QuantLib: a free/open-source library for quantitative finance
Fully annotated sources - version 1.32
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1/* -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
4 Copyright (C) 2014 Jose Aparicio
6 This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
7 for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/
9 QuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10 under the terms of the QuantLib license. You should have received a
11 copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
12 <quantlib-dev@lists.sf.net>. The license is also available online at
13 <http://quantlib.org/license.shtml>.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.
20#ifndef quantlib_math_multidimintegrator_hpp
21#define quantlib_math_multidimintegrator_hpp
23#include <ql/types.hpp>
24#include <ql/errors.hpp>
25#include <ql/math/integrals/integral.hpp>
26#include <ql/functional.hpp>
27#include <vector>
29namespace QuantLib {
40 public:
41 explicit MultidimIntegral(
42 const std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Integrator> >& integrators);
44 // scalar variant
49 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>& f,
50 const std::vector<Real>& a,
51 const std::vector<Real>& b) const
52 {
53 QL_REQUIRE((a.size()==b.size())&&(b.size()==integrators_.size()),
54 "Incompatible integration problem dimensions");
55 return integrationLevelEntries_[integrators_.size()-1](f, a, b);
56 }
57 // to do: write std::vector<Real> operator()(...) version
59 private:
60 static const Size maxDimensions_ = 15;
62 /* Here is the tradeoff; this is avoiding the dimension limits checks
63 during integration at the price of these asignments during construction.
64 Explicit template instantiation is of no use, an object is needed
65 (notice 'this' is needed for the asignment.)
66 If not all the dimensions up the maximum number are used the waste goes
67 into storage of the functions (in fact only one is used)
68 */
69 template<Size depth>
70 void spawnFcts() const;
71 // Splits the integration in cross-sections per dimension.
72 template<int T_N>
74 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>& f,
75 Real z,
76 const std::vector<Real>& a,
77 const std::vector<Real>& b) const ;
78 // actual integration of dimension nT
79 template<int nT>
81 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>& f,
82 const std::vector<Real>& a,
83 const std::vector<Real>& b) const;
85 const std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Integrator> > integrators_;
87 /* typedef (const ext::function<Real
88 (const std::vector<Real>&arg1)>&arg2) integrableFunctType;
89 */
91 /* vector of, functions returning reals And taking as argument:
92 1.- a const ref to a function taking vectors
93 2.- a vector, 3. another vector. typedefs eventually...
94 at first sight this might look like mimicking a virtual table, it isnt
95 that. The reason is to be able to select the correct integration
96 dimension at run time, this can not be done before because of the
97 template argument restriction to be constant known at compilation.
98 */
99 mutable std::vector<ext::function<Real (//<- members: integrate<N>
100 // integrable function:
101 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>&,
102 const std::vector<Real>&, //<- a
103 const std::vector<Real>&) //<- b
104 > >
107 /* One can avoid the passing around of the ct refs to a and b but the
108 price is to keep a copy of them (they are unknown at construction time)
109 On the other hand the vector integration variable has to be created.*/
110 mutable std::vector<Real> varBuffer_;
112 };
114 // spez last call/dimension
115 template<>
116 Real inline MultidimIntegral::vectorBinder<0> (
117 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>& f,
118 Real z,
119 const std::vector<Real>& a,
120 const std::vector<Real>& b) const
121 {
122 varBuffer_[0] = z;
123 return f(varBuffer_);
124 }
126 template<>
127 void inline MultidimIntegral::spawnFcts<1>() const {
128 integrationLevelEntries_[0] = [this](const auto& f, const auto& a, const auto& b) {
129 return this->integrate<0>(f, a, b);
130 };
131 }
133 template<int nT>
135 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>& f,
136 const std::vector<Real>& a,
137 const std::vector<Real>& b) const
138 {
139 return
140 (*integrators_[nT])([this, &f, &a, &b](auto z) {
141 return this->vectorBinder<nT>(f, z, a, b);
142 }, a[nT], b[nT]);
143 }
145 template<int T_N>
147 const ext::function<Real (const std::vector<Real>&)>& f,
148 Real z,
149 const std::vector<Real>& a,
150 const std::vector<Real>& b) const
151 {
152 varBuffer_[T_N] = z;
153 return integrate<T_N-1>(f, a, b);
154 }
156 template<Size depth>
158 integrationLevelEntries_[depth-1] = [this](const auto& f, const auto& a, const auto& b) {
159 return this->integrate<depth-1>(f, a, b);
160 };
161 spawnFcts<depth-1>();
162 }
Integrates a vector or scalar function of vector domain.
Real vectorBinder(const ext::function< Real(const std::vector< Real > &)> &f, Real z, const std::vector< Real > &a, const std::vector< Real > &b) const
Real operator()(const ext::function< Real(const std::vector< Real > &)> &f, const std::vector< Real > &a, const std::vector< Real > &b) const
std::vector< ext::function< Real(const ext::function< Real(const std::vector< Real > &)> &, const std::vector< Real > &, const std::vector< Real > &) > > integrationLevelEntries_
Real integrate(const ext::function< Real(const std::vector< Real > &)> &f, const std::vector< Real > &a, const std::vector< Real > &b) const
const std::vector< ext::shared_ptr< Integrator > > integrators_
real number
Definition: types.hpp:50
std::size_t Size
size of a container
Definition: types.hpp:58
Definition: any.hpp:35