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QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
fully annotated source code - version 1.34
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Deprecated Features
Class Bibor9M
If needed, use the Bibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Member Bond::yield (Real price, const DayCounter &dc, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, Date settlementDate=Date(), Real accuracy=1.0e-8, Size maxEvaluations=100, Real guess=0.05, Bond::Price::Type priceType=Bond::Price::Clean) const
Use the overload taking a Bond::Price argument instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member BondFunctions::atmRate (const Bond &bond, const YieldTermStructure &discountCurve, Date settlementDate, Real cleanPrice)
Use the overload taking a Bond::Price argument instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member BondFunctions::yield (const Bond &bond, Real price, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate=Date(), Real accuracy=1.0e-10, Size maxIterations=100, Rate guess=0.05, Bond::Price::Type priceType=Bond::Price::Clean)
Use the overload taking a Bond::Price argument instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member BondFunctions::yield (const Solver &solver, const Bond &bond, Real price, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate=Date(), Real accuracy=1.0e-10, Rate guess=0.05, Bond::Price::Type priceType=Bond::Price::Clean)
Use the overload taking a Bond::Price argument instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member BondFunctions::zSpread (const Bond &bond, Real cleanPrice, const ext::shared_ptr< YieldTermStructure > &, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Compounding compounding, Frequency frequency, Date settlementDate=Date(), Real accuracy=1.0e-10, Size maxIterations=100, Rate guess=0.0)
Use the overload taking a Bond::Price argument instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member CPIBondHelper::cpiBond () const
Do not use; this method is broken and will be removed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member CPIBondHelper::cpiBond_
Do not use; this pointer is always null. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member CPICoupon::CPICoupon (Real baseCPI, const Date &paymentDate, Real nominal, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const ext::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > &index, const Period &observationLag, CPI::InterpolationType observationInterpolation, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Real fixedRate, Spread spread, const Date &refPeriodStart=Date(), const Date &refPeriodEnd=Date(), const Date &exCouponDate=Date())
Use one of the constructors without spread. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPICoupon::CPICoupon (const Date &baseDate, const Date &paymentDate, Real nominal, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const ext::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > &index, const Period &observationLag, CPI::InterpolationType observationInterpolation, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Real fixedRate, Spread spread, const Date &refPeriodStart=Date(), const Date &refPeriodEnd=Date(), const Date &exCouponDate=Date())
Use one of the constructors without spread. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPICoupon::CPICoupon (Real baseCPI, const Date &baseDate, const Date &paymentDate, Real nominal, const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const ext::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > &index, const Period &observationLag, CPI::InterpolationType observationInterpolation, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Real fixedRate, Spread spread, const Date &refPeriodStart=Date(), const Date &refPeriodEnd=Date(), const Date &exCouponDate=Date())
Use one of the constructors without spread. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPICoupon::spread () const
Do not use this method. A spread doesn't make sense for this coupon. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPICoupon::spread_
Don't use this data member. A spread doesn't make sense for this coupon. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPICouponPricer::adjustedFixing (Rate fixing=Null< Rate >()) const
Don't use this method. In derived classes, override accruedRate. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPICouponPricer::spread_
Don't use this data member. A spread doesn't make sense for this coupon. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPILeg::withSpreads (Spread spread)
Do not use this method. A spread doesn't make sense for these coupons. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member CPILeg::withSpreads (const std::vector< Spread > &spreads)
Do not use this method. A spread doesn't make sense for these coupons. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member Currency::Currency (const std::string &name, const std::string &code, Integer numericCode, const std::string &symbol, const std::string &fractionSymbol, Integer fractionsPerUnit, const Rounding &rounding, const std::string &formatString, const Currency &triangulationCurrency=Currency(), const std::set< std::string > &minorUnitCodes={})
Use the constructor without formatString. Deprecated in version 1.33.
Member Currency::Data::Data (std::string name, std::string code, Integer numericCode, std::string symbol, std::string fractionSymbol, Integer fractionsPerUnit, const Rounding &rounding, Currency triangulationCurrency=Currency(), std::set< std::string > minorUnitCodes={})
Use the constructor without formatString. Deprecated in version 1.33.
Member Currency::format () const
Copy the formatting into your project if you need it. Deprecated in version 1.33.
