribution
 Student t-distribution. More...
class  StulzEngine
 Pricing engine for 2D European Baskets. More...
class  SubPeriodsCoupon
 sub-periods coupon More...
class  SubPeriodsLeg
 helper class building a sequence of overnight coupons More...
class  SubPeriodsPricer
class  SuoWangDoubleBarrierEngine
 Pricing engine for barrier options using analytical formulae. More...
class  SuperFundPayoff
 Binary supershare and superfund payoffs. More...
class  SuperSharePayoff
 Binary supershare payoff. More...
struct  SurvivalProbability
 Survival-Probability-curve traits. More...
class  SurvivalProbabilityStructure
 Hazard-rate term structure. More...
class  SVD
 Singular value decomposition. More...
class  SVDDFwdRatePc
class  SvenssonFitting
 Svensson Fitting method. More...
class  Svi
 Svi interpolation factory and traits More...
class  SviInterpolatedSmileSection
class  SviInterpolation
 Svi smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More...
class  SviSmileSection
 Stochastic Volatility Inspired Smile Section. More...
class  Swap
 Interest rate swap. More...
class  SwapBasisSystem
class  SwapCashFlows
class  SwapForwardBasisSystem
class  SwapForwardMappings
class  SwapIndex
 base class for swap-rate indexes More...
class  SwapRateHelper
 Rate helper for bootstrapping over swap rates. More...
class  SwapRateTrigger
class  SwapSpreadIndex
 class for swap-rate spread indexes More...
class  Swaption
 Swaption class More...
class  SwaptionCashFlows
class  SwaptionHelper
 calibration helper for interest-rate swaptions More...
class  SwaptionPseudoDerivative
class  SwaptionVolatilityCube
 swaption-volatility cube More...
class  SwaptionVolatilityDiscrete
class  SwaptionVolatilityMatrix
 At-the-money swaption-volatility matrix. More...
class  SwaptionVolatilityStructure
 Swaption-volatility structure More...
struct  SwaptionVolCubeNoArbSabrModel
struct  SwaptionVolCubeSabrModel
 Swaption Volatility Cube SABR. More...
class  Sweden
 Swedish calendar. More...
class  Swestr
 Swestr (Swedish krona Short Term Rate) index. More...
class  SwingExercise
 Swing exercise. More...
class  Switzerland
 Swiss calendar. More...
class  SymmetricSchurDecomposition
 symmetric threshold Jacobi algorithm. More...
class  SyntheticCDO
 Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation. More...
class  TabulatedGaussLegendre
 tabulated Gauss-Legendre quadratures More...
class  Taiwan
 Taiwanese calendars. More...
class  TanhSinhIntegral
class  TARGET
 TARGET calendar More...
class  TCopulaPolicy
 Student-T Latent Model's copula policy. More...
class  TemperatureBoltzmann
 Temperature Boltzmann. More...
class  TemperatureCauchy
 Temperature Cauchy. More...
class  TemperatureCauchy1D
class  TemperatureExponential
class  TemperatureVeryFastAnnealing
 Temperature Very Fast Annealing. More...
class  TenorOptionletVTS
class  TenorSwaptionVTS
class  TermStructure
 Basic term-structure functionality. More...
class  TermStructureConsistentModel
 Term-structure consistent model class. More...
class  TermStructureFittingParameter
 Deterministic time-dependent parameter used for yield-curve fitting. More...
class  Thailand
 Thailand calendars More...
class  THBCurrency
 Thai baht. More...
class  THBFIX
 THB THBFIX rate More...
class  Thirty360
 30/360 day count convention More...
class  Thirty365
 30/365 day count convention More...
class  Tian
 Tian tree: third moment matching, multiplicative approach More...
class  Tibor
 JPY TIBOR index More...
class  TimeBasket
 Distribution over a number of dates. More...
class  TimeGrid
 time grid class More...
class  TimeHomogeneousForwardCorrelation
class  TimeSeries
 Container for historical data. More...
class  TNDCurrency
 Tunisian dinar. More...
class  TokyoKilolitreUnitOfMeasure
class  Tona
 TONA index More...
class  TqrEigenDecomposition
 tridiag. QR eigen decomposition with explicite shift aka Wilkinson More...
class  TransformedGrid
 transformed grid More...
class  TrapezoidIntegral
 Integral of a one-dimensional function. More...
class  TRBDF2
 TR-BDF2 scheme for finite difference methods. More...
class  TrBDF2Scheme
class  Tree
 Tree approximating a single-factor diffusion More...
class  TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine
 Numerical lattice engine for callable fixed rate bonds. More...
class  TreeCallableZeroCouponBondEngine
 Numerical lattice engine for callable zero coupon bonds. More...
class  TreeCapFloorEngine
 Numerical lattice engine for cap/floors. More...
class  TreeLattice
 Tree-based lattice-method base class. More...
class  TreeLattice1D
 One-dimensional tree-based lattice. More...
class  TreeLattice2D
 Two-dimensional tree-based lattice. More...
class  TreeSwaptionEngine
 Numerical lattice engine for swaptions. More...
class  TreeVanillaSwapEngine
 Numerical lattice engine for simple swaps. More...
class  TridiagonalOperator
 Base implementation for tridiagonal operator. More...
class  Trigeorgis
 Trigeorgis (additive equal jumps) binomial tree More...
class  TriggeredSwapExercise
class  TrinomialTree
 Recombining trinomial tree class. More...
class  TripleBandLinearOp
class  TrivialInertia
 Trivial Inertia. More...
class  TRLCurrency
 Turkish lira. More...
class  TRLibor
 TRY LIBOR rate More...
class  TRYCurrency
 New Turkish lira. More...
class  TsiveriotisFernandesLattice
 Binomial lattice approximating the Tsiveriotis-Fernandes model. More...
class  TTDCurrency
 Trinidad & Tobago dollar. More...
class  Turkey
 Turkish calendar. More...
class  TurnbullWakemanAsianEngine
class  TWDCurrency
 Taiwan dollar More...
class  TwoAssetBarrierOption
 Barrier option on two assets More...
class  TwoAssetCorrelationOption
class  TwoDimensionalIntegral
 Integral of a two-dimensional function. More...
class  TwoFactorModel
 Abstract base-class for two-factor models. More...
class  TypePayoff
 Intermediate class for put/call payoffs. More...
class  UAHCurrency
 Ukrainian hryvnia. More...
class  UGXCurrency
 Ugandan shilling. More...
class  UKHICP
 UK HICP index. More...
class  Ukraine
 Ukrainian calendars. More...
class  UKRegion
 United Kingdom as geographical/economic region. More...
class  UKRPI
 UK Retail Price Inflation Index. More...
class  UltimateForwardTermStructure
 Ultimate forward term structure. More...
class  Uniform1dMesher
class  UniformGridMesher
class  UnitDisplacedBlackYoYInflationCouponPricer
 Unit-Displaced-Black-formula pricer for capped/floored yoy inflation coupons. More...
class  UnitedKingdom
 United Kingdom calendars. More...
class  UnitedStates
 United States calendars. More...
class  UnitOfMeasure
 Unit of measure specification More...
class  UnitOfMeasureConversion
class  UnitOfMeasureConversionManager
 repository of conversion factors between units of measure More...
class  UpfrontCdsHelper
 Upfront-quoted CDS hazard rate bootstrap helper. More...
class  UpperBoundEngine
 Market-model engine for upper-bound estimation. More...
class  UpRounding
 Up-rounding. More...
class  USCPI
 US CPI index. More...
class  USDCurrency
 U.S. dollar. More...
class  USDLibor
 USD LIBOR rate More...
class  USDLiborON
 Overnight USD Libor index. More...
class  UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixAm
 UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixAm index base class More...
class  UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixPm
 UsdLiborSwapIsdaFixPm index base class More...
class  USRegion
 USA as geographical/economic region. More...
class  UYUCurrency
 Uruguayan peso. More...
class  VanillaForwardPayoff
class  VanillaOption
 Vanilla option (no discrete dividends, no barriers) on a single asset. More...
class  VanillaOptionPricer
class  VanillaStorageOption
 base option class More...
class  VanillaSwap
 Plain-vanilla swap: fix vs ibor leg. More...
class  VanillaSwingOption
 base option class More...
class  VanillaVPPOption
class  VannaVolga
 VannaVolga-interpolation factory and traits More...
class  VannaVolgaBarrierEngine
 Vanna/Volga barrier option engine. More...
class  VannaVolgaDoubleBarrierEngine
 Vanna Volga double-barrier option engine. More...
class  VannaVolgaInterpolation
 Vanna Volga interpolation between discrete points More...
class  VarianceGammaEngine
 Variance Gamma Pricing engine for European vanilla options using integral approach. More...
class  VarianceGammaModel
 Variance Gamma model. More...
class  VarianceGammaProcess
 Variance gamma process. More...
class  VarianceOption
 Variance option. More...
class  VariancePathPricer
class  VarianceSwap
 Variance swap. More...
class  Vasicek
 Vasicek model class More...
class  VEBCurrency
 Venezuelan bolivar. More...
class  VegaBumpCluster
class  VegaBumpCollection
class  VegaStressedBlackScholesProcess
 Black-Scholes process which supports local vega stress tests. More...
class  Visitor
 Visitor for a specific class More...
class  VNDCurrency
 Vietnamese Dong. More...
class  VolatilityBumpInstrumentJacobian
class  VolatilityCompositor
class  VolatilityCube
class  VolatilityInterpolationSpecifier
class  VolatilityInterpolationSpecifierabcd
class  VolatilityTermStructure
 Volatility term structure. More...
class  WeekendsOnly
 Weekends-only calendar. More...
class  Wibor
 WIBOR rate More...
class  WriterExtensibleOption
 Writer-extensible option. More...
class  XabrSwaptionVolatilityCube
 XABR Swaption Volatility Cube. More...
class  XOFCurrency
class  Xoshiro256StarStarUniformRng
 Uniform random number generator. More...
class  XRPCurrency
 Ripple. More...
class  YearOnYearInflationSwap
 Year-on-year inflation-indexed swap. More...
class  YearOnYearInflationSwapHelper
 Year-on-year inflation-swap bootstrap helper. More...
class  YieldTermStructure
 Interest-rate term structure. More...
class  YoYCapFloorTermPriceSurface
 Abstract base class, inheriting from InflationTermStructure. More...
class  YoYInflationBachelierCapFloorEngine
 Unit Displaced Black-formula inflation cap/floor engine (standalone, i.e. no coupon pricer) More...
class  YoYInflationBlackCapFloorEngine
 Black-formula inflation cap/floor engine (standalone, i.e. no coupon pricer) More...
class  YoYInflationCap
 Concrete YoY Inflation cap class. More...
class  YoYInflationCapFloor
 Base class for yoy inflation cap-like instruments. More...
class  YoYInflationCapFloorEngine
 Base YoY inflation cap/floor engine. More...
class  YoYInflationCollar
 Concrete YoY Inflation collar class. More...
class  YoYInflationCoupon
 Coupon paying a YoY-inflation type index More...
class  YoYInflationCouponPricer
 base pricer for capped/floored YoY inflation coupons More...
class  YoYInflationFloor
 Concrete YoY Inflation floor class. More...
class  YoYInflationIndex
 Base class for year-on-year inflation indices. More...
class  yoyInflationLeg
class  YoYInflationTermStructure
 Base class for year-on-year inflation term structures. More...
class  YoYInflationTraits
 Bootstrap traits to use for PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve. More...
class  YoYInflationUnitDisplacedBlackCapFloorEngine
 Unit Displaced Black-formula inflation cap/floor engine (standalone, i.e. no coupon pricer) More...
class  YoYInflationVolatilityTraits
 traits for inflation-volatility bootstrap More...
class  YoYOptionletHelper
 Year-on-year inflation-volatility bootstrap helper. More...
class  YoYOptionletStripper
 Interface for inflation cap stripping, i.e. from price surfaces. More...
class  YoYOptionletVolatilitySurface
class  YYAUCPI
 Quoted year-on-year AU CPI (i.e. not a ratio) More...
class  YYAUCPIr
 Year-on-year AUCPI (i.e. a ratio) More...
 Quoted year-on-year EU HICP (i.e. not a ratio of EU HICP) More...
class  YYEUHICPr
 Year-on-year EU HICP (i.e. a ratio of EU HICP) More...
 Quoted year-on-year EU HICPXT. More...
 Quoted year-on-year FR HICP (i.e. not a ratio) More...
class  YYFRHICPr
 Year-on-year FR HICP (i.e. a ratio) More...
class  YYGenericCPI
 Quoted year-on-year Generic CPI (i.e. not a ratio) More...
class  YYGenericCPIr
 Year-on-year GenericCPI (i.e. a ratio) More...
class  YYUKRPI
 Quoted year-on-year UK RPI (i.e. not a ratio of UK RPI) More...
class  YYUKRPIr
 Year-on-year UK RPI (i.e. a ratio of UK RPI) More...
class  YYUSCPI
 Quoted year-on-year US CPI (i.e. not a ratio of US CPI) More...
class  YYUSCPIr
 Year-on-year US CPI (i.e. a ratio of US CPI) More...
class  YYZACPI
 Quoted year-on-year South African CPI (i.e. not a ratio of ZA CPI) More...
class  YYZACPIr
 Year-on-year South African CPI (i.e. a ratio of ZA CPI) More...
class  Zabr
 no arbtrage sabr interpolation factory and traits More...
struct  ZabrFullFd
class  ZabrInterpolatedSmileSection
class  ZabrInterpolation
 zabr smile interpolation between discrete volatility points. More...
struct  ZabrLocalVolatility
class  ZabrModel
struct  ZabrShortMaturityLognormal
struct  ZabrShortMaturityNormal
class  ZabrSmileSection
class  ZACPI
 South African Consumer Price Inflation Index. More...
class  ZARCurrency
 South-African rand. More...
class  ZARegion
 South Africa as geographical/economic region. More...
class  ZECCurrency
 Zcash. More...
class  ZeroCondition
 Zero exercise condition. More...
class  ZeroCouponBond
 zero-coupon bond More...
class  ZeroCouponInflationSwap
 Zero-coupon inflation-indexed swap. More...
class  ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper
 Zero-coupon inflation-swap bootstrap helper. More...
class  ZeroCouponSwap
 Zero-coupon interest rate swap. More...
class  ZeroInflationCashFlow
 Cash flow dependent on a zero inflation index ratio. More...
class  ZeroInflationIndex
 Base class for zero inflation indices. More...
class  ZeroInflationTermStructure
 Interface for zero inflation term structures. More...
class  ZeroInflationTraits
 Bootstrap traits to use for PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve. More...
class  ZeroSpreadedTermStructure
 Term structure with an added spread on the zero yield rate. More...
struct  ZeroYield
 Zero-curve traits. More...
class  ZeroYieldStructure
 Zero-yield term structure. More...
class  Zibor
 CHF ZIBOR rate More...
struct  Ziggurat
class  ZigguratGaussianRng
 Gaussian random number generator. More...
class  ZigguratRng
 Ziggurat random-number generator. More...
class  ZMWCurrency
 Zambian kwacha. More...


