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QuantLib::detail Namespace Reference


namespace  CPI
namespace  NoArbSabrModel


class  AbcdCoeffHolder
class  AbcdInterpolationImpl
struct  BachelierSpec
class  BackwardFlatInterpolationImpl
class  BackwardflatLinearInterpolationImpl
class  base_cubic_spline
class  base_cubic_splint
class  BicubicSplineDerivatives
class  BicubicSplineImpl
class  BilinearInterpolationImpl
struct  Black76Spec
class  BlackStyleSwaptionEngine
class  BootstrapHelperSorter
class  CoefficientHolder
class  ComboHelper
class  ConstantGradHelper
class  ConvexMonotone2Helper
class  ConvexMonotone3Helper
class  ConvexMonotone4Helper
class  ConvexMonotone4MinHelper
class  ConvexMonotoneImpl
class  CubicInterpolationImpl
class  D0Interpolator
struct  Data
struct  Data< std::vector< Real >, EmptyArg >
struct  DataTable
struct  DataTable< Real >
struct  EmptyArg
struct  EmptyDim
struct  EmptyRes
class  EverywhereConstantHelper
struct  FloatingPointNull
struct  FloatingPointNull< false >
struct  FloatingPointNull< true >
struct  formatted_date_holder
class  ForwardFlatInterpolationImpl
class  GaussianQuadratureIntegrator
class  GsrProcessCore
class  HullWhiteCapFloorPricer
class  ImpliedVolatilityHelper
 helper class for one-asset implied-volatility calculation More...
struct  Int2Type
struct  Int2Type< 10 >
struct  Int2Type< 11 >
struct  Int2Type< 12 >
struct  Int2Type< 13 >
struct  Int2Type< 14 >
struct  Int2Type< 15 >
struct  Int2Type< 2 >
struct  Int2Type< 3 >
struct  Int2Type< 4 >
struct  Int2Type< 5 >
struct  Int2Type< 6 >
struct  Int2Type< 7 >
struct  Int2Type< 8 >
struct  Int2Type< 9 >
class  Integrand
struct  iso_date_holder
class  KernelInterpolation2DImpl
class  KernelInterpolationImpl
class  LagrangeInterpolationImpl
class  LinearFlatInterpolationImpl
class  LinearInterpolationImpl
class  LogInterpolationImpl
class  LogMixedInterpolationImpl
struct  long_date_holder
struct  long_period_holder
struct  long_weekday_holder
class  MixedInterpolationImpl
struct  multiplyV
class  n_cubic_spline
class  n_cubic_splint
struct  NoArbSabrSpecs
struct  null_checker
struct  OdeFctWrapper
struct  ordinal_holder
class  PastFixingsOnly
struct  percent_holder
struct  Point
struct  Point< base_data_table, EmptyRes >
struct  Point< Real, EmptyArg >
struct  Point< Real, EmptyRes >
struct  Point< Size, EmptyDim >
class  Polynomial2DSplineImpl
struct  power_of_two_holder
class  QdPlusAddOnValue
class  QdPutCallParityEngine
class  QuadraticHelper
class  QuadraticMinHelper
class  Root
 Utility for the numerical time solver. More...
struct  SABRSpecs
class  SABRWrapper
class  SectionHelper
struct  sequence_holder
struct  short_date_holder
struct  short_period_holder
struct  short_weekday_holder
struct  shortest_weekday_holder
class  simple_event
struct  SviSpecs
class  Tracing
class  UpdatedYInterpolation
class  VannaVolgaInterpolationImpl
class  XABRCoeffHolder
class  XABRInterpolationImpl
struct  ZabrSpecs


typedef NoArbSabrSmileSection NoArbSabrWrapper
typedef SviSmileSection SviWrapper
typedef std::vector< std::vector< Real > > SplineGrid
typedef DataTable< Realbase_data_table
typedef Data< std::vector< Real >, EmptyArgbase_data
typedef Point< Real, EmptyArgbase_arg_type
typedef Point< Real, EmptyResbase_return_type
typedef Point< Size, EmptyDimbase_dimensions
typedef Point< base_data_table, EmptyResbase_output_data
typedef base_cubic_spline cubic_spline_01
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_01cubic_spline_02
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_02cubic_spline_03
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_03cubic_spline_04
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_04cubic_spline_05
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_05cubic_spline_06
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_06cubic_spline_07
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_07cubic_spline_08
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_08cubic_spline_09
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_09cubic_spline_10
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_10cubic_spline_11
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_11cubic_spline_12
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_12cubic_spline_13
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_13cubic_spline_14
typedef n_cubic_spline< cubic_spline_14cubic_spline_15
typedef base_cubic_splint cubic_splint_01
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_01cubic_splint_02
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_02cubic_splint_03
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_03cubic_splint_04
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_04cubic_splint_05
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_05cubic_splint_06
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_06cubic_splint_07
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_07cubic_splint_08
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_08cubic_splint_09
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_09cubic_splint_10
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_10cubic_splint_11
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_11cubic_splint_12
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_12cubic_splint_13
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_13cubic_splint_14
typedef n_cubic_splint< cubic_splint_14cubic_splint_15


