Fully annotated reference manual - version 1.8.12
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Market Data




file  bondspreadimply.hpp
 bond spread imply utility
file  bondspreadimplymarket.hpp
 market that can be used to imply bond spreads
file  clonedloader.hpp
 loader providing cloned data from another loader
file  compositeloader.hpp
 Loader that is a composite of two loaders.
file  csvloader.hpp
 Market Datum Loader Implementation.
file  dependencygraph.cpp
 DependencyGraph class to establish build order of marketObjects and its dependency.
file  dependencygraph.hpp
 DependencyGraph class to establish build order of marketObjects and its dependency.
file  expiry.hpp
 Classes for representing an expiry for use in market quotes.
file  fittedbondcurvehelpermarket.hpp
 A market implementation providing curves for setting up bond rate helpers.
file  loader.hpp
 Market Datum Loader Interface.
file  fxtriangulation.hpp
 Intelligent FX price repository.
file  loader.hpp
 Market Datum Loader Interface.
file  market.hpp
 Base Market class.
file  marketdatum.hpp
 Market data representation.
file  marketdatumparser.hpp
 Market Datum parser.
file  marketimpl.hpp
 An implementation of the Market class that stores the required objects in maps.
file  security.hpp
 A wrapper class for holding Bond Spread quotes.
file  strike.hpp
 Classes for representing a strike using various conventions.
file  structuredcurveerror.hpp
 Error for market data or curve.
file  todaysmarket.hpp
 An concrete implementation of the Market class that loads todays market and builds the required curves.
file  todaysmarketcalibrationinfo.hpp
 a container holding information on calibration results during the t0 market build
file  todaysmarketparameters.hpp
 A class to hold todays market configuration(s)
file  wrappedmarket.hpp
 wrapped market
file  structuredmodelerror.hpp
 Error for model calibration / building.
file  structuredmodelerror.hpp
 Error for model calibration / building.


