DBMapper Methods

The DBMapper type exposes the following members.


public methodaddHiddenFeatureDefs(CustomXMLNode)
to re-add hidden features only available in XML
public methodDBModifSaveNeeded()
checks whether DBModifier needs saving, either because execOnSave is set or in case of CUD DBMappers if any i/u/d Flags are present
public methoddoDBModif(Boolean, String, Boolean)
execute the modifications for the DB Mapper by storing the data modifications in the DBMapper range to the database
public methodextendDataRange()
extend DataRange to "whole" DBMApper area (first row (header/field names) to the right and first column (first primary key) down)
public methodhadChanges()
public methodinsertCUDMarks(Range, Boolean)
inserts CUD (Create/Update/Delete) Marks at the right end of the DBMapper range
private methodnotifyUserOfDataError(String, Int64, Int32)
notification of error for user including selection of error cell
public methodresetCUDFlags()
reset CUD FLags, either after completion of doDBModif or on request (refresh)
public methodsetDBModifCreateFields(ref DBModifCreate)
set the fields in the DB Modifier Create Dialog with attributes of object