Globals Class
Global functions for DB Addin
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- DBaddin.Globals
Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)
public sealed class Globals
The Globals type exposes the following members.
Name | Summary | |
balancedString(String, String, String, String) | returns the minimal bracket balancing string contained in theString, opening bracket defined in openBracket, closing bracket defined in closeBracket disregarding quoted areas inside optionally given quote character/string | |
Change(String, String, String, String) | changes theString to changedString by replacing substring starting AFTER keystr and ending with separator (so "(keystr)...;" will become "(keystr)(changedString);", case insensitive !! | |
checkMultipleDBRangeNames(Range) | check if multiple (hidden, containing DBtarget or DBsource) DB Function names exist in theRange | |
convertToBool(Object) | converts a passed object (reference, value) to a boolean | |
createFunctionsInCells(Range, ref Object) | creates functions in target cells (relative to referenceCell) as defined in ItemLineDef | |
createListObject(Range) | create a ListObject one cell to the right of TargetCell and insert a dummy cmd sql definition for the list-object table (to be an external source) | |
createPivotTable(Range) | create a pivot table object one cell below TargetCell and insert a dummy cmd sql definition for the pivot-cache external query | |
existsName(String) | helper function for check whether name exists in active workbook | |
existsNameInSheet(ref String, Worksheet) | checks whether theName exists as a name in Worksheet theWs | |
existsNameInWb(ref String, Workbook) | checks whether theName exists as a name in Workbook theWb | |
existsSheet(ref String, Workbook) | checks whether worksheet called theName exists in workbook theWb | |
fetchSubstr(String, String, String, Boolean) | fetches substring starting after keystr and ending with separator from theString, case insensitive !! if separator is "" then fetch to end of string | |
formatDBDate(Double, Int32) | takes an OADate and formats it as a DB Compliant string, using formatting as formatting instruction | |
functionSplit(String, String, String, String, String, String) | splits theString into tokens delimited by delimiter, ignoring delimiters inside quotes and brackets | |
getCustPropertyBool(String, Workbook) | get a boolean type custom property | |
getRangeFromNameInSheet(ref String, Worksheet) | get the range from a worksheet name in the given sheet | |
getRangeFromRelative(Range, String, ref Range) | gets target range in relation to origin range | |
getUnderlyingDBNameFromRange(Range) | gets underlying DBtarget/DBsource Name from theRange | |
refreshDBFuncLater() | "OnTime" event function to "escape" current (main) thread: event procedure to re-fetch DB functions results after triggering a recalculation inside Application.WorkbookBeforeSave | |
refreshDBFunctions(Workbook, Boolean, Boolean) | recalculate fully the DB functions, if we have DBFuncs in the workbook somewhere | |
replaceDelimsWithSpecialSep(String, String, String, String, String, String) | replaces the delimiter (delimiter) inside theString with specialSep, regarding both quoted areas inside quote and bracketed areas (inside openBracket/closeBracket) | |
resolveConnstring(ref Object, ref String, Boolean) | create a final connection string from passed String or number (environment), as well as a EnvPrefix for showing the environment (or set ConnString) |