QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
Fully annotated sources - version 1.32
No Matches
1/* -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
4 Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Caspers
6 This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
7 for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/
9 QuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10 under the terms of the QuantLib license. You should have received a
11 copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
12 <quantlib-dev@lists.sf.net>. The license is also available online at
13 <http://quantlib.org/license.shtml>.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.
20#include <ql/experimental/volatility/zabr.hpp>
21#include <ql/termstructures/volatility/sabr.hpp>
22#include <ql/errors.hpp>
23#include <ql/math/comparison.hpp>
24#include <ql/math/distributions/normaldistribution.hpp>
25#include <ql/math/ode/adaptiverungekutta.hpp>
26#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/operators/fdmlinearoplayout.hpp>
27#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/meshers/fdm1dmesher.hpp>
28#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/meshers/uniform1dmesher.hpp>
29#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/meshers/concentrating1dmesher.hpp>
30#include <ql/experimental/finitedifferences/glued1dmesher.hpp>
31#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/meshers/fdmmeshercomposite.hpp>
32#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/operatortraits.hpp>
33#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/utilities/fdmdirichletboundary.hpp>
34#include <ql/methods/finitedifferences/solvers/fdmbackwardsolver.hpp>
35#include <ql/experimental/finitedifferences/fdmdupire1dop.hpp>
36#include <ql/experimental/finitedifferences/fdmzabrop.hpp>
38using std::pow;
40namespace QuantLib {
42ZabrModel::ZabrModel(const Real expiryTime, const Real forward,
43 const Real alpha, const Real beta, const Real nu,
44 const Real rho, const Real gamma)
45 : expiryTime_(expiryTime), forward_(forward), alpha_(alpha), beta_(beta),
46 nu_(nu * std::pow(alpha_, 1.0 - gamma)), rho_(rho), gamma_(gamma) {
49 QL_REQUIRE(gamma >= 0.0 /*&& gamma<=1.0*/,
50 "gamma must be non negative: " << gamma << " not allowed");
51 QL_REQUIRE(forward >= 0.0,
52 "forward must be non negative: " << forward << " not allowed");
53 QL_REQUIRE(expiryTime > 0.0, "expiry time must be positive: "
54 << expiryTime << " not allowed");
58 const Real x) const {
59 if (close(strike, forward_))
60 return std::pow(forward_, beta_ - 1.0) * alpha_;
61 else
62 return std::log(forward_ / strike) / x;
66 return lognormalVolatility(std::vector<Real>(1, strike))[0];
69std::vector<Real> ZabrModel::lognormalVolatility(const std::vector<Real> &strikes) const {
70 std::vector<Real> x_ = x(strikes);
71 std::vector<Real> result(strikes.size());
72 std::transform(strikes.begin(), strikes.end(), x_.begin(), result.begin(),
73 [&](Real _k, Real _x) { return lognormalVolatilityHelper(_k, _x); });
74 return result;
77Real ZabrModel::normalVolatilityHelper(const Real strike, const Real x) const {
78 if (close(strike, forward_))
79 return std::pow(forward_, beta_) * alpha_;
80 else
81 return (forward_ - strike) / x;
85 return normalVolatility(std::vector<Real>(1, strike))[0];
88std::vector<Real> ZabrModel::normalVolatility(const std::vector<Real> &strikes) const {
89 std::vector<Real> x_ = x(strikes);
90 std::vector<Real> result(strikes.size());
91 std::transform(strikes.begin(), strikes.end(), x_.begin(), result.begin(),
92 [&](Real _k, Real _x) { return normalVolatilityHelper(_k, _x); });
93 return result;
97 return alpha_ * std::pow(std::fabs(f), beta_) /
98 F(y(f), std::pow(alpha_, gamma_ - 1.0) *
99 x); // TODO optimize this, y is comoputed together
100 // with x already
104 return localVolatility(std::vector<Real>(1, f))[0];
107std::vector<Real> ZabrModel::localVolatility(const std::vector<Real> &f) const {
108 std::vector<Real> x_ = x(f);
109 std::vector<Real> result(f.size());
110 std::transform(f.begin(), f.end(), x_.begin(), result.begin(),
111 [&](Real _f, Real _x) { return localVolatilityHelper(_f, _x); });
112 return result;
115Real ZabrModel::fdPrice(const Real strike) const {
116 return fdPrice(std::vector<Real>(1, strike))[0];