typedef std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< CashFlow > > Leg
 Sequence of cash-flows. More...
typedef MarketQuotedOptionPricer BlackVanillaOptionPricer
typedef TenorOptionletVTS::CorrelationStructure TenorOptionletVTSCorrelationStructure
typedef std::map< std::string, ext::any > SecondaryCosts
typedef std::map< std::string, MoneySecondaryCostAmounts
typedef std::vector< PricingErrorPricingErrors
typedef std::map< Date, ext::shared_ptr< CommodityCashFlow > > CommodityCashFlows
typedef std::map< Date, EnergyDailyPositionEnergyDailyPositions
typedef std::map< Date, ExchangeContractExchangeContracts
typedef std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PricingPeriod > > PricingPeriods
typedef BaseCorrelationLossModel< GaussianLHPLossModel, BilinearInterpolationGaussianLHPFlatBCLM
typedef BinomialLossModel< GaussianConstantLossLMGaussianBinomialLossModel
typedef BinomialLossModel< TConstantLossLMTBinomialLossModel
typedef ConstantLossLatentmodel< GaussianCopulaPolicyGaussianConstantLossLM
typedef ConstantLossLatentmodel< TCopulaPolicyTConstantLossLM
typedef DefaultLatentModel< GaussianCopulaPolicyGaussianDefProbLM
typedef DefaultLatentModel< TCopulaPolicyTDefProbLM
typedef HomogeneousPoolLossModel< GaussianCopulaPolicyHomogGaussPoolLossModel
typedef HomogeneousPoolLossModel< TCopulaPolicyHomogTPoolLossModel
typedef InhomogeneousPoolLossModel< GaussianCopulaPolicyIHGaussPoolLossModel
typedef InhomogeneousPoolLossModel< TCopulaPolicyIHStudentPoolLossModel
typedef std::set< ext::shared_ptr< DefaultEvent >, earlier_than< ext::shared_ptr< DefaultEvent > > > DefaultEventSet
typedef RandomDefaultLM< GaussianCopulaPolicyGaussianRandomDefaultLM
typedef RandomDefaultLM< TCopulaPolicyTRandomDefaultLM
typedef RandomLossLM< GaussianCopulaPolicyGaussianRandomLossLM
typedef RandomLossLM< TCopulaPolicyTRandomLossLM
typedef RecursiveLossModel< GaussianCopulaPolicyRecursiveGaussLossModel
typedef SpotRecoveryLatentModel< GaussianCopulaPolicyGaussianSpotLossLM
typedef SpotRecoveryLatentModel< TCopulaPolicyTSpotLossLM
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing< SamplerGaussian, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingTrivialGaussianSimulatedAnnealing
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing< SamplerLogNormal, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingTrivialLogNormalSimulatedAnnealing
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing< SamplerMirrorGaussian, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingTrivialMirrorGaussianSimulatedAnnealing
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing< SamplerGaussian, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureExponential, ReannealingFiniteDifferencesGaussianSimulatedReAnnealing
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing< SamplerVeryFastAnnealing, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureVeryFastAnnealing, ReannealingTrivialVeryFastSimulatedAnnealing
typedef HybridSimulatedAnnealing< SamplerVeryFastAnnealing, ProbabilityBoltzmannDownhill, TemperatureVeryFastAnnealing, ReannealingFiniteDifferencesVeryFastSimulatedReAnnealing
typedef XabrSwaptionVolatilityCube< SwaptionVolCubeNoArbSabrModelNoArbSabrSwaptionVolatilityCube
 no-arbitrage SABR volatility cube for swaptions More...
typedef Euribor1W EuriborSW
typedef std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Callability > > CallabilitySchedule
typedef std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Dividend > > DividendSchedule
typedef BivariateCumulativeNormalDistributionWe04DP BivariateCumulativeNormalDistribution
 default bivariate implementation More...
typedef NormalDistribution GaussianDistribution
typedef InverseCumulativeNormal InvCumulativeNormalDistribution
typedef detail::GaussianQuadratureIntegrator< GaussLegendreIntegrationGaussLegendreIntegrator
typedef detail::GaussianQuadratureIntegrator< GaussChebyshevIntegrationGaussChebyshevIntegrator
typedef detail::GaussianQuadratureIntegrator< GaussChebyshev2ndIntegrationGaussChebyshev2ndIntegrator
typedef detail::SplineGrid SplineGrid
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix< RealSparseMatrix
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_reference< SparseMatrixSparseMatrixReference
typedef Ranlux64UniformRng< 223, 24 > Ranlux3UniformRng
typedef Ranlux64UniformRng< 389, 24 > Ranlux4UniformRng
typedef GenericPseudoRandom< MersenneTwisterUniformRng, InverseCumulativeNormalPseudoRandom
 default traits for pseudo-random number generation More...
typedef GenericPseudoRandom< MersenneTwisterUniformRng, InverseCumulativePoissonPoissonPseudoRandom
 traits for Poisson-distributed pseudo-random number generation More...
typedef GenericLowDiscrepancy< SobolRsg, InverseCumulativeNormalLowDiscrepancy
 default traits for low-discrepancy sequence generation More...
typedef SampledCurve SampledCurveSet
typedef GenericGaussianStatistics< GeneralStatisticsGaussianStatistics
 default gaussian statistic tool More...
typedef GenericRiskStatistics< GaussianStatisticsRiskStatistics
 default risk measures tool More...
typedef GenericSequenceStatistics< StatisticsSequenceStatistics
 default multi-dimensional statistics tool More...
typedef GenericSequenceStatistics< IncrementalStatisticsSequenceStatisticsInc
typedef RiskStatistics Statistics
 default statistics tool More...
typedef PdeOperator< PdeBSMBSMTermOperator
typedef FiniteDifferenceModel< CrankNicolson< TridiagonalOperator > > StandardFiniteDifferenceModel
typedef OperatorTraits< FdmLinearOp >::bc_set FdmBoundaryConditionSet
typedef MarketModelMultiProduct::CashFlow CashFlow
typedef BootstrapHelper< DefaultProbabilityTermStructureDefaultProbabilityHelper
 alias for default-probability bootstrap helpers More...
typedef RelativeDateBootstrapHelper< DefaultProbabilityTermStructureRelativeDateDefaultProbabilityHelper
typedef InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve< LinearYoYInflationCurve
typedef InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve< LinearZeroInflationCurve
typedef XabrSwaptionVolatilityCube< SwaptionVolCubeSabrModelSabrSwaptionVolatilityCube
 SABR volatility cube for swaptions. More...
typedef InterpolatedDiscountCurve< LogLinearDiscountCurve
 Term structure based on log-linear interpolation of discount factors. More...
typedef InterpolatedForwardCurve< BackwardFlatForwardCurve
 Term structure based on flat interpolation of forward rates. More...
typedef InterpolatedPiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure< LinearPiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure
 Piecewise zero-spreaded yield curve based on linear interpolation of zero rates. More...
typedef BootstrapHelper< YieldTermStructureRateHelper
typedef RelativeDateBootstrapHelper< YieldTermStructureRelativeDateRateHelper
typedef InterpolatedZeroCurve< LinearZeroCurve
 Term structure based on linear interpolation of zero yields. More...
typedef Integer Day
 Day number. More...
typedef Integer Year
 Year number. More...
typedef QL_INTEGER Integer
 integer number More...
typedef QL_BIG_INTEGER BigInteger
 large integer number More...
typedef unsigned QL_INTEGER Natural
 positive integer More...
typedef unsigned QL_BIG_INTEGER BigNatural
 large positive integer More...
typedef QL_REAL Real
 real number More...
typedef Real Decimal
 decimal number More...
typedef std::size_t Size
 size of a container More...
typedef Real Time
 continuous quantity with 1-year units More...
typedef Real DiscountFactor
 discount factor between dates More...
typedef Real Rate
 interest rates More...
typedef Real Spread
 spreads on interest rates More...
typedef Real Volatility
 volatility More...
typedef Real Probability
 probability More...


enum  Compounding {
  Simple = 0 , Compounded = 1 , Continuous = 2 , SimpleThenCompounded ,
 Interest rate coumpounding rule. More...
enum  Seniority {
  SecDom = 0 , SnrFor , SubLT2 , JrSubT2 ,
  PrefT1 , NoSeniority , SeniorSec = SecDom , SeniorUnSec = SnrFor ,
  SubTier1 = PrefT1 , SubUpperTier2 = JrSubT2 , SubLoweTier2 = SubLT2
 Seniority of a bond. More...
enum  SensitivityAnalysis { OneSide , Centered }
 Finite differences calculation. More...
enum  PriceType {
  Bid , Ask , Last , Close ,
  Mid , MidEquivalent , MidSafe
 Price types. More...
enum  VolatilityType { ShiftedLognormal , Normal }
enum  BusinessDayConvention {
  Following , ModifiedFollowing , Preceding , ModifiedPreceding ,
  Unadjusted , HalfMonthModifiedFollowing , Nearest
 Business Day conventions. More...
enum  JointCalendarRule { JoinHolidays , JoinBusinessDays }
 rules for joining calendars More...
enum  Month {
  January = 1 , February = 2 , March = 3 , April = 4 ,
  May = 5 , June = 6 , July = 7 , August = 8 ,
  September = 9 , October = 10 , November = 11 , December = 12 ,
  Jan = 1 , Feb = 2 , Mar = 3 , Apr = 4 ,
  Jun = 6 , Jul = 7 , Aug = 8 , Sep = 9 ,
  Oct = 10 , Nov = 11 , Dec = 12
 Month names. More...
enum  Frequency {
  NoFrequency = -1 , Once = 0 , Annual = 1 , Semiannual = 2 ,
  EveryFourthMonth = 3 , Quarterly = 4 , Bimonthly = 6 , Monthly = 12 ,
  EveryFourthWeek = 13 , Biweekly = 26 , Weekly = 52 , Daily = 365 ,
  OtherFrequency = 999
 Frequency of events. More...
enum  TimeUnit {
  Days , Weeks , Months , Years ,
  Hours , Minutes , Seconds , Milliseconds ,
 Units used to describe time periods. More...
enum  Weekday {
  Sunday = 1 , Monday = 2 , Tuesday = 3 , Wednesday = 4 ,
  Thursday = 5 , Friday = 6 , Saturday = 7 , Sun = 1 ,
  Mon = 2 , Tue = 3 , Wed = 4 , Thu = 5 ,
  Fri = 6 , Sat = 7