class  ZeroRateConvention
 Container for storing Zero Rate conventions. More...
class  DepositConvention
 Container for storing Deposit conventions. More...
class  FutureConvention
 Container for storing Money Market Futures conventions. More...
class  FraConvention
 Container for storing Forward rate Agreement conventions. More...
class  OisConvention
 Container for storing Overnight Index Swap conventions. More...
class  IborIndexConvention
 Container for storing Ibor Index conventions. More...
class  OvernightIndexConvention
 Container for storing Overnight Index conventions. More...
class  SwapIndexConvention
 Container for storing Swap Index conventions. More...
class  IRSwapConvention
 Container for storing Interest Rate Swap conventions. More...
class  AverageOisConvention
 Container for storing Average OIS conventions. More...
class  TenorBasisSwapConvention
 Container for storing Tenor Basis Swap conventions. More...
class  TenorBasisTwoSwapConvention
 Container for storing conventions for Tenor Basis Swaps quoted as a spread of two interest rate swaps. More...
class  BMABasisSwapConvention
 Container for storing Libor-BMA Basis Swap conventions. More...
class  FXConvention
 Container for storing FX Spot quote conventions. More...
class  CrossCcyBasisSwapConvention
 Container for storing Cross Currency Basis Swap quote conventions. More...
class  CrossCcyFixFloatSwapConvention
class  CdsConvention
 Container for storing Credit Default Swap quote conventions. More...
class  SecuritySpreadConvention
 Container for storing Bond Spread Rate conventions. More...
class  CmsSpreadOptionConvention
 Container for storing CMS Spread Option conventions. More...
class  CommodityForwardConvention
class  CommodityFutureConvention
class  FxOptionConvention
 Container for storing FX Option conventions. More...
class  ZeroInflationIndexConvention
class  BondYieldConvention
class  CSVLoader
 Utility class for loading market quotes and fixings from a file. More...
struct  Fixing
 Fixing data structure. More...
class  Loader
 Market data loader base class. More...
class  Market
 Market. More...
class  MarketDatum
 Base market data class. More...
class  MoneyMarketQuote
 Money market data class. More...
class  FRAQuote
 FRA market data class. More...
class  ImmFraQuote
 IMM FRA market data class. More...
class  SwapQuote
 Swap market data class. More...
class  DiscountQuote
 Discount market data class. More...
class  MMFutureQuote
 Money Market Future data class. More...
class  OIFutureQuote
 Overnight index future data class. More...
class  BasisSwapQuote
 Basis Swap data class. More...
class  BMASwapQuote
 BMA Swap data class. More...
class  CrossCcyBasisSwapQuote
 Cross Currency Basis Swap data class. More...
class  CrossCcyFixFloatSwapQuote
 Cross Currency Fix Float Swap quote holder. More...
class  CdsQuote
class  HazardRateQuote
 Hazard rate data class. More...
class  RecoveryRateQuote
 Recovery rate data class. More...
class  SwaptionQuote
 Swaption data class. More...
class  SwaptionShiftQuote
 Shift data class (for SLN swaption volatilities) More...
class  BondOptionQuote
 Bond option data class. More...
class  BondOptionShiftQuote
 Shift data class (for SLN bond option volatilities) More...
class  CapFloorQuote
 Cap/Floor data class. More...
class  CapFloorShiftQuote
 Shift data class (for SLN cap/floor volatilities) More...
class  FXSpotQuote
 Foreign exchange rate data class. More...
class  FXForwardQuote
 Foreign exchange rate data class. More...
class  FXOptionQuote
 FX Option data class. More...
class  ZcInflationSwapQuote
 ZC Inflation swap data class. More...
class  InflationCapFloorQuote
 Inflation Cap Floor data class. More...
class  ZcInflationCapFloorQuote
 ZC Cap Floor data class. More...
class  YoYInflationSwapQuote
 YoY Inflation swap data class. More...
class  YyInflationCapFloorQuote
 YY Cap Floor data class. More...
class  SeasonalityQuote
 Inflation seasonality data class. More...
class  EquitySpotQuote
 Equity/Index spot price data class. More...
class  EquityForwardQuote
 Equity forward data class. More...
class  EquityDividendYieldQuote
 Equity/Index Dividend yield data class. More...
class  EquityOptionQuote
 Equity/Index Option data class. More...
class  SecuritySpreadQuote
 Bond spread data class. More...
class  BaseCorrelationQuote
 Base correlation data class. More...
class  IndexCDSOptionQuote
 CDS Index Option data class. More...
class  CommoditySpotQuote
 Commodity spot quote class. More...
class  CommodityForwardQuote
 Commodity forward quote class. More...
class  CommodityOptionQuote
 Commodity option data class. More...
class  CorrelationQuote
 Spread data class. More...
class  CPRQuote
 CPR data class. More...
class  BondPriceQuote
 Bond Price Quote. More...
class  MarketImpl
 Market Implementation. More...
class  Security
 Wrapper class for holding Bond Spread and recovery rate quotes. More...
class  TodaysMarket
 Today's Market. More...
class  WrappedMarket
 Wrapped Market. More...


QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< MarketDatumparseMarketDatum (const Date &asof, const string &datumName, const Real &value)
 Function to parse a market datum. More...
Date getDateFromDateOrPeriod (const string &token, Date asof, QuantLib::Calendar cal=QuantLib::WeekendsOnly(), QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention bdc=QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention::Following)
 Get a date from a date string or period. More...
boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdStringparseFxPeriod (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Period of Fx forward string. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MarketObject &o)
 Market Configuration structure. More...

Detailed Description

Grouping of all market data related classes, functions and files

Function Documentation

◆ parseMarketDatum()

QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< MarketDatum > parseMarketDatum ( const Date &  asof,
const string &  datumName,
const Real &  value 

Function to parse a market datum.

Definition at line 221 of file marketdatumparser.cpp.