Rate effectiveFixedRate (const std::vector< Spread > &spreads, const std::vector< Rate > &caps, const std::vector< Rate > &floors, Size i)
bool noOption (const std::vector< Rate > &caps, const std::vector< Rate > &floors, Size i)
void checkSviParameters (const Real a, const Real b, const Real sigma, const Real rho, const Real m, const Time tte)
Real sviTotalVariance (const Real a, const Real b, const Real sigma, const Real rho, const Real m, const Real k)
template<class I >
void _fill_array_ (Array &a, std::unique_ptr< Real[]> &data_, Size &n_, I begin, I end, const std::true_type &)
template<class I >
void _fill_array_ (Array &a, std::unique_ptr< Real[]> &data_, Size &n_, I begin, I end, const std::false_type &)
template<typename ForwardIterator >
std::vector< std::complex< Real > > double_ft (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator >
Real remove_mean (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator out)
ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer (const ContinuousFixedLookbackOption::arguments &args, const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess &process, DiscountFactor discount)
ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer (const ContinuousPartialFixedLookbackOption::arguments &args, const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess &process, DiscountFactor discount)
ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer (const ContinuousFloatingLookbackOption::arguments &args, const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess &process, DiscountFactor discount)
ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer (const ContinuousPartialFloatingLookbackOption::arguments &args, const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess &process, DiscountFactor discount)
template<class Curve >
Real dontThrowFallback (const BootstrapError< Curve > &error, Real xMin, Real xMax, Size steps)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const short_date_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const long_date_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const iso_date_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const formatted_date_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const long_period_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const short_period_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const long_weekday_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const short_weekday_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const shortest_weekday_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ordinal_holder &holder)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const percent_holder &holder)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const null_checker< T > &)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const power_of_two_holder< T > &)
template<typename I >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const sequence_holder< I > &)
template<class T , class U >
T get (const std::vector< T > &v, Size i, U defaultValue)


const Real minHazardRateComp = -1.0
const unsigned long sabrabsprob [1209600]
const Real avgHazardRate = 0.01
const Real maxHazardRate = 1.0
constexpr double avgInflation = 0.02
constexpr double maxInflation = 0.5
const Real avgRate = 0.05
const Real maxRate = 1.0

Detailed Description

References: J-P. Berrut and L.N. Trefethen, Barycentric Lagrange interpolation, SIAM Review, 46(3):501–517, 2004. https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/trefethen/barycentric.pdf

Typedef Documentation

◆ NoArbSabrWrapper

Definition at line 36 of file noarbsabrinterpolation.hpp.

◆ SviWrapper

Definition at line 55 of file sviinterpolation.hpp.

◆ SplineGrid

typedef std::vector<std::vector<Real> > SplineGrid

Definition at line 40 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ base_data_table

Definition at line 87 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ base_data

typedef Data<std::vector<Real>, EmptyArg> base_data

Definition at line 120 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ base_arg_type

Definition at line 164 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ base_return_type

Definition at line 185 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ base_dimensions

Definition at line 206 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ base_output_data

Definition at line 221 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_01

Definition at line 340 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_02

Definition at line 341 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_03

Definition at line 342 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_04

Definition at line 343 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_05

Definition at line 344 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_06

Definition at line 345 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_07

Definition at line 346 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_08

Definition at line 347 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_09

Definition at line 348 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_10

Definition at line 349 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_11

Definition at line 350 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_12

Definition at line 351 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_13

Definition at line 352 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_14

Definition at line 353 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_spline_15

Definition at line 354 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_01

Definition at line 356 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_02

Definition at line 357 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_03

Definition at line 358 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_04

Definition at line 359 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_05

Definition at line 360 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_06

Definition at line 361 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_07

Definition at line 362 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_08

Definition at line 363 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_09

Definition at line 364 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_10

Definition at line 365 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_11

Definition at line 366 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_12

Definition at line 367 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_13

Definition at line 368 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_14

Definition at line 369 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

◆ cubic_splint_15

Definition at line 370 of file multicubicspline.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ effectiveFixedRate()

Rate effectiveFixedRate ( const std::vector< Spread > &  spreads,
const std::vector< Rate > &  caps,
const std::vector< Rate > &  floors,
Size  i 

