39 : seniority_(seniority), recoveryRate_(value) {
42 "Recovery value must be a fractional unit.");
template class providing a null value for a given type.
static std::map< Seniority, Real > makeIsdaMap(const Real(&(arrayIsdaRR))[N])
Real setValue(Real value=Null< Real >())
returns the difference between the new value and the old value
static const Real IsdaConvRecoveries[]
Real value() const override
returns the current value
RecoveryRateQuote(Real value=Null< Real >(), Seniority seniority=NoSeniority)
#define QL_REQUIRE(condition, message)
throw an error if the given pre-condition is not verified
std::map< Seniority, Real > makeIsdaConvMap()
Helper function for conventional recoveries. Returns the ISDA.
Seniority of a bond.