template<typename InterestRateIndexType , typename FloatingCouponType , typename CappedFlooredCouponType >
Leg FloatingLeg (const Schedule &schedule, const std::vector< Real > &nominals, const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > &index, const DayCounter &paymentDayCounter, BusinessDayConvention paymentAdj, const std::vector< Natural > &fixingDays, const std::vector< Real > &gearings, const std::vector< Spread > &spreads, const std::vector< Rate > &caps, const std::vector< Rate > &floors, bool isInArrears, bool isZero, Integer paymentLag=0, Calendar paymentCalendar=Calendar(), Period exCouponPeriod=Period(), Calendar exCouponCalendar=Calendar(), BusinessDayConvention exCouponAdjustment=Unadjusted, bool exCouponEndOfMonth=false)
template<typename InterestRateIndexType , typename FloatingCouponType , typename DigitalCouponType >
Leg FloatingDigitalLeg (const Schedule &schedule, const std::vector< Real > &nominals, const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > &index, const DayCounter &paymentDayCounter, BusinessDayConvention paymentAdj, const std::vector< Natural > &fixingDays, const std::vector< Real > &gearings, const std::vector< Spread > &spreads, bool isInArrears, const std::vector< Rate > &callStrikes, Position::Type callPosition, bool isCallATMIncluded, const std::vector< Rate > &callDigitalPayoffs, const std::vector< Rate > &putStrikes, Position::Type putPosition, bool isPutATMIncluded, const std::vector< Rate > &putDigitalPayoffs, const ext::shared_ptr< DigitalReplication > &replication, bool nakedOption=false)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, GFunctionFactory::YieldCurveModel type)
void setCouponPricer (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &pricer)
void setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > > &pricers)
void setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p1, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p2)
void setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p1, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p2, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p3)
void setCouponPricers (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p1, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p2, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p3, const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &p4)
std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Dividend > > DividendVector (const std::vector< Date > &dividendDates, const std::vector< Real > &dividends)
 helper function building a sequence of fixed dividends More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Duration::Type d)
void setCouponPricer (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< EquityCashFlowPricer > &p)
void setCouponPricer (const Leg &leg, const ext::shared_ptr< InflationCouponPricer > &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Replication::Type r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Currency &c)
bool operator== (const Currency &c1, const Currency &c2)
bool operator!= (const Currency &c1, const Currency &c2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SecondaryCostAmounts &secondaryCostAmounts)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PricingError &error)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PricingErrors &errors)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityCashFlows &cashFlows)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityCurve &curve)
bool operator== (const CommodityCurve &c1, const CommodityCurve &c2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityIndex &index)
bool operator== (const CommodityIndex &i1, const CommodityIndex &i2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityType &c)
bool operator== (const CommodityType &c1, const CommodityType &c2)
bool operator!= (const CommodityType &c1, const CommodityType &c2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityUnitCost &unitCost)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DateInterval &di)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EnergyDailyPositions &dailyPositions)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PaymentTerm &c)
bool operator== (const PaymentTerm &c1, const PaymentTerm &c2)
bool operator!= (const PaymentTerm &c1, const PaymentTerm &c2)
Real operator/ (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
bool operator== (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
bool operator< (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
bool operator<= (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
bool close (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2, Size n)
bool close_enough (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2, Size n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quantity &quantity)
Quantity operator+ (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
Quantity operator- (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
Quantity operator* (const Quantity &m, Real x)
Quantity operator* (Real x, const Quantity &m)
Quantity operator/ (const Quantity &m, Real x)
bool operator!= (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
bool operator> (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
bool operator>= (const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UnitOfMeasure &c)
bool operator== (const UnitOfMeasure &c1, const UnitOfMeasure &c2)
bool operator!= (const UnitOfMeasure &c1, const UnitOfMeasure &c2)
bool operator== (const DefaultEvent &lhs, const DefaultEvent &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DefaultEvent &lhs, const DefaultEvent &rhs)
bool operator== (const DefaultProbKey &lhs, const DefaultProbKey &rhs)
bool operator== (const DefaultType &lhs, const DefaultType &rhs)
bool operator< (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2)
bool operator> (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2)
bool operator== (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2)
bool operator!= (const Loss &l1, const Loss &l2)
std::map< Seniority, RealmakeIsdaConvMap ()
 Helper function for conventional recoveries. Returns the ISDA. More...
void laplaceInterpolation (Matrix &A, const std::vector< Real > &x, const std::vector< Real > &y, Real relTol, Size maxIterMultiplier)
Matrix moorePenroseInverse (const Matrix &A, const Real tol=Null< Real >())
std::vector< RealGaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator::integrate< std::vector< Real > > (const ext::function< std::vector< Real >(const std::vector< Real > &v1)> &f) const
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, SensitivityAnalysis s)
Real aggregateNPV (const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities)
 utility fuction for weighted sum of NPVs More...
pair< Real, RealparallelAnalysis (const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered, Real referenceNpv=Null< Real >())
 parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector More...
pair< Real, RealbucketAnalysis (const Handle< SimpleQuote > &quote, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered, Real referenceNpv=Null< Real >())
 (bucket) PV01 sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote More...
void bucketAnalysis (std::vector< Real > &deltaVector, std::vector< Real > &gammaVector, std::vector< Real > &referenceValues, const Handle< SimpleQuote > &quote, const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > &parameters, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered)
 (bucket) parameters' sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote More...
pair< vector< Real >, vector< Real > > bucketAnalysis (const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &quotes, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered)
 bucket PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector More...
void bucketAnalysis (std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &deltaMatrix, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &gammaMatrix, const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &quotes, const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > &parameters, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered)
 bucket parameters' sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector More...
pair< vector< vector< Real > >, vector< vector< Real > > > bucketAnalysis (const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered)
 bucket sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix More...
std::pair< Real, RealparallelAnalysis (const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &, const std::vector< Real > &quantities, Real shift=0.0001, SensitivityAnalysis type=Centered, Real referenceNpv=Null< Real >())
 parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, IrregularSettlement::Type t)
Array CenteredGrid (Real center, Real dx, Size steps)
Array BoundedGrid (Real xMin, Real xMax, Size steps)
Array BoundedLogGrid (Real xMin, Real xMax, Size steps)
bool operator== (const Region &r1, const Region &r2)
bool operator!= (const Region &r1, const Region &r2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Average::Type type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Barrier::Type type)
Schedule sinkingSchedule (const Date &startDate, const Period &bondLength, const Frequency &frequency, const Calendar &paymentCalendar)
 returns a schedule for French amortization More...
std::vector< RealsinkingNotionals (const Period &bondLength, const Frequency &frequency, Rate couponRate, Real initialNotional)
 returns a sequence of notionals for French amortization More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, CapFloor::Type t)
Date cdsMaturity (const Date &tradeDate, const Period &tenor, DateGeneration::Rule rule)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, DoubleBarrier::Type type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Futures::Type f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, YoYInflationCapFloor::Type t)
void simplifyNotificationGraph (Instrument &instrument, const Leg &leg, bool unregisterCoupons=false)
 Utility function to optimize the observability graph of an instrument. More...
void simplifyNotificationGraph (Swap &swap, bool unregisterCoupons=false)
 Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a swap. More...
void simplifyNotificationGraph (Bond &bond, bool unregisterCoupons=false)
 Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a bond. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Swap::Type t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Settlement::Type t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Settlement::Method m)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const InterestRate &ir)
Real DotProduct (const Array &v1, const Array &v2)
Real Norm2 (const Array &v)
Array operator+ (const Array &v)
Array operator+ (Array &&v)
Array operator- (const Array &v)
Array operator- (Array &&v)
Array operator+ (const Array &v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator+ (const Array &v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator+ (Array &&v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator+ (Array &&v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator+ (const Array &v1, Real a)
Array operator+ (Array &&v1, Real a)
Array operator+ (Real a, const Array &v2)
Array operator+ (Real a, Array &&v2)
Array operator- (const Array &v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator- (const Array &v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator- (Array &&v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator- (Array &&v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator- (const Array &v1, Real a)
Array operator- (Array &&v1, Real a)
Array operator- (Real a, const Array &v2)
Array operator- (Real a, Array &&v2)
Array operator* (const Array &v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator* (const Array &v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator* (Array &&v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator* (Array &&v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator* (const Array &v1, Real a)
Array operator* (Array &&v1, Real a)
Array operator* (Real a, const Array &v2)
Array operator* (Real a, Array &&v2)
Array operator/ (const Array &v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator/ (const Array &v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator/ (Array &&v1, const Array &v2)
Array operator/ (Array &&v1, Array &&v2)
Array operator/ (const Array &v1, Real a)
Array operator/ (Array &&v1, Real a)
Array operator/ (Real a, const Array &v2)
Array operator/ (Real a, Array &&v2)
Array Abs (const Array &v)
Array Abs (Array &&v)
Array Sqrt (const Array &v)
Array Sqrt (Array &&v)
Array Log (const Array &v)
Array Log (Array &&v)
Array Exp (const Array &v)
Array Exp (Array &&v)
Array Pow (const Array &v, Real alpha)
Array Pow (Array &&v, Real alpha)
void swap (Array &v, Array &w) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Array &a)
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator >
void convolutions (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag)
 Convolutions of the input sequence. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator >
void autocovariances (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag)
 Unbiased auto-covariances. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator >
Real autocovariances (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag, bool reuse)
 Unbiased auto-covariances. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator >
void autocorrelations (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag)
 Unbiased auto-correlations. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename OutputIterator >
Real autocorrelations (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, OutputIterator out, std::size_t maxLag, bool reuse)
 Unbiased auto-correlations. More...
Real betaContinuedFraction (Real a, Real b, Real x, Real accuracy, Integer maxIteration)
Real incompleteBetaFunction (Real a, Real b, Real x, Real accuracy=1e-16, Integer maxIteration=100)
 Incomplete Beta function. More...
Real betaFunction (Real z, Real w)
bool close (Real x, Real y)
bool close (Real x, Real y, Size n)
bool close_enough (Real x, Real y)
bool close_enough (Real x, Real y, Size n)
Real binomialCoefficientLn (BigNatural n, BigNatural k)
Real binomialCoefficient (BigNatural n, BigNatural k)
Real PeizerPrattMethod2Inversion (Real z, BigNatural n)
std::complex< Realexpm1 (const std::complex< Real > &z)
std::complex< Reallog1p (const std::complex< Real > &z)
template<class T >
T squared (T x)
Real incompleteGammaFunction (Real a, Real x, Real accuracy=1.0e-13, Integer maxIteration=100)
 Incomplete Gamma function. More...
Real incompleteGammaFunctionSeriesRepr (Real a, Real x, Real accuracy, Integer maxIteration)
Real incompleteGammaFunctionContinuedFractionRepr (Real a, Real x, Real accuracy, Integer maxIteration)
Matrix inverse (const Matrix &m)
Real determinant (const Matrix &m)
Matrix operator+ (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)
Matrix operator+ (const Matrix &m1, Matrix &&m2)
Matrix operator+ (Matrix &&m1, const Matrix &m2)
Matrix operator+ (Matrix &&m1, Matrix &&m2)
Matrix operator- (const Matrix &m1)
Matrix operator- (Matrix &&m1)
Matrix operator- (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)
Matrix operator- (const Matrix &m1, Matrix &&m2)
Matrix operator- (Matrix &&m1, const Matrix &m2)
Matrix operator- (Matrix &&m1, Matrix &&m2)
Matrix operator* (const Matrix &m, Real x)
Matrix operator* (Matrix &&m, Real x)
Matrix operator* (Real x, const Matrix &m)
Matrix operator* (Real x, Matrix &&m)
Matrix operator/ (const Matrix &m, Real x)
Matrix operator/ (Matrix &&m, Real x)
Array operator* (const Array &v, const Matrix &m)
Array operator* (const Matrix &m, const Array &v)
Matrix operator* (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2)
Matrix transpose (const Matrix &m)
Matrix outerProduct (const Array &v1, const Array &v2)
template<class Iterator1 , class Iterator2 >
Matrix outerProduct (Iterator1 v1begin, Iterator1 v1end, Iterator2 v2begin, Iterator2 v2end)
void swap (Matrix &m1, Matrix &m2) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Matrix &m)
Matrix CholeskyDecomposition (const Matrix &S, bool flexible)
Matrix Expm (const Matrix &M, Real t=1.0, Real tol=QL_EPSILON)
 matrix exponential based on the ordinary differential equations method More...
std::vector< RealfactorReduction (Matrix mtrx, Size maxIters)
template<class DataIterator >
Matrix getCovariance (DataIterator stdDevBegin, DataIterator stdDevEnd, const Matrix &corr, Real tolerance=1.0e-12)
 Calculation of covariance from correlation and standard deviations. More...
Matrix pseudoSqrt (const Matrix &matrix, SalvagingAlgorithm::Type sa)
Matrix rankReducedSqrt (const Matrix &matrix, Size maxRank, Real componentRetainedPercentage, SalvagingAlgorithm::Type sa)
std::vector< SizeqrDecomposition (const Matrix &A, Matrix &q, Matrix &r, bool pivot=true)
 QR decompoisition. More...
Array qrSolve (const Matrix &a, const Array &b, bool pivot=true, const Array &d=Array())
 QR Solve. More...
Array prod (const SparseMatrix &A, const Array &x)
Matrix triangularAnglesParametrization (const Array &angles, Size matrixSize, Size rank)
 Returns the Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix. More...
Matrix lmmTriangularAnglesParametrization (const Array &angles, Size matrixSize, Size)
Matrix triangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained (const Array &x, Size matrixSize, Size rank)
Matrix lmmTriangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained (const Array &x, Size matrixSize, Size rank)
Matrix triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThree (Real alpha, Real t0, Real epsilon, Size nbRows)
 Returns the rank reduced Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix. More...
Matrix triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThreeVectorial (const Array &parameters, Size nbRows)
Real modifiedBesselFunction_i (Real nu, Real x)
std::complex< RealmodifiedBesselFunction_i (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z)
Real modifiedBesselFunction_k (Real nu, Real x)
std::complex< RealmodifiedBesselFunction_k (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z)
Real modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, Real x)
std::complex< RealmodifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z)
Real modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, Real x)
std::complex< RealmodifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted (Real nu, const std::complex< Real > &z)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, EndCriteria::Type ec)
std::vector< RealsphereCylinderOptimizerClosest (Real r, Real s, Real alpha, Real z1, Real z2, Real z3, Natural maxIterations, Real tolerance, Real zweight)
QL_DEPRECATED_DISABLE_WARNING void swap (SampledCurve &, SampledCurve &) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SampledCurve &a)
void swap (TridiagonalOperator &, TridiagonalOperator &) noexcept
TridiagonalOperator operator+ (const TridiagonalOperator &D)
TridiagonalOperator operator- (const TridiagonalOperator &D)
TridiagonalOperator operator+ (const TridiagonalOperator &D1, const TridiagonalOperator &D2)
TridiagonalOperator operator- (const TridiagonalOperator &D1, const TridiagonalOperator &D2)
TridiagonalOperator operator* (Real a, const TridiagonalOperator &D)
TridiagonalOperator operator* (const TridiagonalOperator &D, Real a)
TridiagonalOperator operator/ (const TridiagonalOperator &D, Real a)
Real genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression (std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &simulationData, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &basisCoefficients)
 returns the biased estimate obtained while regressing More...
Real genericEarlyExerciseOptimization (std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &simulationData, const ParametricExercise &exercise, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &parameters, const EndCriteria &endCriteria, OptimizationMethod &method)
 returns the biased estimate obtained while optimizing More...
void collectNodeData (MarketModelEvolver &evolver, MarketModelMultiProduct &product, MarketModelNodeDataProvider &dataProvider, MarketModelExerciseValue &rebate, MarketModelExerciseValue &control, Size numberOfPaths, std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &collectedData)
Matrix exponentialCorrelations (const std::vector< Time > &rateTimes, Real longTermCorr, Real beta, Real gamma, Time time)
void forwardsFromDiscountRatios (const Size firstValidIndex, const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &ds, const std::vector< Time > &taus, std::vector< Rate > &fwds)
void coterminalFromDiscountRatios (const Size firstValidIndex, const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &discountFactors, const std::vector< Time > &taus, std::vector< Rate > &cotSwapRates, std::vector< Real > &cotSwapAnnuities)
void constantMaturityFromDiscountRatios (const Size spanningForwards, const Size firstValidIndex, const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &ds, const std::vector< Time > &taus, std::vector< Rate > &constMatSwapRates, std::vector< Real > &constMatSwapAnnuities)
void checkCompatibility (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires)
bool isInTerminalMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires)
bool isInMoneyMarketPlusMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires, Size offset)
bool isInMoneyMarketMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const std::vector< Size > &numeraires)
std::vector< SizeterminalMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evolution)
 Terminal measure: the last bond is used as numeraire. More...
std::vector< SizemoneyMarketPlusMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &ev, Size offset)
std::vector< SizemoneyMarketMeasure (const EvolutionDescription &evol)
template<class Traits , class Interpolator >
void historicalForwardRatesAnalysis (SequenceStatistics &statistics, std::vector< Date > &skippedDates, std::vector< std::string > &skippedDatesErrorMessage, std::vector< Date > &failedDates, std::vector< std::string > &failedDatesErrorMessage, std::vector< Period > &fixingPeriods, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const Period &step, const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > &fwdIndex, const Period &initialGap, const Period &horizon, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > > &iborIndexes, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< SwapIndex > > &swapIndexes, const DayCounter &yieldCurveDayCounter, Real yieldCurveAccuracy=1.0e-12, const Interpolator &i=Interpolator())
void historicalRatesAnalysis (SequenceStatistics &statistics, std::vector< Date > &skippedDates, std::vector< std::string > &skippedDatesErrorMessage, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const Period &step, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > > &indexes)
std::vector< VolatilityrateVolDifferences (const MarketModel &marketModel1, const MarketModel &marketModel2)
std::vector< SpreadrateInstVolDifferences (const MarketModel &marketModel1, const MarketModel &marketModel2, Size index)
std::vector< MatrixcoterminalSwapPseudoRoots (const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation &piecewiseConstantCorrelation, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > &piecewiseConstantVariances)
std::vector< RealcoterminalSwapPseudoRoots (const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation &, const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > &, const std::vector< Time > &)
Integer capletSwaptionPeriodicCalibration (const EvolutionDescription &evolution, const ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantCorrelation > &corr, VolatilityInterpolationSpecifier &displacedSwapVariances, const std::vector< Volatility > &capletVols, const ext::shared_ptr< CurveState > &cs, const Spread displacement, Real caplet0Swaption1Priority, Size numberOfFactors, Size period, Size max1dIterations, Real tolerance1d, Size maxUnperiodicIterations, Real toleranceUnperiodic, Size maxPeriodIterations, Real periodTolerance, Real &, Real &totalSwaptionError, std::vector< Matrix > &swapCovariancePseudoRoots, std::vector< Real > &finalScales, Size &iterationsDone, Real &errorImprovement, Matrix &modelSwaptionVolsMatrix)
Real flatVolCovariance (Time t1, Time t2, Time T, Time S, Volatility v1, Volatility v2)
void mergeTimes (const std::vector< std::vector< Time > > &times, std::vector< Time > &mergedTimes, std::vector< std::valarray< bool > > &isPresent)
std::valarray< boolisInSubset (const std::vector< Time > &set, const std::vector< Time > &subset)
void checkIncreasingTimes (const std::vector< Time > &times)
 check for strictly increasing times, first time greater than zero More...
void checkIncreasingTimesAndCalculateTaus (const std::vector< Time > &times, std::vector< Time > &taus)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs &m)
Decimal operator/ (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
bool operator== (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
bool operator< (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
bool operator<= (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
bool close (const Money &m1, const Money &m2, Size n)
bool close_enough (const Money &m1, const Money &m2, Size n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Money &m)
Money operator+ (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
Money operator- (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
Money operator* (const Money &m, Decimal x)
Money operator* (Decimal x, const Money &m)
Money operator/ (const Money &m, Decimal x)
bool operator!= (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
bool operator> (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
bool operator>= (const Money &m1, const Money &m2)
Money operator* (Decimal value, const Currency &c)
Money operator* (const Currency &c, Decimal value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Option::Type type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Position::Type p)
Real midEquivalent (const Real bid, const Real ask, const Real last, const Real close)
Real midSafe (const Real bid, const Real ask)
Real blackFormula (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormula (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaForwardDerivative (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaForwardDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real blackAtmPrice, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real blackAtmPrice, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS (Option::Type type, Real K, Real F, Real marketValue, Real df, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real F, Real marketValue, Real df, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDev (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDev (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real w, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations)
Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real blackPrice, Real discount, Real displacement, Real guess, Real omega, Real accuracy, Natural maxIterations)
Real blackFormulaCashItmProbability (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaCashItmProbability (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaAssetItmProbability (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaAssetItmProbability (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaVolDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real expiry, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaStdDevDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaStdDevDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount, Real displacement)
Real bachelierBlackFormula (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormula (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaImpliedVol (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real tte, Real bachelierPrice, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative (Rate strike, Rate forward, Real stdDev, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev, Real discount)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability (Option::Type optionType, Real strike, Real forward, Real stdDev)
Real bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability (const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &payoff, Real forward, Real stdDev)
Real blackScholesTheta (const ext::shared_ptr< GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess > &, Real value, Real delta, Real gamma)
 default theta calculation for Black-Scholes options More...
Real defaultThetaPerDay (Real theta)
 default theta-per-day calculation More...
Real cdf_nu_ds_minus_x (const HestonProcess &process, Real x, Real nu_0, Real nu_t, Time dt, HestonProcess::Discretization discretization, Real x0)
template<class BinaryFunction >
CompositeQuote< BinaryFunction > makeCompositeQuote (const Handle< Quote > &element1, const Handle< Quote > &element2, const BinaryFunction &f)
 creator method More...
template<class UnaryFunction >
DerivedQuote< UnaryFunction > makeDerivedQuote (const Handle< Quote > &element, const UnaryFunction &f)
 creator method More...
RelinkableHandle< QuotemakeQuoteHandle (Real value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Settings::DateProxy &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Pillar::Choice type)
std::pair< Date, DateinflationPeriod (const Date &, Frequency)
 utility function giving the inflation period for a given date More...
Time inflationYearFraction (Frequency f, bool indexIsInterpolated, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
Real abcdBlackVolatility (Time u, Real a, Real b, Real c, Real d)
Real unsafeSabrLogNormalVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho)
Real unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, Real shift, VolatilityType volatilityType)
Real unsafeSabrNormalVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho)
Real unsafeSabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, VolatilityType volatilityType)
void validateSabrParameters (Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho)
Real sabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, VolatilityType volatilityType)
Real shiftedSabrVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, Real shift, VolatilityType volatilityType)
Real sabrFlochKennedyVolatility (Rate strike, Rate forward, Time expiryTime, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VolatilityType &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, BusinessDayConvention b)
bool operator== (const Calendar &c1, const Calendar &c2)
bool operator!= (const Calendar &c1, const Calendar &c2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Calendar &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Month m)
std::size_t hash_value (const Date &d)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Date &d)
Date::serial_type operator- (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
Time daysBetween (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator== (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator!= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator< (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator<= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator> (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator>= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, DateGeneration::Rule r)
bool operator== (const DayCounter &d1, const DayCounter &d2)
bool operator!= (const DayCounter &d1, const DayCounter &d2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DayCounter &d)
Date yearFractionToDate (const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Date &referenceDate, Time t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Frequency f)
Real years (const Period &p)
Real months (const Period &p)
Real weeks (const Period &p)
Real days (const Period &p)
bool operator< (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
Period operator+ (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
Period operator- (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
Period operator/ (const Period &p, Integer n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Period &p)
template<typename T >
Period operator* (T n, TimeUnit units)
template<typename T >
Period operator* (TimeUnit units, T n)
Period operator- (const Period &p)
Period operator* (Integer n, const Period &p)
Period operator* (const Period &p, Integer n)
bool operator== (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
bool operator!= (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
bool operator> (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
bool operator<= (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
bool operator>= (const Period &p1, const Period &p2)
Date previousTwentieth (const Date &d, DateGeneration::Rule rule)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TimeUnit &timeunit)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Weekday &w)
template<class T >
void swap (Clone< T > &t, Clone< T > &u) noexcept
std::size_t compiledBoostVersion ()


