DBSheetConfig Methods

The DBSheetConfig type exposes the following members.


public methodcreateDBSheet(String)
create a DBSheet by creating lookups (with dblistfetch) and a dbsetquery that acts as a list-object for a CUD DBMapper. Called by clickAssignDBSheet (Ribbon) and assignDBSheet_Click (DBSheetCreateForm)
private methodfinishDBMapperCreation()
after creating lookups and setting the dbsetquery finish the list-object area with reverse lookups and drop-downs
public methodgetEntry(String, String, ref Int32)
fetches value in entryMarkup within XMLString, search starts optionally at position startSearch (default 1)
public methodgetEntryList(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
fetches entryMarkup parts contained within lists denoted by listMarkup within parentMarkup inside XMLString
public methodsetEntry(String, String)
creates markup with setting value content in entryMarkup, used in DBSheetCreateForm.xmlDbsheetConfig