DBModifCreate Methods

The DBModifCreate type exposes the following members.


private methodCancel_Button_Click(Object, EventArgs)
ignore all done changes in dialog
private methodCreateCB_Click(Object, EventArgs)
Create Command-button Click event
private methodDBModifCreate_Shown(Object, EventArgs)
Shown Event to display Data Errors when adding DBSequence Grid elements
private methodDBSeqenceDataGrid_CellMouseDown(Object, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs)
prepare context menus to be displayed after right mouse click
private methodDBSeqenceDataGrid_DataError(Object, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs)
in case of (actually impossible) data errors in DBSequence DataGridView row entries, catch and log them here
protected methodDispose(Boolean)
private methodInitializeComponent()
private methodMoveRowDown_Click(Object, EventArgs)
move row down in DataGridView of DB Sequence
private methodMoveRowUp_Click(Object, EventArgs)
move row up in DataGridView of DB Sequence
private methodOK_Button_Click(Object, EventArgs)
check for required fields before closing
private methodparametrized_Click(Object, EventArgs)
trigger to enable/disable all parametrized settings
public methodparamRangesContextMenuHandler(Object, EventArgs)
event handler for context menu on paramRangesStr text box
private methodparamRangesStr_MouseDown(Object, MouseEventArgs)
enables the context menu on paramRangesStr text box
public methodsetDBActionParametrizedGUI()
setDBActionParametrizedGUI: actual enabling of parametrized settings (done separately to be able to set this on form startup)
private methodTargetRangeAddress_Click(Object, EventArgs)
the DBMapper and DBAction Target Range Address is displayed as a hyperlink, simulate this link here