DBModifs Class

global helper functions for DBModifiers

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)


public sealed class DBModifs

The DBModifs type exposes the following members.


private constructorDBModifs()


public methodcheckAndReturnRange(String)
check one param range input (name) and return the range if successful
public methodcreateDBModif(String, String)
creates a DBModif at the current active cell or edits an existing one defined in targetDefName (after being called in defined range or from ribbon + Ctrl + Shift)
public methodCVErrText(Int32)
to convert the error number to text
public methoddeleteRow()
marks a row in a DBMapper for deletion, used as a ExcelCommand to have a keyboard shortcut
public methodexecuteDBModif(String, Boolean)
execute given DBModifier, used for VBA call by Application.Run
public methodgetDBModifDefinitions(Workbook, Boolean)
gets defined names for DBModifier (DBMapper/DBAction/DBSeqnce) invocation in the current workbook and updates Ribbon with it
public methodgetDBModifNameFromRange(Range)
gets DB Modification Name (DBMapper or DBAction) from theRange
public methodgetExecutionParam(String)
get given execution parameter or setting parameter found by fetchSetting, used for VBA call by Application.Run
public methodinsertRow()
inserts a row in a DBMapper, used as a ExcelCommand to have a keyboard shortcut
public methodIsXLCVErr(Object)
To check for errors in passed range obj, makes use of the fact that Range.Value never passes Integer Values back except for Errors
public methodopenIdbConnection(Int32, String)
opens a database connection
public methodresizeDBMapperRange(Range, Range)
in case there is a defined DBMapper underlying the DBListFetch/DBSetQuery target area then change the extent of it (oldRange) to the new area given in theRange
public methodsetExecutionParam(String, Object)
set given execution parameter, used for VBA call by Application.Run
public methodTypeToDbType(Type, String, Collection)
cast .NET data type to ADO.NET DbType


public fieldDBModifDefColl
DBModif definition collections of DBmodif types (key of top level dictionary) with values being collections of DBModifierNames (key of contained dictionaries) and DBModifiers (value of contained dictionaries))
public fieldhadError
indicates an error in execution of DBModifiers, used for commit/rollback and for non-interactive message return
public fieldidbcnn
main db connection for DB modifiers
public fieldlistSepLocal
used to work around the fact that when started by Application.Run, Formulas are sometimes returned as local
public fieldpreventChangeWhileFetching
avoid entering Application.SheetChange Event handler during listfetch/setquery
public fieldtrans
common transaction, needed for DBSequence and all other DB Modifiers