DBSheetConfig Methods
The DBSheetConfig type exposes the following members.
Name | Summary | |
createDBSheet(String) | create a DBSheet by creating lookups (with dblistfetch) and a dbsetquery that acts as a list-object for a CUD DBMapper. Called by clickAssignDBSheet (Ribbon) and assignDBSheet_Click (DBSheetCreateForm) | |
finishDBMapperCreation() | after creating lookups and setting the dbsetquery finish the list-object area with reverse lookups and drop-downs | |
getEntry(String, String, ref Int32) | fetches value in entryMarkup within XMLString, search starts optionally at position startSearch (default 1) | |
getEntryList(String, String, String, String, Boolean) | fetches entryMarkup parts contained within lists denoted by listMarkup within parentMarkup inside XMLString | |
setEntry(String, String) | creates markup with setting value content in entryMarkup, used in DBSheetCreateForm.xmlDbsheetConfig |