QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
Fully annotated sources - version 1.32
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operators Directory Reference


file  fdm2dblackscholesop.cpp [code]
file  fdm2dblackscholesop.hpp [code]
file  fdmbatesop.cpp [code]
 Bates linear operator.
file  fdmbatesop.hpp [code]
 Bates linear operator.
file  fdmblackscholesfwdop.cpp [code]
file  fdmblackscholesfwdop.hpp [code]
 Black Scholes linear operator for the Fokker-Planck forward equation.
file  fdmblackscholesop.cpp [code]
file  fdmblackscholesop.hpp [code]
 Black Scholes linear operator.
file  fdmcevop.cpp [code]
file  fdmcevop.hpp [code]
 FDM operator for the Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model.
file  fdmcirop.cpp [code]
file  fdmcirop.hpp [code]
 CIR linear operator.
file  fdmg2op.cpp [code]
file  fdmg2op.hpp [code]
 FDM G2 operator.
file  fdmhestonfwdop.cpp [code]
file  fdmhestonfwdop.hpp [code]
 Heston Fokker-Planck forward operator.
file  fdmhestonhullwhiteop.cpp [code]
file  fdmhestonhullwhiteop.hpp [code]
 Heston Hull White linear operator.
file  fdmhestonop.cpp [code]
file  fdmhestonop.hpp [code]
 Heston linear operator.
file  fdmhullwhiteop.cpp [code]
file  fdmhullwhiteop.hpp [code]
 FDM operator for the Hull-White interest rate model.
file  fdmlinearop.hpp [code]
 linear operator to model a multi dimensinal pde system
file  fdmlinearopcomposite.hpp [code]
 composite pattern for linear operators
file  fdmlinearopiterator.hpp [code]
 iterator for a linear fdm operator
file  fdmlinearoplayout.cpp [code]
file  fdmlinearoplayout.hpp [code]
 memory layout of a fdm linear operator
file  fdmlocalvolfwdop.cpp [code]
file  fdmlocalvolfwdop.hpp [code]
 local volatility linear operator for the Fokker-Planck forward equation
file  fdmornsteinuhlenbeckop.cpp [code]
file  fdmornsteinuhlenbeckop.hpp [code]
 Ornstein Uhlenbeck process.
file  fdmsabrop.cpp [code]
 FDM operator for the SABR model.
file  fdmsabrop.hpp [code]
 FDM operator for the SABR model.
file  fdmsquarerootfwdop.cpp [code]
 Fokker-Planck forward operator for an square root process.
file  fdmsquarerootfwdop.hpp [code]
 Square root linear operator for the Fokker-Planck forward equation.
file  firstderivativeop.cpp [code]
file  firstderivativeop.hpp [code]
 first derivative linear operator
file  modtriplebandlinearop.hpp [code]
 modifiable triple band linear operator
file  ninepointlinearop.cpp [code]
file  ninepointlinearop.hpp [code]
 nine point linear operator
file  nthorderderivativeop.cpp [code]
 n-th order derivative linear operator
file  nthorderderivativeop.hpp [code]
 n-th order derivative linear operator
file  numericaldifferentiation.cpp [code]
file  numericaldifferentiation.hpp [code]
 numerical differentiation of arbitrary order and on irregular grids
file  secondderivativeop.cpp [code]
file  secondderivativeop.hpp [code]
 second derivative operator
file  secondordermixedderivativeop.cpp [code]
file  secondordermixedderivativeop.hpp [code]
 second order mixed derivative linear operator
file  triplebandlinearop.cpp [code]
file  triplebandlinearop.hpp [code]
 general triple band linear operator