this class holds data associated to scenarios
a wrapper to buffer sensi stream records
factory class for cloning a cached scenario
Collateral Account Balance (stored in base currency)
Collateral Exposure Helper Functions (stored in base currency)
The counterparty cube calculator interface.
Credit migration helper class.
Credit simulation parameter class.
Struct for holding CRIF records.
CRIF configuration interface.
Class for loading CRIF records.
Struct for holding a CRIF record.
Scenario generation using cross asset model paths.
load / save cubes and agg scen data from / to disk
A Class to read a cube file from csv input.
class describing the layout of an npv cube and aggregation scenario data
A Class to write a cube out to file.
Class that wraps a sensitivity stream and decomposes equity/commodity and default risk records.
factory class for cloning a cached scenario
Dynamic Initial Margin calculator base class.
Dynamic Initial Margin calculator by regression.
XVA calculator with dynamic credit.
Class that wraps a sensitivity stream and filters out negligible records.
Controls the updating/reset of the QuantLib::IndexManager.
Class for generating portfolio P&Ls based on historical scenarios.
Class for reading historical scenarios from file.
scenario generator that builds from historical shifts
historical scenario loader
historical scenario reader
Class for generating sensi pnl.
Perform historical simulation var calculation for a given portfolio.
ORE IM Schedule Analytic.
Class for calculating SIMM.
Class for holding IMSchedule results.
add builders to factories
A cube implementation that stores the cube in memory.
A cube implementation that stores the cube in memory.
join n cubes in terms of stored ids
join n sensi cubes in terms of stored ids
Scenario generation using LGM paths.
bace class for all market risk backtests
Base class for a market risk report.
The cube valuation calculator interface.
a calculator that computes npvs for a vector of credit states
multi-threaded valuation engine
Struct for holding an NPV record.
An NPV cube for storing NPVs resulting from risk factor shifts.
Singleton class to hold global Observation Mode.
Perfrom sensitivity analysis for a given portfolio.
Open Risk Engine setup and analytics choice.
Perform parametric var calculation for a given portfolio.
Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from a par sensitivity cube.
ORE Par-Stresstest-Conversion Analytic.
Convert all par shifts in a stress test to a zero shifts.
Convert all par shifts in a single stress test scenario to a zero shifts.
Exposure aggregation and XVA calculation.
A Class to write ORE outputs to reports.
risk class and type filter
factory classes for scenarios
Scenario generator base classes.
Build a scenariogenerator.
Scenario generator configuration.
Class for calculating the shift multiple between two scenarios for a given key.
A Market class that can be updated by Scenarios.
A class to hold Scenario parameters for scenarioSimMarket.
ORE Scenario Statistics Analytics.
Scenario utility functions.
A cube implementation that stores the cube in memory.
Class for aggregating SensitivityRecords.
Perform sensitivity analysis for a given portfolio.
holds a grid of NPVs for a list of trades under various scenarios
Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from a SensitivityCube.
Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from file.
Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from in-memory container.
Struct for holding a sensitivity record.
Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from a report.
A class to run the sensitivity analysis.
A class to hold the parametrisation for building sensitivity scenarios.
Sensitivity scenario generation.
Base class for sensitivity record streamer.
Shift scenario generation.
A Market class that can be Simulated.
Basic SIMM class for mapping names to SIMM qualifiers.
Abstract base class for classes that map SIMM qualifiers to buckets.
Base SIMM class for mapping qualifiers to buckets.
Class for calculating SIMM.
SIMM class for defining SIMM risk weights, thresholds, buckets, and labels. Currently only supports t...
Abstract base class for retrieving SIMM concentration thresholds.
SIMM concentration thresholds built from SIMM calibration.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version R1.3 (3.29)
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 1.3.38.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.0 (1.3.44)
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.0 (1.3.44)
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.2.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.3.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.3.8.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.5.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.5A.
SIMM concentration thresholds for SIMM version 2.6.
SIMM configuration interface.
Base SIMM configuration class.
SIMM configuration built for SIMM calibration.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version R1.0 (v3.15)
SIMM configuration for SIMM version R1.3 (3.29)
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 1.3.38.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.0 (1.3.44)
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.1 (2.0.6)
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.2.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.3.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.3.8.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.5.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.5A.
SIMM configuration for SIMM version 2.6.
Abstract base class for classes that map names to SIMM qualifiers.
Class for holding SIMM results.
factory classes for simple scenarios
in memory cube, storing only non-zero entries for (id, date, depth)
XVA calculator with static credit.
A class to hold the parametrisation for building sensitivity scenarios.
Stress scenario generation.
perform a stress testing analysis for a given portfolio.
Structured analytics error.
Class for structured analytics warnings.
The counterparty cube calculator interface.
implementation of var backtest
Base class for a var calculation.
ORE version as defined in QuantExt.
CVA calculator base class.
xva engine using cg infrastructure
A class to run the xva analysis.
Class for structured analytics warnings.
Class for converting zero sensitivities to par sensitivities.
applies a zero scenario and return the par instrument shifts
ORE ZeroToPar Shift Analytic.