Class Library Documentation
DBAddin is an ExcelDNA based Add-in for Database interoperability:
- DB Functions for database querying
- a mapping mechanism (DBMappers) to save data to DB Tables.
- Database Actions to be executed on the Database (DBActions)
- Sequences of DBMappers and DBActions (DBSequences)
- Special configurations of DBMappers for Worksheets enabling editing of DB Tables in a CRUD manner (DBSheets)
DB Functions are an alternative to the Excel built-in MSQuery, which is integrated statically into the worksheet and has some limitations in terms of querying possibilities and flexibility of constructing parameterized queries (MS-Query allows parameterized queries only in simple queries that can be displayed graphically).
Other useful functions for easier creation of queries and working with database data are included as well.
DBAddin has three main areas and the Addin global code area, which are mapped to the following source files:
DB Functions and their config files
- Functions.vb - Contains the public callable DB functions and helper functions and a data structure for transporting information back from the calculation action procedure to the calling function
- ConfigFiles.vb - procedures used for loading config files (containing DBFunctions and general sheet content) and building the config menu
DB Modifiers
- DBModif.vb - DBModif Class: Abstraction of a DB Modification Object and descendant concrete classes DBMapper, DBAction or DBSeqnce; also contains global helper functions for DBModifiers and an abstract helper class CustomCommandBuilder for building Insert/Update/Delete Statements for DBMapper having concrete implementations in CustomSqlCommandBuilder, CustomOleDbCommandBuilder and CustomOdbcCommandBuilder.
- DBModifCreate.vb - Dialog for creating DB Modifier configurations
- EditDBModifDef.vb - Dialog used to display and edit the CustomXMLPart utilized for storing the DBModif definitions, reused to also show DBAddin settings
DBSheet definition creation and assignment
- DBSheetConfig.vb - Helper module for easier manipulation of DBSheet definition
- DBSheetCreateForm.vb - Form for defining/creating DBSheet definitions
- DBConnHelper.vb - connection helper class (Connection configuration data) used for DBSheetCreateForm.vb and AdHocSQL.vb
Addin global code
- Globals.vb - Global variables and functions for DB Addin
- MenuHandler.vb - handles all Menu related aspects (context menu for building/refreshing, "DBAddin"/"Load Config" tree menu for retrieving stored configuration files, etc.)
- AboutBox.vb - About box: used to provide information about version/buildtime and links for local help and project homepage
- AddInEvents.vb - AddIn Connection class, also handling Events from Excel (Open, Close, Activate)
- AdHocSQL.vb - Issuing adhoc SQL Commands from a dialog box
Name | Description |
DBaddin |