QL_DEPRECATED_DISABLE_WARNING typedef FiniteDifferenceModel< ParallelEvolver< CrankNicolson< TridiagonalOperator > > > StandardSystemFiniteDifferenceModel
QL_DEPRECATED_ENABLE_WARNING typedef StepCondition< ArrayStandardStepCondition

Detailed Description

abstract base class implementation specifies how to decide volatility structure for additional synthetic rates which are interleaved

implementation specifies how to decide volatility structure for additional synthetic rates which are interleaved

here we work with abcd curves and interpolate the a, b, c and d

Classes for computing derivative of the map taking rates one step to the next with respect to a change in the pseudo-root. We do it both numerically and analytically to provide an easy test of the analytic method. This is useful for pathwise vegas.

Evolution is log Euler.

One is tested against the other in MarketModelTest::testPathwiseVegas

In order to compute market vegas, we need a class that gives the derivative of a swaption implied vol against changes in pseudo-root elements. This is that class.

This is tested in the pathwise vegas routine in MarketModels.cpp

When bumping vols, bumping every pseudo-root element individually seems excessive so we need to couple some together.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Leg

typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<CashFlow> > Leg

Sequence of cash-flows.

Definition at line 78 of file cashflow.hpp.

◆ BlackVanillaOptionPricer

Renamed to MarketQuotedOptionPricer. Deprecated in version 1.31.

Definition at line 68 of file conundrumpricer.hpp.

◆ TenorOptionletVTSCorrelationStructure

Definition at line 133 of file tenoroptionletvts.hpp.

◆ SecondaryCosts

typedef std::map<std::string, ext::any> SecondaryCosts

Definition at line 36 of file commodity.hpp.

◆ SecondaryCostAmounts

typedef std::map<std::string, Money> SecondaryCostAmounts

Definition at line 37 of file commodity.hpp.

◆ PricingErrors

typedef std::vector<PricingError> PricingErrors

Definition at line 55 of file commodity.hpp.

◆ CommodityCashFlows

typedef std::map<Date, ext::shared_ptr<CommodityCashFlow> > CommodityCashFlows

Definition at line 87 of file commoditycashflow.hpp.

◆ EnergyDailyPositions

Definition at line 52 of file energycommodity.hpp.

◆ ExchangeContracts

Definition at line 75 of file exchangecontract.hpp.

◆ PricingPeriods

typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<PricingPeriod> > PricingPeriods

Definition at line 51 of file pricingperiod.hpp.

◆ GaussianLHPFlatBCLM

Definition at line 289 of file basecorrelationlossmodel.hpp.

◆ GaussianBinomialLossModel

Definition at line 414 of file binomiallossmodel.hpp.

◆ TBinomialLossModel

Definition at line 415 of file binomiallossmodel.hpp.

◆ GaussianConstantLossLM

Definition at line 106 of file constantlosslatentmodel.hpp.

◆ TConstantLossLM

Definition at line 107 of file constantlosslatentmodel.hpp.

◆ GaussianDefProbLM

Definition at line 323 of file defaultprobabilitylatentmodel.hpp.

◆ TDefProbLM

Definition at line 324 of file defaultprobabilitylatentmodel.hpp.

◆ HomogGaussPoolLossModel

Definition at line 100 of file homogeneouspooldef.hpp.

◆ HomogTPoolLossModel

Definition at line 101 of file homogeneouspooldef.hpp.

◆ IHGaussPoolLossModel

Definition at line 108 of file inhomogeneouspooldef.hpp.

◆ IHStudentPoolLossModel

Definition at line 109 of file inhomogeneouspooldef.hpp.

◆ DefaultEventSet

typedef std::set<ext::shared_ptr<DefaultEvent>, earlier_than<ext::shared_ptr<DefaultEvent> > > DefaultEventSet

Definition at line 38 of file issuer.hpp.

◆ GaussianRandomDefaultLM

Definition at line 981 of file randomdefaultlatentmodel.hpp.

◆ TRandomDefaultLM

Definition at line 994 of file randomdefaultlatentmodel.hpp.

◆ GaussianRandomLossLM

Definition at line 245 of file randomlosslatentmodel.hpp.

◆ TRandomLossLM

Definition at line 257 of file randomlosslatentmodel.hpp.

◆ RecursiveGaussLossModel

Definition at line 126 of file recursivelossmodel.hpp.

◆ GaussianSpotLossLM

Definition at line 130 of file spotlosslatentmodel.hpp.

◆ TSpotLossLM

Definition at line 131 of file spotlosslatentmodel.hpp.

◆ GaussianSimulatedAnnealing

Definition at line 230 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.

◆ LogNormalSimulatedAnnealing

Definition at line 231 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.

◆ MirrorGaussianSimulatedAnnealing

Definition at line 232 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.

◆ GaussianSimulatedReAnnealing

Definition at line 233 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.

◆ VeryFastSimulatedAnnealing

Definition at line 234 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.

◆ VeryFastSimulatedReAnnealing

Definition at line 235 of file hybridsimulatedannealing.hpp.

◆ NoArbSabrSwaptionVolatilityCube

no-arbitrage SABR volatility cube for swaptions

Definition at line 40 of file noarbsabrswaptionvolatilitycube.hpp.

◆ EuriborSW

Renamed to Euribor1W. Deprecated in version 1.35.

Definition at line 70 of file euribor.hpp.

◆ CallabilitySchedule

typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Callability> > CallabilitySchedule

Definition at line 73 of file callabilityschedule.hpp.

◆ DividendSchedule

typedef std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Dividend> > DividendSchedule

Definition at line 33 of file dividendschedule.hpp.

◆ BivariateCumulativeNormalDistribution

default bivariate implementation

Definition at line 104 of file bivariatenormaldistribution.hpp.

◆ GaussianDistribution

Definition at line 56 of file normaldistribution.hpp.

◆ InvCumulativeNormalDistribution

Definition at line 176 of file normaldistribution.hpp.

◆ GaussLegendreIntegrator

Definition at line 230 of file gaussianquadratures.hpp.

◆ GaussChebyshevIntegrator

Definition at line 233 of file gaussianquadratures.hpp.

◆ GaussChebyshev2ndIntegrator

Definition at line 236 of file gaussianquadratures.hpp.

◆ SplineGrid

Definition at line 452 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ SparseMatrix

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<Real> SparseMatrix

Definition at line 48 of file sparsematrix.hpp.

◆ SparseMatrixReference

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_reference<SparseMatrix> SparseMatrixReference

Definition at line 49 of file sparsematrix.hpp.

◆ Ranlux3UniformRng

Definition at line 63 of file ranluxuniformrng.hpp.

◆ Ranlux4UniformRng

Definition at line 64 of file ranluxuniformrng.hpp.

◆ PseudoRandom

default traits for pseudo-random number generation

a sequence generator is generated and tested by comparing samples against known good values.

Definition at line 71 of file rngtraits.hpp.

◆ PoissonPseudoRandom

traits for Poisson-distributed pseudo-random number generation

sequence generators are generated and tested by comparing samples against known good values.

Definition at line 78 of file rngtraits.hpp.

◆ LowDiscrepancy

default traits for low-discrepancy sequence generation

Definition at line 105 of file rngtraits.hpp.

◆ SampledCurveSet

Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.

Definition at line 169 of file sampledcurve.hpp.

◆ GaussianStatistics

default gaussian statistic tool

Definition at line 110 of file gaussianstatistics.hpp.

◆ RiskStatistics

default risk measures tool

the correctness of the returned values is tested by checking them against numerical calculations.

Definition at line 123 of file riskstatistics.hpp.

◆ SequenceStatistics

default multi-dimensional statistics tool

the correctness of the returned values is tested by checking them against numerical calculations.

Definition at line 154 of file sequencestatistics.hpp.

◆ SequenceStatisticsInc

Definition at line 155 of file sequencestatistics.hpp.

◆ Statistics

default statistics tool

the correctness of the returned values is tested by checking them against numerical calculations.

Definition at line 35 of file statistics.hpp.

◆ BSMTermOperator

Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.

Definition at line 38 of file bsmtermoperator.hpp.

◆ StandardFiniteDifferenceModel

Define your typedef if needed. Deprecated in version 1.32.

Definition at line 38 of file fdtypedefs.hpp.

◆ FdmBoundaryConditionSet

Definition at line 32 of file fdmboundaryconditionset.hpp.

◆ CashFlow

Definition at line 34 of file collectnodedata.cpp.

◆ DefaultProbabilityHelper

alias for default-probability bootstrap helpers

Definition at line 43 of file defaultprobabilityhelpers.hpp.

◆ RelativeDateDefaultProbabilityHelper

Definition at line 45 of file defaultprobabilityhelpers.hpp.

◆ YoYInflationCurve

Definition at line 121 of file interpolatedyoyinflationcurve.hpp.

◆ ZeroInflationCurve

Definition at line 112 of file interpolatedzeroinflationcurve.hpp.

◆ SabrSwaptionVolatilityCube

SABR volatility cube for swaptions.

Definition at line 1176 of file sabrswaptionvolatilitycube.hpp.

◆ RateHelper

Definition at line 46 of file ratehelpers.hpp.

◆ RelativeDateRateHelper

Definition at line 48 of file ratehelpers.hpp.

◆ BigNatural

typedef unsigned QL_BIG_INTEGER BigNatural

large positive integer

Definition at line 46 of file types.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Compounding

Interest rate coumpounding rule.








Simple up to the first period then Compounded.


Compounded up to the first period then Simple.

Definition at line 32 of file compounding.hpp.

◆ Seniority

enum Seniority

Seniority of a bond.

They are also ISDA tier/seniorities used for CDS conventional spreads.


Definition at line 37 of file defaulttype.hpp.

◆ SensitivityAnalysis

Finite differences calculation.


Definition at line 41 of file sensitivityanalysis.hpp.

◆ PriceType

enum PriceType

Price types.


Bid price.


Ask price.


Last price.


Close price.


Mid price, calculated as the arithmetic average of bid and ask prices.


Mid equivalent price, calculated as a) the arithmetic average of bid and ask prices when both are available; b) either the bid or the ask price if any of them is available; c) the last price; or d) the close price.


