SettingsTools Methods

The SettingsTools type exposes the following members.


public methodcheckpurgeNames()
maintenance procedure to check/purge names used for db-functions from workbook, or unhide DB names
public methodenv(Boolean)
environment for settings (+1 of selected Environment which is the index of the dropdown, if baseZero is set then simply the index)
public methodfetchSetting(String, String)
encapsulates setting fetching (currently ConfigurationManager from DBAddin.xll.config), use only for strings. For Integer and Boolean use fetchSettingInt and fetchSettingBool
public methodfetchSettingBool(String, String)
exception proof fetching of boolean settings
public methodfetchSettingInt(String, String)
exception proof fetching of integer settings
public methodfixOrphanedDBFunctions(Workbook)
fix orphaned DB Functions by replacing function names with themselves, triggering recalculation
public methodinitSettings()
initializes global configuration variables
public methodrepairLegacyFunctions(Workbook, Boolean)
"repairs" legacy functions from old VB6-COM Addin by removing "DBAddin.Functions." before function name
public methodresetCachesForWorkbook(String)
resets the caches for given workbook
public methodsetUserSetting(String, String)
change or add a key/value pair in the user settings