MenuHandler Class

handles all Menu related aspects (context menu for building/refreshing, "DBAddin"/"Load Config" tree menu for retrieving stored configuration files, etc.)

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)


public class MenuHandler : ExcelRibbon

The MenuHandler type exposes the following members.


public constructorMenuHandler()


public methodclickAssignDBSheet(IRibbonControl)
clicked Assign DBSheet: create DB Mapper with CUD Flags
public methodclickcheckpurgetoolbutton(IRibbonControl)
check/purge name tool button, purge names used for db-functions from workbook
public methodclickCreateButton(IRibbonControl)
context menu entries in Insert/Edit DBFunc/DBModif and Assign DBSheet: create DB function or DB Modification definition
public methodclickCreateChart(IRibbonControl)
context menu entry: create Chart for underlying Pivot table
public methodclickCreateDBSheet(IRibbonControl)
ribbon menu button for DBSheet creation start
public methodclickjumpButton(IRibbonControl)
context menu entry gotoDBFunc: jumps from DB function to data area and back
public methodclickrefreshData(IRibbonControl)
context menu entry refreshData: refresh Data in db function (if area or cell selected) or all db functions
public methodclickShowLog(IRibbonControl)
show the trace log
private methodconvertFromMso(String)
converts a Mso Menu ID to a Drawing Image
private methodctMenuStrip_Click(Object, EventArgs)
private methodctMenuStrip2_Click(Object, EventArgs)
public methodDBModifClick(IRibbonControl)
DBModif button activated, do DB Mapper/DB Action/DB Sequence or define existing (CtrlKey pressed)...
public methodGetAdhocSQLItemCount(IRibbonControl)
public methodGetAdhocSQLItemLabel(IRibbonControl, Int32)
public methodGetAdhocSQLText(IRibbonControl)
public methodgetConfig(IRibbonControl)
load config if config tree menu end-button has been activated (path to config xcl file is in control.Tag)
public methodgetCPropsImage(IRibbonControl)
display warning button icon on custom properties change if DBFskip is set...
public methodGetCustomUI(String)
creates the Ribbon (only at startup). any changes to the ribbon can only be done via dynamic menus
public methodgetDBConfigMenu(IRibbonControl)
get DB Config Menu from File
public methodgetDBModifMenuContent(IRibbonControl)
create the buttons in the DBModif dropdown menu
public methodgetDBModifMenuVisible(IRibbonControl)
to show the DBModif sheet button only if it was collected...
public methodgetDBModifScreentip(IRibbonControl)
show a screen-tip for the dynamic DBMapper/DBAction/DBSequence Menus (also showing the ID behind)
public methodgetDBModifTypeLabel(IRibbonControl)
set the name of the DBModifType dropdown to the sheet name (for the WB dropdown this is the WB name)
public methodGetEnvEnabled(IRibbonControl)
whether to enable environment selection drop down
public methodGetEnvItemCount(IRibbonControl)
for environment dropdown to get the total number of the entries
public methodGetEnvItemID(IRibbonControl, Int32)
for environment dropdown to get the ID of the entries
public methodGetEnvItemLabel(IRibbonControl, Int32)
for environment dropdown to get the label of the entries
public methodGetEnvSelectedTooltip(IRibbonControl)
tool-tip for the environment select drop down
public methodgetLogsImage(IRibbonControl)
display warning icon on log button if warning has been logged...
public methodGetSelectedEnvironment(IRibbonControl)
after selection of environment (using selectEnvironment) used to return the selected environment
public methodgetSuperTipInfo(ref IRibbonControl)
used for additional information
public methodgetToggleCPropsScreentip(IRibbonControl)
display DBAddin custom properties/values in screen-tip of dialogBox launcher
public methodgetToggleDesignImage(IRibbonControl)
display state of design mode in icon of button
public methodgetToggleDesignScreentip(IRibbonControl)
display state of design mode in screen-tip of button
public methodgetTogglePreventRefreshImage(IRibbonControl)
display state of PreventRefresh in icon of button
public methodgetTogglePreventRefreshScreentip(IRibbonControl)
display state of PreventRefresh in screen-tip of button
private methodinitAdhocSQLconfig()
initialize the AdhocSQL ribbon combo-box entries
public methodOnBeginShutdown(ref Array)
used to avoid crashes when closing excel (especially with multiple users of IntelliSenseServer)
public methodOnDisconnection(ext_DisconnectMode, ref Array)
used to clean up com objects to avoid excel crashes on shutdown
public methodrefreshDBConfigTree(IRibbonControl)
on demand, refresh the DB Config tree
public methodribbonLoaded(IRibbonUI)
callback after Excel loaded the Ribbon, used to initialize data for the Ribbon
public methodselectEnvironment(IRibbonControl, String, Int32)
Choose environment (configured in settings with ConstConnString(N), ConfigStoreFolder(N))
public methodshowAbout(IRibbonControl)
dialogBoxLauncher of DBAddin settings group: activate about box
public methodshowAddinConfig(IRibbonControl)
show xll standard config (AppSetting), central config (referenced by App Settings file attr) or user config (referenced by CustomSettings configSource attr)
public methodshowCProps(IRibbonControl)
click on change props: show built-in properties dialog
public methodshowDBAdHocSQL(IRibbonControl, String)
show Ad-hoc SQL Query editor
public methodshowDBAdHocSQLDBOX(IRibbonControl)
dialogBoxLauncher of DBAddin settings group: activate ad-hoc SQL query dialog
public methodshowDBModifEdit(IRibbonControl)
show DBModif definitions edit box
public methodshowToggleDesignMode(IRibbonControl)
toggle design mode button
public methodshowTogglePreventRefresh(IRibbonControl)
toggle PreventRefresh button


private propertiesctMenuStrip
private propertiesctMenuStrip2


private fieldAdHocSQLStrings
private fieldcurCell
private fieldi
private fieldselectedAdHocSQLIndex