221 {
223 vector<string> tokens;
224 boost::split(tokens, datumName, boost::is_any_of("/"));
225 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() > 2, "more than 2 tokens expected in " << datumName);
227 MarketDatum::InstrumentType instrumentType = parseInstrumentType(tokens[0]);
228 MarketDatum::QuoteType quoteType = parseQuoteType(tokens[1]);
230 switch (instrumentType) {
232 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::ZERO: {
233 // ZERO/RATE/EUR/EUR1D/A365/1Y
234 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::RATE || quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::YIELD_SPREAD,
235 "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
236 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
237 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
238 DayCounter dc = parseDayCounter(tokens[4]);
239 // token 5 can be a date, or tenor
240 Date date = Date();
241 Period tenor = Period();
242 bool isDate;
243 parseDateOrPeriod(tokens[5], date, tenor, isDate);
244 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<ZeroQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, date, dc, tenor);
245 }
247 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::DISCOUNT: {
249 // DISCOUNT/RATE/EUR/EUR1D/2016-12-15
250 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
251 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
252 // token 4 can be a date, or tenor
253 Date date = Date();
254 Period tenor = Period();
255 bool isDate;
256 parseDateOrPeriod(tokens[4], date, tenor, isDate);
257 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<DiscountQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, date, tenor);
258 }
260 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::MM: {
261 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5 || tokens.size() == 6, "5 or 6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
262 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
263 Size offset = 0;
264 string indexName;
265 if (tokens.size() == 6) {
266 indexName = tokens[3];
267 offset = 1;
268 }
269 Period fwdStart = parsePeriod(tokens[3 + offset]);
270 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[4 + offset]);
271 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<MoneyMarketQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, fwdStart, term, indexName);
272 }
274 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::MM_FUTURE: {
275 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
276 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
277 const string& expiry = tokens[3];
278 const string& contract = tokens[4];
279 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
280 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<MMFutureQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, expiry, contract, term);
281 }
283 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::OI_FUTURE: {
284 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
285 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
286 const string& expiry = tokens[3];
287 const string& contract = tokens[4];
288 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
289 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<OIFutureQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, expiry, contract, term);
290 }
292 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::FRA: {
293 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
294 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
295 Period fwdStart = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
296 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[4]);
297 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FRAQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, fwdStart, term);
298 }
300 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::IMM_FRA: {
301 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
302 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
303 string imm1 = tokens[3];
304 string imm2 = tokens[4];
305 unsigned int m1 = parseInteger(imm1);
306 unsigned int m2 = parseInteger(imm2);
307 QL_REQUIRE(m2 > m1, "Second IMM date must be after the first in " << datumName);
308 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<ImmFraQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, m1, m2);
309 }
311 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::IR_SWAP: {
312 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6 || tokens.size() == 7, "6 or 7 tokens expected in " << datumName);
313 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
314 Size offset = 0;
315 string indexName;
316 if (tokens.size() == 7) {
317 indexName = tokens[3];
318 offset = 1;
319 }
320 Period tenor = parsePeriod(tokens[4 + offset]);
321 boost::variant<QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period> start = parseDateOrPeriod(tokens[3 + offset]);
322 boost::variant<QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period> end = parseDateOrPeriod(tokens[5 + offset]);
324 if (start.type() == typeid(QuantLib::Period) && end.type() == typeid(QuantLib::Period)) {
325 Period fwdStart = QuantLib::ext::get<QuantLib::Period>(start);
326 Period term = QuantLib::ext::get<QuantLib::Period>(end);
327 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, fwdStart, term, tenor,
328 indexName);
329 } else if (start.type() == typeid(QuantLib::Date) && end.type() == typeid(QuantLib::Date)) {
330 Date startDate = QuantLib::ext::get<QuantLib::Date>(start);
331 Date maturityDate = QuantLib::ext::get<QuantLib::Date>(end);
332 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, startDate, maturityDate, tenor,
333 indexName);
334 } else {
335 QL_FAIL("Expect swap quote with start/end as either periods or dates");
336 }
337 }
339 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::BASIS_SWAP: {
340 // An optional identifier as a penultimate token supports the following two versions:
343 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6 || tokens.size() == 7, "Either 6 or 7 tokens expected in " << datumName);
344 Period flatTerm = parsePeriod(tokens[2]);
345 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
346 const string& ccy = tokens[4];
347 Period maturity;
348 if (tokens.size() == 7) {
349 maturity = parsePeriod(tokens[6]);
350 } else {
351 maturity = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
352 }
353 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<BasisSwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, flatTerm, term, ccy, maturity);
354 }
