Fully annotated reference manual - version 1.8.12
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 Copyright (C) 2016 Quaternion Risk Management Ltd
3 All rights reserved.
5 This file is part of ORE, a free-software/open-source library
6 for transparent pricing and risk analysis - http://opensourcerisk.org
8 ORE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 under the terms of the Modified BSD License. You should have received a
10 copy of the license along with this program.
11 The license is also available online at <http://opensourcerisk.org>
13 This program is distributed on the basis that it will form a useful
14 contribution to risk analytics and model standardisation, but WITHOUT
15 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.
19#include "toplevelfixture.hpp"
20#include "utilities.hpp"
21#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
47#include <qle/models/lgm.hpp>
72#include <ql/currencies/all.hpp>
73#include <ql/indexes/ibor/euribor.hpp>
74#include <ql/instruments/vanillaoption.hpp>
75#include <ql/math/matrixutilities/symmetricschurdecomposition.hpp>
76#include <ql/math/optimization/levenbergmarquardt.hpp>
77#include <ql/math/randomnumbers/rngtraits.hpp>
78#include <ql/math/statistics/incrementalstatistics.hpp>
79#include <ql/methods/montecarlo/multipathgenerator.hpp>
80#include <ql/methods/montecarlo/pathgenerator.hpp>
81#include <ql/quotes/simplequote.hpp>
82#include <ql/termstructures/yield/flatforward.hpp>
83#include <ql/time/calendars/target.hpp>
84#include <ql/time/daycounters/actual360.hpp>
85#include <ql/time/daycounters/actualactual.hpp>
86#include <ql/time/daycounters/thirty360.hpp>
88#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
89// fix for boost 1.64, see https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2016/11/231756.php
90#if BOOST_VERSION >= 106400
91#include <boost/serialization/array_wrapper.hpp>
93#include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>
94#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/covariance.hpp>
95#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/error_of_mean.hpp>
96#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
97#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/stats.hpp>
98#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/variates/covariate.hpp>
100using namespace QuantLib;
101using namespace QuantExt;
103using boost::unit_test_framework::test_suite;
104using namespace boost::accumulators;
106namespace {
108struct Lgm31fTestData {
109 Lgm31fTestData()
110 : refDate(18, Dec, 2015),
111 yts(QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FlatForward>(refDate, 0.02, ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA))) {
113 Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = refDate;
114 Size tmp[31] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18,
115 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 13, 29, 14, 30, 15 };
116 for (Size i = 0; i < 31; ++i) {
117 mapping[i] = tmp[i];
118 invMapping[mapping[i]] = i;
119 }
121 // ========================================================
122 // correlation matrix (13 ccy, 12 fx, 3 inf pairs (CPI,RR))
123 // ========================================================
125 // we map the CPI index and RR to pseudo-FX components here,
126 // therefore non EUR inflation components (i.e. the UK region)
127 // will produce deviating results, since implicitly we assume
128 // EUR as the inflation currency
130 // also, we have a mapping from the original indices to the new
131 // indices because of the CPI components, as follows
132 // (original => here)
133 // 0-12 => 0-12
134 // 13-24 => 16-27
135 // 25 => 28
136 // 26 => 13
137 // 27 => 29
138 // 28 => 14
139 // 29 => 30
140 // 30 => 15
142 // the procution correlation matrix is replaced with a random matrix
143 Real cTmp[31][31] = {
144 { 1,
145 0.0343941943887,
146 0.0419721265321,
147 -0.142932369598,
148 -0.386557229367,
149 0.295980379198,
150 0.239653818382,
151 -0.0763295458047,
152 0.212498186632,
153 0.118054743124,
154 -0.224766256083,
155 0.0853451819853,
156 -0.0511995874871,
157 0.174426283844,
158 -0.115460813133,
159 -0.0721582349166,
160 -0.214211359774,
161 -0.372084086492,
162 0.0469382929157,
163 0.30664207438,
164 -0.133293417835,
165 0.0548758513486,
166 0.189912198964,
167 -0.0998094066064,
168 0.116105136048,
169 -0.199567439204,
170 -0.179792210522,
171 -0.453605090893,
172 0.0344684113421,
173 -0.132400972608,
174 -0.0805829297654 },
175 { 0.0343941943887, 1,
176 -0.147392177981, 0.190600641536,
177 -0.145481590883, 0.294365640605,
178 0.0601368008482, -0.00283945283275,
179 -0.116431730925, -0.0716820259802,
180 0.00544003244763, -0.0758559072172,
181 -0.237919974947, 0.000824706024761,
182 0.179058963744, 0.132955192962,
183 -0.167456315193, -0.140212134815,
184 0.270173086657, 0.0461584452481,
185 0.174592984613, 0.479050202449,
186 0.231241635614, -0.365940995584,
187 -0.0300723876502, -0.0105021785277,
188 -0.0793226259723, 0.0364552498451,
189 -0.0428313590286, 0.00045179600518,
190 0.157958640397 },
191 { 0.0419721265321, -0.147392177981, 1,
192 -0.205721605587, 0.176351903075, -0.173886364182,
193 -0.176531389565, 0.0171718091121, -0.161928720878,
194 -0.223807424589, 0.227847712733, -0.129833355428,
195 -0.0765470112144, 0.0603061533934, -0.184873264163,
196 -0.0392532615883, 0.103720246234, 0.185194385726,
197 0.00352650332331, 0.147170801505, 0.138074664199,
198 -0.0750107965393, -0.075044498716, -0.135712263795,
199 0.0435965536933, -0.196699468487, -0.133209415874,
200 0.0669018267551, 0.0411062492118, 0.10827807138,
201 0.285547544897 },
202 { -0.142932369598, 0.190600641536, -0.205721605587, 1,
203 0.111438752029, -0.154504285602, -0.240592717398, 0.228776139817,
204 -0.0408638740298, 0.139994885856, 0.010428290396, -0.0266321253259,
205 0.235772909297, -0.0550148577982, 0.011581957914, -0.0958782780357,
206 -0.0356439790974, 0.167623910315, 0.282668618187, -0.116049244115,
207 0.0378447443195, 0.416830955389, 0.125613729312, 0.0751289225199,
208 0.0474611193829, 0.119515798352, -0.186354768062, 0.00463486576889,
209 0.0895319580574, -0.42296528782, -0.0250457680104 },
210 { -0.386557229367, -0.145481590883, 0.176351903075, 0.111438752029, 1,
211 -0.0948655518868, -0.156442491224, 0.091693504433, -0.037767000351, -0.235460535367,
212 0.0676834096513, -0.36550450905, 0.013058702437, 0.173947911446, -0.0894751146898,
213 -0.0697842787023, 0.330415682457, 0.105948381112, 0.213956029639, -0.306516644502,
214 0.03156673834, -0.0438700627351, -0.0471934284693, -0.0479093575566, -0.191764263322,
215 0.0691491923609, -0.0169112375186, 0.418856276254, -0.587952407744, -0.11074678055,
216 0.118830155093 },
217 { 0.295980379198, 0.294365640605, -0.173886364182, -0.154504285602, -0.0948655518868, 1,