119std::vector<Real> ZabrModel::fdPrice(const std::vector<Real> &strikes) const {
121 // TODO check strikes to be increasing
122 // TODO put these parameters somewhere
123 const Real start =
124 std::min(0.00001, strikes.front() * 0.5); // lowest strike for grid
125 const Real end =
126 std::max(0.10, strikes.back() * 1.5); // highest strike for grid
127 const Size size = 500; // grid points
128 const Real density = 0.1; // density for concentrating mesher
129 const Size steps =
130 (Size)std::ceil(expiryTime_ * 24); // number of steps in dimension t
131 const Size dampingSteps = 5; // thereof damping steps
133#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 12)
134#pragma GCC diagnostic push
135#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
138 // Layout
139 std::vector<Size> dim(1, size);
140 const ext::shared_ptr<FdmLinearOpLayout> layout(
141 new FdmLinearOpLayout(dim));
143#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 12)
144#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
147 // Mesher
148 const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> m1(new Concentrating1dMesher(
149 start, end, size, std::pair<Real, Real>(forward_, density), true));
150 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> m1(new
151 // Uniform1dMesher(start,end,size));
152 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> m1a(new
153 // Uniform1dMesher(start,0.03,101));
154 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> m1b(new
155 // Uniform1dMesher(0.03,end,100));
156 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> m1(new Glued1dMesher(*m1a,*m1b));
157 const std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> > meshers(1, m1);
158 const ext::shared_ptr<FdmMesher> mesher(
159 new FdmMesherComposite(layout, meshers));
161 // Boundary conditions
162 FdmBoundaryConditionSet boundaries;
164 // initial values
165 Array rhs(mesher->layout()->size());
166 for (const auto& iter : *layout) {
167 Real k = mesher->location(iter, 0);
168 rhs[iter.index()] = std::max(forward_ - k, 0.0);
169 }
171 // local vols (TODO how can we avoid these Array / vector copying?)
172 Array k = mesher->locations(0);
173 std::vector<Real> kv(k.size());
174 std::copy(k.begin(), k.end(), kv.begin());
175 std::vector<Real> locVolv = localVolatility(kv);
176 Array locVol(locVolv.size());
177 std::copy(locVolv.begin(), locVolv.end(), locVol.begin());
179 // solver
180 ext::shared_ptr<FdmDupire1dOp> map(new FdmDupire1dOp(mesher, locVol));
181 FdmBackwardSolver solver(map, boundaries,
182 ext::shared_ptr<FdmStepConditionComposite>(),
184 solver.rollback(rhs, expiryTime_, 0.0, steps, dampingSteps);
186 // interpolate solution
187 ext::shared_ptr<Interpolation> solution(new CubicInterpolation(
188 k.begin(), k.end(), rhs.begin(), CubicInterpolation::Spline, true,
191 // ext::shared_ptr<Interpolation> solution(new
192 // LinearInterpolation(k.begin(),k.end(),rhs.begin()));
193 solution->disableExtrapolation();
194 std::vector<Real> result(strikes.size());
195 std::transform(strikes.begin(), strikes.end(), result.begin(), *solution);
196 return result;
199Real ZabrModel::fullFdPrice(const Real strike) const {
201 // TODO what are good values here, still experimenting with them
202 Real eps = 0.01;
203 Real scaleFactor = 1.5;
204 Real normInvEps = InverseCumulativeNormal()(1.0 - eps);
205 Real alphaI = alpha_ * std::pow(forward_, beta_ - 1.0);
206 // nu is already standardized within this class ...
207 Real v0 = alpha_ * std::exp(-scaleFactor * normInvEps *
208 std::sqrt(expiryTime_) * nu_);
209 Real v1 = alpha_ *
210 std::exp(scaleFactor * normInvEps * std::sqrt(expiryTime_) * nu_);
211 Real f0 = forward_ * std::exp(-scaleFactor * normInvEps *
212 std::sqrt(expiryTime_) * alphaI);
213 Real f1 = forward_ * std::exp(scaleFactor * normInvEps *
214 std::sqrt(expiryTime_) * alphaI);
215 v1 = std::min(v1, 2.0);
216 f0 = std::min(strike / 2.0, f0);
217 f1 = std::max(strike * 1.5, std::min(f1, std::max(2.0, strike * 1.5)));
219 const Size sizef = 100;
220 const Size sizev = 100;
221 const Size steps = Size(24 * expiryTime_ + 1);
222 const Size dampingSteps = 5;
223 const Real densityf = 0.1;
224 const Real densityv = 0.1;
226 QL_REQUIRE(strike >= f0 && strike <= f1,
227 "strike (" << strike << ") must be inside pde grid [" << f0