Safe Mid price, returns the mid price only if both bid and ask are available.

Definition at line 35 of file prices.hpp.

◆ VolatilityType


Definition at line 32 of file volatilitytype.hpp.

◆ JointCalendarRule

rules for joining calendars


A date is a holiday for the joint calendar if it is a holiday for any of the given calendars


A date is a business day for the joint calendar if it is a business day for any of the given calendars

Definition at line 33 of file jointcalendar.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ FloatingLeg()

Leg FloatingLeg ( const Schedule schedule,
const std::vector< Real > &  nominals,
const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > &  index,
const DayCounter paymentDayCounter,
BusinessDayConvention  paymentAdj,
const std::vector< Natural > &  fixingDays,
const std::vector< Real > &  gearings,
const std::vector< Spread > &  spreads,
const std::vector< Rate > &  caps,
const std::vector< Rate > &  floors,
bool  isInArrears,
bool  isZero,
Integer  paymentLag = 0,
Calendar  paymentCalendar = Calendar(),
Period  exCouponPeriod = Period(),
Calendar  exCouponCalendar = Calendar(),
BusinessDayConvention  exCouponAdjustment = Unadjusted,
bool  exCouponEndOfMonth = false 

Definition at line 61 of file cashflowvectors.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FloatingDigitalLeg()

Leg FloatingDigitalLeg ( const Schedule schedule,
const std::vector< Real > &  nominals,
const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndexType > &  index,
const DayCounter paymentDayCounter,
BusinessDayConvention  paymentAdj,
const std::vector< Natural > &  fixingDays,
const std::vector< Real > &  gearings,
const std::vector< Spread > &  spreads,
bool  isInArrears,
const std::vector< Rate > &  callStrikes,
Position::Type  callPosition,
bool  isCallATMIncluded,
const std::vector< Rate > &  callDigitalPayoffs,
const std::vector< Rate > &  putStrikes,
Position::Type  putPosition,
bool  isPutATMIncluded,
const std::vector< Rate > &  putDigitalPayoffs,
const ext::shared_ptr< DigitalReplication > &  replication,
bool  nakedOption = false 

Definition at line 179 of file cashflowvectors.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
GFunctionFactory::YieldCurveModel  type 

Definition at line 183 of file conundrumpricer.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCouponPricer() [1/3]

void setCouponPricer ( const Leg leg,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  pricer 

Definition at line 419 of file couponpricer.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCouponPricers() [1/4]

void setCouponPricers ( const Leg leg,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > > &  pricers 

Definition at line 426 of file couponpricer.cpp.

◆ setCouponPricers() [2/4]

void setCouponPricers ( const Leg leg,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  ,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &   

set the first matching pricer (if any) to each coupon of the leg

Definition at line 444 of file couponpricer.cpp.

◆ setCouponPricers() [3/4]

void setCouponPricers ( const Leg leg,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p1,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p2,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p3 

Definition at line 454 of file couponpricer.cpp.

◆ setCouponPricers() [4/4]

void setCouponPricers ( const Leg leg,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p1,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p2,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p3,
const ext::shared_ptr< FloatingRateCouponPricer > &  p4 

Definition at line 466 of file couponpricer.cpp.

◆ DividendVector()

std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Dividend > > DividendVector ( const std::vector< Date > &  dividendDates,
const std::vector< Real > &  dividends 

helper function building a sequence of fixed dividends

Definition at line 35 of file dividend.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [2/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Duration::Type  d 

Definition at line 28 of file duration.cpp.

◆ setCouponPricer() [2/3]

void setCouponPricer ( const Leg leg,
const ext::shared_ptr< EquityCashFlowPricer > &  p 

Definition at line 44 of file equitycashflow.cpp.

◆ setCouponPricer() [3/3]

void setCouponPricer ( const Leg leg,
const ext::shared_ptr< InflationCouponPricer > &  p 

Definition at line 27 of file inflationcouponpricer.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Replication::Type  r 

Definition at line 26 of file replication.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Currency c 

Definition at line 25 of file currency.cpp.

◆ operator==() [1/17]

bool operator== ( const Currency c1,
const Currency c2 

Definition at line 231 of file currency.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [1/13]

bool operator!= ( const Currency c1,
const Currency c2 

Definition at line 236 of file currency.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SecondaryCostAmounts secondaryCostAmounts 

Definition at line 44 of file commodity.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [6/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PricingError error 

Definition at line 67 of file commodity.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [7/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PricingErrors errors 

Definition at line 88 of file commodity.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [8/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CommodityCashFlows cashFlows 

Definition at line 34 of file commoditycashflow.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [9/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CommodityCurve curve 

Definition at line 99 of file commoditycurve.cpp.

◆ operator==() [2/17]

bool operator== ( const CommodityCurve c1,
const CommodityCurve c2 

Definition at line 110 of file commoditycurve.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [10/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CommodityIndex index 

Definition at line 54 of file commodityindex.cpp.

◆ operator==() [3/17]

bool operator== ( const CommodityIndex i1,
const CommodityIndex i2 

Definition at line 104 of file commodityindex.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [11/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CommodityType c 

Definition at line 40 of file commoditytype.cpp.

◆ operator==() [4/17]

bool operator== ( const CommodityType c1,
const CommodityType c2 

Definition at line 107 of file commoditytype.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [2/13]

bool operator!= ( const CommodityType c1,
const CommodityType c2 

Definition at line 111 of file commoditytype.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [12/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CommodityUnitCost unitCost 

Definition at line 24 of file commodityunitcost.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [13/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const DateInterval di 

Definition at line 24 of file dateinterval.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [14/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const EnergyDailyPositions dailyPositions 

Definition at line 36 of file energycommodity.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [15/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PaymentTerm c 

Definition at line 42 of file paymentterm.cpp.

◆ operator==() [5/17]

bool operator== ( const PaymentTerm c1,
const PaymentTerm c2 

Definition at line 113 of file paymentterm.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [3/13]

bool operator!= ( const PaymentTerm c1,
const PaymentTerm c2 

Definition at line 117 of file paymentterm.hpp.

◆ operator/() [1/16]

Real operator/ ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 86 of file quantity.cpp.

◆ operator==() [6/17]

bool operator== ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 105 of file quantity.cpp.

◆ operator<() [1/5]

bool operator< ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 125 of file quantity.cpp.

◆ operator<=() [1/4]

bool operator<= ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 144 of file quantity.cpp.

◆ close() [1/4]

bool close ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2,
Size  n 

Definition at line 163 of file quantity.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ close_enough() [1/4]

bool close_enough ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2,
Size  n 

Definition at line 182 of file quantity.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [16/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Quantity quantity 

Definition at line 202 of file quantity.cpp.

◆ operator+() [1/19]

Quantity operator+ ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 165 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator-() [1/23]

Quantity operator- ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 171 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator*() [1/27]

Quantity operator* ( const Quantity m,
Real  x 

Definition at line 177 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator*() [2/27]

Quantity operator* ( Real  x,
const Quantity m 

Definition at line 183 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator/() [2/16]

Quantity operator/ ( const Quantity m,
Real  x 

Definition at line 187 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [4/13]

bool operator!= ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 193 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator>() [1/5]

bool operator> ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 197 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator>=() [1/4]

bool operator>= ( const Quantity m1,
const Quantity m2 

Definition at line 201 of file quantity.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [17/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const UnitOfMeasure c 

Definition at line 26 of file unitofmeasure.cpp.

◆ operator==() [7/17]

bool operator== ( const UnitOfMeasure c1,
const UnitOfMeasure c2 

Definition at line 130 of file unitofmeasure.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [5/13]

bool operator!= ( const UnitOfMeasure c1,
const UnitOfMeasure c2 

Definition at line 134 of file unitofmeasure.hpp.

◆ operator==() [8/17]

bool operator== ( const DefaultEvent lhs,
const DefaultEvent rhs 

Two credit events are the same independently of their settlement member data. This has the side effect of overwritting different settlements from the same credit event when, say, inserting in a map. But on the other hand one given event can only have one settlement. This means we can not have two restructuring events on a bond on the same date.

Definition at line 140 of file defaultevent.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [6/13]

bool operator!= ( const DefaultEvent lhs,
const DefaultEvent rhs 

Definition at line 184 of file defaultevent.hpp.

◆ operator==() [9/17]

bool operator== ( const DefaultProbKey lhs,
const DefaultProbKey rhs 

Definition at line 44 of file defaultprobabilitykey.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [10/17]

bool operator== ( const DefaultType lhs,
const DefaultType rhs 

Equality is the criteria for indexing the curves. This depends only on the atomic types and not on idiosincracies of derived type as mentioned in the functional documentation (specific event characteristics are relevant to credit event matching but not to the probability meaning). operator== is also used to remove duplicates in some containers. This ensures we do not have two equal events (despite having different characteristics) in those containers. This makes sense, theres no logic in having two FailureToPay in a contract even if they have different characteristics.

Definition at line 35 of file defaulttype.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<() [2/5]

bool operator< ( const Loss l1,
const Loss l2 

Definition at line 37 of file loss.hpp.

◆ operator>() [2/5]

bool operator> ( const Loss l1,
const Loss l2 

Definition at line 40 of file loss.hpp.

◆ operator==() [11/17]

bool operator== ( const Loss l1,
const Loss l2 

Definition at line 43 of file loss.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [7/13]

bool operator!= ( const Loss l1,
const Loss l2 

Definition at line 46 of file loss.hpp.

◆ makeIsdaConvMap()

std::map< Seniority, Real > makeIsdaConvMap ( )

Helper function for conventional recoveries. Returns the ISDA.

Definition at line 32 of file recoveryratequote.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ laplaceInterpolation()

void laplaceInterpolation ( Matrix A,
const std::vector< Real > &  x = {},
const std::vector< Real > &  y = {},
Real  relTol = 1E-6,
Size  maxIterMultiplier = 10 

Convenience function that Laplace-interpolates null values in a given matrix. If the x or y grid or both are not given, an equidistant grid is assumed.

Definition at line 214 of file laplaceinterpolation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ moorePenroseInverse()

Matrix moorePenroseInverse ( const Matrix A,
const Real  tol = Null<Real>() 

◆ GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator::integrate< std::vector< Real > >()

std::vector< Real > GaussianQuadMultidimIntegrator::integrate< std::vector< Real > > ( const ext::function< std::vector< Real >(const std::vector< Real > &v1)> &  f) const

Definition at line 198 of file multidimquadrature.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [18/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
SensitivityAnalysis  s 

Definition at line 29 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

◆ aggregateNPV()

Real aggregateNPV ( const vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &  instruments,
const vector< Real > &  quant 

utility fuction for weighted sum of NPVs

Definition at line 41 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parallelAnalysis() [1/2]

std::pair< Real, Real > parallelAnalysis ( const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &  ,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &  ,
const std::vector< Real > &  quantities,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered,
Real  referenceNpv = NullReal >() 

parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector

returns a pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is just one single element equal to one.

All SimpleQuotes are tweaked together in a parallel fashion.

Definition at line 59 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bucketAnalysis() [1/5]

std::pair< Real, Real > bucketAnalysis ( const Handle< SimpleQuote > &  quote,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &  ,
const std::vector< Real > &  quantities,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered,
Real  referenceNpv = NullReal >() 

(bucket) PV01 sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote

returns a pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.

Definition at line 118 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bucketAnalysis() [2/5]

void bucketAnalysis ( std::vector< Real > &  deltaVector,
std::vector< Real > &  gammaVector,
std::vector< Real > &  referenceValues,
const Handle< SimpleQuote > &  quote,
const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > &  parameters,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered 

(bucket) parameters' sensitivity analysis for a (single) SimpleQuote

returns a vector (one element for each paramet) of pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.

Definition at line 165 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

◆ bucketAnalysis() [3/5]

std::pair< std::vector< Real >, std::vector< Real > > bucketAnalysis ( const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &  quotes,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &  ,
const std::vector< Real > &  quantities,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered 

bucket PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector

returns a pair of first and second derivative vectors calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.

The (bucket) SimpleQuotes are tweaked one by one separately.

Definition at line 258 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bucketAnalysis() [4/5]

void bucketAnalysis ( std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  deltaMatrix,
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  gammaMatrix,
const std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > &  quotes,
const std::vector< Handle< Quote > > &  parameters,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered 

bucket parameters' sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote vector

returns a vector (one element for each paramet) of pair of first and second derivative vectors calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.

The (bucket) SimpleQuotes are tweaked one by one separately.

Definition at line 284 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bucketAnalysis() [5/5]

std::pair< std::vector< std::vector< Real > >, std::vector< std::vector< Real > > > bucketAnalysis ( const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > &  ,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &  ,
const std::vector< Real > &  quantities,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered 

bucket sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix

returns a pair of first and second derivative metrices calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.

The (bucket) SimpleQuotes are tweaked one by one separately.

Definition at line 312 of file sensitivityanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ parallelAnalysis() [2/2]

std::pair< Real, Real > parallelAnalysis ( const std::vector< std::vector< Handle< SimpleQuote > > > &  ,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Instrument > > &  ,
const std::vector< Real > &  quantities,
Real  shift = 0.0001,
SensitivityAnalysis  type = Centered,
Real  referenceNpv = NullReal >() 

parallel shift PV01 sensitivity analysis for a SimpleQuote matrix

returns a pair of first and second derivative values calculated as prescribed by SensitivityAnalysis. Second derivative might not be available depending on SensitivityAnalysis value.

Empty quantities vector is considered as unit vector. The same if the vector is of size one.

All SimpleQuotes are tweaked together in a parallel fashion.

◆ operator<<() [19/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
IrregularSettlement::Type  t 

Definition at line 87 of file irregularswaption.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CenteredGrid()

Array CenteredGrid ( Real  center,
Real  dx,
Size  steps 

Definition at line 37 of file grid.hpp.

◆ BoundedGrid()

Array BoundedGrid ( Real  xMin,
Real  xMax,
Size  steps 

Definition at line 44 of file grid.hpp.

◆ BoundedLogGrid()

Array BoundedLogGrid ( Real  xMin,
Real  xMax,
Size  steps 

Definition at line 52 of file grid.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [12/17]

bool operator== ( const Region r1,
const Region r2 

Definition at line 121 of file region.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [8/13]

bool operator!= ( const Region r1,
const Region r2 

Definition at line 125 of file region.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [20/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Average::Type  type 

Definition at line 28 of file averagetype.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [21/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Barrier::Type  type 

Definition at line 28 of file barriertype.cpp.

◆ sinkingSchedule()

Schedule sinkingSchedule ( const Date startDate,
const Period bondLength,
const Frequency frequency,
const Calendar paymentCalendar 

returns a schedule for French amortization

Definition at line 63 of file amortizingfixedratebond.cpp.

◆ sinkingNotionals()

std::vector< Real > sinkingNotionals ( const Period bondLength,
const Frequency sinkingFrequency,
Rate  couponRate,
Real  initialNotional 

returns a sequence of notionals for French amortization

Definition at line 123 of file amortizingfixedratebond.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [22/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
CapFloor::Type  t 

Definition at line 110 of file capfloor.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cdsMaturity()

Date cdsMaturity ( const Date tradeDate,
const Period tenor,
DateGeneration::Rule  rule 

Return the CDS maturity date given the CDS trade date, tradeDate, the CDS tenor and a CDS rule.