Member DatedOISRateHelper::DatedOISRateHelper (const Date &startDate, const Date &endDate, const Handle< Quote > &fixedRate, const ext::shared_ptr< OvernightIndex > &overnightIndex, Handle< YieldTermStructure > discountingCurve, bool telescopicValueDates, RateAveraging::Type averagingMethod, Integer paymentLag, BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention, Frequency paymentFrequency, const Calendar &paymentCalendar, const Period &forwardStart, Spread overnightSpread=0.0, ext::optional< bool > endOfMonth=ext::nullopt, ext::optional< Frequency > fixedPaymentFrequency=ext::nullopt, const Calendar &fixedCalendar=Calendar())
Use the overload without forward start. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Member DigitalCmsLeg::withReplication ()
Use the overload that passes a replication instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member DigitalCmsSpreadLeg::withReplication ()
Use the overload that passes a replication instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member DigitalIborLeg::withReplication ()
Use the overload that passes a replication instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Class Euribor10M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor11M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor2M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor2W
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_10M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_11M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_1M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_1Y
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_2M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_2W
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_3M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_3W
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_4M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_5M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_6M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_7M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_8M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_9M
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor365_SW
If needed, use the Euribor365 class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor3W
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor4M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor5M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor7M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor8M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class Euribor9M
If really needed, use the Euribor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor10M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor11M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor2M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor2W
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor4M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor5M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor7M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor8M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLibor9M
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class EURLiborSW
If needed, use the EURLibor class with an explicit tenor instead. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class FDMultiPeriodEngine< Scheme >
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Class FDVanillaEngine
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Class FixedRateBondForward
Use BondForward instead.
Member FixedRateBondHelper::fixedRateBond () const
Do not use; this method is broken and will be removed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member FixedRateBondHelper::fixedRateBond_
Do not use; this pointer is always null. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member ForwardRateAgreement::ForwardRateAgreement (const Date &valueDate, Position::Type type, Rate strikeForwardRate, Real notionalAmount, const ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > &index, Handle< YieldTermStructure > discountCurve={})
Use one of the other constructors. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member ForwardRateAgreement::ForwardRateAgreement (const Date &valueDate, const Date &maturityDate, Position::Type type, Rate strikeForwardRate, Real notionalAmount, const ext::shared_ptr< IborIndex > &index, Handle< YieldTermStructure > discountCurve={}, bool useIndexedCoupon=true)
Use one of the other constructors. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member Garch11::const_iterator
Use auto or time_series::const_iterator instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member Garch11::const_value_iterator
If needed, use auto or time_series::const_value_iterator. Prefer time_series::const_iterator instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member InflationTermStructure::InflationTermStructure (Natural settlementDays, const Calendar &calendar, Rate baseRate, const Period &observationLag, Frequency frequency, const DayCounter &dayCounter=DayCounter(), ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InflationTermStructure::InflationTermStructure (const Date &referenceDate, Rate baseRate, const Period &observationLag, Frequency frequency, const Calendar &calendar=Calendar(), const DayCounter &dayCounter=DayCounter(), ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InflationTermStructure::InflationTermStructure (Rate baseRate, const Period &observationLag, Frequency frequency, const DayCounter &dayCounter=DayCounter(), ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InflationTermStructure::setBaseRate (const Rate &r)
Do not use; set baseRate_ directly if needed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InflationTermStructure::setSeasonality ()
Use the overload taking a pointer and pass an empty one to remove seasonality. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve< Interpolator >::InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, std::vector< Date > dates, const std::vector< Rate > &rates, const Interpolator &interpolator=Interpolator())
Use the other overload and pass the base date directly as the first date in the vector instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve< Interpolator >::InterpolatedYoYInflationCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseYoYRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, const Interpolator &interpolator=Interpolator())
Use the other overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve< Interpolator >::InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, std::vector< Date > dates, const std::vector< Rate > &rates, const Interpolator &interpolator=Interpolator())
Use the other overload and pass the base date directly as the first date in the vector instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve< Interpolator >::InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, Rate baseZeroRate, const Interpolator &interpolator=Interpolator())
Use the other overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. A base rate should not be needed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Class ParallelEvolver< Evolver >
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Class ParallelEvolverTraits< traits >
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member PiecewiseYoYInflationCurve< Interpolator, Bootstrap, Traits >::PiecewiseYoYInflationCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, Rate baseYoYRate, std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< typename Traits::helper > > instruments, Real accuracy=1.0e-12, const Interpolator &i=Interpolator())
Use the other overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve< Interpolator, Bootstrap, Traits >::PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, Rate baseZeroRate, std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< typename Traits::helper > > instruments, Real accuracy=1.0e-12, const Interpolator &i=Interpolator())
Use the other overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. A base rate is not needed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
To check if a function is empty, use it in a bool context instead of comparing it to QL_NULL_FUNCTION. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member QuantLib::BlackVanillaOptionPricer
Renamed to MarketQuotedOptionPricer. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member QuantLib::BSMTermOperator
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member QuantLib::EuriborSW
Renamed to Euribor1W. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Member QuantLib::SampledCurveSet
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member QuantLib::StandardFiniteDifferenceModel
Define your typedef if needed. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member QuantLib::StandardStepCondition
Define your typedef if needed. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member QuantLib::StandardSystemFiniteDifferenceModel
Define your typedef if needed. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member RelinkableHandle< T >::RelinkableHandle (T *p, bool registerAsObserver=true)
Use one of the constructors taking shared_ptr. Deprecated in version 1.35.