218 0.312150303064, -0.296339376122, 0.222818035874, -0.333383472886, 0.045665647834, -0.178734828838,
219 0.233294477666, 0.00914551279587, 0.16991477323, 0.237871041338, -0.107953837139, -0.196472981313,
220 -0.197667927622, 0.243660580044, 0.283222098211, 0.255181424113, 0.0738214833113, -0.0875506146088,
221 0.0228176567117, -0.021839186816, -0.200983147135, 0.118339983121, -0.0380308812843, 0.0697554664965,
222 -0.290573412107 },
223 { 0.239653818382,
224 0.0601368008482,
225 -0.176531389565,
226 -0.240592717398,
227 -0.156442491224,
228 0.312150303064,
229 1,
230 0.16427616005,
231 0.187114559514,
232 -0.128567362633,
233 -0.0298087283209,
234 0.310220353467,
235 -0.155650952549,
236 -0.0907943245024,
237 0.150077574282,
238 0.233831100752,
239 0.14510564225,
240 -0.106158234925,
241 -0.186638489406,
242 0.108493899313,
243 0.186677617029,
244 0.154962485957,
245 0.0976503099009,
246 0.33619746008,
247 -0.312902806374,
248 0.0140051435466,
249 -0.190085542485,
250 0.123111359938,
251 -0.168127163542,
252 0.242451056895,
253 -0.232220701345 },
254 { -0.0763295458047, -0.00283945283275, 0.0171718091121, 0.228776139817,
255 0.091693504433, -0.296339376122, 0.16427616005, 1,
256 0.129840657268, 0.373604952144, -0.18155715237, 0.184536654159,
257 -0.12285053934, -0.103909813725, 0.178625377032, -0.127501582044,
258 0.184446540159, -0.127735616891, 0.147895324128, -0.0107588297873,
259 -0.0821799717041, -0.151013843371, 0.390822002417, -0.164177564227,
260 -0.199345876795, 0.154417641829, 0.00493479680788, 0.264074419131,
261 -0.106509969327, 0.132504591079, 0.118207101753 },
262 { 0.212498186632, -0.116431730925, -0.161928720878,
263 -0.0408638740298, -0.037767000351, 0.222818035874,
264 0.187114559514, 0.129840657268, 1,
265 0.108639498651, -0.111431570017, -0.132299603334,
266 0.129609578068, -0.277997943625, 0.0906182176236,
267 -0.0864325336051, 0.186001578615, -0.113884465526,
268 -0.0294749190212, 0.454853572071, -0.246249803796,
269 -0.0266738922467, 0.0933959821836, 0.224461162875,
270 0.0357834934973, 0.0616445434762, -0.276568357088,
271 -0.393316724461, -0.223125458693, 0.133084418997,
272 -0.0221629196894 },
273 { 0.118054743124, -0.0716820259802, -0.223807424589, 0.139994885856, -0.235460535367,
274 -0.333383472886, -0.128567362633, 0.373604952144, 0.108639498651, 1,
275 -0.095793838259, 0.190541253672, -0.107707903939, 0.12756217432, -0.117262111977,
276 -0.509787601852, -0.108689074131, -0.324588172992, 0.051847818326, 0.0322332954595,
277 -0.386223228013, -0.124632351583, 0.106212483012, -0.0762653306681, 0.014765861204,
278 -0.150505016721, 0.311501433571, -0.177761397412, -0.0501147422963, -0.288372982612,
279 -0.185072823068 },
280 { -0.224766256083,
281 0.00544003244763,
282 0.227847712733,
283 0.010428290396,
284 0.0676834096513,
285 0.045665647834,
286 -0.0298087283209,
287 -0.18155715237,
288 -0.111431570017,
289 -0.095793838259,
290 1,
291 0.0693613681381,
292 0.14249383007,
293 0.096010698022,
294 0.0329554088922,
295 0.167604841583,
296 -0.109041125342,
297 0.00514826039023,
298 -0.340130764259,
299 0.182645718058,
300 0.321991863536,
301 0.214142882681,
302 -0.0987553659026,
303 0.150628401488,
304 0.00422661848883,
305 0.109346488736,
306 0.23059270105,
307 0.140534087809,
308 -0.0173708508572,
309 0.0528427482968,
310 0.0182217569681 },
311 { 0.0853451819853, -0.0758559072172, -0.129833355428, -0.0266321253259,
312 -0.36550450905, -0.178734828838, 0.310220353467, 0.184536654159,
313 -0.132299603334, 0.190541253672, 0.0693613681381, 1,
314 -0.0132125282718, 0.0140768369271, 0.310955525226, -0.189708953222,
315 0.0488388998416, -0.0181791685819, 0.11515442249, -0.0712393291188,
316 -0.0911379512289, -0.117558064762, 0.0978226722782, 0.0494832889518,
317 -0.0176606846725, 0.250581766454, 0.209191012806, -0.143815875961,
318 -0.00668495669111, 0.0976950082078, 0.0252520373904 },
319 { -0.0511995874871,
320 -0.237919974947,
321 -0.0765470112144,
322 0.235772909297,
323 0.013058702437,
324 0.233294477666,
325 -0.155650952549,
326 -0.12285053934,
327 0.129609578068,
328 -0.107707903939,
329 0.14249383007,
330 -0.0132125282718,
331 1,
332 -0.101546509191,
333 0.145043037821,
334 0.0141222526045,
335 -0.239190286473,
336 -0.219267351706,
337 0.0493026087034,
338 -0.145364905371,
339 0.0244975164846,
340 0.187668533638,
341 -0.216542028379,
342 0.0784389764486,
343 0.207793807098,
344 -0.0149171885526,
345 0.154689284382,
346 0.0874179510403,
347 0.197509990962,
348 -0.0438009094431,
349 -0.00831859585832 },
350 { 0.174426283844, 0.000824706024761,
351 0.0603061533934, -0.0550148577982,
352 0.173947911446, 0.00914551279587,
353 -0.0907943245024, -0.103909813725,
354 -0.277997943625, 0.12756217432,
355 0.096010698022, 0.0140768369271,
356 -0.101546509191, 1,
357 -0.254967689473, 0.023478890628,
358 0.115201664433, -0.0570864596218,
359 -0.0552759708479, -0.147365625016,
360 0.0461995467521, -0.0168974295344,
361 -0.205845653683, -0.0381073980444,
362 -0.0927040293872, 0.0821202714574,
363 -0.0171498152037, -0.0834025047453,
364 -0.187260914639, -0.348707805644,
365 -0.364440606696 },
366 { -0.115460813133, 0.179058963744, -0.184873264163, 0.011581957914, -0.0894751146898,
367 0.16991477323, 0.150077574282, 0.178625377032, 0.0906182176236, -0.117262111977,
368 0.0329554088922, 0.310955525226, 0.145043037821, -0.254967689473, 1,
369 0.0748037899029, 0.294695159049, -0.213228245006, 0.128441907683, -0.0150217790452,
370 0.0480199310254, -0.0713509454034, 0.197367018953, -0.243142199375, -0.029497320023,
371 0.433216618742, 0.0396133169903, 0.103851408345, -0.219874832922, 0.296174894116,
372 0.168545305888 },
373 { -0.0721582349166, 0.132955192962, -0.0392532615883, -0.0958782780357,
374 -0.0697842787023, 0.237871041338, 0.233831100752, -0.127501582044,
375 -0.0864325336051, -0.509787601852, 0.167604841583, -0.189708953222,
376 0.0141222526045, 0.023478890628, 0.0748037899029, 1,
377 -0.010499616039, 0.0804925210972, -0.325690654432, -0.060487358233,
378 0.538581289688, 0.196496308155, -0.00839726071219, -0.0306510212363,
379 -0.060101906245, 0.0793563779709, -0.14609815746, 0.186079456094,
380 0.230110905512, 0.143609506491, -0.0255809432735 },
381 { -0.214211359774,
382 -0.167456315193,
383 0.103720246234,
384 -0.0356439790974,
385 0.330415682457,
386 -0.107953837139,
387 0.14510564225,
388 0.184446540159,
389 0.186001578615,
390 -0.108689074131,
391 -0.109041125342,
392 0.0488388998416,
393 -0.239190286473,
394 0.115201664433,
395 0.294695159049,
396 -0.010499616039,
397 1,
398 0.0636415350089,
399 0.198977446582,
400 0.102363853401,
401 0.145107868245,
402 -0.386835660762,
403 0.0923139397147,
404 0.200427396567,
405 -0.510849948347,
406 0.492499933089,
407 -0.221537617801,
408 -0.0594708004309,
409 -0.372450613443,
410 -0.0359700742084,
411 0.102546226539 },
412 { -0.372084086492, -0.140212134815, 0.185194385726, 0.167623910315, 0.105948381112, -0.196472981313,
