Date | parseDate (const string &s) |
| Convert std::string to QuantLib::Date. More...
Real | parseReal (const string &s) |
| Convert text to Real. More...
Real | parseRealOrNull (const string &s) |
| Convert text to Real, empty string to Null<Real>() More...
bool | tryParseReal (const string &s, QuantLib::Real &result) |
| Attempt to convert text to Real. More...
Integer | parseInteger (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Integer. More...
bool | parseBool (const string &s) |
| Convert text to bool. More...
Calendar | parseCalendar (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Calendar. More...
bool | isOnePeriod (const string &s) |
| return true if s represents a period of the form [0-9][D|W|M|Y] (i.e. 1Y6M would return false) More...
Period | parsePeriod (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Period. More...
BusinessDayConvention | parseBusinessDayConvention (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention. More...
DayCounter | parseDayCounter (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::DayCounter. More...
Currency | parseCurrency (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Currency. More...
QuantExt::ConfigurableCurrency::Type | parseCurrencyType (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantExt::ConfigurableCurrency::Type (Major, Minor, Metal, Crypto) More...
Currency | parseMinorCurrency (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Currency for minor currencies e.g GBp -> GBPCurrency() More...
Currency | parseCurrencyWithMinors (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Currency. More...
pair< Currency, Currency > | parseCurrencyPair (const string &s, const string &delimiters) |
| Convert text to std::pair<QuantLib::Currency, QuantLib::Currency> More...
bool | checkCurrency (const string &code) |
| check for vaid currency code, including minors and pseudo currencies More...
bool | isPseudoCurrency (const string &code) |
| check for pseudo currency = precious metal or crypto currency */ More...
bool | isPreciousMetal (const string &code) |
| check for precious metal */ More...
bool | isCryptoCurrency (const string &code) |
| check for crypto currency */ More...
QuantLib::Real | convertMinorToMajorCurrency (const std::string &s, QuantLib::Real value) |
| Convert a value from a minor ccy to major. More...
DateGeneration::Rule | parseDateGenerationRule (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::DateGeneration::Rule. More...
Frequency | parseFrequency (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Frequency. More...
Compounding | parseCompounding (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Compounding;. More...
QuantLib::Bond::Price::Type | parseBondPriceType (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Bond::Price::Type. More...
Position::Type | parsePositionType (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Position::Type. More...
Protection::Side | parseProtectionSide (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Protection::Side. More...
Settlement::Type | parseSettlementType (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Settlement::Type. More...
Settlement::Method | parseSettlementMethod (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Settlement::Method. More...
Exercise::Type | parseExerciseType (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Exercise::Type. More...
Option::Type | parseOptionType (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Option::Type. More...
boost::variant< QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period > | parseDateOrPeriod (const string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Period or QuantLib::Date. More...
void | parseDateOrPeriod (const string &s, Date &d, Period &p, bool &isDate) |
QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType | parsePolynomType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType a) |
| Write QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType to stream. More...
SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering | parseSobolBrownianGeneratorOrdering (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering. More...
SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers | parseSobolRsgDirectionIntegers (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers. More...
Weekday | parseWeekday (const string &s) |
Month | parseMonth (const string &s) |
PaymentLag | parsePaymentLag (const string &s) |
| Convert text to PaymentLag. More...
std::vector< string > | parseListOfValues (string s, const char escape, const char delim, const char quote) |
AmortizationType | parseAmortizationType (const std::string &s) |
SequenceType | parseSequenceType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert string to sequence type. More...
QuantLib::CPI::InterpolationType | parseObservationInterpolation (const std::string &s) |
| Convert string to observation interpolation. More...
FdmSchemeDesc | parseFdmSchemeDesc (const std::string &s) |
| Convert string to fdm scheme desc. More...
AssetClass | parseAssetClass (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to ore::data::AssetClass. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, AssetClass a) |
| Write ore::data::AssetClass to stream. More...
DeltaVolQuote::AtmType | parseAtmType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::AtmType. More...
DeltaVolQuote::DeltaType | parseDeltaType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::DeltaType. More...
Extrapolation | parseExtrapolation (const string &s) |
| Parse Extrapolation from string. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Extrapolation extrap) |
| Write Extrapolation, extrap , to stream. More...
VolatilityType | parseVolatilityQuoteType (const string &s) |
CapFloor::Type | parseCapFloorType (const string &s) |
YoYInflationCapFloor::Type | parseYoYInflationCapFloorType (const string &s) |
QuantExt::CrossAssetModel::AssetType | parseCamAssetType (const string &s) |
pair< string, string > | parseBoostAny (const boost::any &anyType, Size precision) |
QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type | parseOvernightIndexFutureNettingType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type t) |
| Write QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type to stream. More...
FutureConvention::DateGenerationRule | parseFutureDateGenerationRule (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to FutureConvention::DateGeneration. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, FutureConvention::DateGenerationRule t) |
| Write QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type to stream. More...
InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll | parseInflationSwapPublicationRoll (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll. More...
QuantLib::Rounding::Type | parseRoundingType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Rounding. More...
Barrier::Type | parseBarrierType (const string &s) |
| Convert std::string to QuantLib::BarrierType. More...
DoubleBarrier::Type | parseDoubleBarrierType (const string &s) |
| Convert std::string to QuantLib::DoubleBarrierType. More...
ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll pr) |
| Write InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll to stream. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering t) |
| Write QuantLib::SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering to stream. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers t) |
| Write QuantLib::SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers to stream. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantExt::CrossAssetModel::Discretization type) |
| Enum to string used in ScenarioGeneratorData's toXML. More...
ADCP | parseAveragingDataPeriod (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod. More...
ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod cp) |
| Write CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod to stream. More...
PriceSegment::Type | parsePriceSegmentType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to PriceSegment::Type. More...
ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, PriceSegment::Type pst) |
| Write PriceSegment::Type to stream. More...
CommodityQuantityFrequency | parseCommodityQuantityFrequency (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency. More...
ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency cqf) |
| Write QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency to stream. More...
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, Rounding::Type t) |
CdsOption::StrikeType | parseCdsOptionStrikeType (const string &s) |
Average::Type | parseAverageType (const std::string &s) |
QuantExt::BondIndex::PriceQuoteMethod | parsePriceQuoteMethod (const std::string &s) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantExt::BondIndex::PriceQuoteMethod) |
| Write PriceQuoteMethod to stream. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getCorrelationTokens (const std::string &name) |
| Helper function to get the two tokens in a correlation name Index2:Index1. More...
string | fxDominance (const string &s1, const string &s2) |
| Convert FX pair to market standard dominance. More...
string | normaliseFxIndex (const std::string &indexName) |
| Convert FX index name to market standard dominance. More...
MomentType | parseMomentType (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to ore::data::MomentType. More...
CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition | parseCreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to CreditPortfolioSensitivitiyDecomposition. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition d) |
| Output operator for CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition. More...
QuantLib::Pillar::Choice | parsePillarChoice (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantLib::Pillar::Choice. More...
QuantExt::McMultiLegBaseEngine::RegressorModel | parseRegressorModel (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to QuantExt::McMultiLegBaseEngine::RegressorModel. More...
MporCashFlowMode | parseMporCashFlowMode (const std::string &s) |
| Convert text to MporCashFlowMode. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, MporCashFlowMode t) |
| Write MporCashFlowMode to stream. More...
SabrParametricVolatility::ModelVariant | parseSabrParametricVolatilityModelVariant (const std::string &s) |
| Parse SabrParametricVolatility::ModelVariant. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, SabrParametricVolatility::ModelVariant m) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, Exercise::Type type) |