228 << ";" << f1 << "]");
230 // Layout
231 std::vector<Size> dim;
232 dim.push_back(sizef);
233 dim.push_back(sizev);
234 const ext::shared_ptr<FdmLinearOpLayout> layout(
235 new FdmLinearOpLayout(dim));
237 // Mesher
238 // two concentrating mesher around f and k to get the mesher for f
239 const Real x0 = std::min(forward_, strike);
240 const Real x1 = std::max(forward_, strike);
241 const Size sizefa = std::max<Size>(
242 4, (Size)std::ceil(((x0 + x1) / 2.0 - f0) / (f1 - f0) * (Real)sizef));
243 const Size sizefb = sizef - sizefa + 1; // common point, so we can spend
244 // one more here
245 const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mfa(
246 new Concentrating1dMesher(f0, (x0 + x1) / 2.0, sizefa,
247 std::pair<Real, Real>(x0, densityf), true));
248 const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mfb(
249 new Concentrating1dMesher((x0 + x1) / 2.0, f1, sizefb,
250 std::pair<Real, Real>(x1, densityf), true));
251 const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mf(new Glued1dMesher(*mfa, *mfb));
253 // concentraing mesher around f to get the forward mesher
254 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mf(new Concentrating1dMesher(
255 // f0, f1, sizef, std::pair<Real, Real>(forward_, densityf), true));
257 // Volatility mesher
258 const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mv(new Concentrating1dMesher(
259 v0, v1, sizev, std::pair<Real, Real>(alpha_, densityv), true));
261 // uniform meshers
262 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mf(new
263 // Uniform1dMesher(f0,f1,sizef));
264 // const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> mv(new
265 // Uniform1dMesher(v0,v1,sizev));
267 std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> > meshers;
268 meshers.push_back(mf);
269 meshers.push_back(mv);
270 const ext::shared_ptr<FdmMesher> mesher(
271 new FdmMesherComposite(layout, meshers));
273 // initial values
274 Array rhs(mesher->layout()->size());
275 std::vector<Real> f_;
276 std::vector<Real> v_;
277 for (const auto& iter : *layout) {
278 Real f = mesher->location(iter, 0);
279 // Real v = mesher->location(iter, 0);
280 rhs[iter.index()] = std::max(f - strike, 0.0);
281 if (iter.coordinates()[1] == 0U)
282 f_.push_back(mesher->location(iter, 0));
283 if (iter.coordinates()[0] == 0U)
284 v_.push_back(mesher->location(iter, 1));
285 }
287 // Boundary conditions
288 FdmBoundaryConditionSet boundaries;
290 ext::shared_ptr<FdmZabrOp> map(
291 new FdmZabrOp(mesher, beta_, nu_, rho_, gamma_));
292 FdmBackwardSolver solver(map, boundaries,
293 ext::shared_ptr<FdmStepConditionComposite>(),
294 FdmSchemeDesc::/*CraigSneyd()*/ Hundsdorfer());
296 solver.rollback(rhs, expiryTime_, 0.0, steps, dampingSteps);
298 // interpolate solution (this is not necessary when using concentrating
299 // meshers with required point)
300 Matrix result(f_.size(), v_.size());
301 for (Size j = 0; j < v_.size(); ++j)
302 std::copy(rhs.begin() + j * f_.size(),
303 rhs.begin() + (j + 1) * f_.size(), result.row_begin(j));
304 ext::shared_ptr<BicubicSpline> interpolation =
305 ext::make_shared<BicubicSpline>(
306 f_.begin(), f_.end(), v_.begin(), v_.end(), result);
307 interpolation->disableExtrapolation();
308 return (*interpolation)(forward_, alpha_);
311Real ZabrModel::x(const Real strike) const {
312 return x(std::vector<Real>(1, strike))[0];
315std::vector<Real> ZabrModel::x(const std::vector<Real> &strikes) const {
317 QL_REQUIRE(strikes[0] > 0.0 || beta_ < 1.0,
318 "strikes must be positive (" << strikes[0] << ") if beta = 1");
319 for (auto i = strikes.begin() + 1; i != strikes.end(); ++i)
320 QL_REQUIRE(*i > *(i - 1), "strikes must be strictly ascending ("
321 << *(i - 1) << "," << *i << ")");
323 AdaptiveRungeKutta<Real> rk(1.0E-8, 1.0E-5,
324 0.0); // TODO move the parameters here as
325 // parameters with default values to
326 // the constructor
327 std::vector<Real> y(strikes.size()), result(strikes.size());
328 std::transform(strikes.rbegin(), strikes.rend(), y.begin(),
329 [&](Real _k) { return this->y(_k); });
331 if (close(gamma_, 1.0)) {
332 for (Size m = 0; m < y.size(); m++) {
333 Real J = std::sqrt(1.0 + nu_ * nu_ * y[m] * y[m] -
334 2.0 * rho_ * nu_ * y[m]);
335 result[y.size() - 1 - m] =
336 std::log((J + nu_ * y[m] - rho_) / (1.0 - rho_)) / nu_;