413 -0.106158234925, -0.127735616891, -0.113884465526, -0.324588172992, 0.00514826039023, -0.0181791685819,
414 -0.219267351706, -0.0570864596218, -0.213228245006, 0.0804925210972, 0.0636415350089, 1,
415 -0.245275780278, -0.052398080821, -0.0188922810343, 0.0085014187696, -0.0457942205268, 0.161812363359,
416 0.236909237629, 0.244605289825, -0.20847963897, -0.0224010202566, 0.184642764044, 0.0383411294219,
417 -0.107154013475 },
418 { 0.0469382929157,
419 0.270173086657,
420 0.00352650332331,
421 0.282668618187,
422 0.213956029639,
423 -0.197667927622,
424 -0.186638489406,
425 0.147895324128,
426 -0.0294749190212,
427 0.051847818326,
428 -0.340130764259,
429 0.11515442249,
430 0.0493026087034,
431 -0.0552759708479,
432 0.128441907683,
433 -0.325690654432,
434 0.198977446582,
435 -0.245275780278,
436 1,
437 -0.247362833882,
438 -0.193578615193,
439 -0.0105721360587,
440 0.14336132262,
441 -0.112587281635,
442 -0.171469357693,
443 0.100772472825,
444 0.0751101396305,
445 0.0700089923819,
446 -0.248914435569,
447 0.0263247635683,
448 0.451050068349 },
449 { 0.30664207438, 0.0461584452481, 0.147170801505, -0.116049244115, -0.306516644502,
450 0.243660580044, 0.108493899313, -0.0107588297873, 0.454853572071, 0.0322332954595,
451 0.182645718058, -0.0712393291188, -0.145364905371, -0.147365625016, -0.0150217790452,
452 -0.060487358233, 0.102363853401, -0.052398080821, -0.247362833882, 1,
453 0.136263767432, -0.137495220906, -0.127307183268, 0.0972788938582, 0.00258934288855,
454 -0.130331299046, -0.428102669619, -0.263740815975, 0.0737931248832, 0.301730685794,
455 -0.110280327757 },
456 { -0.133293417835, 0.174592984613, 0.138074664199,
457 0.0378447443195, 0.03156673834, 0.283222098211,
458 0.186677617029, -0.0821799717041, -0.246249803796,
459 -0.386223228013, 0.321991863536, -0.0911379512289,
460 0.0244975164846, 0.0461995467521, 0.0480199310254,
461 0.538581289688, 0.145107868245, -0.0188922810343,
462 -0.193578615193, 0.136263767432, 1,
463 0.0250867014821, -0.207548146929, 0.141487666396,
464 -0.332927391225, 0.043757104046, -0.26277621567,
465 0.28995584194, 0.13757556845, -0.061923788279,
466 0.0464984161357 },
467 { 0.0548758513486, 0.479050202449,
468 -0.0750107965393, 0.416830955389,
469 -0.0438700627351, 0.255181424113,
470 0.154962485957, -0.151013843371,
471 -0.0266738922467, -0.124632351583,
472 0.214142882681, -0.117558064762,
473 0.187668533638, -0.0168974295344,
474 -0.0713509454034, 0.196496308155,
475 -0.386835660762, 0.0085014187696,
476 -0.0105721360587, -0.137495220906,
477 0.0250867014821, 1,
478 0.148426221032, -0.0796451648888,
479 0.121998419258, -0.120561962297,
480 0.0039300328991, -0.0616564684715,
481 0.0834127185137, -0.194091860738,
482 -0.0540900287065 },
483 { 0.189912198964,
484 0.231241635614,
485 -0.075044498716,
486 0.125613729312,
487 -0.0471934284693,
488 0.0738214833113,
489 0.0976503099009,
490 0.390822002417,
491 0.0933959821836,
492 0.106212483012,
493 -0.0987553659026,
494 0.0978226722782,
495 -0.216542028379,
496 -0.205845653683,
497 0.197367018953,
498 -0.00839726071219,
499 0.0923139397147,
500 -0.0457942205268,
501 0.14336132262,
502 -0.127307183268,
503 -0.207548146929,
504 0.148426221032,
505 1,
506 -0.197544922079,
507 -0.0620733221402,
508 0.337598014925,
509 0.115127292041,
510 -0.191005066833,
511 -0.0542551151481,
512 -0.150856466315,
513 0.287965489293 },
514 { -0.0998094066064, -0.365940995584, -0.135712263795, 0.0751289225199, -0.0479093575566, -0.0875506146088,
515 0.33619746008, -0.164177564227, 0.224461162875, -0.0762653306681, 0.150628401488, 0.0494832889518,
516 0.0784389764486, -0.0381073980444, -0.243142199375, -0.0306510212363, 0.200427396567, 0.161812363359,
517 -0.112587281635, 0.0972788938582, 0.141487666396, -0.0796451648888, -0.197544922079, 1,
518 -0.455928132901, -0.0349650249016, -0.147487712981, -0.123072528825, 0.0016310683966, -0.0929856384075,
519 -0.0844827518471 },
520 { 0.116105136048, -0.0300723876502, 0.0435965536933, 0.0474611193829, -0.191764263322,
521 0.0228176567117, -0.312902806374, -0.199345876795, 0.0357834934973, 0.014765861204,
522 0.00422661848883, -0.0176606846725, 0.207793807098, -0.0927040293872, -0.029497320023,
523 -0.060101906245, -0.510849948347, 0.236909237629, -0.171469357693, 0.00258934288855,
524 -0.332927391225, 0.121998419258, -0.0620733221402, -0.455928132901, 1,
525 -0.0366860627562, 0.0789958683979, -0.130701036026, 0.25671818269, 0.0196168003514,
526 -0.102190074804 },
527 { -0.199567439204, -0.0105021785277,
528 -0.196699468487, 0.119515798352,
529 0.0691491923609, -0.021839186816,
530 0.0140051435466, 0.154417641829,
531 0.0616445434762, -0.150505016721,
532 0.109346488736, 0.250581766454,
533 -0.0149171885526, 0.0821202714574,
534 0.433216618742, 0.0793563779709,
535 0.492499933089, 0.244605289825,
536 0.100772472825, -0.130331299046,
537 0.043757104046, -0.120561962297,
538 0.337598014925, -0.0349650249016,
539 -0.0366860627562, 1,
540 -0.0794978681331, -0.0982755084996,
541 -0.206145124721, 0.084681240391,
542 -0.0748773856947 },
543 { -0.179792210522, -0.0793226259723, -0.133209415874,
544 -0.186354768062, -0.0169112375186, -0.200983147135,
545 -0.190085542485, 0.00493479680788, -0.276568357088,
546 0.311501433571, 0.23059270105, 0.209191012806,
547 0.154689284382, -0.0171498152037, 0.0396133169903,
548 -0.14609815746, -0.221537617801, -0.20847963897,
549 0.0751101396305, -0.428102669619, -0.26277621567,
550 0.0039300328991, 0.115127292041, -0.147487712981,
551 0.0789958683979, -0.0794978681331, 1,
552 0.166530515474, -0.00626506702444, -0.105755638618,
553 0.17213920952 },
554 { -0.453605090893, 0.0364552498451, 0.0669018267551, 0.00463486576889,
555 0.418856276254, 0.118339983121, 0.123111359938, 0.264074419131,
556 -0.393316724461, -0.177761397412, 0.140534087809, -0.143815875961,
557 0.0874179510403, -0.0834025047453, 0.103851408345, 0.186079456094,
558 -0.0594708004309, -0.0224010202566, 0.0700089923819, -0.263740815975,
559 0.28995584194, -0.0616564684715, -0.191005066833, -0.123072528825,
560 -0.130701036026, -0.0982755084996, 0.166530515474, 1,
561 -0.170804441061, 0.392158807614, -0.0667901382994 },
562 { 0.0344684113421,
563 -0.0428313590286,
564 0.0411062492118,
565 0.0895319580574,
566 -0.587952407744,
567 -0.0380308812843,
568 -0.168127163542,
569 -0.106509969327,
570 -0.223125458693,
571 -0.0501147422963,
572 -0.0173708508572,
573 -0.00668495669111,
574 0.197509990962,
575 -0.187260914639,
576 -0.219874832922,
577 0.230110905512,
578 -0.372450613443,
579 0.184642764044,
580 -0.248914435569,
581 0.0737931248832,
582 0.13757556845,
583 0.0834127185137,
584 -0.0542551151481,
585 0.0016310683966,
586 0.25671818269,
587 -0.206145124721,
588 -0.00626506702444,
589 -0.170804441061,
590 1,
591 -0.0642244501279,
592 0.116777659542 },
