QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
Fully annotated sources - version 1.32
No Matches
ql Directory Reference


directory  cashflows
directory  currencies
directory  experimental
directory  indexes
directory  instruments
directory  legacy
directory  math
directory  methods
directory  models
directory  patterns
directory  pricingengines
directory  processes
directory  quotes
directory  termstructures
directory  time
directory  utilities


file  any.hpp [code]
 Maps any to either the boost or std implementation.
file  auto_link.hpp [code]
file  cashflow.cpp [code]
file  cashflow.hpp [code]
 Base class for cash flows.
file  compounding.hpp [code]
 Compounding enumeration.
file  config.ansi.hpp [code]
file  config.mingw.hpp [code]
file  config.sun.hpp [code]
file  currency.cpp [code]
file  currency.hpp [code]
 Currency specification.
file  default.hpp [code]
 Classes for default-event handling.
file  discretizedasset.cpp [code]
file  discretizedasset.hpp [code]
 Discretized asset classes.
file  errors.cpp [code]
file  errors.hpp [code]
 Classes and functions for error handling.
file  event.cpp [code]
file  event.hpp [code]
 Base class for events associated with a given date.
file  exchangerate.cpp [code]
file  exchangerate.hpp [code]
 exchange rate between two currencies
file  exercise.cpp [code]
file  exercise.hpp [code]
 Option exercise classes and payoff function.
file  functional.hpp [code]
 Maps function, bind and cref to either the boost or std implementation.
file  grid.hpp [code]
 Grid constructors.
file  handle.hpp [code]
 Globally accessible relinkable pointer.
file  index.cpp [code]
file  index.hpp [code]
 virtual base class for indexes
file  instrument.cpp [code]
file  instrument.hpp [code]
 Abstract instrument class.
file  interestrate.cpp [code]
file  interestrate.hpp [code]
 Instrument rate class.
file  mathconstants.hpp [code]
file  money.cpp [code]
file  money.hpp [code]
 cash amount in a given currency
file  numericalmethod.hpp [code]
 Numerical method class.
file  option.hpp [code]
 Base option class.
file  optional.cpp [code]
file  optional.hpp [code]
 Maps optional to either the boost or std implementation.
file  payoff.hpp [code]
 Option payoff classes.
file  position.cpp [code]
file  position.hpp [code]
 Short or long position.
file  prices.cpp [code]
file  prices.hpp [code]
 price classes
file  pricingengine.hpp [code]
 Base class for pricing engines.
file  qldefines.hpp [code]
 Global definitions and compiler switches.
file  quantlib.hpp [code]
file  quote.hpp [code]
 purely virtual base class for market observables
file  rebatedexercise.cpp [code]
file  rebatedexercise.hpp [code]
 Option exercise with rebate payments.
file  settings.cpp [code]
file  settings.hpp [code]
 global repository for run-time library settings
file  shared_ptr.hpp [code]
 Maps shared_ptr to either the boost or std implementation.
file  stochasticprocess.cpp [code]
file  stochasticprocess.hpp [code]
 stochastic processes
file  termstructure.cpp [code]
file  termstructure.hpp [code]
 base class for term structures
file  timegrid.cpp [code]
file  timegrid.hpp [code]
 discrete time grid
file  timeseries.hpp [code]
 Container for historical data.
file  tuple.hpp [code]
 Maps tuple to either the boost or std implementation.
file  types.hpp [code]
 Custom types.
file  userconfig.hpp [code]
file  version.cpp [code]
file  version.hpp [code]
 Version number, and version of boost the library is compiled with.
file  volatilitymodel.hpp [code]
 Volatility term structures.