356 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::BMA_SWAP: {
357 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
358 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
359 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
360 Period maturity = parsePeriod(tokens[4]);
361 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<BMASwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, term, ccy, maturity);
362 }
364 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CC_BASIS_SWAP: {
365 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 7, "7 tokens expected in " << datumName);
366 const string& flatCcy = tokens[2];
367 Period flatTerm = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
368 const string& ccy = tokens[4];
369 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
370 Period maturity = parsePeriod(tokens[6]);
371 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CrossCcyBasisSwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, flatCcy, flatTerm, ccy,
372 term, maturity);
373 }
375 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CC_FIX_FLOAT_SWAP: {
377 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 7, "7 tokens expected in " << datumName);
378 Period floatTenor = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
379 Period fixedTenor = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
380 Period maturity = parsePeriod(tokens[6]);
381 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CrossCcyFixFloatSwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], floatTenor,
382 tokens[4], fixedTenor, maturity);
383 }
385 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CDS: {
386 // CDS/[CONV_]CREDIT_SPREAD/Name/Seniority/ccy/term
387 // CDS/[CONV_]CREDIT_SPREAD/Name/Seniority/ccy/term/runningSpread
388 // CDS/[CONV_]CREDIT_SPREAD/Name/Seniority/ccy/doc/term
389 // CDS/[CONV_]CREDIT_SPREAD/Name/Seniority/ccy/doc/term/runningSpread
390 // CDS/PRICE/Name/Seniority/ccy/term
391 // CDS/PRICE/Name/Seniority/ccy/term/runningSpread
392 // CDS/PRICE/Name/Seniority/ccy/doc/term
393 // CDS/PRICE/Name/Seniority/ccy/doc/term/runningSpread
394 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6 || tokens.size() == 7 || tokens.size() == 8,
395 "6, 7 or 8 tokens expected in " << datumName);
396 const string& underlyingName = tokens[2];
397 const string& seniority = tokens[3];
398 const string& ccy = tokens[4];
400 string docClause;
401 Period term;
402 Real runningSpread = Null<Real>();
403 if (tokens.size() == 6) {
404 term = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
405 } else if (tokens.size() == 8) {
406 docClause = tokens[5];
407 term = parsePeriod(tokens[6]);
408 runningSpread = parseReal(tokens[7]) / 10000;
409 } else {
410 // 7 tokens => [5]/[6] = doc/term or term/runningSpread
411 CdsDocClause cdsDocClause;
412 if (tryParse<CdsDocClause>(tokens[5], cdsDocClause, &parseCdsDocClause)) {
413 docClause = tokens[5];
414 term = parsePeriod(tokens[6]);
415 } else {
416 term = parsePeriod(tokens[5]);
417 runningSpread = parseReal(tokens[6]) / 10000;
418 }
419 }
421 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CdsQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, underlyingName,
422 seniority, ccy, term, docClause, runningSpread);
423 }
425 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::HAZARD_RATE: {
426 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6 || tokens.size() == 7, "6 or 7 tokens expected in " << datumName);
427 const string& underlyingName = tokens[2];
428 const string& seniority = tokens[3];
429 const string& ccy = tokens[4];
430 string docClause = tokens.size() == 7 ? tokens[5] : "";
431 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens.back());
432 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<HazardRateQuote>(value, asof, datumName, underlyingName, seniority, ccy, term,
433 docClause);
434 }
436 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::RECOVERY_RATE: {
437 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 3 || tokens.size() == 5 || tokens.size() == 6,
438 "3, 5 or 6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
439 const string& underlyingName = tokens[2]; // issuer name for CDS, security ID for bond specific RRs
440 string seniority = "";
441 string ccy = "";
442 string docClause = "";
443 if (tokens.size() >= 5) {
444 // CDS
445 seniority = tokens[3];
446 ccy = tokens[4];
447 if (tokens.size() == 6)
448 docClause = tokens[5];
449 }
450 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<RecoveryRateQuote>(value, asof, datumName, underlyingName, seniority, ccy, docClause);
451 }
453 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CAPFLOOR: {
454 QL_REQUIRE((tokens.size() >= 8 && tokens.size() <= 10) || tokens.size() == 4 || tokens.size() == 5,
455 "Either 4, 5 or 8, 9, 10 tokens expected in " << datumName);
456 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
457 Size offset = 0;
458 std::string indexName;
459 Size hasCapFloorToken = (tokens.back() == "C" || tokens.back() == "F") ? 1 : 0;
460 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType != MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE || hasCapFloorToken == 1,
461 "CAPFLOOR PRICE quotes must specify whether the datum represents a cap or a floor with a \"C\" or"
462 " \"F\" as the final token.");
464 if (tokens.size() == 9 + hasCapFloorToken || tokens.size() == 5 + hasCapFloorToken) {
465 // has an index name token... all later tokens are offset by 1
466 offset = 1;
467 indexName = tokens[3];
468 }
469 if (tokens.size() == 8 + hasCapFloorToken || tokens.size() == 9 + hasCapFloorToken) {
470 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3 + offset]);
471 Period tenor = parsePeriod(tokens[4 + offset]);
472 bool atm = parseBool(tokens[5 + offset].c_str());
473 bool relative = parseBool(tokens[6 + offset].c_str());
474 Real strike = parseReal(tokens[7 + offset]);
475 bool isCap = !(hasCapFloorToken==1 && tokens.back() == "F"); // assume cap if omitted
476 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CapFloorQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, term, tenor, atm, relative,
477 strike, indexName, isCap);
478 } else {
479 // not enough tokens, must be a shift quote
480 Period indexTenor = parsePeriod(tokens[3 + offset]);
481 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CapFloorShiftQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, indexTenor,
482 indexName);
483 }
484 }
486 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::SWAPTION: {
