Globals Methods

The Globals type exposes the following members.


public methodbalancedString(String, String, String, String)
returns the minimal bracket balancing string contained in theString, opening bracket defined in openBracket, closing bracket defined in closeBracket disregarding quoted areas inside optionally given quote character/string
public methodChange(String, String, String, String)
changes theString to changedString by replacing substring starting AFTER keystr and ending with separator (so "(keystr)...;" will become "(keystr)(changedString);", case insensitive !!
public methodcheckMultipleDBRangeNames(Range)
check if multiple (hidden, containing DBtarget or DBsource) DB Function names exist in theRange
public methodconvertToBool(Object)
converts a passed object (reference, value) to a boolean
public methodcreateFunctionsInCells(Range, ref Object)
creates functions in target cells (relative to referenceCell) as defined in ItemLineDef
public methodcreateListObject(Range)
create a ListObject one cell to the right of TargetCell and insert a dummy cmd sql definition for the list-object table (to be an external source)
public methodcreatePivotTable(Range)
create a pivot table object one cell below TargetCell and insert a dummy cmd sql definition for the pivot-cache external query
public methodexistsName(String)
helper function for check whether name exists in active workbook
public methodexistsNameInSheet(ref String, Worksheet)
checks whether theName exists as a name in Worksheet theWs
public methodexistsNameInWb(ref String, Workbook)
checks whether theName exists as a name in Workbook theWb
public methodexistsSheet(ref String, Workbook)
checks whether worksheet called theName exists in workbook theWb
public methodfetchSubstr(String, String, String, Boolean)
fetches substring starting after keystr and ending with separator from theString, case insensitive !! if separator is "" then fetch to end of string
public methodformatDBDate(Double, Int32)
takes an OADate and formats it as a DB Compliant string, using formatting as formatting instruction
public methodfunctionSplit(String, String, String, String, String, String)
splits theString into tokens delimited by delimiter, ignoring delimiters inside quotes and brackets
public methodgetCustPropertyBool(String, Workbook)
get a boolean type custom property
public methodgetRangeFromNameInSheet(ref String, Worksheet)
get the range from a worksheet name in the given sheet
private methodgetRangeFromRelative(Range, String, ref Range)
gets target range in relation to origin range
public methodgetUnderlyingDBNameFromRange(Range)
gets underlying DBtarget/DBsource Name from theRange
public methodrefreshDBFuncLater()
"OnTime" event function to "escape" current (main) thread: event procedure to re-fetch DB functions results after triggering a recalculation inside Application.WorkbookBeforeSave
public methodrefreshDBFunctions(Workbook, Boolean, Boolean)
recalculate fully the DB functions, if we have DBFuncs in the workbook somewhere
public methodreplaceDelimsWithSpecialSep(String, String, String, String, String, String)
replaces the delimiter (delimiter) inside theString with specialSep, regarding both quoted areas inside quote and bracketed areas (inside openBracket/closeBracket)
public methodresolveConnstring(ref Object, ref String, Boolean)
create a final connection string from passed String or number (environment), as well as a EnvPrefix for showing the environment (or set ConnString)