DBModifs Methods
The DBModifs type exposes the following members.
Name | Summary | |
checkAndReturnRange(String) | check one param range input (name) and return the range if successful | |
createDBModif(String, String) | creates a DBModif at the current active cell or edits an existing one defined in targetDefName (after being called in defined range or from ribbon + Ctrl + Shift) | |
CVErrText(Int32) | to convert the error number to text | |
deleteRow() | marks a row in a DBMapper for deletion, used as a ExcelCommand to have a keyboard shortcut | |
executeDBModif(String, Boolean) | execute given DBModifier, used for VBA call by Application.Run | |
getDBModifDefinitions(Workbook, Boolean) | gets defined names for DBModifier (DBMapper/DBAction/DBSeqnce) invocation in the current workbook and updates Ribbon with it | |
getDBModifNameFromRange(Range) | gets DB Modification Name (DBMapper or DBAction) from theRange | |
getExecutionParam(String) | get given execution parameter or setting parameter found by fetchSetting, used for VBA call by Application.Run | |
insertRow() | inserts a row in a DBMapper, used as a ExcelCommand to have a keyboard shortcut | |
IsXLCVErr(Object) | To check for errors in passed range obj, makes use of the fact that Range.Value never passes Integer Values back except for Errors | |
openIdbConnection(Int32, String) | opens a database connection | |
resizeDBMapperRange(Range, Range) | in case there is a defined DBMapper underlying the DBListFetch/DBSetQuery target area then change the extent of it (oldRange) to the new area given in theRange | |
setExecutionParam(String, Object) | set given execution parameter, used for VBA call by Application.Run | |
TypeToDbType(Type, String, Collection) | cast .NET data type to ADO.NET DbType |