DBSheetCreateForm Class

Form for defining/creating DBSheet definitions

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)


public class DBSheetCreateForm : Form

The DBSheetCreateForm type exposes the following members.


public constructorDBSheetCreateForm()


private methodaddAllFields_Click(Object, EventArgs)
add all fields of currently selected Table to DBSheetCols definitions
private methodassignDBSheet_Click(Object, EventArgs)
direct assignment from Create Form...
private methodciReplace(String, String, String)
replaces keystr with changed in theString, case insensitive !!
private methodclearAllFields_Click(Object, EventArgs)
clears the defined columns and resets the selection fields (Table, ForTable) and the Query
public methodcorrectNonNull(String)
corrects field names of non null-able fields prepended with specialNonNullableChar (e.g. "*") back to the real name
public methodCreateInstance()
private methodcreateQuery_Click(Object, EventArgs)
create the final DBSheet Main Query
private methodCurrentFileLinkLabel_LinkClicked(Object, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs)
current file link clicked: open file using default editor
private methodDatabase_SelectedIndexChanged(Object, EventArgs)
database changed, initialize everything else (Tables, DBSheetCols definition) from scratch
private methodDBSheetCols_CellMouseDown(Object, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs)
prepare context menus to be displayed after right mouse click
private methodDBSheetCols_CellValueChanged(Object, DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
handles the various changes in the DBSheetCols grid-view
private methodDBSheetCols_DataError(Object, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs)
ignore data errors when loading data into grid-view
private methodDBSheetCols_KeyDown(Object, KeyEventArgs)
catch key presses: Shift F10 or menu key to get the context menu, Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V for copy/pasting foreign lookup info, DEL for clearing cells
private methodDBSheetCols_MouseDown(Object, MouseEventArgs)
reset ContextMenuStrip if outside cells
private methodDBSheetCols_RowsRemoved(Object, DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs)
check for first Row/field if primary column field set
private methodDBSheetColsEditable(Boolean)
if DBSheetCols Definitions should be editable, enable relevant controls
private methodDBSheetColsForDatabases_ItemClicked(Object, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs)
connect to the selected foreign database and get the tables into the ftable cell (!), the rest of the column still has the foreign tables of the main database.
private methodDBSheetCreateForm_Shown(Object, EventArgs)
entry point of form, invoked by clicking "create/edit DBSheet definition"
private methoddisplayContextMenus()
display context menus depending on cell selected
private methodEnvironEditable(Boolean)
Environment change possible
private methodEnvironment_SelectedIndexChanged(Object, EventArgs)
set selected environment (global) to set environment, reflect in ribbon and "restart" DBSheetCreateForm to get necessary information
private methodfillDatabases()
fills all possible databases of current connection using db proprietary code in dbGetAllStr, data coming from field DBGetAllFieldName
private methodfillDatabasesAndSetDropDown()
fill the Database dropdown and set dropdown to database set in connection string
private methodfillTables()
fill all possible tables of currently selected Database
private methodfinalizeSetup()
factored out parts of setup for reuse in Environment_SelectedIndexChanged (after the environment is changed, need to reconnect and load all schema information)
private methodgetColumns()
fill all possible columns of currently selected table
private methodgetforeignTables()
fill foreign tables into list of strings (is called by and filled in DBSheetCols.CellValueChanged)
private methodgetforeignTables(String)
gets the possible foreign tables in the instance (over all databases)
private methodgetTableDataTypes()
gets the types of currently selected table including size, precision and scale into DataTypes
private methodInitializeComponent()
private methodloadDefs_Click(Object, EventArgs)
loads the DBSheet definitions from a file (xml format)
private methodmoveRow(Int32)
move row in direction given in param direction (-1: up, 1: down)
private methodMoveRowDown_Click(Object, EventArgs)
move (shift) row down
private methodMoveRowUp_Click(Object, EventArgs)
move (shift) row up
private methodPassword_Enter(Object, EventArgs)
entering Password box to remember local changed password
private methodPassword_KeyPress(Object, KeyPressEventArgs)
enter pressed in Password text-box triggering initialization
private methodPassword_Leave(Object, EventArgs)
leaving Password text-box triggering initialization
private methodQuery_TextChanged(Object, EventArgs)
block assignment possibility of DBSheet after query has been changed (needs to be saved first)
private methodquotedReplace(String, String)
replaces tblPlaceHolder with changed in theString, quote aware (keystr is not replaced within quotes) !!
private methodRegenerateAllLookupQueries_Click(Object, EventArgs)
(re)generates ALL lookup queries
private methodRegenerateThisLookupQuery_Click(Object, EventArgs)
(re)generates the lookup query for active row/cell
private methodregenLookupForRow(Int32, Boolean)
(re)generate lookup for row in rowIndex
private methodRemoveLookupQueryTest_Click(Object, EventArgs)
removes the lookup query test currently open
private methodresetDBSheetCreateForm()
reset the DBSheet Create form after 1) an error (change environment to get out) or 2) to let user enter password (Password_Leave with setPasswordAndInit afterwards)
private methodsaveDefinitionsToFile(ref Boolean)
saves the definitions currently stored in theDBSheetCreateForm to newly selected file (saveAs = True) or to the file already stored in setting "dsdPath"
private methodsaveDefs_Click(Object, EventArgs)
save definitions button
private methodsaveDefsAs_Click(Object, EventArgs)
save definitions as button
private methodsaveEnabled(ref Boolean)
toggle saveEnabled behaviour
private methodsetLinkLabel(String)
sets current definition file path hyperlink label. Displayed is only the filename, full path is stored in tag and visible in tool-tip
private methodsetPasswordAndInit()
called after new password has been entered, reset stored password and fill database dropdown
private methodTable_SelectedIndexChanged(Object, EventArgs)
selecting the Table triggers enabling the DBSheetCols definition (fills columns/fields of that table and resetting DBSheetCols definition)
private methodTableEditable(Boolean)
Table/Database/Password change possible
private methodTestLookupQuery_Click(Object, EventArgs)
test the (generated or manually edited) lookup query in currently selected row
private methodtestQuery_Click(Object, EventArgs)
test the final DBSheet Main query or remove the test query sheet/workbook
private methodtestTheQuery(String, ref Boolean)
for testing either the main query or the selected lookup query being given in theQueryText
private methodWhereClause_TextChanged(Object, EventArgs)
block assignment possibility of DBSheet after query has been changed (needs to be saved first)
private methodxmlDbsheetConfig()
creates xml DBsheet parameter string from the data entered in theDBSheetCreateForm


