EditDBModifDef Methods

The EditDBModifDef type exposes the following members.


private methodavailSettingsLB_SelectedIndexChanged(Object, EventArgs)
adds the selected setting to the settings (at the end)
private methodCancelBtn_Click(Object, EventArgs)
no change was made to definition
protected methodDispose(Boolean)
private methodEditBox_KeyDown(Object, KeyEventArgs)
override paste key combinations to avoid pasting rich text into edit box
private methodEditBox_SelectionChanged(Object, EventArgs)
show the current line and column for easier detection of problems in xml document
private methodEditDBModifDef_Shown(Object, EventArgs)
put the custom xml definition in the edit box for display/editing
private methodInitializeComponent()
public methodmyValidationEventHandler(Object, ValidationEventArgs)
validation handler for XML schema (user app settings and DBModif Def) checking
private methodOKBtn_Click(Object, EventArgs)
store the displayed/edited text-box content back into the custom xml definition, including validation feedback