A Null<Date>() is returned when a rule of CDS2015 and a tenor length of zero fail to yield a valid CDS maturity date.

An exception will be thrown if the rule is not CDS2015, CDS or OldCDS.
An exception will be thrown if the rule is OldCDS and a tenor of 0 months is provided. This restriction can be removed if 0M tenor was available before the CDS Big Bang 2009.
An exception will be thrown if the tenor is not a multiple of 3 months. For the avoidance of doubt, a tenor of 0 months is supported.

Definition at line 481 of file creditdefaultswap.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [23/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
DoubleBarrier::Type  type 

Definition at line 26 of file doublebarriertype.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [24/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Futures::Type  f 

Definition at line 27 of file futures.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [25/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
YoYInflationCapFloor::Type  t 

Definition at line 30 of file inflationcapfloor.cpp.

◆ simplifyNotificationGraph() [1/3]

void simplifyNotificationGraph ( Instrument instrument,
const Leg leg,
bool  unregisterCoupons = false 

Utility function to optimize the observability graph of an instrument.

This function unregisters the given instrument from the given cashflows and instead registers with the observables of the cashflows. This is safe to do if

  • the coupon pricers of the cashflows are set before the function is called and never updated afterwards
  • the cashflows are not themselves originating notifications, i.e. they only pass through notifications from their observables (which is usually the case)
  • the set of cashflows does not dynamically change (usually satisfied as well)

If unregisterCoupons is set to true, all given cashflows are in addition unregistered from all their observables. This can be done

  • if the coupons are not asked for results directly
  • if deepUpdate() is called on the instrument before retrieving a result; to determine whether the result might have changed, isCalculated() can be called on the instrument.

There are overloads of this function for specific instrument types like Swap, Bond.

Definition at line 25 of file simplifynotificationgraph.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simplifyNotificationGraph() [2/3]

void simplifyNotificationGraph ( Swap swap,
const bool  unregisterCoupons 

Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a swap.

Definition at line 35 of file simplifynotificationgraph.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ simplifyNotificationGraph() [3/3]

void simplifyNotificationGraph ( Bond bond,
const bool  unregisterCoupons 

Utility function to opimize the observability graph of a bond.

Definition at line 40 of file simplifynotificationgraph.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [26/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Swap::Type  t 

Definition at line 185 of file swap.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [27/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Settlement::Type  t 

Definition at line 106 of file swaption.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [28/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Settlement::Method  m 

Definition at line 118 of file swaption.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [29/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const InterestRate ir 

Definition at line 115 of file interestrate.cpp.

◆ DotProduct()

Real DotProduct ( const Array v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 553 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Norm2()

Real Norm2 ( const Array v)

Definition at line 560 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [2/19]

Array operator+ ( const Array v)

Definition at line 568 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [3/19]

Array operator+ ( Array &&  v)

Definition at line 573 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [2/23]

Array operator- ( const Array v)

Definition at line 577 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [3/23]

Array operator- ( Array &&  v)

Definition at line 583 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [4/19]

Array operator+ ( const Array v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 591 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [5/19]

Array operator+ ( const Array v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 600 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [6/19]

Array operator+ ( Array &&  v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 609 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [7/19]

Array operator+ ( Array &&  v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 618 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [8/19]

Array operator+ ( const Array v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 627 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [9/19]

Array operator+ ( Array &&  v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 633 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [10/19]

Array operator+ ( Real  a,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 639 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator+() [11/19]

Array operator+ ( Real  a,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 645 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [4/23]

Array operator- ( const Array v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 651 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [5/23]

Array operator- ( const Array v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 660 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [6/23]

Array operator- ( Array &&  v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 669 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [7/23]

Array operator- ( Array &&  v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 678 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [8/23]

Array operator- ( const Array v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 687 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [9/23]

Array operator- ( Array &&  v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 693 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [10/23]

Array operator- ( Real  a,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 699 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator-() [11/23]

Array operator- ( Real  a,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 705 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [3/27]

Array operator* ( const Array v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 711 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [4/27]

Array operator* ( const Array v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 720 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [5/27]

Array operator* ( Array &&  v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 729 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [6/27]

Array operator* ( Array &&  v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 738 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [7/27]

Array operator* ( const Array v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 747 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [8/27]

Array operator* ( Array &&  v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 753 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [9/27]

Array operator* ( Real  a,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 759 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator*() [10/27]

Array operator* ( Real  a,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 765 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [3/16]

Array operator/ ( const Array v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 771 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [4/16]

Array operator/ ( const Array v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 780 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [5/16]

Array operator/ ( Array &&  v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 789 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [6/16]

Array operator/ ( Array &&  v1,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 798 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [7/16]

Array operator/ ( const Array v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 807 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [8/16]

Array operator/ ( Array &&  v1,
Real  a 

Definition at line 813 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [9/16]

Array operator/ ( Real  a,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 819 of file array.hpp.

◆ operator/() [10/16]

Array operator/ ( Real  a,
Array &&  v2 

Definition at line 825 of file array.hpp.

◆ Abs() [1/2]

Array Abs ( const Array v)

Definition at line 833 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Abs() [2/2]

Array Abs ( Array &&  v)

Definition at line 840 of file array.hpp.

◆ Sqrt() [1/2]

Array Sqrt ( const Array v)

Definition at line 847 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Sqrt() [2/2]

Array Sqrt ( Array &&  v)

Definition at line 854 of file array.hpp.

◆ Log() [1/2]

Array Log ( const Array v)

Definition at line 861 of file array.hpp.

◆ Log() [2/2]

Array Log ( Array &&  v)

Definition at line 868 of file array.hpp.

◆ Exp() [1/2]

Array Exp ( const Array v)

Definition at line 875 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Exp() [2/2]

Array Exp ( Array &&  v)

Definition at line 882 of file array.hpp.

◆ Pow() [1/2]

Array Pow ( const Array v,
Real  alpha 

Definition at line 889 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Pow() [2/2]

Array Pow ( Array &&  v,
Real  alpha 

Definition at line 896 of file array.hpp.

◆ swap() [1/5]

void swap ( Array v,
Array w 

Definition at line 903 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [30/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Array a 

Definition at line 907 of file array.hpp.

◆ convolutions()

void convolutions ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
OutputIterator  out,
std::size_t  maxLag 

Convolutions of the input sequence.

Calculates x[0]*x[n]+x[1]*x[n+1]+x[2]*x[n+2]+... for n = 0,1,...,maxLag via FFT.

The size of the output sequence must be maxLag + 1

Definition at line 81 of file autocovariance.hpp.

◆ autocovariances() [1/2]

void autocovariances ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
OutputIterator  out,
std::size_t  maxLag 

Unbiased auto-covariances.

Results are calculated via FFT.

Input data are supposed to be centered (i.e., zero mean).
The size of the output sequence must be maxLag + 1

Definition at line 99 of file autocovariance.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ autocovariances() [2/2]

Real autocovariances ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
OutputIterator  out,
std::size_t  maxLag,
bool  reuse 

Unbiased auto-covariances.

Results are calculated via FFT.

This overload accepts non-centered data, removes the mean and returns it as a result. The centered sequence is written back into the input sequence if the reuse parameter is true.

The size of the output sequence must be maxLag + 1

Definition at line 122 of file autocovariance.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ autocorrelations() [1/2]

void autocorrelations ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
OutputIterator  out,
std::size_t  maxLag 

Unbiased auto-correlations.

Results are calculated via FFT. The first element of the output is the unbiased sample variance.

Input data are supposed to be centered (i.e., zero mean).
The size of the output sequence must be maxLag + 1

Definition at line 147 of file autocovariance.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ autocorrelations() [2/2]

Real autocorrelations ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
OutputIterator  out,
std::size_t  maxLag,
bool  reuse 

Unbiased auto-correlations.

Results are calculated via FFT. The first element of the output is the unbiased sample variance.

This overload accepts non-centered data, removes the mean and returns it as a result. The centered sequence is written back into the input sequence if the reuse parameter is true.

The size of the output sequence must be maxLag + 1

Definition at line 173 of file autocovariance.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ betaContinuedFraction()

Real betaContinuedFraction ( Real  a,
Real  b,
Real  x,
Real  accuracy,
Integer  maxIteration 

Definition at line 29 of file beta.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incompleteBetaFunction()

Real incompleteBetaFunction ( Real  a,
Real  b,
Real  x,
Real  accuracy = 1e-16,
Integer  maxIteration = 100 

Incomplete Beta function.

Incomplete Beta function

The implementation of the algorithm was inspired by "Numerical Recipes in C", 2nd edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, chapter 6

Definition at line 67 of file beta.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ betaFunction()

Real betaFunction ( Real  z,
Real  w 

Definition at line 31 of file beta.hpp.

◆ close() [2/4]

bool close ( Real  x,
Real  y 

Follows somewhat the advice of Knuth on checking for floating-point equality. The closeness relationship is:

\mathrm{close}(x,y,n) \equiv |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |x| \wedge |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |y|

where \varepsilon is n times the machine accuracy; n equals 42 if not given.

Definition at line 59 of file comparison.hpp.

◆ close() [3/4]

bool close ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Size  n 

Definition at line 78 of file comparison.hpp.

◆ close_enough() [2/4]

bool close_enough ( Real  x,
Real  y 

Follows somewhat the advice of Knuth on checking for floating-point equality. The closeness relationship is:

\mathrm{close}(x,y,n) \equiv |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |x| \vee |x-y| \leq \varepsilon |y|

where \varepsilon is n times the machine accuracy; n equals 42 if not given.

Definition at line 92 of file comparison.hpp.

◆ close_enough() [3/4]

bool close_enough ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Size  n 

Definition at line 109 of file comparison.hpp.

◆ binomialCoefficientLn()

Real binomialCoefficientLn ( BigNatural  n,
BigNatural  k 

Definition at line 32 of file binomialdistribution.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ binomialCoefficient()

Real binomialCoefficient ( BigNatural  n,
BigNatural  k 

Definition at line 40 of file binomialdistribution.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PeizerPrattMethod2Inversion()

Real PeizerPrattMethod2Inversion ( Real  z,
BigNatural  n 

Given an odd integer n and a real number z it returns p such that: 1 - CumulativeBinomialDistribution((n-1)/2, n, p) = CumulativeNormalDistribution(z)

n must be odd

Definition at line 136 of file binomialdistribution.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ expm1()

std::complex< Real > expm1 ( const std::complex< Real > &  z)

Definition at line 26 of file expm1.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ log1p()

std::complex< Real > log1p ( const std::complex< Real > &  z)

Definition at line 42 of file expm1.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ squared()

T squared ( T  x)

Definition at line 37 of file functional.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incompleteGammaFunction()

Real incompleteGammaFunction ( Real  a,
Real  x,
Real  accuracy = 1.0e-13,
Integer  maxIteration = 100 

Incomplete Gamma function.

Incomplete Gamma function

The implementation of the algorithm was inspired by "Numerical Recipes in C", 2nd edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, chapter 6

Definition at line 32 of file incompletegamma.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incompleteGammaFunctionSeriesRepr()

Real incompleteGammaFunctionSeriesRepr ( Real  a,
Real  x,
Real  accuracy,
Integer  maxIteration 

Definition at line 52 of file incompletegamma.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incompleteGammaFunctionContinuedFractionRepr()

Real incompleteGammaFunctionContinuedFractionRepr ( Real  a,
Real  x,
Real  accuracy,
Integer  maxIteration 

Definition at line 72 of file incompletegamma.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inverse()

Matrix inverse ( const Matrix m)

Definition at line 44 of file matrix.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ determinant()

Real determinant ( const Matrix m)

Definition at line 81 of file matrix.cpp.

◆ operator+() [12/19]

Matrix operator+ ( const Matrix m1,
const Matrix m2 

Definition at line 524 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator+() [13/19]

Matrix operator+ ( const Matrix m1,
Matrix &&  m2 

Definition at line 536 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator+() [14/19]

Matrix operator+ ( Matrix &&  m1,
const Matrix m2 

Definition at line 547 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator+() [15/19]

Matrix operator+ ( Matrix &&  m1,
Matrix &&  m2 

Definition at line 558 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [12/23]

Matrix operator- ( const Matrix m1)

Definition at line 569 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [13/23]

Matrix operator- ( Matrix &&  m1)

Definition at line 575 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [14/23]

Matrix operator- ( const Matrix m1,
const Matrix m2 

Definition at line 580 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [15/23]

Matrix operator- ( const Matrix m1,
Matrix &&  m2 

Definition at line 592 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [16/23]

Matrix operator- ( Matrix &&  m1,
const Matrix m2 

Definition at line 603 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator-() [17/23]

Matrix operator- ( Matrix &&  m1,
Matrix &&  m2 

Definition at line 614 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [11/27]

Matrix operator* ( const Matrix m,
Real  x 

Definition at line 625 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [12/27]

Matrix operator* ( Matrix &&  m,
Real  x 

Definition at line 631 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [13/27]

Matrix operator* ( Real  x,
const Matrix m 

Definition at line 636 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [14/27]

Matrix operator* ( Real  x,
Matrix &&  m 

Definition at line 642 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator/() [11/16]

Matrix operator/ ( const Matrix m,
Real  x 

Definition at line 647 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator/() [12/16]

Matrix operator/ ( Matrix &&  m,
Real  x 

Definition at line 653 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [15/27]

Array operator* ( const Array v,
const Matrix m 

Definition at line 658 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [16/27]

Array operator* ( const Matrix m,
const Array v 

Definition at line 671 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator*() [17/27]

Matrix operator* ( const Matrix m1,
const Matrix m2 

Definition at line 683 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ transpose()

Matrix transpose ( const Matrix m)

Definition at line 700 of file matrix.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ outerProduct() [1/2]

Matrix outerProduct ( const Array v1,
const Array v2 

Definition at line 710 of file matrix.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ outerProduct() [2/2]

Matrix outerProduct ( Iterator1  v1begin,
Iterator1  v1end,
Iterator2  v2begin,
Iterator2  v2end 

Definition at line 715 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ swap() [2/5]

void swap ( Matrix m1,
Matrix m2 

Definition at line 732 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [31/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Matrix m 

Definition at line 736 of file matrix.hpp.

◆ CholeskyDecomposition()

Matrix CholeskyDecomposition ( const Matrix S,
bool  flexible 

Definition at line 26 of file choleskydecomposition.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Expm()

Matrix Expm ( const Matrix M,
Real  t = 1.0,
Real  tol = QL_EPSILON 

matrix exponential based on the ordinary differential equations method


C. Moler; C. Van Loan, 1978, Nineteen Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix returns the matrix exponential exp(t*M)

Definition at line 53 of file expm.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ factorReduction()

std::vector< Real > factorReduction ( Matrix  mtrx,
Size  maxIters = 25 

Iterative procedure to compute a correlation matrix reduction to a single factor dependence vector by minimizing the residuals.

