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BicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >, including all inherited members.

BicubicSplineImpl(const I1 &xBegin, const I1 &xEnd, const I2 &yBegin, const I2 &yEnd, const M &zData)BicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >
calculate() overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
derivativeX(Real x, Real y) const overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
derivativeXY(Real x, Real y) const overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
derivativeY(Real x, Real y) const overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
isInRange(Real x, Real y) const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
locateX(Real x) const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protectedvirtual
locateY(Real y) const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protectedvirtual
secondDerivativeX(Real x, Real y) const overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
secondDerivativeY(Real x, Real y) const overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
splines_BicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >private
templateImpl(const I1 &xBegin, const I1 &xEnd, const I2 &yBegin, const I2 &yEnd, const M &zData)Interpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >
value(Real x, Real y) const overrideBicubicSplineImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
xBegin_Interpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protected
xEnd_Interpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protected
xMax() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
xMin() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
xValues() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
yBegin_Interpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protected
yEnd_Interpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protected
yMax() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
yMin() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
yValues() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
zData() const overrideInterpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >virtual
zData_Interpolation2D::templateImpl< I1, I2, M >protected