Fully annotated reference manual - version 1.8.12
No Matches
math Directory Reference


file  basiccpuenvironment.cpp [code]
file  basiccpuenvironment.hpp [code]
 basic compute env implementation using the cpu
file  blockmatrixinverse.cpp [code]
file  blockmatrixinverse.hpp [code]
 inverse of a matrix using a block formula
file  bucketeddistribution.cpp [code]
 Deals with a bucketed distribution.
file  bucketeddistribution.hpp [code]
 Deals with a bucketed distribution.
file  compiledformula.cpp [code]
file  compiledformula.hpp [code]
 compiled formula
file  computeenvironment.cpp [code]
file  computeenvironment.hpp [code]
 interface to compute envs
file  constantinterpolation.hpp [code]
 flat interpolation decorator
file  covariancesalvage.hpp [code]
 methods to make a symmetric matrix positive semidefinite
file  deltagammavar.cpp [code]
file  deltagammavar.hpp [code]
 functions to compute delta or delta-gamma VaR numbers
file  differentialevolution_mt.cpp [code]
file  differentialevolution_mt.hpp [code]
 Multithreaded version of QL class.
file  discretedistribution.cpp [code]
file  discretedistribution.hpp [code]
 Discretized probability density and cumulative probability.
file  fillemptymatrix.cpp [code]
file  fillemptymatrix.hpp [code]
 functions to fill a "not-completely-populated" matrix.
file  flatextrapolation.hpp [code]
 flat interpolation decorator
file  flatextrapolation2d.hpp [code]
file  kendallrankcorrelation.hpp [code]
 Kendall's rank correlation coefficient computation.
file  logquadraticinterpolation.hpp [code]
 log-quadratic interpolation between discrete points
file  matrixfunctions.cpp [code]
file  matrixfunctions.hpp [code]
 matrix functions
file  method_mt.hpp [code]
 Abstract multithreaded optimization method class.
file  nadarayawatson.hpp [code]
 Nadaraya-Watson regression.
file  openclenvironment.cpp [code]
file  openclenvironment.hpp [code]
 opencl compute env implementation
file  problem_mt.hpp [code]
 Abstract optimization problem class (for multithreaded optimization methods)
file  quadraticinterpolation.hpp [code]
 quadratic interpolation between discrete points
file  randomvariable.cpp [code]
file  randomvariable.hpp [code]
file  randomvariable_io.cpp [code]
file  randomvariable_io.hpp [code]
file  randomvariable_opcodes.hpp [code]
file  randomvariable_ops.cpp [code]
file  randomvariable_ops.hpp [code]
 ops for type randomvariable
file  randomvariablelsmbasissystem.cpp [code]
file  randomvariablelsmbasissystem.hpp [code]
 ql utility class for random variables
file  stabilisedglls.hpp [code]
 Numerically stabilised general linear least squares.
file  stoplightbounds.cpp [code]
file  stoplightbounds.hpp [code]
 compute stop light bounds for overlapping and correlated PL
file  trace.hpp [code]
 trace of a quadratic matrix