It assumes that such a reduction is possible, notice that if the dependence can not be reduced to one factor the correlation factors might be above 1.

The matrix passed is destroyed.

See for instance: "Modern Factor Analysis", Harry H. Harman, University Of Chicago Press, 1976. Chapter 9 is relevant to this context.

Definition at line 26 of file factorreduction.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getCovariance()

Matrix getCovariance ( DataIterator  stdDevBegin,
DataIterator  stdDevEnd,
const Matrix corr,
Real  tolerance = 1.0e-12 

Calculation of covariance from correlation and standard deviations.

Combines the correlation matrix and the vector of standard deviations to return the covariance matrix.

Note that only the symmetric part of the correlation matrix is used. Also it is assumed that the diagonal member of the correlation matrix equals one.

The correlation matrix must be symmetric with the diagonal members equal to one.
tested on know values and cross checked with CovarianceDecomposition

Definition at line 49 of file getcovariance.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pseudoSqrt()

Matrix pseudoSqrt ( const Matrix matrix,
SalvagingAlgorithm::Type  sa 

Definition at line 347 of file pseudosqrt.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rankReducedSqrt()

Matrix rankReducedSqrt ( const Matrix matrix,
Size  maxRank,
Real  componentRetainedPercentage,
SalvagingAlgorithm::Type  sa 

Definition at line 427 of file pseudosqrt.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qrDecomposition()

std::vector< Size > qrDecomposition ( const Matrix A,
Matrix q,
Matrix r,
bool  pivot = true 

QR decompoisition.

This implementation is based on MINPACK (,

This subroutine uses householder transformations with column pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the m by n matrix A. That is, qrfac determines an orthogonal matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, such that A*p = q*r.

Return value ipvt is an integer array of length n, which defines the permutation matrix p such that A*p = q*r. Column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.

See lmdiff.cpp for further details.

Definition at line 30 of file qrdecomposition.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qrSolve()

Array qrSolve ( const Matrix a,
const Array b,
bool  pivot = true,
const Array d = Array() 

QR Solve.

This implementation is based on MINPACK (,

Given an m by n matrix A, an n by n diagonal matrix d, and an m-vector b, the problem is to determine an x which solves the system

A*x = b , d*x = 0 ,

in the least squares sense.

d is an input array of length n which must contain the diagonal elements of the matrix d.

See lmdiff.cpp for further details.

Definition at line 125 of file qrdecomposition.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prod()

Array prod ( const SparseMatrix A,
const Array x 

Definition at line 51 of file sparsematrix.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ triangularAnglesParametrization()

Matrix triangularAnglesParametrization ( const Array angles,
Size  matrixSize,
Size  rank 

Returns the Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix.

The matrix m is filled with values corresponding to angles given in the angles vector. See equation (24) in "Parameterizing correlations: a geometric interpretation" by Francesco Rapisarda, Damiano Brigo, Fabio Mercurio

  • the correctness of the results is tested by reproducing known good data.
  • the correctness of the results is tested by checking returned values against numerical calculations.

Definition at line 25 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lmmTriangularAnglesParametrization()

Matrix lmmTriangularAnglesParametrization ( const Array angles,
Size  matrixSize,

Definition at line 57 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ triangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained()

Matrix triangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained ( const Array x,
Size  matrixSize,
Size  rank 

Definition at line 82 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lmmTriangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained()

Matrix lmmTriangularAnglesParametrizationUnconstrained ( const Array x,
Size  matrixSize,
Size  rank 

Definition at line 92 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThree()

Matrix triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThree ( Real  alpha,
Real  t0,
Real  epsilon,
Size  nbRows 

Returns the rank reduced Triangular Angles Parametrized correlation matrix.

The matrix m is filled with values corresponding to angles corresponding to the 3D spherical spiral parameterized by alpha , t0 , epsilon values. See equation (32) in "Parameterizing correlations: a geometric interpretation" by Francesco Rapisarda, Damiano Brigo, Fabio Mercurio

  • the correctness of the results is tested by reproducing known good data.
  • the correctness of the results is tested by checking returned values against numerical calculations.

Definition at line 102 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThreeVectorial()

Matrix triangularAnglesParametrizationRankThreeVectorial ( const Array parameters,
Size  nbRows 

Definition at line 115 of file tapcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_i() [1/2]

Real modifiedBesselFunction_i ( Real  nu,
Real  x 

Definition at line 96 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_i() [2/2]

std::complex< Real > modifiedBesselFunction_i ( Real  nu,
const std::complex< Real > &  z 

Definition at line 102 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_k() [1/2]

Real modifiedBesselFunction_k ( Real  nu,
Real  x 

Definition at line 111 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_k() [2/2]

std::complex< Real > modifiedBesselFunction_k ( Real  nu,
const std::complex< Real > &  z 

Definition at line 115 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted() [1/2]

Real modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted ( Real  nu,
Real  x 

Definition at line 124 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted() [2/2]

std::complex< Real > modifiedBesselFunction_i_exponentiallyWeighted ( Real  nu,
const std::complex< Real > &  z 

Definition at line 131 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted() [1/2]

Real modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted ( Real  nu,
Real  x 

Definition at line 142 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted() [2/2]

std::complex< Real > modifiedBesselFunction_k_exponentiallyWeighted ( Real  nu,
const std::complex< Real > &  z 

Definition at line 147 of file modifiedbessel.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [32/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
EndCriteria::Type  ec 

Definition at line 161 of file endcriteria.cpp.

◆ sphereCylinderOptimizerClosest()

std::vector< Real > sphereCylinderOptimizerClosest ( Real  r,
Real  s,
Real  alpha,
Real  z1,
Real  z2,
Real  z3,
Natural  maxIterations,
Real  tolerance,
Real  zweight 

Definition at line 176 of file spherecylinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ swap() [3/5]

void swap ( SampledCurve c1,
SampledCurve c2 

Definition at line 237 of file sampledcurve.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [33/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SampledCurve a 

Definition at line 241 of file sampledcurve.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ swap() [4/5]

void swap ( TridiagonalOperator L1,
TridiagonalOperator L2 

Definition at line 252 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator+() [16/19]

TridiagonalOperator operator+ ( const TridiagonalOperator D)

Definition at line 194 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator-() [18/23]

TridiagonalOperator operator- ( const TridiagonalOperator D)

Definition at line 199 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator+() [17/19]

TridiagonalOperator operator+ ( const TridiagonalOperator D1,
const TridiagonalOperator D2 

Definition at line 207 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator-() [19/23]

TridiagonalOperator operator- ( const TridiagonalOperator D1,
const TridiagonalOperator D2 

Definition at line 216 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator*() [18/27]

TridiagonalOperator operator* ( Real  a,
const TridiagonalOperator D 

Definition at line 225 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator*() [19/27]

TridiagonalOperator operator* ( const TridiagonalOperator D,
Real  a 

Definition at line 234 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ operator/() [13/16]

TridiagonalOperator operator/ ( const TridiagonalOperator D,
Real  a 

Definition at line 243 of file tridiagonaloperator.hpp.

◆ genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression()

Real genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression ( std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &  simulationData,
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  basisCoefficients 

returns the biased estimate obtained while regressing

Definition at line 26 of file genericlsregression.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ genericEarlyExerciseOptimization()

Real genericEarlyExerciseOptimization ( std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &  simulationData,
const ParametricExercise exercise,
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  parameters,
const EndCriteria endCriteria,
OptimizationMethod method 

returns the biased estimate obtained while optimizing

Definition at line 80 of file parametricexercise.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ collectNodeData()

void collectNodeData ( MarketModelEvolver evolver,
MarketModelMultiProduct product,
MarketModelNodeDataProvider dataProvider,
MarketModelExerciseValue rebate,
MarketModelExerciseValue control,
Size  numberOfPaths,
std::vector< std::vector< NodeData > > &  collectedData 

Definition at line 36 of file collectnodedata.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ exponentialCorrelations()

Matrix exponentialCorrelations ( const std::vector< Time > &  rateTimes,
Real  longTermCorr = 0.5,
Real  beta = 0.2,
Real  gamma = 1.0,
Time  t = 0.0 

Exponential correlation L = long term correlation beta = exponential decay of correlation between far away forward rates gamma = exponent for time to go t = time dependence

Definition at line 32 of file expcorrelations.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ forwardsFromDiscountRatios()

void forwardsFromDiscountRatios ( const Size  firstValidIndex,
const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &  ds,
const std::vector< Time > &  taus,
std::vector< Rate > &  fwds 

Definition at line 45 of file curvestate.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coterminalFromDiscountRatios()

void coterminalFromDiscountRatios ( const Size  firstValidIndex,
const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &  discountFactors,
const std::vector< Time > &  taus,
std::vector< Rate > &  cotSwapRates,
std::vector< Real > &  cotSwapAnnuities 

Definition at line 58 of file curvestate.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ constantMaturityFromDiscountRatios()

void constantMaturityFromDiscountRatios ( const Size  spanningForwards,
const Size  firstValidIndex,
const std::vector< DiscountFactor > &  ds,
const std::vector< Time > &  taus,
std::vector< Rate > &  constMatSwapRates,
std::vector< Real > &  constMatSwapAnnuities 

Definition at line 88 of file curvestate.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkCompatibility()

void checkCompatibility ( const EvolutionDescription evolution,
const std::vector< Size > &  numeraires 

Check that there is one numeraire for each evolution time. Each numeraire must be an index amongst the rate times so it ranges from 0 to n. Each numeraire must not have expired before the end of the step.

Definition at line 111 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInTerminalMeasure()

bool isInTerminalMeasure ( const EvolutionDescription evolution,
const std::vector< Size > &  numeraires 

Definition at line 129 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInMoneyMarketPlusMeasure()

bool isInMoneyMarketPlusMeasure ( const EvolutionDescription evolution,
const std::vector< Size > &  numeraires,
Size  offset 

Definition at line 136 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInMoneyMarketMeasure()

bool isInMoneyMarketMeasure ( const EvolutionDescription evolution,
const std::vector< Size > &  numeraires 

Definition at line 155 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ terminalMeasure()

std::vector< Size > terminalMeasure ( const EvolutionDescription evolution)

Terminal measure: the last bond is used as numeraire.

Definition at line 160 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moneyMarketPlusMeasure()

std::vector< Size > moneyMarketPlusMeasure ( const EvolutionDescription ,
Size  offset = 1 

Offsetted discretely compounded money market account measure: for each step the offset-th unexpired bond is used as numeraire. When offset=0 the result is the usual discretely compounded money market account measure

Definition at line 166 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moneyMarketMeasure()

std::vector< Size > moneyMarketMeasure ( const EvolutionDescription )

Discretely compounded money market account measure: for each step the first unexpired bond is used as numeraire.

Definition at line 186 of file evolutiondescription.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ historicalForwardRatesAnalysis()

void historicalForwardRatesAnalysis ( SequenceStatistics statistics,
std::vector< Date > &  skippedDates,
std::vector< std::string > &  skippedDatesErrorMessage,
std::vector< Date > &  failedDates,
std::vector< std::string > &  failedDatesErrorMessage,
std::vector< Period > &  fixingPeriods,
const Date startDate,
const Date endDate,
const Period step,
const ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > &  fwdIndex,
const Period initialGap,
const Period horizon,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > > &  iborIndexes,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< SwapIndex > > &  swapIndexes,
const DayCounter yieldCurveDayCounter,
Real  yieldCurveAccuracy = 1.0e-12,
const Interpolator &  i = Interpolator() 

Definition at line 44 of file historicalforwardratesanalysis.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ historicalRatesAnalysis()

void historicalRatesAnalysis ( SequenceStatistics statistics,
std::vector< Date > &  skippedDates,
std::vector< std::string > &  skippedDatesErrorMessage,
const Date startDate,
const Date endDate,
const Period step,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< InterestRateIndex > > &  indexes 

Definition at line 27 of file historicalratesanalysis.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rateVolDifferences()

std::vector< Volatility > rateVolDifferences ( const MarketModel marketModel1,
const MarketModel marketModel2 

Definition at line 27 of file marketmodeldifferences.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rateInstVolDifferences()

std::vector< Spread > rateInstVolDifferences ( const MarketModel marketModel1,
const MarketModel marketModel2,
Size  index 

Definition at line 55 of file marketmodeldifferences.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coterminalSwapPseudoRoots() [1/2]

std::vector< Matrix > coterminalSwapPseudoRoots ( const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation piecewiseConstantCorrelation,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > &  piecewiseConstantVariances 

Definition at line 88 of file marketmodeldifferences.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coterminalSwapPseudoRoots() [2/2]

std::vector< Real > coterminalSwapPseudoRoots ( const PiecewiseConstantCorrelation ,
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantVariance > > &  ,
const std::vector< Time > &   

◆ capletSwaptionPeriodicCalibration()

Integer capletSwaptionPeriodicCalibration ( const EvolutionDescription evolution,
const ext::shared_ptr< PiecewiseConstantCorrelation > &  corr,
VolatilityInterpolationSpecifier displacedSwapVariances,
const std::vector< Volatility > &  capletVols,
const ext::shared_ptr< CurveState > &  cs,
const Spread  displacement,
Real  caplet0Swaption1Priority,
Size  numberOfFactors,
Size  period,
Size  max1dIterations,
Real  tolerance1d,
Size  maxUnperiodicIterations,
Real  toleranceUnperiodic,
Size  maxPeriodIterations,
Real  periodTolerance,
Real ,
Real totalSwaptionError,
std::vector< Matrix > &  swapCovariancePseudoRoots,
std::vector< Real > &  finalScales,
Size iterationsDone,
Real errorImprovement,
Matrix modelSwaptionVolsMatrix 

Definition at line 41 of file capletcoterminalperiodic.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ flatVolCovariance()

Real flatVolCovariance ( Time  t1,
Time  t2,
Time  T,
Time  S,
Volatility  v1,
Volatility  v2 

Definition at line 34 of file flatvol.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mergeTimes()

void mergeTimes ( const std::vector< std::vector< Time > > &  times,
std::vector< Time > &  mergedTimes,
std::vector< std::valarray< bool > > &  isPresent 

Definition at line 29 of file utilities.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInSubset()

std::valarray< bool > isInSubset ( const std::vector< Time > &  set,
const std::vector< Time > &  subset 

Look for elements of a set in a subset. Returns a vector of booleans such that: element set[i] present/not present in subset.

both vectors must be strictly increasing.

Definition at line 56 of file utilities.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkIncreasingTimes()

void checkIncreasingTimes ( const std::vector< Time > &  times)

check for strictly increasing times, first time greater than zero

Definition at line 92 of file utilities.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkIncreasingTimesAndCalculateTaus()

void checkIncreasingTimesAndCalculateTaus ( const std::vector< Time > &  times,
std::vector< Time > &  taus 

Definition at line 106 of file utilities.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [34/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs m 

Definition at line 837 of file markovfunctional.cpp.

◆ operator/() [14/16]

Decimal operator/ ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 90 of file money.cpp.