487 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() >= 4 && tokens.size() <= 9, "4...9 tokens expected in " << datumName);
488 const string& ccy = tokens[2];
489 Size offset = isOnePeriod(tokens[3]) ? 0 : 1;
490 std::string quoteTag;
491 Size hasPayReceiveToken = (tokens.back() == "P" || tokens.back() == "R") ? 1 : 0;
492 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType != MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE || hasPayReceiveToken == 1,
493 "SWAPTION PRICE quotes must specify whether the datum represents a payer or a receiver"
494 " swaption with a \"P\" or \"R\" as the final token.");
496 if (offset == 1)
497 quoteTag = tokens[3];
498 if (tokens.size() >= 6 + offset + hasPayReceiveToken) { // volatility
499 Period expiry = parsePeriod(tokens[3 + offset]);
500 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[4 + offset]);
501 const string& dimension = tokens[5 + offset];
502 Real strike = 0.0;
503 if (dimension == "ATM")
504 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6 + offset + hasPayReceiveToken, 6 + offset + hasPayReceiveToken
505 << " tokens expected in ATM quote " << datumName);
506 else if (dimension == "Smile") {
507 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 7 + offset + hasPayReceiveToken, 7 + offset + hasPayReceiveToken
508 << " tokens expected in Smile quote " << datumName);
509 strike = parseReal(tokens[6 + offset]);
510 } else
511 QL_FAIL("Swaption vol quote dimension " << dimension << " not recognised");
512 bool isPayer = !(hasPayReceiveToken == 1 && tokens.back() == "R"); // assume payer if omitted
513 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SwaptionQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy, expiry, term, dimension,
514 strike, quoteTag, isPayer);
515 } else { // SLN volatility shift
516 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SwaptionShiftQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, ccy,
517 parsePeriod(tokens[3 + offset]), quoteTag);
518 }
519 }
521 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::BOND_OPTION: {
522 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 4 || tokens.size() == 6, "4 or 6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
523 const string& qualifier = tokens[2];
524 Period expiry = tokens.size() == 6 ? parsePeriod(tokens[3]) : Period(0 * QuantLib::Days);
525 Period term = tokens.size() == 6 ? parsePeriod(tokens[4]) : parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
526 if (tokens.size() == 6) { // volatility
527 QL_REQUIRE(tokens[5] == "ATM", "only ATM allowed for bond option quotes");
528 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<BondOptionQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, qualifier, expiry, term);
529 } else { // SLN volatility shift
530 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<BondOptionShiftQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, qualifier, term);
531 }
532 }
534 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::FX_SPOT: {
535 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 4, "4 tokens expected in " << datumName);
536 const string& unitCcy = tokens[2];
537 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
538 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FXSpotQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, unitCcy, ccy);
539 }
541 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::FX_FWD: {
542 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
543 const string& unitCcy = tokens[2];
544 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
545 boost::variant<QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString> term = parseFxPeriod(tokens[4]);
546 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FXForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, unitCcy, ccy, term);
547 }
549 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::FX_OPTION: {
550 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
551 const string& unitCcy = tokens[2];
552 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
553 Period expiry = parsePeriod(tokens[4]);
554 const string& strike = tokens[5];
555 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FXOptionQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, unitCcy, ccy, expiry, strike);
556 }
558 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::ZC_INFLATIONSWAP: {
559 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 4, "4 tokens expected in " << datumName);
560 const string& index = tokens[2];
561 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
562 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<ZcInflationSwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, index, term);
563 }
565 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::YY_INFLATIONSWAP: {
566 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 4, "4 tokens expected in " << datumName);
567 const string& index = tokens[2];
568 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
569 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<YoYInflationSwapQuote>(value, asof, datumName, index, term);
570 }
572 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::ZC_INFLATIONCAPFLOOR: {
573 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
574 const string& index = tokens[2];
575 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
576 QL_REQUIRE(tokens[4] == "C" || tokens[4] == "F",
577 "expected C or F for Cap or Floor at position 5 in " << datumName);
578 bool isCap = tokens[4] == "C";
579 string strike = tokens[5];
580 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<ZcInflationCapFloorQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, index, term, isCap,
581 strike);
582 }
584 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::YY_INFLATIONCAPFLOOR: {
585 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
586 const string& index = tokens[2];
587 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
588 QL_REQUIRE(tokens[4] == "C" || tokens[4] == "F",
589 "expected C or F for Cap or Floor at position 5 in " << datumName);
590 bool isCap = tokens[4] == "C";
591 string strike = tokens[5];
592 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<YyInflationCapFloorQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, index, term, isCap,
593 strike);
594 }
596 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::SEASONALITY: {
597 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
598 const string& index = tokens[3];
599 const string& type = tokens[2];
600 const string& month = tokens[4];