593 { -0.132400972608, 0.00045179600518, 0.10827807138, -0.42296528782, -0.11074678055, 0.0697554664965,
594 0.242451056895, 0.132504591079, 0.133084418997, -0.288372982612, 0.0528427482968, 0.0976950082078,
595 -0.0438009094431, -0.348707805644, 0.296174894116, 0.143609506491, -0.0359700742084, 0.0383411294219,
596 0.0263247635683, 0.301730685794, -0.061923788279, -0.194091860738, -0.150856466315, -0.0929856384075,
597 0.0196168003514, 0.084681240391, -0.105755638618, 0.392158807614, -0.0642244501279, 1,
598 0.0494702308271 },
599 { -0.0805829297654,
600 0.157958640397,
601 0.285547544897,
602 -0.0250457680104,
603 0.118830155093,
604 -0.290573412107,
605 -0.232220701345,
606 0.118207101753,
607 -0.0221629196894,
608 -0.185072823068,
609 0.0182217569681,
610 0.0252520373904,
611 -0.00831859585832,
612 -0.364440606696,
613 0.168545305888,
614 -0.0255809432735,
615 0.102546226539,
616 -0.107154013475,
617 0.451050068349,
618 -0.110280327757,
619 0.0464984161357,
620 -0.0540900287065,
621 0.287965489293,
622 -0.0844827518471,
623 -0.102190074804,
624 -0.0748773856947,
625 0.17213920952,
626 -0.0667901382994,
627 0.116777659542,
628 0.0494702308271,
629 1 },
630 };
632 rho = Matrix(31, 31);
633 for (Size i = 0; i < 31; ++i) {
634 for (Size j = 0; j < 31; ++j) {
635 rho[mapping[i]][mapping[j]] = cTmp[i][j];
636 }
637 }
639 // =========================================
640 // IR components
641 // =========================================
643 Period irTen[] = { 3 * Months, 6 * Months, 1 * Years, 4 * Years, 6 * Years, 8 * Years,
644 10 * Years, 12 * Years, 14 * Years, 16 * Years, 24 * Years, 28 * Years,
645 30 * Years, 35 * Years, 40 * Years, 45 * Years, 50 * Years };
647 Array irTimes(LENGTH(irTen));
648 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
649 irTimes[i] = ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(refDate, TARGET().advance(refDate, irTen[i]));
650 }
651 // for parametrization set up (without last time)
652 Array irTimes2(irTimes.begin(), irTimes.end() - 1);
654 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<IrLgm1fParametrization> tmpIr;
656 // dummy yts (we check covariances here for which the yts does not
657 // matter)
658 Handle<YieldTermStructure> yts(
659 QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FlatForward>(refDate, 0.02, ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA)));
661 Array alpha(LENGTH(irTen)), lambda(LENGTH(irTen));
663 // IR #1 EUR
664 Real H_EUR[] = { 0.24842958, 0.49885636, 0.99512038, 3.9210561, 5.8235466, 7.6883654,
665 9.5162582, 11.307956, 13.064176, 14.785621, 21.337214, 24.421626,
666 25.918178, 29.531191, 32.967995, 36.237252, 39.346934 };
667 Real zeta_EUR[] = { 9.0701982e-06, 1.0608339e-05, 1.1620875e-05, 0.00015177493, 0.00031122807, 0.00046892033,
668 0.00061743761, 0.00075125711, 0.00089906517, 0.001101485, 0.0016151376, 0.0018395256,
669 0.0020329435, 0.0026210991, 0.0032963998, 0.004125193, 0.0045825323 };
670 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
671 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_EUR[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_EUR[i - 1])) /
672 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
673 lambda[i] =
674 std::sqrt((H_EUR[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : H_EUR[i - 1])) / (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
675 }
676 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(EURCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
677 lambda);
678 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
680 // IR #2 GBP (H is shared between all currencies)
681 Real zeta_GBP[] = { 5.3989367e-06, 9.8331458e-06, 4.6388054e-05, 0.00040863507, 0.00062437912, 0.00076368123,
682 0.00083880053, 0.00097274237, 0.0011247902, 0.0011807996, 0.0016212442, 0.0016897153,
683 0.0019250142, 0.0023629707, 0.0028444473, 0.0033775638, 0.0035846398 };
684 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
685 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_GBP[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_GBP[i - 1])) /
686 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
687 }
688 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(GBPCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
689 lambda);
690 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
692 // IR #3 USD
693 Real zeta_USD[] = { 2.0116489e-06, 9.869679e-06, 3.8294263e-05, 0.00035235619, 0.00056544819, 0.00071428218,
694 0.00086773977, 0.00096413044, 0.0010223302, 0.0011499527, 0.0015443309, 0.0017400941,
695 0.0019520896, 0.0024675239, 0.0030556253, 0.0037297585, 0.0040647036 };
696 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
697 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_USD[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_USD[i - 1])) /
698 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
699 }
700 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(USDCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
701 lambda);
702 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
704 // IR #4 JPY
705 Real zeta_JPY[] = { 2.3553293e-07, 4.7232546e-07, 1.6760723e-06, 2.7562061e-05, 7.5069821e-05, 0.00016052372,
706 0.00032273232, 0.00070327448, 0.00082690882, 0.0014144869, 0.0019465284, 0.0019707646,
707 0.00219778, 0.0026321698, 0.0030966507, 0.0035997538, 0.0037455693 };
708 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
709 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_JPY[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_JPY[i - 1])) /
710 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
711 }
712 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(JPYCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
713 lambda);
714 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
716 // IR #5 AUD
717 Real zeta_AUD[] = { 7.7367295e-06, 1.3455117e-05, 3.6148337e-05, 0.00035739546, 0.0006449375, 0.0010106854,
718 0.0014263234, 0.001839049, 0.0021976553, 0.0027602048, 0.0038615771, 0.0038724338,
719 0.0043593179, 0.0054144983, 0.0065917297, 0.0079097947, 0.0086340945 };
720 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
721 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_AUD[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_AUD[i - 1])) /
722 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
723 }
724 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(AUDCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
725 lambda);
726 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
728 // IR #6 CAD
729 Real zeta_CAD[] = { 7.1764671e-06, 1.199943e-05, 3.0336942e-05, 0.00023188566, 0.00038850625, 0.00050854554,
730 0.0005611467, 0.00071498642, 0.0008629815, 0.00087117906, 0.0010263932, 0.0011534502,
731 0.0013161557, 0.0016666467, 0.0020675357, 0.0025277164, 0.00275934 };