◆ operator==() [13/17]

bool operator== ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 96 of file money.cpp.

◆ operator<() [3/5]

bool operator< ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 102 of file money.cpp.

◆ operator<=() [2/4]

bool operator<= ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 108 of file money.cpp.

◆ close() [4/4]

bool close ( const Money m1,
const Money m2,
Size  n 

Definition at line 114 of file money.cpp.

◆ close_enough() [4/4]

bool close_enough ( const Money m1,
const Money m2,
Size  n 

Definition at line 120 of file money.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [35/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Money m 

Definition at line 126 of file money.cpp.

◆ operator+() [18/19]

Money operator+ ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 204 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator-() [20/23]

Money operator- ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 210 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator*() [20/27]

Money operator* ( const Money m,
Decimal  x 

Definition at line 216 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator*() [21/27]

Money operator* ( Decimal  x,
const Money m 

Definition at line 222 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator/() [15/16]

Money operator/ ( const Money m,
Decimal  x 

Definition at line 226 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [9/13]

bool operator!= ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 232 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator>() [3/5]

bool operator> ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 236 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator>=() [2/4]

bool operator>= ( const Money m1,
const Money m2 

Definition at line 240 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator*() [22/27]

Money operator* ( Decimal  value,
const Currency c 

Definition at line 244 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator*() [23/27]

Money operator* ( const Currency c,
Decimal  value 

Definition at line 248 of file money.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [36/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Option::Type  type 

Definition at line 100 of file option.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [37/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Position::Type  p 

Definition at line 26 of file position.cpp.

◆ midEquivalent()

Real midEquivalent ( Real  bid,
Real  ask,
Real  last,
Real  close 

return the MidEquivalent price, i.e. the mid if available, or a suitable substitute if the proper mid is not available

different combinations are tested

Definition at line 27 of file prices.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ midSafe()

Real midSafe ( Real  bid,
Real  ask 

return the MidSafe price, i.e. the mid only if both bid and ask prices are available

different combinations are tested

Definition at line 46 of file prices.cpp.

◆ blackFormula() [1/2]

Real blackFormula ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 formula

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 58 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormula() [2/2]

Real blackFormula ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 formula

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 99 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaForwardDerivative() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaForwardDerivative ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 model forward derivative

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 108 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaForwardDerivative() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaForwardDerivative ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 model forward derivative

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 137 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).

It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

Definition at line 147 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).

It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

Definition at line 188 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  blackAtmPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).

It is calculated following "An improved approach to computing implied volatility", Chambers, Nawalkha, The Financial Review, 2001, 89-100. The atm option price must be known to use this method.

Definition at line 198 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevChambers ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  blackAtmPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).

It is calculated following "An improved approach to computing implied volatility", Chambers, Nawalkha, The Financial Review, 2001, 89-100. The atm option price must be known to use this method.

Definition at line 249 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).

It is calculated using

"An Explicit Implicit Volatility Formula" R. Radoicic, D. Stefanica,

"Tighter Bounds for Implied Volatility", J. Gatheral, I. Matic, R. Radoicic, D. Stefanica

Definition at line 268 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximationRS ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  F,
Real  marketValue,
Real  df,
Real  displacement 

Definition at line 319 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDev() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDev ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0,
Real  guess = NullReal >(),
Real  accuracy = 1.0e-6,
Natural  maxIterations = 100 

Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 381 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDev() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDev ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0,
Real  guess = NullReal >(),
Real  accuracy = 1.0e-6,
Natural  maxIterations = 100 

Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 441 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0,
Real  guess = NullReal >(),
Real  omega = 1.0,
Real  accuracy = 1.0e-6,
Natural  maxIterations = 100 

Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

"An Adaptive Successive Over-relaxation Method for Computing the Black-Scholes Implied Volatility" M. Li,

Starting point of the iteration is calculated based on

"An Explicit Implicit Volatility Formula" R. Radoicic, D. Stefanica,

Definition at line 482 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaImpliedStdDevLiRS ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  blackPrice,
Real  discount,
Real  displacement,
Real  guess,
Real  omega,
Real  accuracy,
Natural  maxIterations 

Definition at line 544 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaCashItmProbability() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaCashItmProbability ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 562 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaCashItmProbability() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaCashItmProbability ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 583 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaAssetItmProbability() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaAssetItmProbability ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 probability of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d1). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.

Definition at line 592 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaAssetItmProbability() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaAssetItmProbability ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 probability of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d1). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.

Definition at line 614 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaVolDerivative()

Real blackFormulaVolDerivative ( Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  expiry,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 formula for derivative with respect to implied vol, this is basically the vega, but if you want 1% change multiply by 1%

Definition at line 623 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaStdDevDerivative() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaStdDevDerivative ( Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity Black vega would be blackStdDevDerivative(strike, forward, stdDev)*sqrt(T)

Definition at line 637 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaStdDevDerivative() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaStdDevDerivative ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity Black vega would be blackStdDevDerivative(strike, forward, stdDev)*sqrt(T)

Definition at line 660 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative() [1/2]

Real blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount,
Real  displacement 

Black 1976 formula for second derivative by standard deviation

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with respect to the standard deviation.

Definition at line 670 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative() [2/2]

Real blackFormulaStdDevSecondDerivative ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0,
Real  displacement = 0.0 

Black 1976 formula for second derivative by standard deviation

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with respect to the standard deviation.

Definition at line 694 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormula() [1/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormula ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0 

Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This is essentially the model of Bachelier.

Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage volatility. Standard deviation is absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 704 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormula() [2/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormula ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0 

Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This is essentially the model of Bachelier.

Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage volatility. Standard deviation is absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 728 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative() [1/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0 

Bachelier Black model forward derivative.

Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage volatility. Standard deviation is absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 737 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative() [2/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormulaForwardDerivative ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0 

Bachelier Black model forward derivative.

Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage volatility. Standard deviation is absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)

Definition at line 752 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaImpliedVol()

Real bachelierBlackFormulaImpliedVol ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  tte,
Real  bachelierPrice,
Real  discount = 1.0 

Approximated Bachelier implied volatility

It is calculated using the analytic implied volatility approximation of J. Choi, K Kim and M. Kwak (2009), “Numerical Approximation of the Implied Volatility Under Arithmetic Brownian Motion”, Applied Math. Finance, 16(3), pp. 261-268.

Definition at line 797 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative() [1/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative ( Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount = 1.0 

Bachelier formula for standard deviation derivative

instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e. volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity Black vega would be blackStdDevDerivative(strike, forward, stdDev)*sqrt(T)

Definition at line 837 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative() [2/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormulaStdDevDerivative ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev,
Real  discount 

Definition at line 855 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability() [1/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability ( Option::Type  optionType,
Real  strike,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev 

Bachelier formula for probability of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.

Definition at line 864 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability() [2/2]

Real bachelierBlackFormulaAssetItmProbability ( const ext::shared_ptr< PlainVanillaPayoff > &  payoff,
Real  forward,
Real  stdDev 

Bachelier formula for of being in the money in the asset martingale measure, i.e. N(d). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real world one.

Definition at line 879 of file blackformula.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ blackScholesTheta()

Real blackScholesTheta ( const ext::shared_ptr< GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess > &  p,
Real  value,
Real  delta,
Real  gamma 

default theta calculation for Black-Scholes options

Definition at line 25 of file greeks.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ defaultThetaPerDay()

Real defaultThetaPerDay ( Real  theta)

default theta-per-day calculation

Definition at line 37 of file greeks.cpp.

◆ cdf_nu_ds_minus_x()

Real cdf_nu_ds_minus_x ( const HestonProcess process,
Real  x,
Real  nu_0,
Real  nu_t,
Time  dt,
HestonProcess::Discretization  discretization,
Real  x0 

Definition at line 353 of file hestonprocess.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeCompositeQuote()

CompositeQuote< BinaryFunction > makeCompositeQuote ( const Handle< Quote > &  element1,
const Handle< Quote > &  element2,
const BinaryFunction &  f 

creator method

Definition at line 64 of file compositequote.hpp.

◆ makeDerivedQuote()

DerivedQuote< UnaryFunction > makeDerivedQuote ( const Handle< Quote > &  element,
const UnaryFunction &  f 

creator method

Definition at line 59 of file derivedquote.hpp.

◆ makeQuoteHandle()

RelinkableHandle< Quote > makeQuoteHandle ( Real  value)

Definition at line 56 of file simplequote.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [38/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Settings::DateProxy p 

Definition at line 29 of file settings.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [39/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Pillar::Choice  type 

Definition at line 228 of file bootstraphelper.hpp.

◆ inflationPeriod()

std::pair< Date, Date > inflationPeriod ( const Date d,
Frequency  frequency 

utility function giving the inflation period for a given date

Definition at line 394 of file inflationtermstructure.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inflationYearFraction()

Time inflationYearFraction ( Frequency  ,
bool  indexIsInterpolated,
const DayCounter ,
const Date ,
const Date  

utility function giving the time between two dates depending on index frequency and interpolation, and a day counter

Definition at line 445 of file inflationtermstructure.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ abcdBlackVolatility()

Real abcdBlackVolatility ( Time  u,
Real  a,
Real  b,
Real  c,
Real  d 

Definition at line 104 of file abcd.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unsafeSabrLogNormalVolatility()

Real unsafeSabrLogNormalVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho 

Definition at line 33 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility()

Real unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho,
Real  shift,
VolatilityType  volatilityType 

Definition at line 74 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unsafeSabrNormalVolatility()

Real unsafeSabrNormalVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho 

Definition at line 90 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unsafeSabrVolatility()

Real unsafeSabrVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho,
VolatilityType  volatilityType 

Definition at line 130 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ validateSabrParameters()

void validateSabrParameters ( Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho 

Definition at line 145 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sabrVolatility()

Real sabrVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho,
VolatilityType  volatilityType 

Definition at line 159 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shiftedSabrVolatility()

Real shiftedSabrVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho,
Real  shift,
VolatilityType  volatilityType 

Definition at line 178 of file sabr.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sabrFlochKennedyVolatility()

Real sabrFlochKennedyVolatility ( Rate  strike,
Rate  forward,
Time  expiryTime,
Real  alpha,
Real  beta,
Real  nu,
Real  rho 

Definition at line 252 of file sabr.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [40/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VolatilityType t 

Definition at line 34 of file volatilitytype.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [41/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
BusinessDayConvention  b 

Definition at line 29 of file businessdayconvention.cpp.

◆ operator==() [14/17]

bool operator== ( const Calendar c1,
const Calendar c2 

Definition at line 260 of file calendar.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [10/13]

bool operator!= ( const Calendar c1,
const Calendar c2 

Definition at line 265 of file calendar.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [42/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Calendar c 

Definition at line 269 of file calendar.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [43/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Month  m 

Definition at line 815 of file date.cpp.

◆ hash_value()

std::size_t hash_value ( const Date d)

Definition at line 846 of file date.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [44/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Date d 

Definition at line 859 of file date.cpp.

◆ operator-() [21/23]

Date::serial_type operator- ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 438 of file date.hpp.

◆ daysBetween()

Time daysBetween ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 442 of file date.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [15/17]

bool operator== ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 446 of file date.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [11/13]

bool operator!= ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 450 of file date.hpp.

◆ operator<() [4/5]

bool operator< ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 454 of file date.hpp.

◆ operator<=() [3/4]

bool operator<= ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 458 of file date.hpp.

◆ operator>() [4/5]

bool operator> ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 462 of file date.hpp.

◆ operator>=() [3/4]

bool operator>= ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 466 of file date.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [45/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
DateGeneration::Rule  r 

Definition at line 27 of file dategenerationrule.cpp.

◆ operator==() [16/17]

bool operator== ( const DayCounter d1,
const DayCounter d2 

Definition at line 135 of file daycounter.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [12/13]

bool operator!= ( const DayCounter d1,
const DayCounter d2 

Definition at line 140 of file daycounter.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [46/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const DayCounter d 

Definition at line 144 of file daycounter.hpp.

◆ yearFractionToDate()

Date yearFractionToDate ( const DayCounter dayCounter,
const Date referenceDate,
Time  t 

Definition at line 28 of file yearfractiontodate.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [47/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
Frequency  f 

Definition at line 29 of file frequency.cpp.

◆ years()

Real years ( const Period p)

Definition at line 279 of file period.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ months()

Real months ( const Period p)

Definition at line 296 of file period.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ weeks()

Real weeks ( const Period p)

Definition at line 313 of file period.cpp.

◆ days()

Real days ( const Period p)

Definition at line 330 of file period.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<() [5/5]

bool operator< ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 347 of file period.cpp.

◆ operator+() [19/19]

Period operator+ ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 380 of file period.cpp.

◆ operator-() [22/23]

Period operator- ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 386 of file period.cpp.

◆ operator/() [16/16]

Period operator/ ( const Period p,
Integer  n 

Definition at line 390 of file period.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [48/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Period p 

Definition at line 398 of file period.cpp.

◆ operator*() [24/27]

Period operator* ( T  n,
TimeUnit  units 

Definition at line 147 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator*() [25/27]

Period operator* ( TimeUnit  units,
T  n 

Definition at line 152 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator-() [23/23]

Period operator- ( const Period p)

Definition at line 156 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator*() [26/27]

Period operator* ( Integer  n,
const Period p 

Definition at line 158 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator*() [27/27]

Period operator* ( const Period p,
Integer  n 

Definition at line 160 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator==() [17/17]

bool operator== ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 162 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [13/13]

bool operator!= ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 166 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator>() [5/5]

bool operator> ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 170 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator<=() [4/4]

bool operator<= ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 174 of file period.hpp.

◆ operator>=() [4/4]

bool operator>= ( const Period p1,
const Period p2 

Definition at line 178 of file period.hpp.

◆ previousTwentieth()

Date previousTwentieth ( const Date d,
DateGeneration::Rule  rule 

Helper function for returning the date on or before date d that is the 20th of the month and obeserves the given date generation rule if it is relevant.

Definition at line 640 of file schedule.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [49/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TimeUnit timeunit 

Definition at line 28 of file timeunit.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [50/50]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Weekday w 

Definition at line 32 of file weekday.cpp.

◆ swap() [5/5]

void swap ( Clone< T > &  t,
Clone< T > &  u 

Definition at line 123 of file clone.hpp.

◆ compiledBoostVersion()

std::size_t compiledBoostVersion ( )

Returns the version of boost that the QuantLib library was built with Use to check that client code is using a consistent version of boost. Using QuantLib header files compiled with a different version of boost than the library itself may result in undefined behaviour

Definition at line 38 of file version.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ StandardSystemFiniteDifferenceModel

Define your typedef if needed. Deprecated in version 1.32.

Definition at line 48 of file fdtypedefs.hpp.

◆ StandardStepCondition

QL_DEPRECATED_ENABLE_WARNING typedef StepCondition<Array> StandardStepCondition
Define your typedef if needed. Deprecated in version 1.32.

Definition at line 56 of file fdtypedefs.hpp.