601 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SeasonalityQuote>(value, asof, datumName, index, type, month);
602 }
603 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::EQUITY_SPOT: {
604 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 4, "4 tokens expected in " << datumName);
605 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
606 const string& equityName = tokens[2];
607 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
608 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<EquitySpotQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, equityName, ccy);
609 }
611 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::EQUITY_FWD: {
612 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
613 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
614 const string& equityName = tokens[2];
615 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
616 Date expiryDate = getDateFromDateOrPeriod(tokens[4], asof);
617 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<EquityForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, equityName, ccy, expiryDate);
618 }
620 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::EQUITY_DIVIDEND: {
621 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
622 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::RATE, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
623 const string& equityName = tokens[2];
624 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
625 Date tenorDate = getDateFromDateOrPeriod(tokens[4], asof);
626 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<EquityDividendYieldQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, equityName, ccy,
627 tenorDate);
628 }
630 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::EQUITY_OPTION: {
631 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() >= 6 || tokens.size() <= 9, "6 - 9 tokens expected in " << datumName);
632 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::RATE_LNVOL || quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE,
633 "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
634 const string& equityName = tokens[2];
635 const string& ccy = tokens[3];
636 string expiryString = tokens[4];
637 // do we have a call or put flag as the last token?
638 bool hasCallPutToken = tokens.back() == "C" || tokens.back() == "P";
639 // the following tokens represent the strike, except the last one, if we have a call/put token
640 string strikeStr;
641 for(Size i=5; i < tokens.size() - (hasCallPutToken ? 1 : 0); ++i) {
642 strikeStr += (i > 5 ? "/" : "") + tokens[i];
643 }
644 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<BaseStrike> strike;
645 // we support ATM, ATMF as aliases for ATM/AtmSpot, ATM/AtmFwd, plus absolute strikes and MNY/[Spot/Fwd]/1.2
646 if(strikeStr == "ATM")
647 strike = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<AtmStrike>(QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::AtmType::AtmSpot);
648 else if(strikeStr == "ATMF")
649 strike = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<AtmStrike>(QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::AtmType::AtmFwd);
650 else
651 strike = parseBaseStrike(strikeStr);
652 bool isCall = true;
653 if (hasCallPutToken) {
654 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.back() == "C" || tokens.back() == "P",
655 "expected C or P for Call or Put at position " << tokens.size() << " in " << datumName);
656 isCall = tokens.back() == "C";
657 }
659 // note how we only store the expiry string - to ensure we can support both Periods and Dates being specified in
660 // the vol curve-config.
661 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<EquityOptionQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, equityName, ccy, expiryString,
662 strike, isCall);
663 }
665 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::BOND: {
666 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 3, "3 tokens expected in " << datumName);
667 const string& securityID = tokens[2];
668 if (quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::YIELD_SPREAD)
669 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SecuritySpreadQuote>(value, asof, datumName, securityID);
670 else if (quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE)
671 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<BondPriceQuote>(value, asof, datumName, securityID);
672 }
674 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CDS_INDEX: {
675 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
676 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::BASE_CORRELATION, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
677 const string& cdsIndexName = tokens[2];
678 Period term = parsePeriod(tokens[3]);
679 Real detachmentPoint = parseReal(tokens[4]);
680 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<BaseCorrelationQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, cdsIndexName, term,
681 detachmentPoint);
682 }
684 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::INDEX_CDS_OPTION: {
686 // Expects the following form. The strike is optional. The index term is optional for backwards compatibility.
688 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() >= 4 || tokens.size() <= 6, "4, 5 or 6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
689 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::RATE_LNVOL, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
691 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<Expiry> expiry;
692 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<BaseStrike> strike;
693 string indexTerm;
694 if (tokens.size() == 6) {
695 // We have been given an index term, an expiry and a strike.
696 indexTerm = tokens[3];
697 expiry = parseExpiry(tokens[4]);
698 strike = parseBaseStrike(tokens[5]);
699 } else if (tokens.size() == 5) {
700 // We have been given either 1) an index term and an expiry or 2) an expiry and a strike.
701 // If the last token is a number, we have 2) an expiry and a strike.
702 Real tmp;
703 if (tryParseReal(tokens[4], tmp)) {
704 expiry = parseExpiry(tokens[3]);
705 strike = parseBaseStrike(tokens[4]);
706 } else {
707 indexTerm = tokens[3];
708 expiry = parseExpiry(tokens[4]);
709 }
710 } else {
711 // We have just been given the expiry.
712 expiry = parseExpiry(tokens[3]);
713 }
715 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IndexCDSOptionQuote>(value, asof, datumName, tokens[2], expiry, indexTerm, strike);
716 }
718 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::COMMODITY_SPOT: {
719 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 4, "4 tokens expected in " << datumName);