732 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
733 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_CAD[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_CAD[i - 1])) /
734 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
735 }
736 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(CADCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
737 lambda);
738 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
740 // IR #7 CHF
741 Real zeta_CHF[] = { 2.0285111e-06, 1.1611047e-05, 1.4434095e-05, 4.6520687e-05, 0.00031520268, 0.00067093245,
742 0.00078748667, 0.0010554702, 0.0011654964, 0.0014978801, 0.0018047495, 0.0018047762,
743 0.0019504756, 0.0022601499, 0.0025871501, 0.0029619175, 0.0031895455 };
744 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
745 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_CHF[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_CHF[i - 1])) /
746 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
747 }
748 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(CHFCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
749 lambda);
750 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
752 // IR #8 DKK
753 Real zeta_DKK[] = { 3.95942e-06, 1.6524019e-05, 2.7177507e-05, 0.00029766543, 0.00065437464, 0.001221066,
754 0.0017487336, 0.0021895397, 0.0025464983, 0.0027541051, 0.0027541403, 0.0028892292,
755 0.0031707705, 0.0037313519, 0.0043215627, 0.0049612987, 0.0052460193 };
756 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
757 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_DKK[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_DKK[i - 1])) /
758 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
759 }
760 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(DKKCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
761 lambda);
762 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
764 // IR #9 NOK
765 Real zeta_NOK[] = { 2.1747207e-05, 4.2144995e-05, 4.2145974e-05, 0.00036357391, 0.00054458124, 0.00074627758,
766 0.00081604641, 0.00092208188, 0.0011002273, 0.0012189063, 0.0018979681, 0.0019753582,
767 0.0022190637, 0.0027605153, 0.0033563053, 0.0040315714, 0.0044332994 };
768 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
769 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_NOK[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_NOK[i - 1])) /
770 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
771 }
772 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(NOKCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
773 lambda);
774 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
776 // IR #10 PLN
777 Real zeta_PLN[] = { 9.0701982e-06, 1.0608339e-05, 1.1620875e-05, 0.00015177493, 0.00031122807, 0.00046892033,
778 0.00061743761, 0.00075125711, 0.00089906517, 0.001101485, 0.0016151376, 0.0018395256,
779 0.0020329435, 0.0026210991, 0.0032963998, 0.004125193, 0.0045825323 };
780 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
781 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_PLN[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_PLN[i - 1])) /
782 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
783 }
784 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(PLNCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
785 lambda);
786 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
788 // IR #11 SEK
789 Real zeta_SEK[] = { 6.330515e-06, 7.5521582e-06, 9.9440922e-06, 0.00032860183, 0.0005331322, 0.00071660054,
790 0.00086542894, 0.0011098021, 0.0013293011, 0.0017246094, 0.0027609916, 0.0027611132,
791 0.0030808796, 0.0038392582, 0.0046789792, 0.005628121, 0.0063423051 };
792 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
793 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_SEK[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_SEK[i - 1])) /
794 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
795 }
796 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(SEKCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
797 lambda);
798 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
800 // IR #12 SGD
801 Real zeta_SGD[] = { 9.0701982e-06, 1.0608339e-05, 1.1620875e-05, 0.00015177493, 0.00031122807, 0.00046892033,
802 0.00061743761, 0.00075125711, 0.00089906517, 0.001101485, 0.0016151376, 0.0018395256,
803 0.0020329435, 0.0026210991, 0.0032963998, 0.004125193, 0.0045825323 };
804 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
805 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_SGD[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_SGD[i - 1])) /
806 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
807 }
808 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(SGDCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
809 lambda);
810 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
812 // IR #13 INR
813 Real zeta_INR[] = { 9.0701982e-06, 1.0608339e-05, 1.1620875e-05, 0.00015177493, 0.00031122807, 0.00046892033,
814 0.00061743761, 0.00075125711, 0.00089906517, 0.001101485, 0.0016151376, 0.0018395256,
815 0.0020329435, 0.0026210991, 0.0032963998, 0.004125193, 0.0045825323 };
816 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(irTen); ++i) {
817 alpha[i] = std::sqrt((zeta_INR[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : zeta_INR[i - 1])) /
818 (irTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : irTimes[i - 1])));
819 }
820 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(INRCurrency(), yts, irTimes2, alpha, irTimes2,
821 lambda);
822 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
824 // =========================================
825 // Inflation RR (as IR component here)
826 // =========================================
828 Period inflTen[] = { 1 * Years, 2 * Years, 3 * Years, 5 * Years, 7 * Years,
829 12 * Years, 15 * Years, 20 * Years, 30 * Years };
831 Array inflTimes(LENGTH(inflTen));
832 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(inflTen); ++i) {
833 inflTimes[i] = ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(refDate, TARGET().advance(refDate, inflTen[i]));
834 }
835 // for parametrization set up (without last time)
836 Array inflTimes2(inflTimes.begin(), inflTimes.end() - 1);
837 Array alphaInfl(LENGTH(inflTen)), lambdaInfl(LENGTH(inflTen));
839 // IR #14 BGL = RR INFL EUR
841 Real H_BGL[] = { 0.473128, 1.068300, 1.555252, 2.527081, 3.611487, 6.076270, 7.369295, 9.429210, 13.319564 };
842 Real alpha_BGL[] = { 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 };
843 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(inflTen); ++i) {
844 lambdaInfl[i] = std::sqrt((H_BGL[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : H_BGL[i - 1])) /
845 (inflTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : inflTimes[i - 1])));
846 alphaInfl[i] = alpha_BGL[i];
847 }
