DBModif Methods

The DBModif type exposes the following members.


public methodaddHiddenFeatureDefs(CustomXMLNode)
to re-add hidden features only available in XML
public methodconfirmExecution(Boolean)
asks user the confirmation question, in case it is required by the DB Modifier
public methodDBModifSaveNeeded()
checks whether DBModifier needs saving, usually because execOnSave is set (in case of CUD DBMappers if any i/u/d flags are present)
public methoddoDBModif(Boolean, String, Boolean)
does the actual DB Modification
protected methoddoDBRefresh(String, Dictionary<String,Boolean>, Dictionary<String,Boolean>, Boolean)
refresh a DB Function (DBListFetch, DBRowFetch and DBSetQuery) by invoking its respective DB*Action procedure (the UDFs cannot be directly invoked from VB.NET code) additionally preparing the inputs to the DB*Action procedure by extracting them from the DB Functions parameters
protected methodFinalize()
private methodgetConnString(String, Range, Boolean)
get connection string from passed function argument
protected methodgetEnv()
public accessor function: get Environment (integer) where connection id should be taken from
public methodgetName()
gets the name for this DBModifier
protected methodgetParamFromXML(CustomXMLNode, String, String)
wrapper to get the single definition element values from the DBModifier CustomXML node, also checks for multiple definition elements
private methodgetQuery(String, Range)
get DBFunction's query from passed function argument
public methodgetTargetRange()
public accessor function
public methodgetTargetRangeAddress()
public accessor function
public methodopenDatabase(String)
open a database specific connection, not available to DB Sequences
public methodsetDBModifCreateFields(ref DBModifCreate)
sets the content of the DBModif Create/Edit Dialog
public methodsetTargetRange(Range)
when resizing target ranges from functions as DBListFetch and DBSetQuery, need to notify also DBModif objects (DBMapper)