| Bibor3M (const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &h={}) |
| Bibor (const Period &tenor, const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &h={}) |
| IborIndex (const std::string &familyName, const Period &tenor, Natural settlementDays, const Currency ¤cy, const Calendar &fixingCalendar, BusinessDayConvention convention, bool endOfMonth, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Handle< YieldTermStructure > h={}) |
Date | maturityDate (const Date &valueDate) const override |
Rate | forecastFixing (const Date &fixingDate) const override |
| It can be overridden to implement particular conventions. More...
BusinessDayConvention | businessDayConvention () const |
bool | endOfMonth () const |
Handle< YieldTermStructure > | forwardingTermStructure () const |
| the curve used to forecast fixings More...
virtual ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > | clone (const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &forwarding) const |
| returns a copy of itself linked to a different forwarding curve More...
| InterestRateIndex (std::string familyName, const Period &tenor, Natural settlementDays, Currency currency, Calendar fixingCalendar, DayCounter dayCounter) |
std::string | name () const override |
| Returns the name of the index. More...
Calendar | fixingCalendar () const override |
| returns the calendar defining valid fixing dates More...
bool | isValidFixingDate (const Date &fixingDate) const override |
| returns TRUE if the fixing date is a valid one More...
Rate | fixing (const Date &fixingDate, bool forecastTodaysFixing=false) const override |
| returns the fixing at the given date More...
void | update () override |
std::string | familyName () const |
Period | tenor () const |
Natural | fixingDays () const |
Date | fixingDate (const Date &valueDate) const |
const Currency & | currency () const |
const DayCounter & | dayCounter () const |
virtual Date | valueDate (const Date &fixingDate) const |
virtual Rate | pastFixing (const Date &fixingDate) const |
| ~Index () override=default |
virtual std::string | name () const =0 |
| Returns the name of the index. More...
virtual Calendar | fixingCalendar () const =0 |
| returns the calendar defining valid fixing dates More...
virtual bool | isValidFixingDate (const Date &fixingDate) const =0 |
| returns TRUE if the fixing date is a valid one More...
bool | hasHistoricalFixing (const Date &fixingDate) const |
| returns whether a historical fixing was stored for the given date More...
virtual Real | fixing (const Date &fixingDate, bool forecastTodaysFixing=false) const =0 |
| returns the fixing at the given date More...
const TimeSeries< Real > & | timeSeries () const |
| returns the fixing TimeSeries More...
virtual bool | allowsNativeFixings () |
| check if index allows for native fixings. More...
virtual void | addFixing (const Date &fixingDate, Real fixing, bool forceOverwrite=false) |
| stores the historical fixing at the given date More...
void | addFixings (const TimeSeries< Real > &t, bool forceOverwrite=false) |
| stores historical fixings from a TimeSeries More...
template<class DateIterator , class ValueIterator > |
void | addFixings (DateIterator dBegin, DateIterator dEnd, ValueIterator vBegin, bool forceOverwrite=false) |
| stores historical fixings at the given dates More...
void | clearFixings () |
| clears all stored historical fixings More...
| Observable () |
| Observable (const Observable &) |
Observable & | operator= (const Observable &) |
| Observable (Observable &&)=delete |
Observable & | operator= (Observable &&)=delete |
virtual | ~Observable ()=default |
void | notifyObservers () |
| Observer ()=default |
| Observer (const Observer &) |
Observer & | operator= (const Observer &) |
virtual | ~Observer () |
std::pair< iterator, bool > | registerWith (const ext::shared_ptr< Observable > &) |
void | registerWithObservables (const ext::shared_ptr< Observer > &) |
Size | unregisterWith (const ext::shared_ptr< Observable > &) |
void | unregisterWithAll () |
virtual void | update ()=0 |
virtual void | deepUpdate () |