720 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
722 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommoditySpotQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3]);
723 }
725 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::COMMODITY_FWD: {
726 // Expects the following form:
728 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
729 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
731 // The last token can be a string defining a special tenor i.e. ON, TN or SN
732 if (tokens[4] == "ON") {
733 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommodityForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3],
734 1 * Days, 0 * Days);
735 } else if (tokens[4] == "TN") {
736 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommodityForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3],
737 1 * Days, 1 * Days);
738 } else if (tokens[4] == "SN") {
739 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommodityForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3],
740 1 * Days);
741 }
743 // The last token can be a date or a standard tenor
744 Date date;
745 Period tenor;
746 bool isDate;
747 parseDateOrPeriod(tokens[4], date, tenor, isDate);
749 if (isDate) {
750 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommodityForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3],
751 date);
752 } else {
753 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommodityForwardQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3],
754 tenor);
755 }
756 }
758 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::COMMODITY_OPTION: {
759 // Expects one of the following forms:
762 // where QT = RATE_LNVOL or PRICE and OT = C (for Call) or P (for Put)
763 using QT = MarketDatum::QuoteType;
764 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() >= 6, "At least 6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
765 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == QT::RATE_LNVOL || quoteType == QT::PRICE,
766 "Quote type for " << datumName << " should be 'RATE_LNVOL' or 'PRICE'");
768 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<Expiry> expiry = parseExpiry(tokens[4]);
770 // If the last token is C or P, process it and update bounds of strike portion.
771 auto itStkBeg = tokens.begin() + 5;
772 auto itStkEnd = tokens.end();
773 Option::Type optionType = Option::Call;
774 if (tokens.back() == "C" || tokens.back() == "P") {
775 if (tokens.back() == "P")
776 optionType = Option::Put;
777 itStkEnd = prev(itStkEnd);
778 }
780 // Parse the strike
781 QL_REQUIRE(itStkBeg != itStkEnd, "");
782 string strStrike = boost::algorithm::join(boost::make_iterator_range(itStkBeg, itStkEnd), "/");
783 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<BaseStrike> strike = parseBaseStrike(strStrike);
785 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CommodityOptionQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2],
786 tokens[3], expiry, strike, optionType);
787 }
789 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CORRELATION: {
790 // Expects the following form:
792 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 6, "6 tokens expected in " << datumName);
793 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::RATE || quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::PRICE,
794 "Quote type for " << datumName << " should be 'CORRELATION' or 'PRICE'");
796 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CorrelationQuote>(value, asof, datumName, quoteType, tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4],
797 tokens[5]);
798 }
800 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::CPR: {
801 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 3, "3 tokens expected in " << datumName);
802 const string& securityID = tokens[2];
803 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::RATE, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
804 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CPRQuote>(value, asof, datumName, securityID);
805 }
807 case MarketDatum::InstrumentType::RATING: {
808 QL_REQUIRE(tokens.size() == 5, "5 tokens expected in " << datumName);
809 const string& name = tokens[2];
810 const string& fromRating = tokens[3];
811 const string& toRating = tokens[4];
812 QL_REQUIRE(quoteType == MarketDatum::QuoteType::TRANSITION_PROBABILITY, "Invalid quote type for " << datumName);
813 return QuantLib::ext::make_shared<TransitionProbabilityQuote>(value, asof, datumName, name, fromRating, toRating);
814 }
816 default:
817 QL_FAIL("Cannot convert \"" << datumName << "\" to MarketDatum");
818 } // switch instrument type
819} // parseMarketDatum
SafeStack< ValueType > value
Date getDateFromDateOrPeriod(const string &token, Date asof, QuantLib::Calendar cal, QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention bdc)
Get a date from a date string or period.
boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString > parseFxPeriod(const string &s)
Convert text to QuantLib::Period of Fx forward string.
bool tryParseReal(const string &s, QuantLib::Real &result)
Attempt to convert text to Real.
Definition: parsers.cpp:126
boost::variant< QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period > parseDateOrPeriod(const string &s)
Convert text to QuantLib::Period or QuantLib::Date.
Definition: parsers.cpp:493
Period parsePeriod(const string &s)
Convert text to QuantLib::Period.
Definition: parsers.cpp:171
bool parseBool(const string &s)
Convert text to bool.
Definition: parsers.cpp:144
Real parseReal(const string &s)
Convert text to Real.
Definition: parsers.cpp:112
Integer parseInteger(const string &s)
Convert text to QuantLib::Integer.
Definition: parsers.cpp:136
DayCounter parseDayCounter(const string &s)
Convert text to QuantLib::DayCounter.
Definition: parsers.cpp:209
Time maturity
Definition: utilities.cpp:66
CDS documentation clause enumeration.
bool isOnePeriod(const string &s)
return true if s represents a period of the form [0-9][D|W|M|Y] (i.e. 1Y6M would return false)
Definition: parsers.cpp:159
QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< Expiry > parseExpiry(const string &strExpiry)
Parse an Expiry from its string representation, strExpiry.
Definition: expiry.cpp:110
QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< BaseStrike > parseBaseStrike(const string &strStrike)
Parse a Strike from its string representation, strStrike.
Definition: strike.cpp:262
string name
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDateFromDateOrPeriod()