public propertiesaddAllFields
public propertiesclearAllFields
public propertiescreateQuery
public propertiesDatabase
public propertiesLDatabase
public propertiesLenvironment
public propertiesloadDefs
public propertiesLPwd
public propertiesLQuery
public propertiesLTable
public propertiesLWhereParamClause
public propertiesQuery
public propertiessaveDefs
public propertiessaveDefsAs
public propertiesTable
public propertiestestQuery
public propertiesWhereClause


private fieldcomponents
private fieldcurrentFilepath
the currently set file path of the DBSheet definition file
private fieldFormDisabled
whether the form fields should react to changes (set if making changes within code)....
private fieldFormLocalPwd
temporary storage for password to check if changed
private fieldlinklabelToolTip
used to display the full path of the DBSheet definition filename
private fieldmyDBConnHelper
common connection settings factored in helper class
private fieldselColIndex
store column index on key press/CellMouseDown to share with displayContextMenus
private fieldselRowIndex
store row index on key press/CellMouseDown to share with displayContextMenus, DBSheetColsForDatabases_ItemClicked, moveRow and RegenerateThisLookupQuery_Click
private fieldspecialNonNullableChar
character prepended before field name to specify non null-able fields
private fieldTableDataTypes
mapping of column names (including null-able flag before) to their types (including size and precision)
private fieldtblPlaceHolder
placeholder used in lookup queries to identify the current field's lookup table
public fieldToolTipMain
private fieldvisualControls