337 }
338 } else {
339 Size ynz = std::upper_bound(y.begin(), y.end(), 0.0) - y.begin();
340 if (ynz > 0)
341 if (close(y[ynz - 1], 0.0))
342 ynz--;
343 if (ynz == y.size())
344 ynz--;
346 for (int dir = 1; dir >= -1; dir -= 2) {
347 Real y0 = 0.0, u0 = 0.0;
348 for (int m = ynz + (dir == -1 ? -1 : 0);
349 dir == -1 ? m >= 0 : m < (int)y.size(); m += dir) {
350 Real u = rk([&](Real _y, Real _u){ return F(_y, _u); },
351 u0, y0, y[m]);
352 result[y.size() - 1 - m] = u * pow(alpha_, 1.0 - gamma_);
353 u0 = u;
354 y0 = y[m];
355 }
356 }
357 }
359 return result;
362Real ZabrModel::y(const Real strike) const {
364 if (close(beta_, 1.0)) {
365 return std::log(forward_ / strike) * std::pow(alpha_, gamma_ - 2.0);
366 } else {
367 return (strike < 0.0
368 ? Real(std::pow(forward_, 1.0 - beta_) +
369 std::pow(-strike, 1.0 - beta_))
370 : Real(std::pow(forward_, 1.0 - beta_) -
371 std::pow(strike, 1.0 - beta_))) *
372 std::pow(alpha_, gamma_ - 2.0) / (1.0 - beta_);
373 }
376Real ZabrModel::F(const Real y, const Real u) const {
377 Real A = 1.0 + (gamma_ - 2.0) * (gamma_ - 2.0) * nu_ * nu_ * y * y +
378 2.0 * rho_ * (gamma_ - 2.0) * nu_ * y;
379 Real B = 2.0 * rho_ * (1.0 - gamma_) * nu_ +
380 2.0 * (1.0 - gamma_) * (gamma_ - 2.0) * nu_ * nu_ * y;
381 Real C = (1.0 - gamma_) * (1.0 - gamma_) * nu_ * nu_;
382 return (-B * u + std::sqrt(B * B * u * u - 4.0 * A * (C * u * u - 1.0))) /
383 (2.0 * A);
1-D array used in linear algebra.
Definition: array.hpp:52
const_iterator end() const
Definition: array.hpp:511
Size size() const
dimension of the array
Definition: array.hpp:495
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: array.hpp:503
Cubic interpolation between discrete points.
@ SecondDerivative
Match value of second derivative at end.
void rollback(array_type &a, Time from, Time to, Size steps, Size dampingSteps)
Inverse cumulative normal distribution function.
Matrix used in linear algebra.
Definition: matrix.hpp:41
const_row_iterator row_begin(Size i) const
Definition: matrix.hpp:360
Real x(Real strike) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:311
const Real beta_
Definition: zabr.hpp:67
Real normalVolatility(Real strike) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:84
const Real rho_
Definition: zabr.hpp:67
Real lognormalVolatility(Real strike) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:65
const Real alpha_
Definition: zabr.hpp:67
Real localVolatility(Real f) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:103
Real forward() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:57
Real fdPrice(Real strike) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:115
const Real gamma_
Definition: zabr.hpp:68
Real expiryTime() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:58
Real fullFdPrice(Real strike) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:199
Real localVolatilityHelper(Real f, Real x) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:96
Real rho() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:62
Real nu() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:61
Real lognormalVolatilityHelper(Real strike, Real x) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:57
const Real expiryTime_
Definition: zabr.hpp:66
const Real nu_
Definition: zabr.hpp:67
Real gamma() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:63
Real normalVolatilityHelper(Real strike, Real x) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:77
Real beta() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:60
Real alpha() const
Definition: zabr.hpp:59
Real F(Real y, Real u) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:376
Real y(Real strike) const
Definition: zabr.cpp:362
ZabrModel(Real expiryTime, Real forward, Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho, Real gamma)
Definition: zabr.cpp:42
const Real forward_
Definition: zabr.hpp:66
real number
Definition: types.hpp:50
std::size_t Size
size of a container
Definition: types.hpp:58
Definition: any.hpp:35
bool close(const Quantity &m1, const Quantity &m2, Size n)
Definition: quantity.cpp:163
void validateSabrParameters(Real alpha, Real beta, Real nu, Real rho)
Definition: sabr.cpp:145
OperatorTraits< FdmLinearOp >::bc_set FdmBoundaryConditionSet
STL namespace.
static FdmSchemeDesc Douglas()