AddInEvents Class

AddIn Connection class, also handling Events from Excel (Open, Close, Activate)

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DBaddinAssembly: DBaddin in (DBaddin.dll)


public class AddInEvents: IExcelAddIn

The AddInEvents type exposes the following members.


public constructorAddInEvents()


private methodApplication_AfterCalculate()
use Application_AfterCalculate to overcome the problem of auto-fitting formula ranges AFTER calculation (final column width is not available in dblistfetchAction procedure)
private methodApplication_SheetActivate(Object)
assign command buttons anew with each change of sheets
private methodApplication_SheetBeforeRightClick(Object, Range, ref Boolean)
Additionally to statically defined context menu in Ribbon this is needed to handle the dynamically displayed CUD DBMapper context menu entries (insert/delete)
private methodApplication_SheetChange(Object, Range)
Event Procedure needed for CUD DBMappers to capture changes/insertions and set U/D Flag
private methodApplication_WorkbookActivate(Workbook)
gets defined named ranges for DBMapper invocation in the current workbook after activation and updates Ribbon with it
private methodApplication_WorkbookBeforeClose(Workbook, ref Boolean)
Clean up after closing workbook, only set flag here, actual cleanup is only done if workbook is really closed (in WB_Deactivate event)
private methodApplication_WorkbookDeactivate(Workbook)
Actually clean up after closing workbook
private methodApplication_WorkbookOpen(Workbook)
reset query cache, refresh DB functions and repair legacy functions if existing
private methodApplication_WorkbookSave(Workbook, Boolean, ref Boolean)
saves defined DBMaps (depending on configuration), also used to remove contents of DBListfunction results (data safety/space consumption) choosing functions for removal of target data is done with custom doc-properties
public methodassignHandler(Object)
assign click handlers to command buttons in passed sheet Sh, maximum 10 buttons are supported
public methodAutoClose()
AutoClose cleans up after finishing addin
public methodAutoOpen()
connect to Excel when opening Addin
private methodcb0_Click()
private methodcb1_Click()
specific click handlers for the five definable command buttons
private methodcb2_Click()
private methodcb3_Click()
private methodcb4_Click()
private methodcb5_Click()
private methodcb6_Click()
private methodcb7_Click()
private methodcb8_Click()
private methodcb9_Click()
private methodcbClick(String)
common click handler for all command buttons
protected methodFinalize()
private methodmDeleteButton_Click(CommandBarButton, ref Boolean)
dynamic context menu item delete: delete row in CUD Style DBMappers
private methodmInsertButton_Click(CommandBarButton, ref Boolean)
dynamic context menu item insert: insert row in CUD Style DBMappers


private propertiesApplication
private propertiescb0
private propertiescb1
private propertiescb2
private propertiescb3
private propertiescb4
private propertiescb5
private propertiescb6
private propertiescb7
private propertiescb8
private propertiescb9
private propertiesmDeleteButton
private propertiesmInsertButton


private fieldWbIsClosing