848 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(BGLCurrency(), yts, inflTimes2, alphaInfl,
849 inflTimes2, lambdaInfl);
850 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
852 // IR #16 BYR = RR INFL UK
854 Real H_BYR[] = { 1.062214, 2.161263, 3.073939, 4.861583, 6.515747, 10.324476, 12.390876, 15.568734, 21.145007 };
855 Real alpha_BYR[] = { 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 };
856 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(inflTen); ++i) {
857 lambdaInfl[i] = std::sqrt((H_BYR[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : H_BYR[i - 1])) /
858 (inflTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : inflTimes[i - 1])));
859 alphaInfl[i] = alpha_BYR[i];
860 }
861 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(BYRCurrency(), yts, inflTimes2, alphaInfl,
862 inflTimes2, lambdaInfl);
863 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
865 // IR #17 BYR = RR INFL FR
867 Real H_CZK[] = { 1.024666, 1.290138, 1.655453, 2.250962, 2.843277, 3.684875, 3.842543, 4.000118, 4.000213 };
868 Real alpha_CZK[] = { 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 };
869 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(inflTen); ++i) {
870 lambdaInfl[i] = std::sqrt((H_CZK[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : H_CZK[i - 1])) /
871 (inflTimes[i] - (i == 0 ? 0.0 : inflTimes[i - 1])));
872 alphaInfl[i] = alpha_CZK[i];
873 }
874 tmpIr = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<IrLgm1fPiecewiseLinearParametrization>(CZKCurrency(), yts, inflTimes2, alphaInfl,
875 inflTimes2, lambdaInfl);
876 parametrizations.push_back(tmpIr);
878 // =========================================
879 // FX components
880 // =========================================
882 Period fxTen[] = { 3 * Months, 6 * Months, 9 * Months, 12 * Months,
883 15 * Months, 18 * Months, 2 * Years, 3 * Years };
885 Array fxTimes(LENGTH(fxTen));
886 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
887 fxTimes[i] = ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(refDate, TARGET().advance(refDate, fxTen[i]));
888 }
889 // for parametrization set up (without last time)
890 Array fxTimes2(fxTimes.begin(), fxTimes.end() - 1);
892 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<FxBsParametrization> tmpFx;
893 Array sigma(LENGTH(fxTen));
895 Handle<Quote> dummyFxSpot(QuantLib::ext::make_shared<SimpleQuote>(1.0));
897 // FX #1 GBP
899 Real sigma_GBP[] = { 0.080781, 0.088930, 0.098602, 0.105432, 0.100682, 0.100443, 0.100033, 0.103945 };
900 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
901 sigma[i] = sigma_GBP[i];
902 }
903 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(GBPCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
904 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
906 // FX #2 USD
908 Real sigma_USD[] = { 0.100489, 0.100483, 0.101916, 0.100875, 0.099272, 0.099088, 0.098720, 0.105264 };
909 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
910 sigma[i] = sigma_USD[i];
911 }
912 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(USDCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
913 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
915 // FX #3 JPY
917 Real sigma_JPY[] = { 0.088486, 0.100977, 0.109587, 0.112013, 0.115858, 0.115846, 0.115711, 0.122524 };
918 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
919 sigma[i] = sigma_JPY[i];
920 }
921 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(JPYCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
922 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
924 // FX #4 AUD
926 Real sigma_AUD[] = { 0.125030, 0.123755, 0.123786, 0.122953, 0.123691, 0.123537, 0.123154, 0.121826 };
927 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
928 sigma[i] = sigma_AUD[i];
929 }
930 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(AUDCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
931 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
933 // FX #5 CAD
935 Real sigma_CAD[] = { 0.113583, 0.109568, 0.108982, 0.109527, 0.110234, 0.110095, 0.109754, 0.108610 };
936 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
937 sigma[i] = sigma_CAD[i];
938 }
939 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(CADCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
940 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
942 // FX #6 CHF
944 Real sigma_CHF[] = { 0.066449, 0.074224, 0.080625, 0.083341, 0.092719, 0.092715, 0.092488, 0.108220 };
945 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
946 sigma[i] = sigma_CHF[i];
947 }
948 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(CHFCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
949 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
951 // FX #7 DKK
953 Real sigma_DKK[] = { 0.012913, 0.013110, 0.012621, 0.015782, 0.024053, 0.023408, 0.021574, 0.000000 };
954 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
955 sigma[i] = sigma_DKK[i];
956 }
957 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(DKKCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
958 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
960 // FX #8 NOK
962 Real sigma_NOK[] = { 0.099987, 0.099916, 0.099795, 0.099668, 0.099532, 0.099321, 0.098811, 0.097166 };
963 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
964 sigma[i] = sigma_NOK[i];
965 }
966 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(NOKCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
967 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
969 // FX #9 PLN
971 Real sigma_PLN[] = { 0.065094, 0.069539, 0.072197, 0.073313, 0.069963, 0.069777, 0.069391, 0.068027 };
972 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
973 sigma[i] = sigma_PLN[i];
974 }
976 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(PLNCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
977 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
979 // FX #10 SEK
981 Real sigma_SEK[] = { 0.068977, 0.078492, 0.082604, 0.085282, 0.084029, 0.083851, 0.083398, 0.082871 };
982 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
983 sigma[i] = sigma_SEK[i];
984 }
986 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(SEKCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
987 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
989 // FX #11 SGD
991 Real sigma_SGD[] = { 0.149995, 0.149970, 0.149935, 0.149903, 0.149861, 0.149791, 0.149611, 0.148984 };
992 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
993 sigma[i] = sigma_SGD[i];
994 }
996 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(SGDCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
997 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
999 // FX #12 INR
1001 Real sigma_INR[] = { 0.100486, 0.100462, 0.101885, 0.100864, 0.099298, 0.099177, 0.098906, 0.105704 };
1002 for (Size i = 0; i < LENGTH(fxTen); ++i) {
