EditDBModifDef Class

Dialog used to display and edit the CustomXMLPart utilized for storing the DBModif definitions, and the three parts of DBAddin settings (Addin level, user and central)

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)


public class EditDBModifDef : Form

The EditDBModifDef type exposes the following members.


public constructorEditDBModifDef()


private methodavailSettingsLB_SelectedIndexChanged(Object, EventArgs)
adds the selected setting to the settings (at the end)
private methodCancelBtn_Click(Object, EventArgs)
no change was made to definition
protected methodDispose(Boolean)
private methodEditBox_KeyDown(Object, KeyEventArgs)
override paste key combinations to avoid pasting rich text into edit box
private methodEditBox_SelectionChanged(Object, EventArgs)
show the current line and column for easier detection of problems in xml document
private methodEditDBModifDef_Shown(Object, EventArgs)
put the custom xml definition in the edit box for display/editing
private methodInitializeComponent()
public methodmyValidationEventHandler(Object, ValidationEventArgs)
validation handler for XML schema (user app settings and DBModif Def) checking
private methodOKBtn_Click(Object, EventArgs)
store the displayed/edited text-box content back into the custom xml definition, including validation feedback


sealed propertiesavailSettingsLB
sealed propertiesavailSettLbl
sealed propertiesCancelBtn
sealed propertiesDBFskip
sealed propertiesdoDBMOnSave
sealed propertiesEditBox
sealed propertiesOKBtn
sealed propertiesPosIndex
sealed propertiesToolTip1


private fieldcomponents
private fieldCustomXmlParts
the edited CustomXmlParts for the DBModif definitions
private fieldsettingsPath
the settings path for user or central setting (for re-saving after modification)