Class SampledCurve
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member step_iterator< Iterator >::advance (typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::difference_type n)
This class no longer inherits from boost::iterator_adaptor`. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member step_iterator< Iterator >::base () const
This class no longer inherits from boost::iterator_adaptor`. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member step_iterator< Iterator >::decrement ()
This class no longer inherits from boost::iterator_adaptor`. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member step_iterator< Iterator >::distance_to (const step_iterator &i) const
This class no longer inherits from boost::iterator_adaptor`. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member step_iterator< Iterator >::increment ()
This class no longer inherits from boost::iterator_adaptor`. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Class StepConditionSet< array_type >
Use the new finite-differences framework instead. Deprecated in version 1.32.
Member Swaption::underlyingSwap () const
Use the Swaption::underlying method instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member SwaptionHelper::underlyingSwap () const
Use the SwaptionHelper::underlying method instead. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::cbegin_time () const
Use cbegin instead and access the first data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::cbegin_values () const
Use cbegin instead and access the second data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::cend_time () const
Use cend instead and access the first data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::cend_values () const
Use cend instead and access the second data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::const_reverse_time_iterator
Use const_reverse_iterator instead and access the first data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::const_reverse_value_iterator
Use const_reverse_iterator instead and access the second data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::const_time_iterator
Use const_iterator instead and access the first data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::const_value_iterator
Use const_iterator instead and access the second data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::crbegin_time () const
Use crbegin instead and access the first data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::crbegin_values () const
Use crbegin instead and access the second data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::crend_time () const
Use crend instead and access the first data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member TimeSeries< T, Container >::crend_values () const
Use crend instead and access the second data member. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member YoYInflationIndex::YoYInflationIndex (const std::string &familyName, const Region &region, bool revised, bool interpolated, bool ratio, Frequency frequency, const Period &availabilityLag, const Currency &currency, Handle< YoYInflationTermStructure > ts={})
Use one of the other constructors instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member YoYInflationTermStructure::YoYInflationTermStructure (const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseYoYRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, const ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > &seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member YoYInflationTermStructure::YoYInflationTermStructure (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseYoYRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, const ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > &seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member YoYInflationTermStructure::YoYInflationTermStructure (Natural settlementDays, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseYoYRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, bool indexIsInterpolated, const ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > &seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Pass the AUCPI index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Pass the EUHICP index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Pass the FRHICP index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Class YYGenericCPIr
Pass a zero-inflation index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Pass the UKRPI index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Pass the USCPI index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Pass the ZACPI index to YoYInflationIndex instead. Deprecated in version 1.31.
Member ZeroInflationTermStructure::ZeroInflationTermStructure (const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseZeroRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, const ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > &seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. A base rate should not be needed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member ZeroInflationTermStructure::ZeroInflationTermStructure (const Date &referenceDate, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseZeroRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, const ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > &seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. A base rate should not be needed. Deprecated in version 1.34.
Member ZeroInflationTermStructure::ZeroInflationTermStructure (Natural settlementDays, const Calendar &calendar, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Rate baseZeroRate, const Period &lag, Frequency frequency, const ext::shared_ptr< Seasonality > &seasonality={})
Use another overload and pass the base date directly instead of using a lag. A base rate should not be needed. Deprecated in version 1.34.