Definition at line 36 of file cashflowvectors.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ noOption()

bool noOption ( const std::vector< Rate > &  caps,
const std::vector< Rate > &  floors,
Size  i 

Definition at line 50 of file cashflowvectors.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkSviParameters()

void checkSviParameters ( const Real  a,
const Real  b,
const Real  sigma,
const Real  rho,
const Real  m,
const Time  tte 

Definition at line 35 of file sviinterpolation.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sviTotalVariance()

Real sviTotalVariance ( const Real  a,
const Real  b,
const Real  sigma,
const Real  rho,
const Real  m,
const Real  k 

Definition at line 49 of file sviinterpolation.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _fill_array_() [1/2]

void _fill_array_ ( Array a,
std::unique_ptr< Real[]> &  data_,
Size n_,
const std::true_type &   

Definition at line 312 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _fill_array_() [2/2]

void _fill_array_ ( Array a,
std::unique_ptr< Real[]> &  data_,
Size n_,
const std::false_type &   

Definition at line 329 of file array.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ double_ft()

std::vector< std::complex< Real > > double_ft ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end 

Definition at line 41 of file autocovariance.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_mean()

Real remove_mean ( InputIterator  begin,
InputIterator  end,
OutputIterator  out 

Definition at line 61 of file autocovariance.hpp.

◆ mc_lookback_path_pricer() [1/4]

ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer ( const ContinuousFixedLookbackOption::arguments args,
const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
DiscountFactor  discount 

Definition at line 78 of file mclookbackengine.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mc_lookback_path_pricer() [2/4]

ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer ( const ContinuousPartialFixedLookbackOption::arguments args,
const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
DiscountFactor  discount 

Definition at line 93 of file mclookbackengine.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mc_lookback_path_pricer() [3/4]

ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer ( const ContinuousFloatingLookbackOption::arguments args,
const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
DiscountFactor  discount 

Definition at line 111 of file mclookbackengine.cpp.

◆ mc_lookback_path_pricer() [4/4]

ext::shared_ptr< PathPricer< Path > > mc_lookback_path_pricer ( const ContinuousPartialFloatingLookbackOption::arguments args,
const GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
DiscountFactor  discount 

Definition at line 125 of file mclookbackengine.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dontThrowFallback()

Real dontThrowFallback ( const BootstrapError< Curve > &  error,
Real  xMin,
Real  xMax,
Size  steps 

If dontThrow is true in IterativeBootstrap and on a given pillar the bootstrap fails when searching for a helper root between xMin and xMax, we use this function to return the value that gives the minimum absolute helper error in the interval between xMin and xMax inclusive.

Definition at line 46 of file iterativebootstrap.hpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const short_date_holder holder 

Definition at line 894 of file date.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const long_date_holder holder 

Definition at line 912 of file date.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [3/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const iso_date_holder holder 

Definition at line 926 of file date.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const formatted_date_holder holder 

Definition at line 942 of file date.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const long_period_holder holder 

Definition at line 404 of file period.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [6/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const short_period_holder holder 

Definition at line 421 of file period.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [7/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const long_weekday_holder holder 

Definition at line 38 of file weekday.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [8/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const short_weekday_holder holder 

Definition at line 60 of file weekday.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [9/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const shortest_weekday_holder holder 

Definition at line 82 of file weekday.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [10/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ordinal_holder holder 

Definition at line 27 of file dataformatters.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [11/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const percent_holder holder 

Definition at line 44 of file dataformatters.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [12/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const null_checker< T > &  checker 

Definition at line 149 of file dataformatters.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [13/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const power_of_two_holder< T > &  holder 

Definition at line 158 of file dataformatters.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [14/14]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const sequence_holder< I > &  holder 

Definition at line 175 of file dataformatters.hpp.

◆ get()

T get ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
Size  i,

Definition at line 35 of file vectors.hpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ minHazardRateComp

const Real minHazardRateComp = -1.0

Definition at line 146 of file interpolatedaffinehazardratecurve.hpp.

◆ sabrabsprob

const unsigned long sabrabsprob

Definition at line 138 of file noarbsabr.hpp.

◆ avgHazardRate

const Real avgHazardRate = 0.01

Definition at line 39 of file probabilitytraits.hpp.

◆ maxHazardRate

const Real maxHazardRate = 1.0

Definition at line 40 of file probabilitytraits.hpp.

◆ avgInflation

constexpr double avgInflation = 0.02

Definition at line 36 of file inflationtraits.hpp.

◆ maxInflation

constexpr double maxInflation = 0.5

Definition at line 37 of file inflationtraits.hpp.

◆ avgRate

const Real avgRate = 0.05

Definition at line 39 of file bootstraptraits.hpp.

◆ maxRate

const Real maxRate = 1.0

Definition at line 40 of file bootstraptraits.hpp.