ConfigFiles Methods

The ConfigFiles type exposes the following members.


private methodbuildFileSepMenuCtrl(String, ref XElement, String, String, String, Int32, Int32)
parses Substrings (filenames in special Folders) contained in nameParts (recursively) of passed xcl config file-path (fullPathName) and adds them to currentBar and sub-menus (recursively)
public methodcreateConfigTreeMenu()
creates the Config tree menu by reading the menu elements from the config store folder files/sub-folders
public methodloadConfig(String)
loads config from file given in theFileName
private methodreadAllFiles(String, ref XElement, String)
reads all files contained in rootPath and its sub-folders (recursively) and adds them to the DBConfig menu (sub)structure (recursively). For folders contained in specialConfigStoreFolders, apply further structuring by splitting names on camel-case or specialConfigStoreSeparator
private methodreplaceConfigSelectInFormula(String, String)
replace query given in theQueryFormula with template query in ConfigSelect
private methodreplaceQueryInFormula(String, String, String)
replace query given in dbFunctionFormula inside targetFormula containing DB Function "theFunction"
private methodstringParts(String, String)
returns string in space separated parts (tokenize String following CamelCase switch or when given specialConfigStoreSeparator occurs)