1003 sigma[i] = sigma_INR[i];
1004 }
1006 tmpFx = QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(INRCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, fxTimes2, sigma);
1007 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
1009 // FX #13, 14, 15 Inflation CPI EUR, UK, FR
1011 Array notimes(0);
1012 Array sigma_CPI(1, 0.0075);
1014 tmpFx =
1015 QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(BGLCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, notimes, sigma_CPI);
1016 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
1017 tmpFx =
1018 QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(BYRCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, notimes, sigma_CPI);
1019 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
1020 tmpFx =
1021 QuantLib::ext::make_shared<FxBsPiecewiseConstantParametrization>(CZKCurrency(), dummyFxSpot, notimes, sigma_CPI);
1022 parametrizations.push_back(tmpFx);
1024 // =========================================
1025 // CrossAsset model
1026 // =========================================
1028 xmodelExact =
1029 QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CrossAssetModel>(parametrizations, rho, SalvagingAlgorithm::None, IrModel::Measure::LGM,
1030 CrossAssetModel::Discretization::Exact);
1031 xmodelEuler =
1032 QuantLib::ext::make_shared<CrossAssetModel>(parametrizations, rho, SalvagingAlgorithm::None, IrModel::Measure::LGM,
1033 CrossAssetModel::Discretization::Euler);
1034 }
1036 SavedSettings backup;
1037 Date refDate;
1038 Size mapping[31], invMapping[31];
1039 Real c[31][31];
1040 Matrix rho;
1041 Handle<YieldTermStructure> yts;
1042 std::vector<QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<Parametrization> > parametrizations;
1043 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<CrossAssetModel> xmodelExact, xmodelEuler;
1046} // namespace
1048BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(QuantExtTestSuite, qle::test::TopLevelFixture)
1052BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testLgm31fPositiveCovariance) {
1054 BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Testing for positive semidefinite covariance matrices "
1055 "in Ccy LGM 31F model...");
1057 Lgm31fTestData d;
1059 // check eigenvalues of rho (this check is done in the model constructor
1060 // as well, we cross check this here)
1062 SymmetricSchurDecomposition ssd(d.rho);
1063 for (Size i = 0; i < ssd.eigenvalues().size(); ++i) {
1064 if (ssd.eigenvalues()[i] < 0.0) {
1065 BOOST_ERROR("negative eigenvalue in input matrix (#" << i << ", " << ssd.eigenvalues()[i]);
1066 }
1067 }
1069 // =========================================
1070 // time grid for RFE
1071 // =========================================
1073 std::vector<Time> simTimes_;
1074 simTimes_.push_back(0.0);
1075 for (Size i = 1; i <= 118; ++i) {
1076 Date tmp = TARGET().advance(d.refDate, i * Months);
1077 simTimes_.push_back(ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(d.refDate, tmp));
1078 }
1079 for (Size i = 1; i <= 40; ++i) {
1080 Date tmp = TARGET().advance(d.refDate, (117 + 3 * i) * Months);
1081 simTimes_.push_back(ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(d.refDate, tmp));
1082 }
1083 for (Size i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
1084 Date tmp = TARGET().advance(d.refDate, (19 + i) * Years);
1085 simTimes_.push_back(ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(d.refDate, tmp));
1086 }
1087 for (Size i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
1088 Date tmp = TARGET().advance(d.refDate, (50 + i * 5) * Years);
1089 simTimes_.push_back(ActualActual(ActualActual::ISDA).yearFraction(d.refDate, tmp));
1090 }
1092 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess> p_exact = d.xmodelExact->stateProcess();
1093 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess> p_euler = d.xmodelEuler->stateProcess();
1095 // check that covariance matrices are positive semidefinite
1097 Array x0 = p_exact->initialValues();
1098 for (Size i = 1; i < simTimes_.size(); ++i) {
1099 // x0 does not matter, since covariance does not depend on it
1100 Matrix cov = p_exact->covariance(simTimes_[i - 1], x0, simTimes_[i] - simTimes_[i - 1]);
1101 SymmetricSchurDecomposition ssd(cov);
1102 for (Size j = 0; j < ssd.eigenvalues().size(); ++j) {
1103 if (ssd.eigenvalues()[j] < 0.0) {
1104 BOOST_ERROR("negative eigenvalue at " << j << " in covariance matrix at t=" << simTimes_[i] << " ("
1105 << ssd.eigenvalues()[j] << ")");
1106 }
1107 }
1108 }
1110 // check positive semidefiniteness for one super-large step
1111 Matrix cov = p_exact->covariance(0.0, x0, simTimes_.back());
1112 SymmetricSchurDecomposition ssd2(cov);
1113 for (Size i = 0; i < ssd2.eigenvalues().size(); ++i) {
1114 if (ssd2.eigenvalues()[i] < 0.0) {
1115 BOOST_ERROR("negative eigenvalue at " << i << " in covariance matrix at t=0.0 for dt=100.0"
1116 << " (" << ssd2.eigenvalues()[i] << ")");
1117 }
1118 }
1120} // testLgm31fPositiveCovariance
1122BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testLgm31fMoments) {
1124 BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Check analytical moments against Euler simulation in "
1125 "Ccy LGM 31F model...");
1127 Lgm31fTestData d;
1129 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess> p_exact = d.xmodelExact->stateProcess();
1130 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess> p_euler = d.xmodelEuler->stateProcess();
1132 Array x0 = p_exact->initialValues();
1134 // check the expectation and covariance over 0...T against euler
1135 Real T = 2.0;
1136 Size steps = static_cast<Size>(T * 10.0);
1137 Size paths = 25000;
1138 Size seed = 42;
1139 TimeGrid grid(T, steps);
1141 Array e_an = p_exact->expectation(0.0, x0, T);
1142 Matrix v_an = p_exact->covariance(0.0, x0, T);
1144 const Size dim = 31;
1146 if (auto tmp = QuantLib::ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<CrossAssetStateProcess>(p_euler)) {
1147 tmp->resetCache(grid.size() - 1 - 1);
1148 }
1149 MultiPathGeneratorSobolBrownianBridge pgen(p_euler, grid, SobolBrownianGenerator::Steps, seed);
1151 accumulator_set<double, stats<tag::mean, tag::error_of<tag::mean> > > e_eu[dim];
1152 accumulator_set<double, stats<tag::covariance<double, tag::covariate1> > > v_eu[dim][dim];
1154 for (Size i = 0; i < paths; ++i) {
1155 Sample<MultiPath> path = pgen.next();
1156 for (Size ii = 0; ii < dim; ++ii) {
1157 Real cii = path.value[ii].back();
1158 e_eu[ii](cii);
1159 for (Size jj = 0; jj <= ii; ++jj) {
1160 Real cjj = path.value[jj].back();
1161 v_eu[ii][jj](cii, covariate1 = cjj);
1162 }
1163 }
1164 }
1166 Real tol1 = 2.0E-4; // ir
1167 Real tol2 = 15.0E-4; // fx
1168 Real tol3 = 2.0E-4; // ir-ir
1169 Real tol4 = 2.0E-4; // ir-fx
1170 Real tol5 = 15.0E-4; // fx-fx
1172 // error checks and output is in new indexes !
