DBSheetConfig Class

Helper module for easier manipulation of DBSheet definition

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)


public sealed class DBSheetConfig

The DBSheetConfig type exposes the following members.


public methodcreateDBSheet(String)
create a DBSheet by creating lookups (with dblistfetch) and a dbsetquery that acts as a list-object for a CUD DBMapper. Called by clickAssignDBSheet (Ribbon) and assignDBSheet_Click (DBSheetCreateForm)
private methodfinishDBMapperCreation()
after creating lookups and setting the dbsetquery finish the list-object area with reverse lookups and drop-downs
public methodgetEntry(String, String, ref Int32)
fetches value in entryMarkup within XMLString, search starts optionally at position startSearch (default 1)
public methodgetEntryList(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
fetches entryMarkup parts contained within lists denoted by listMarkup within parentMarkup inside XMLString
public methodsetEntry(String, String)
creates markup with setting value content in entryMarkup, used in DBSheetCreateForm.xmlDbsheetConfig


private fieldaddedCells
counter to know how many cells we filled for the db-mapper query (at least 2: dbsetquery function and query string, if an additional where clause exists, add one for this where clause and then one for each parameter)
public fieldclipboardDataRow
public clipboard row for DBSheet definition rows (foreign lookup info)
public fieldcreatedListObject
the list object of the main query for the db mapper
public fieldcurCell
the current cell where the DBSheet Definition is inserted at
private fieldcurConfig
the complete db-sheet configuration (XML)
private fielddatabaseName
the database name
public fieldexistingName
if an existing DBSheet is overwritten, this is set to the existing DBModifier Name
public fieldexistingPwd
for DBSheetCreateForm, store the password once so we don't have to enter it again...
private fieldlookupsList
the lookups list of the DBSheet definition (xml element with query, name, etc.)
public fieldlookupWS
the added and hidden worksheet with lookups inside
private fieldspecialNonNullableChar
these three need to be global, so that finishDBMapperCreation also knows about them
private fieldtableName
the Database table name of the DBSheet
private fieldtblPlaceHolder
these three need to be global, so that finishDBMapperCreation also knows about them
private fieldwhereClauseStart
these three need to be global, so that finishDBMapperCreation also knows about them