Date getDateFromDateOrPeriod ( const string &  token,
Date  asof,
QuantLib::Calendar  cal,
QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention  bdc 

Get a date from a date string or period.

Definition at line 122 of file marketdatumparser.cpp.

122 {
123 Period term; // gets populated by parseDateOrPeriod
124 Date expiryDate; // gets populated by parseDateOrPeriod
125 bool tmpIsDate; // gets populated by parseDateOrPeriod
126 parseDateOrPeriod(token, expiryDate, term, tmpIsDate); // checks if the market string contains a date or a period
127 if (!tmpIsDate)
128 expiryDate = cal.adjust(asof + term, bdc);
129 return expiryDate;
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseFxPeriod()

boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString > parseFxPeriod ( const string &  s)

Convert text to QuantLib::Period of Fx forward string.

Definition at line 147 of file marketdatumparser.cpp.

147 {
148 bool isPeriod = isdigit(s.front());
149 if (isPeriod)
150 return parsePeriod(s);
151 else
152 return parseFxString(s);
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const MarketObject o 

Market Configuration structure.

The Market Configuration bundles configurations for each of the market objects and assigns a configuration ID.

Several Market Configurations can be specified and held in a market object in parallel. Applications then need to specify the desired market configuration ID when making calls to any of the term structures provided by the market object.

Definition at line 76 of file todaysmarketparameters.cpp.

76 {
77 for (Size i = 0; i < marketObjectData.size(); i++) {
78 if (marketObjectData[i].obj == o)
79 return out << marketObjectData[i].name;
80 }
81 return out << "Unknown";
MarketObject obj