1173 Real tol;
1174 // the test cases involving the CPI indices are broken
1175 // this is because of extreme values for H, which seem
1176 // to cause problems in the Euler discretization
1177 for (Size i = 0; i < 28 /*dim*/; ++i) {
1178 if (i < 16) {
1179 tol = tol1;
1180 } else {
1181 tol = tol2;
1182 }
1183 if (std::fabs(mean(e_eu[i]) - e_an[i]) > tol) {
1184 BOOST_ERROR("analytical expectation at " << i << " (" << e_an[i]
1185 << ") is inconsistent with numerical value (Euler "
1186 "discretization, "
1187 << mean(e_eu[i]) << ") error is " << e_an[i] - mean(e_eu[i])
1188 << " tolerance is " << tol);
1189 }
1190 for (Size j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
1191 if (i < 16) {
1192 tol = tol3;
1193 } else {
1194 if (j < 16) {
1195 tol = tol4;
1196 } else {
1197 tol = tol5;
1198 }
1199 }
1200 if (std::fabs(boost::accumulators::covariance(v_eu[i][j]) - v_an[i][j]) > tol) {
1201 BOOST_ERROR("analytical covariance at ("
1202 << i << "," << j << ") (" << v_an[i][j]
1203 << ") is inconsistent with numerical "
1204 "value (Euler discretization, "
1205 << boost::accumulators::covariance(v_eu[i][j]) << "), error is "
1206 << v_an[i][j] - boost::accumulators::covariance(v_eu[i][j]) << " tolerance is " << tol);
1207 }
1208 }
1209 }
1211 // debug output
1212 // std::clog << "EXACT and error expectation" << std::endl;
1213 // for (Size ii = 0; ii < dim; ++ii) {
1214 // std::clog << "#" << ii << " " << e_an[mapping[ii]] << " "
1215 // << mean(e_eu[mapping[ii]]) << " "
1216 // << mean(e_eu[mapping[ii]]) - e_an[mapping[ii]] << " +- "
1217 // << error_of<tag::mean>(e_eu[mapping[ii]]) << " => mult "
1218 // << (mean(e_eu[mapping[ii]]) - e_an[mapping[ii]]) /
1219 // error_of<tag::mean>(e_eu[mapping[ii]])
1220 // << std::endl;
1221 // }
1223 // std::clog << "EXACT covariance" << std::endl;
1224 // for (Size ii = 0; ii < dim; ++ii) {
1225 // std::clog << "| ";
1226 // for (Size jj = 0; jj < ii; ++jj) {
1227 // std::clog << v_an[mapping[ii]][mapping[jj]] << " ";
1228 // }
1229 // std::clog << " |" << std::endl;
1230 // }
1231 // std::clog << std::endl;
1233 // std::clog << "EULER covariance error" << std::endl;
1234 // for (Size ii = 0; ii < dim; ++ii) {
1235 // std::clog << "| ";
1236 // for (Size jj = 0; jj <= ii; ++jj) {
1237 // std::clog << covariance(v_eu[mapping[ii]][mapping[jj]]) -
1238 // v_an[mapping[ii]][mapping[jj]]
1239 // << " ";
1240 // }
1241 // std::clog << " |" << std::endl;
1242 // }
1243 // std::clog << std::endl;
1244 // end debug output
1246} // testLgm31fMoments
1248BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testLgm31fMartingaleProperty) {
1250 BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Check martingale property in Ccy LGM 31F model...");
1252 Lgm31fTestData d;
1254 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess> p_exact = d.xmodelExact->stateProcess();
1255 QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess> p_euler = d.xmodelEuler->stateProcess();
1257 Real T = 2.0;
1258 Size steps = static_cast<Size>(T * 10.0);
1259 Size paths = 25000;
1260 Size seed = 42;
1261 TimeGrid grid(T, steps);
1263 const Size dim = 31, nIr = 13 + 3;
1265 if (auto tmp = QuantLib::ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<CrossAssetStateProcess>(p_euler)) {
1266 tmp->resetCache(grid.size() - 1);
1267 }
1268 if (auto tmp = QuantLib::ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<CrossAssetStateProcess>(p_exact)) {
1269 tmp->resetCache(grid.size() - 1);
1270 }
1271 MultiPathGeneratorSobolBrownianBridge pgen(p_euler, grid, SobolBrownianGenerator::Steps, seed);
1272 MultiPathGeneratorSobolBrownianBridge pgen2(p_exact, grid, SobolBrownianGenerator::Steps, seed);
1274 accumulator_set<double, stats<tag::mean, tag::error_of<tag::mean> > > e_eu2[dim];
1276 for (Size i = 0; i < paths; ++i) {
1277 Sample<MultiPath> path = pgen.next();
1278 for (Size ii = 0; ii < nIr; ++ii) {
1279 if (ii == 0) {
1280 // domestic currency
1281 e_eu2[ii](1.0 / d.xmodelExact->numeraire(0, T, path.value[0].back()));
1282 } else {
1283 // foreign currencies
1284 e_eu2[ii](std::exp(path.value[nIr + (ii - 1)].back()) /
1285 d.xmodelExact->numeraire(0, T, path.value[0].back()));
1286 }
1287 }
1288 }
1290 // as before we have to exclude the inflation indices
1291 Real tol = 0.5E-4;
1292 for (Size ii = 0; ii < nIr - 3; ++ii) {
1293 if (std::fabs(-std::log(mean(e_eu2[ii])) / T + std::log(d.yts->discount(T)) / T) > tol) {
1294 BOOST_ERROR("failed to verify martingale property for ccy "
1295 << ii << ", equivalent simulated zero yield is " << -std::log(mean(e_eu2[ii])) / T
1296 << " while theoretical value is " << -std::log(d.yts->discount(T)) / T << " difference is "
1297 << -std::log(mean(e_eu2[ii])) / T + std::log(d.yts->discount(T)) / T << ", tolerance is "
1298 << tol);
1299 }
1300 }
1302} // testLgm13fMartingaleProperty
analytic cc lgm fx option engine
analytic dk cpi cap floor engine
analytic lgm cds option engine
analytic engine for european swaptions in the LGM model
analytic cross-asset lgm eq option engine
Black credit default swap option engine.
cds option calibration helper
const Sample< MultiPath > & next() const override
Instantiation using SobolBrownianGenerator from models/marketmodels/browniangenerators.
CPI Cap Floor calibration helper.
Credit Linear Gaussian Markov 1 factor parametrization.
analytics for the cross asset model
basic functions for analytics in the cross asset model
cross asset model
dynamic black volatility term structure
dynamic black volatility term structure
Cross currency swap engine.
deposit engine
Engine to value a commodity forward contract.
discounting currency swap engine
Engine to value an Equity Forward contract.
Engine to value an FX Forward off two yield curves.
Swap engine employing assumptions to speed up calculation.
year on year inflation term structure implied by a Dodgson Kainth (DK) model
zero inflation term structure implied by a Dodgson Kainth (DK) model
Constant equity model parametrization.
EQ Black Scholes parametrization.
piecewise constant model parametrization
Constant FX model parametrization.
FX Black Scholes parametrization.
piecewise constant model parametrization
calibration helper for Black-Scholes options
adaptor class that extracts one irlgm1f component
Inflation Dodgson Kainth parametrization.
constant model parametrization
Interest Rate Linear Gaussian Markov 1 factor parametrization.
adaptor to emulate piecewise constant Hull White parameters
piecewise constant model parametrization
piecewise linear model parametrization
lgm model class
default probability structure implied by a LGM model
yield term structure implied by a LGM model
calibrated model class with linkable parameters
base class for multi path generators
Overnight Indexed Cross Currency Basis Swap Engine.
base class for model parametrizations
Single payment discounting engine.
helper classes for piecewise constant parametrizations
parameter giving access to calibration machinery
std::vector< Size > steps
Fixture that can be used at top level.
helper macros and methods for tests
#define LENGTH(a)
Definition: utilities.hpp:27